Parsing An URL To Pull A Single Item And Place It Into A Form Field?
Jul 6, 2010
I have created a snippet of javascript code that will do the following:
1. read the window URL
2. depending on the window URL, a word will be placed into a hidden form field.
3. Person submits form...etc., etc.
Here is what I have.
Let's say that I have a single landing page with a simple form on it. I would like to reference the referred URL by pulling a part of the window URL into a hidden field of the form. Let's say the three URLs are:
I have created a javascript that takes the exact URL and check for equality. If the URL is equal, it will place the corresponding id into the hidden form field. See my code below.
<script type="text/javascript">
var lead_source = window.location.href
if (lead_source == "")
What I am looking to do is modify the code to only look at the "id" variable, not the entire URL. That way, if I add any additional items to the URL I will not have to change the code. I guess I am looking for an extra step of parsing the URL...maybe.
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Apr 1, 2011
lets say i have this form:
<form name="x">
what i want to do is have a selection from 'tst' trigger an input into 'choose' from the data inputted into the 'fname' and 'lname' fields.
for example, i want option '1', when selected to draw the input from 'fname' and place it into 'choose'
or i might want to select the data in 'lname' instead, so i will tie option 2 to it, so when the user selects option 2 the contents of 'lname' go into 'choose' instead.
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Sep 13, 2011
Basically I need to:
1. Pull a value from inside a div
<div id="number">(invoice #1017)</span>
2. Populate a form input field with that value.
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Dec 27, 2010
I have this script that when run will search a form field (pricenum) and make sure that only a period or numbers are entered. If anything else is found, the script should clear the field, display an alert and then return the cursor to that form field. Everything works perfect except that the cursor will not return to the "pricenum" field after the alert popup is closed.
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Aug 5, 2010
i am creating a simple form validation script where i will ask for the username, password and email of a user. when an error is created, a text will be displayed beside the textbox. but i want to know how i can add colors to the textbox if there is an error.
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Feb 12, 2010
i have a table with three columns , quantity and rate amount.when user puts in quantity, and rate their multiplication is given in amount. and then these amounts will be added and total will be the table you can add and delete rows dynamically.
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Oct 21, 2010
I am having some issues with a form that has "name" "email" "address" text field the a comment section that has been pre filled with the followingI <name> of <address> blah blah blah blah blah blahblah blah blahblah blah blahblah blah blahSigned<name><address>Now my question is how do i get the form (made in html) pull what the user types in the text field and make it get added to the comment section of the form where the <name> <address> is required.Once filled out it is emailed to me.
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Aug 8, 2011
i have a form with a 'name', 'date', 'type', 'style', 'color' and 'result' field.let's say the user inputs "jones" in the name field, "8/1/2011" in the date field, "new" in the type field, and 'modern' in the style field.i want the 'result' field to take a look at the 'name' field, and if the 'name' field has a particular text, let's say (in this case) "jones", the javascript code will then place the contents of 'date', 'type' and 'style' fields, along with hardwired text like "the information you are looking for is 'date', 'type' and 'style'" into the 'result' field.
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Feb 2, 2010
- when you select other the pull down menu is replaced by the text field.
- Gotten it to the level of when you select the other the text field appears.
- HOw can I modify the code so when I select the other menu option from the pull down menu and it replaced by the text field?
<script type="text/javascript">
function togglefield(val) {
var o = document.getElementById('other');
(val == 'Other')? = 'block' : = 'none';
and the form:
<form action="" method="post">
<select name="sel" id="sel" onChange="togglefield(this.value);">
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<input type="text" name="other" id="other" style="display: none;">
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Sep 22, 2010
I'm trying to create a multi-field in-place editing: basically I have a series of values that I'd like to display as a text but when I click a specific button those texts have to become text-fields.
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Mar 19, 2011
I have this code that I want to make it so that it's not inline javascript but my javascript skills are completely lacking. Could anyone spare a minute to walk me through it?
As you can see I am simply creating a place holder for the input field, so that it says "Search" inside of it until someone clicks it. Unfortunately I have very little experience not inlining my Javascript.
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Mar 1, 2010
I know that we can split() a string into an array, if we have a string in an input field like this, "javascript rocks"
what if there is only one keyword in the input field?
for instance, it is only a word - "javascript"?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a web form with several fields. If I copy & paste from a RTF document into a field, the javascript validation and field length are bypassed and cause the form to fail.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have used thecode which is below to get x characters on to display
<%= LEFT(rsName.Fields.Item("columnname").Value,50)%>
It works fine but when I use this same code to get x characters plus
display it using VBCRLF, with the <br> with writing the code:
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Jul 20, 2005
This is my form, i would like to default the select box to USA, and default
the text field to a name such as 'Sarah' and the hidden field to another
number like ??', when the user clicks on the check box, otherwise the
fields should be blank, the value of the select box dosnt matter much, only
that it defaults to USA, when the user checks it.
