I have a PHP based calendar where the cells will change color depending on the number of clicks.. this all works fine, but is pointless if I can't send the outcome along in an email. I can do this with PHP but first need to get the values into a hidden field. This is what I have:
All I'm trying to do is populate value with either 'available', 'not available', 'working' or 'not set'... however, it is worth noting that each cell may have a different value, e.g. 1 cell might be working while the other is not available... so i need to pass the values of all the cells.
I have a PHP based calendar where the cells will change color depending on the number of clicks.. this all works fine, but is pointless if I can't send the outcome along in an email. I can do this with PHP but first need to get the values into a hidden field.This is what I have:
Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function countClicks (obj){
So I have a basic form and I'm unsure of how I can pass the current URL of the page to that form so that it may be processed in a PHP file and return the user to the current page. Given the nature of what I'm writing this must be done in Javascript and not PHP. However I'm not really understanding the information I'm finding online.
I'm trying to insert a javascript variable into a hidden input form field. Here's what it looks like:
<form name="loginForm" action="scripts/wgate/ziac_login/!?~language=EN"> <input type="hidden" name="pss" value="`G_NEW_PASSWORD.value`"> <input type="hidden" name="usr" value=""> <input type="submit" value="Please Click Here to Continue"> </form>
and then later down the page I try to reassign "usr" like this:
<script> var allcookies = document.cookie; var position = allcookies.indexOf("user="); var start = position + 5; var end = allcookies.indexOf(";", start); if (end == -1) end = allcookies.length; var valueofuser = allcookies.substring(start, end); valueofuser = unescape (valueofuser); document.write(valueofuser); document.loginForm.usr.value = valueofuser; </script>
I can see it is printing out document.write(valueofuser) correctly, so I know it is grabbing the user name. But it doesn't seem to want to insert it into the form on the next line. Any suggestions?
I'm using Keith Wood's jquery plugin to produce some graphs for my site. Though I've been able to produce "static" ones, I'd like the user to be able to input a new constant and then have my graph update it according to what they enter. I'm not quite sure how to add the value that the user inputs to my linear function below. So far I have:
Let me preface this with the usual disclaimer: I am new to this and have only been programming with Javascript, PHP for about 2 weeks now and have been lucky enough to have resolved the issues I have encountered. This one however is puzzling to me.
I have a HTML form created that collects member information. It calls, on submit, a confirmation page that lists all the data fields entered. This all works great. However, when I then post the variables from the first html form page from my second confirmation html page to my PHP script, using document.write with input type=hidden and inserting the address variable into the value field, the Javascript only passes this variable up to the first space. It is the only variable I pass that has a space in it.
I have verified that the variable does indeed contain the whole address and I have also verified when I execute the following: document.write ('<input type="hidden" name="address1" value='+address_1+'>');
the address_1 parameter passed to the php script only passes the string up to the first space.
I even tried to put fixed text in there instead of a variable (e.g.)
Code:I am having problems with the following. I am wanting to hide <tr> in my table (employees) and only show employees that are in the selected department (selected via dropdown box).I need to set a javascript array to a php array. I am looping and assigning the array and am wanting to pass a javascript variable as the index in php array. I have marked my problem lines in red. Thanx for any help.
<script type="text/javascript" > function display_elements() { var departments = new Array;
I am reposting a question because my previous post went a bit wild and I didn't get my answer... I'll try to be more precise this time...I have a PHP page in which I query a mysql db, displaying the results in a table. For each line, I have a button that I want to click to open a new popup window and pass 2 variables to that new page. I use the onClick event. Values for these 2 variables are different for each line (each button). See code below.My question is: is there a way to pass these 2 variables and values to the popup window without displaying them in the URL?Here is the first page code:
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <? $sql = "select * from LNA_TEAMPLAYERS as A inner join LNA_PLAYERS as B on A.PLAYERID = B.ID_LNA_PLAYERS
i am getting a problem while passing parameter to another 'jsp' through hidden variables.I am getting null while requesting the parameter in 'mywindow.jsp' my code goes like this
i am getting "null" as value of strFlag.I need to use enctype as "multipart/form-data" to submit form.
When I echo that second span, I get the selected value from the first span. But I need to get that value into a hidden html form field, so I can pass it along with the $_POST array. How do I do this?
I have a javascript in the head of the document which has a variable named "ref2" ... ref2 is already working as I can see its value working in another function. I need to send this variable as the value of a hidden field in the form which is in the body of the document.
This is my JavaScript Code:
And at the end of my form, before the submit button, I have the following code:
When I execute the form, it doesn't work the way it should, plus, gives me a word "undefined" next to the "Submit" button .....
I have a javascript in the head of the document which has a variable named "ref2" ... ref2 is already working as I can see its value working in another function.I need to send this variable as the value of a hidden field in the form which is in the body of the document.This is my JavaScript Code:
function WriteContactFormStatement1 () { var ContactFormValue = ref2; document.write('<input type="hidden" name="UReferrersName" value="' + ContactFormValue + '"
I have a problem created by my complete [rookie] status – only second time venturing into jQuery. I created a simple shopping cart using php and the PayPal buttons (1: buy now, 2: add to cart). The php back end does it great, it generates the table and the buttons and everything works just like it’s supposed to; Except, I forgot to add sizes. So I found out what I need to add, and I realize that the way the buttons work, I will have two different text boxes for size. Not very visually appealing, and since I’m not submitting this to the server before it goes to PayPal to pay, I cannot modify it with php the way I normally would. jQuery / javascript are my only hope of making this work. What I want to do:Have a single textbox where [size] is entered by the user.
Copy the value from the [correct] text box to the Value=”” section of the now hidden field in the PayPal form That way, no matter whether they [BUY NOW] or [ADD to CART] the right size is submitted to the PayPal shopping cart. This is the actual PayPal code that I’m trying to change
I got this far, and then decided to find how to insert the "enteredVALUE" into the right place in the input text field (what I called output) and I've not been able to figure out how to stuff it in there.
a user goes to a page, selects a value from a select box then clicks a link to run a report using that hidden variable as a parameter. I am attempting to place the value in the URL to pass it. I'm sure the javascript is working, and maybe it's the HTML I've messed up - not sure.Here is the javascript (the alert does return the correct value):
function OnChangeDay() { //assign the day id to the hidden variable $day x=eval(document.getElementById("day_loc_id_select").value)
And here is the HTML that should send the value, but I get day= (nothing)
<a href='/depts/edoptions/excel_extract.php?ex=2&day=<? echo $test_day ?>'>SLIP Data to Excel</a>
What I need to do, and it shouldn't be that difficult is this:page1.html - there is a yellow button and a red button - if the user clicks on the yellow button I want to set a cookie with the value "yel" then load the next page - if they click the red button set that cookie with the value "red"page2.html - 'onload' i want to read that cookie and load up the main image to match, something like this maybe?...
document.mainimage.src='img/main_' + variable + '.png'so that the path would be for example 'img/main_red.png'Any help please? Preferably javascript only and as simple as possible. If you think this would be easier sending that variable in the URL instead of as a cookie.
I think this is what I am trying to do, I am pretty new to javascript so I'm not sure... but here is my question... I got this function below.
function getProductInfo(id) { var sku = window.document.InvoiceForm.Item0Sku.value; alert(sku); }
when I use the 0 I get the right value back, however whenever I try to pass it the id variable with a value of '0' I can't seem to compose the concatenation correct in order to recieve the correct value.I either recieve errors or the whole window.document.InvoiceForm.Item0Sku.value string back in the alert, what am I doing wrong?