Document.write Input Type Hidden Will Only Pass String Variable Up To The First Space?
Feb 25, 2010
Let me preface this with the usual disclaimer: I am new to this and have only been programming with Javascript, PHP for about 2 weeks now and have been lucky enough to have resolved the issues I have encountered. This one however is puzzling to me.
I have a HTML form created that collects member information. It calls, on submit, a confirmation page that lists all the data fields entered. This all works great. However, when I then post the variables from the first html form page from my second confirmation html page to my PHP script, using document.write with input type=hidden and inserting the address variable into the value field, the Javascript only passes this variable up to the first space. It is the only variable I pass that has a space in it.
I have verified that the variable does indeed contain the whole address and I have also verified when I execute the following: document.write ('<input type="hidden" name="address1" value='+address_1+'>');
the address_1 parameter passed to the php script only passes the string up to the first space.
I even tried to put fixed text in there instead of a variable (e.g.)
document.write ('<input type="hidden" name="address1" value="555 Drury Lane" >');
and it still only passes the string up to the first space (555).
I show the variable address_1 on my confirmation page and it shows the entire string.
I checked what was being passed and it seems that the Javascript is the culprit (or more likely the Javascript creator - me)
All my other variables (which don't have spaces) pass to the php script with no problems.
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Feb 13, 2011
i do have a problem in passing javascript variable to <input type=hidden value="">
here's my code:
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
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Aug 5, 2002
Why doesn't this work? The input field doesn't show up at all. I know I'm just missing something really simple here.
<script type="text/javascript">
day = day.getDay()+1;
month = day.getMonth()+1;
year = day.getYear();
newdate= month + '/' + day + '/' + year;
document.write('<INPUT name=Date value='+ newdate + '>');
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Mar 6, 2004
I'm pretty new to JavaScript and am having a problem. I thought what I am doing should work but it isn't.
Basically I have a form that people can put a quantity into. e.g. A, B, C.
I have a JavaScript function called comput that assigns values e.g. A = 5, B = 7, C = 9. Here is the start of the script:
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function compute(form){
var A = form.A.value * 5;
var B = form.B.value * 7;
var C = form.C.value * 9;
I then declare a variable to add them up:
var ans = A+B+C;
This part of the script works fine. Now I want to write the ans variable. So I use:
document.write ("Your total is "+ans+"")
// --></script>
But it isn't working. Any ideas?
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Aug 5, 2011
I have input type/text, and when i write something like 5 ot 14, this numbers to go to another input.
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Jun 24, 2009
I'm tring to write the document with document.write(), but if there a space in the string it eliminate all the text after the space. I tried this:
function _Start(){
var _string = "My Dog";
I know that the reason is that the string needs to be under "" for not to elminate the text, but I just can't figure it out how to ...
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Feb 9, 2010
I got a couple of comboboxes were the user selects a series of numbers. Once a selection is made, the value is appended to an input box. The idea is that the appended values form a telephone number, or at least part of one, that will then be used to search trough a database to look for a matching number.If I select "021" from indicatif, the script will append 021 to the input "blabla". The problem is, if I now select "022", the input will show "021022" instead of replacing the 021 with 022.
What I would like is that, for each combobox, the script replaces the selected value with the new one instead of simply appending it, like instead of say 021022555666 it would show 021555 or 022666 or 021666 depending on what is get the idea?Is this doable? Needless to say I'm a total noob at javascript.
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Jul 23, 2005
How can I avoid type-conversion (object variable --> string) when
passing an object variable to a function?
my_function('bla: ',myerrorobject);
I get the "myerrorobject.filename" in the alert-Box, but I get an
"undefined"-error, if I try to access myerrorobject.filename (or other
properties) in the function "my_function". Why?
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Jun 26, 2010
I have a for loop: Code: for( var i = 0; i < aInput.length; i++ ) I want to use this i variable to concatonate it as a string to find an input box
var j = i;
var qualname = "discountqualifier" + j;
if ( inputName == ( qualname ) )
Assuming I have a input box named discountqualifier0, discountqualifier1, discountqualifier2 etc...
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May 23, 2011
I have to change text input type to password input type and i am using jquery script. This script work for FF, Chrome and Safari browser but not worked on ie7, ie8.
Script is as:-
How can i update my script, so that it works cross the browser.
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Jan 16, 2011
I have a simple calculator here that takes the number of songs from the input text box and multiplies it by 500 and then tells you the total. I am doing this on a simple web page for a project for college. I know document.write overwrites my entire page to print the result but I would like to keep the page and design that I have made and to print the result on the same paragraph as where the script and text box are.
Below is my javascript:
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Aug 3, 2010
I need to pass the current window location through a hidden input to a php form handler. I tried this:
Code: <input type='hidden' name='curpage' value='javascript:window.location'>
And this: Code: <input type='hidden' name='curpage' value='javascript:print window.location;'>
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Apr 14, 2009
I have a draggable marker on my page that sets the value of a javascript variable when the marker is released.I want to submit this value to store it in a database however I cannot figure out how to pass this javascript variable as a hidden form field.Here is my code. I suspect this is completelyhow to make this "lat" value available to me after the form has been submitted.
