Pass Variable To <input Type=hidden Value>?
Feb 13, 2011i do have a problem in passing javascript variable to <input type=hidden value="">
here's my code:
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
i do have a problem in passing javascript variable to <input type=hidden value="">
here's my code:
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
Let me preface this with the usual disclaimer: I am new to this and have only been programming with Javascript, PHP for about 2 weeks now and have been lucky enough to have resolved the issues I have encountered. This one however is puzzling to me.
I have a HTML form created that collects member information. It calls, on submit, a confirmation page that lists all the data fields entered. This all works great. However, when I then post the variables from the first html form page from my second confirmation html page to my PHP script, using document.write with input type=hidden and inserting the address variable into the value field, the Javascript only passes this variable up to the first space. It is the only variable I pass that has a space in it.
I have verified that the variable does indeed contain the whole address and I have also verified when I execute the following: document.write ('<input type="hidden" name="address1" value='+address_1+'>');
the address_1 parameter passed to the php script only passes the string up to the first space.
I even tried to put fixed text in there instead of a variable (e.g.)
document.write ('<input type="hidden" name="address1" value="555 Drury Lane" >');
and it still only passes the string up to the first space (555).
I show the variable address_1 on my confirmation page and it shows the entire string.
I checked what was being passed and it seems that the Javascript is the culprit (or more likely the Javascript creator - me)
All my other variables (which don't have spaces) pass to the php script with no problems.
I have input type/text, and when i write something like 5 ot 14, this numbers to go to another input.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI got a couple of comboboxes were the user selects a series of numbers. Once a selection is made, the value is appended to an input box. The idea is that the appended values form a telephone number, or at least part of one, that will then be used to search trough a database to look for a matching number.If I select "021" from indicatif, the script will append 021 to the input "blabla". The problem is, if I now select "022", the input will show "021022" instead of replacing the 021 with 022.
What I would like is that, for each combobox, the script replaces the selected value with the new one instead of simply appending it, like instead of say 021022555666 it would show 021555 or 022666 or 021666 depending on what is get the idea?Is this doable? Needless to say I'm a total noob at javascript.
I have to change text input type to password input type and i am using jquery script. This script work for FF, Chrome and Safari browser but not worked on ie7, ie8.
Script is as:-
How can i update my script, so that it works cross the browser.
I need to pass the current window location through a hidden input to a php form handler. I tried this:
Code: <input type='hidden' name='curpage' value='javascript:window.location'>
And this: Code: <input type='hidden' name='curpage' value='javascript:print window.location;'>
I'm trying to insert a javascript variable into a hidden input form
field. Here's what it looks like:
<form name="loginForm"
<input type="hidden" name="pss" value="`G_NEW_PASSWORD.value`">
<input type="hidden" name="usr" value="">
<input type="submit" value="Please Click Here to Continue">
and then later down the page I try to reassign "usr" like this:
var allcookies = document.cookie;
var position = allcookies.indexOf("user=");
var start = position + 5;
var end = allcookies.indexOf(";", start);
if (end == -1) end = allcookies.length;
var valueofuser = allcookies.substring(start, end);
valueofuser = unescape (valueofuser);
document.loginForm.usr.value = valueofuser;
I can see it is printing out document.write(valueofuser) correctly, so
I know it is grabbing the user name. But it doesn't seem to want to
insert it into the form on the next line. Any suggestions?
I have a PHP based calendar where the cells will change color depending on the number of clicks.. this all works fine, but is pointless if I can't send the outcome along in an email. I can do this with PHP but first need to get the values into a hidden field. This is what I have:
All I'm trying to do is populate value with either 'available', 'not available', 'working' or 'not set'... however, it is worth noting that each cell may have a different value, e.g. 1 cell might be working while the other is not available... so i need to pass the values of all the cells.
I have a PHP based calendar where the cells will change color depending on the number of clicks.. this all works fine, but is pointless if I can't send the outcome along in an email. I can do this with PHP but first need to get the values into a hidden field.This is what I have:
<script type="text/javascript">
function countClicks (obj){
Basically I have several hidden inputs, each with different values. I need to do something like:
if ('input:hidden').val('===1') {
var foo = true;
I know this is not right. I need to get the hidden input's name in there somehow.
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As recently as 1.4.3 $('input:text') would find input elements with no type attribute, but after upgrading to 1.5.1 that is no longer the case.
Is this a bug or an intended refactor to be more standards compliant?
FYI - this is the selector I now have to use: $('input:text,input:not([type])')
I am doing in a loop
element = xGetElementById(obj.ID+i);
position = element;
I need this several times in my script and I am sure it createst quite a lot of overhead. And I would like to pass xGetElementById(obj.ID+i) into an element array. like:
element = new Array();
So I can call back element[i] etc in my script by saving some overhead BUT (there is always a 'but' in my posts ) then:
position = element[i]
does not give anything.
Any clue? Is it possible?
Is it possible to copy the value of a visible input field to a hidden input field?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI start outside of the external JS file by: reviews.init(); reviews.initialiseContent('comment'); This loads my data and loads + sets the comment tab as default. My problem is that in the external JS file (shown below) the loadTabs variable will not allow me to pass it a variable: contentDiv.onclick = this.initialiseContent; Whenever I pass a variable here it errors, am I setting this up correctly, should I be using prototype for my this. variables? Interested to hear back on if this structure of code is the right way to go about this and also how I can pass a variable in this way :)
I have an array of input text boxes (txtDOBn) where n is created at
load. On the onchange event I want to calc the age and show in adjacent
input text boxes that are readonly and also arrays (an age calced for
each DOB entered). I was going to use the datediff function in vbscript
to do the calc. Code:
I want to pass a value received through the Url to another screen with new data by a form using the method="get". I have tried several different ways, my latest attempt was to use a hidden field hoping that would add to the url string but it isn't working.
Say I have a form so long that i want to group sections by category and have them expandable, using css to display:none or display:block these groups. If a user selects an option or two in one of these divs, then fills in some fields, then hides the div... is it going to cause problems when they submit the form if the div is hidden?
edit: what if we add validation into the mix. What happens if a field in a hidden div does not pass validation?
I tried this code but i got an error on the it said Syntax error code...
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I have a calender date selector on my page, when the user selects a date I want to transfer the date to a hidden field onBlur.
Here is the jquery i have so far:
<script type="text/javascript">
// set rates codes for Booking Method = GroupRes Confirmation
I'm trying to pass the data a user types in the multisearch text box over to the listheader hidden field before the form is submitted. I need it to work in all browsers. The below code only works in IE (not FireFox) and it doesn't work if I hit the "Enter" button on my keyboard, only works when I actually click the "Submit" button:
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
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This is my JavaScript Code:
And at the end of my form, before the submit button, I have the following code:
When I execute the form, it doesn't work the way it should, plus, gives me a word "undefined" next to the "Submit" button .....