<form name="form1">
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="checkbox">
<select name="prefix">
<option value="off" selected>Select country
<option value="61">Australia
<option value="1">USA
<option value="58">Venezuela
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="hidden" name="number">
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Aug 31, 2004
I have a zip code field in my form.
I have a list of allowable zip codes:
43001,43002,43003, etc...
How do I validate against them so the user can only enter one of the zip codes in the list? I assume I have to put the list in to an array.
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Aug 19, 2011
I have a signup form on my site..when the user clicks the signup button, I am using a little script to check the form and make sure it's filled out correctly. I know i'm calling the script right because I did some error checking/debugging but it isn't actually doing its job.
Further more, I tried a quick alert to see the value of my variable, returned and I get an alert that reads "[object nodes list]".
Here's my script
<script type="text/javascript">
function chk_Empty(){
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May 13, 2005
I know it's messy and all to send data this way, but it's what was decided on, so here's what I need to do with it. I want to take all the info from the query string and post it into the corresponding form fields in the document. So I need to somehow isolate the query string (maybe a global JS variable? maybe another method?) and then I was thinking it would work to somehow pull each piece of information delimited with &= and put them into a simple array (split() method?). Once I have the info pulled from the URL into an array, I thought I could simply update the field's value attribute with basic javascript like this:
Then, all the values would be automatically loaded into the correct form fields. But, since I'm a js newbie, I really dont know how to go about this. Ideas? Examples? Remember I'm new, so explaining every process might be in order.
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Mar 15, 2011
I'm using a jquery autocomplete (plugin v 1.1) in an older application. It works fine. I'm now writing a new one and I'm using the jquery ui 1.4.4 version of autocomplete. In the 1.1 version, if I typedizzaand the only match in the resulting list waspizza, thenpizzawould be highlighted and clickingenterwould select pizza. The newer version will not do this.Pizzawill show up alone in the list but I still have to arrow down, or click it to select it. Is this a lost feature or is there a property that activates'auto-select'?
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Jan 19, 2011
Isn't it possible to place a text at a fixed place on a picture with javascript ?
The text will be AJAX updated...
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May 30, 2010
I am trying to assign a variable using a form value, but it returns as undefined. However, if I directly set em (uncomment them), it works.
Why are my values not working?
<script type="text/javascript">
//lichbloom = 2;
//frostlotus = 5;
lichbloom = document.endlessragevalue.lichbloom.value;
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Jul 5, 2002
Anyone know whether it's possible to allow users to double click items of a multi-line text field? Of course, I want the double click to take them to another URL
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May 24, 2010
I have a page as below, I hope the form only show Select option when loading, then the input date fields will be displayed if select event category, where are the errors?
<script src="/misc/jquery/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$.viewInput = { '0' : $([]),
'1' : $('#1'),
$('#category_class').change(function() {
$.each($.viewInput, function() { this.hide(); });
}); });
<table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=1 width="650" border=0 class='list'>
<tr> <td class='caption'>
<form action="save.asp" name="pvt_spec" method="post">
<table border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
<div id="1"> <tr>
<td nowrap><font size=2 color="#ff0000"></font>Start Date</td> <td class='data'>
<input onClick="" tabindex="1" type="text" name="s_dt" value="2000/01/01" size="13" maxlength="13" STYLE='text-align=center;'>
</td> </tr> <tr>
<td nowrap><font size=2 color="#ff0000"></font>End Date</td> <td class='data'>
<input onClick="" tabindex="1" type="text" name="f_dt" value="2078/12/31" size="13" maxlength="13" STYLE='text-align=center;'>
</td> </tr> </div> <tr> <td>category</td> <td class='data'>
<select name="category_class" id="category_class" tabindex=1><option value="1">Base category</option><option value="2">Parent Event Category</option><option value="3">Son Event Category</option></select>
</td> </tr> </td> </tr> </table>
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Nov 28, 2004
I have some form fields that the user can either type in or he can check a checkbox so that MySQL data for an option selected from a dynamically generated (PHP/MySQL) select menu is filled in. How can this be implemented? I have the code for the select menu.
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Aug 4, 2010
I would like the page to not refresh and jump to the top of the page after they submit there answer. So on questions that use radio buttons I have been using
<input type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="get_radio_value(); return false;" />
for the submit buttion and that works perfect. I try and use it on questions that use checkboxes and it doesnt work so as a work around I am using the form's action attribute to set it to a link on the page. Here is my form code:
<form name="question2" action="#q2">2. <strong>Multiple choice:</strong><a name="q2"></a> Which patient or patients could be transferred to another hospital under the EMTALA Act?<br /> <input type="checkbox" value="a" name="aquestion" />Smith, Bill<br /><input[code]....
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Nov 12, 2011
i think this will help people a lot, cuz i couldn't find any simple answer by googling 3 hours...i need a very very simple jquery form field is the picture what i need:
HTML Code:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
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