<form name="myform" method="post" action="" >
<input type="hidden" name="lat" id="lat"
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Mar 6, 2006
I'm trying to insert a javascript variable into a hidden input form
field. Here's what it looks like:
<form name="loginForm"
<input type="hidden" name="pss" value="`G_NEW_PASSWORD.value`">
<input type="hidden" name="usr" value="">
<input type="submit" value="Please Click Here to Continue">
and then later down the page I try to reassign "usr" like this:
var allcookies = document.cookie;
var position = allcookies.indexOf("user=");
var start = position + 5;
var end = allcookies.indexOf(";", start);
if (end == -1) end = allcookies.length;
var valueofuser = allcookies.substring(start, end);
valueofuser = unescape (valueofuser);
document.loginForm.usr.value = valueofuser;
I can see it is printing out document.write(valueofuser) correctly, so
I know it is grabbing the user name. But it doesn't seem to want to
insert it into the form on the next line. Any suggestions?
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Aug 10, 2010
I have a PHP based calendar where the cells will change color depending on the number of clicks.. this all works fine, but is pointless if I can't send the outcome along in an email. I can do this with PHP but first need to get the values into a hidden field. This is what I have:
All I'm trying to do is populate value with either 'available', 'not available', 'working' or 'not set'... however, it is worth noting that each cell may have a different value, e.g. 1 cell might be working while the other is not available... so i need to pass the values of all the cells.
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Aug 10, 2010
I have a PHP based calendar where the cells will change color depending on the number of clicks.. this all works fine, but is pointless if I can't send the outcome along in an email. I can do this with PHP but first need to get the values into a hidden field.This is what I have:
<script type="text/javascript">
function countClicks (obj){
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Jun 17, 2010
Basically I have several hidden inputs, each with different values. I need to do something like:
if ('input:hidden').val('===1') {
var foo = true;
I know this is not right. I need to get the hidden input's name in there somehow.
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Nov 15, 2010
How do I pass the email variable that the user enters to write to the thank you page? code...
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Dec 23, 2010
Might be a simple question, but I'm a Javascript and OOP newbie.
I have a form that I'm using Java & Ajax to dynamically validate while the user is typing (sort of, it actually executes the validate script after a 1 second pause in typing has passed). code...
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Apr 8, 2010
I have to pass string entered in the input text to server method calling through jquery ajax. But its not going through.
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Jul 20, 2005
First script, 'xxx.js' returns value 'document.write('integer');
So in HTML:
<script language='javascript' src='xxx.js'></script>
will write ie. 123 on my page in browser.
Can I get this integer or text 'document.write('integer')' to variable in
another script? So it would be something like this:
<script landuage='javascript>
a=<script ... src='xxx.js'></script>;
</script> ...
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Jul 27, 2010
I am totally new to jQuery and no good knowledge on javascript. However, I was assigned a task, to convert a javascript program to jQuery due to compatibility problem on browsers like Chrome and Safari. My program originally use javascript xmlDoc.load('....') to read XML file, and then use document.write statement to write html tables on client side. Something like this (the sample below may got lots of syntax problem as I jut want to show the major part):
document.write('<TABLE >');
var y=x[0].getElementsByTagName('NoOfRows');
for (i=0; i<=noofrows-1 && i<=y.length-1; i++){
document.write(' <TD>');
Now I changed to use jQuery, I can read the XML file elements. However, when I try to write the table, it failed:
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Mar 24, 2011
I have a client that has ads on her website that really slow down the site. These ads are called by an off site javascript file and I want to use a jQuery(document).ready or similar method to call these files after all of the site content has loaded. But these files contain document.write functions to add more javascript files. Since I want to load the files after everything else has loaded, this in turn makes the page blank and then loads the ad. Is there a way to position where document.write will write to?
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May 17, 2010
I'm working on a website that will basically embed a widget/frame sent by a handler into a user's current page. The user basically adds a script tag to where they would like the HTML to be. The script tag has their settings and is basically a document.write that calls all the code that we want displayed.So here's my problem. We have a map that we need to add in a specific section, and to get the map we have to call another script tag. So we end up having a script tag (map) embedded in another script tag (the code for the widget/frame) or we end up having to document.write inside a document.write.
Now this works just fine and as expected in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. However, Internet Explorer and Opera wait until the first document.write is completely finished before calling the embedded one. Of course the problem with this, is that it takes the map out of the document's flow and just appends it to the bottom left of the page. Since the rest of the page has already been called, there's no way to move the interior "map" script.Any ideas? Basically just trying to figure out how (if even possible) to render an embedded script tag in Internet Explorer and be able to place it properly. I've tried everything that I can think of, including AJAX and Google's unescape script.
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Aug 17, 2010
I am trying to declare a variable inside a function and use it later on in my code... but it just already returns white space... i.e. not variable value. I am setting it within this function:
function show_video1(){
var video1Name = "Education World News (Part 1)";
and trying to call it later on with this: <script type="text/javascript">document.write(video1Name)</script> It might be worth noting that each one of my 11 videos will hace a different name.
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Jul 23, 2005
I want to use JavaScript when a button is clicked to show and hide a
SPAN or DIV. This works in both IE and Netscape, but what I'd like to
happen is for there to be no white space where the hidden div is.
I start with two visible divs and in between them are two more hidden Firefox this works fine--the two visible ones are right next
to each other, the button fires the script and the other div shows up
in the middle. Another button hides the div and the original two move
back together without space between them.
However on IE the two visible divs are separated by the amount of
whitespace that would be needed if the two hidden divs were actually
visible. They show and hide correctly, but the whitespace remains.
How can I fix this? Code:
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