Pull Data From Query String, Copy Into Form
May 13, 2005
I know it's messy and all to send data this way, but it's what was decided on, so here's what I need to do with it. I want to take all the info from the query string and post it into the corresponding form fields in the document. So I need to somehow isolate the query string (maybe a global JS variable? maybe another method?) and then I was thinking it would work to somehow pull each piece of information delimited with &= and put them into a simple array (split() method?). Once I have the info pulled from the URL into an array, I thought I could simply update the field's value attribute with basic javascript like this:
Then, all the values would be automatically loaded into the correct form fields. But, since I'm a js newbie, I really dont know how to go about this. Ideas? Examples? Remember I'm new, so explaining every process might be in order.
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Dec 2, 2011
<a href="test.php?t=123" id="test">Table</a>
//// JavaScript Document
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#a').click(function() {
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Sep 23, 2011
Create a webpage with a search bar, which leads to a page with two drop boxes. This search bar searches in the database (SQL) and shows a limit range of 10 results matching the input in the above dropbox, it can than be dragged down to the other box, as to select it. This I've been able to do, with a javascript I found on the internet and slightly modified in order to make the dropboxes. Now however I cannot workout the final step, I need to get the data (meaning the entry ID's of the selected database items) in a string or so in orde to process them to a new SQL query.
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Apr 1, 2011
lets say i have this form:
<form name="x">
what i want to do is have a selection from 'tst' trigger an input into 'choose' from the data inputted into the 'fname' and 'lname' fields.
for example, i want option '1', when selected to draw the input from 'fname' and place it into 'choose'
or i might want to select the data in 'lname' instead, so i will tie option 2 to it, so when the user selects option 2 the contents of 'lname' go into 'choose' instead.
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Nov 28, 2004
I have some form fields that the user can either type in or he can check a checkbox so that MySQL data for an option selected from a dynamically generated (PHP/MySQL) select menu is filled in. How can this be implemented? I have the code for the select menu.
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May 21, 2009
Goal: get query string and email the sting upon users submitting form. Reason: To know what marketing ad unit the user can from Details. I need to get a query sting from the url (ex. example.htm?id=22e&moreid=99lk) and store the stings as vars and be able to pass these vars from page to page (hidden from the user) and when the user gets to a registration form and submits the form, the vars get attached to the email that is sent to me, so I know where they came from.
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Oct 24, 2011
I have 2 types of addresses
1. Permanent address > Postal code, Street, City, State, Country
2. Current address > Postal code, Street, City, State, Country
And a check box 'Copy from Permanent address' with Current address
When i checked that check box then all values from 'Permanent address' will be copy to 'Current address'
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Jul 23, 2005
We have a webpage that has a form available on the intranet.
A user will have a window open that runs a different application open.
When the user accesses the webpage and clicks a button we should
capture the data from the application window and populate the form.
Is it possible to access text inside another opened window on the client
pc, using javascript?
Any ideas on how to do this?
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Jun 20, 2010
I have a database site I am currently designing, and would like to use a single page with forms in external html documents to undertake admin tasks (eg. add/remove records etc.)
I have managed to successfully load the form html into the necessary div using the $.load function, however, when I try to process the form, with this code:
debug: false,
rules: {
maker: "required",
which asks 'process_form.php' to process the data, it doesn't seem to send the data in the form to the page. to confirm this, and whilst trying to get the system to work, the 'process_form.php' consists of 2 lines,:
echo $_GET['maker'];
echo '123456';
(ie. one line to return a string literal, and one line to return one of the variables which SHOULD be passed by the form)
This results in just the 123456 string being returned.
I have tried several things: loading the script above in the head of the 'parent' html page (ie. which the form is loaded into); - does not properly fire at all;
loading the script 'in-line' in the imported html - this leads to the result given above; running the script in an external script.js file through an onsubmit directive on the form...does not appear to properly fire the script.
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Nov 15, 2005
I'm having users fill out a form where there are multiple rows of data.
Some of the rows can have duplicate data for some fields.
So say on line 1) i have first name, last name as an input fields and some other fields as well, c, d, e, etc.
When the user gets to line 2) if they want to have the same first name and last name as line 2, can I have them check a box and it will automatically populate these fields with the info they just typed in line 1? I can't figure out how to do this.
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Oct 9, 2011
I'm having some issues with my code. I'm trying to pull data from one array and use it to populate a new array. With my initial array I can get the results of certain properties using 'servos[i].application'. Any servos that share their value with that of my filter box should be put into a new array called matches and allow me to referance them in a similar way 'matches[i].application'. At the minute I've got my code to populate the new matches array, i'm pretty sure, but when I try to get data out of the second array using the 'matches[i].application' style of query it says its undefined. I already have an array called servos which is full of 49 different servo objects. I've added the function containing this code and commented it too.
PHP Code:
function dataPull(){
//create servoStore to build page for display
//var servoStore="";
// search and get servos meeting application filter settings
// create new array called matches with set properties
var matches = new Array("application", "sclass", "type", "motor", "bearings", "gears", "modelno", "name", "speed", "v3_3", "v4_8", "v6_0", "v7_2", "weight", "dimensions", "opvoltage", "image", "description"); .....
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Jul 23, 2005
I was wondering if you can get the info from the query string in a server-side javascript tag?
Here's what I'm trying to do...
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Mar 24, 2005
i have javascript menu form my site that has two js file:
PHP Code:
var isHorizontal=0;
var blankImage="images/blank.gif";
var fontStyle="normal 8pt Verdana";
var fontColor=["#000000","#000000"];
var fontDecoration=["none","none"];
var menuItems =
["Page 1","page1.php","img/new1-05.gif","img/new1-05.gif","Page1"],
["Page 2","page2.php","img/new1-05.gif","img/new1-05.gif","Page2"],
// Do not remove this line!
and "apymenu.js"
I want to link "page1.php" pick up id from url (http://www.mysite.com/anypagewithid.php?id=34) and when i click at menu it has to be url page.php?id=<id_from_url>
I have try menu at site, it works fine ;-)
Also, how can include some php in menu, like list of mysql rows and etc.
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Jun 29, 2010
I'm trying to pull data from multiple database tables and output them into a table which I've done fine, but I'm having trouble trying to filter the rows by specific values like colour and size selected from select boxes without reloading the page.
After more than a day of looking though I have made no progress, If this was to be done with just PHP and MySQL reloading the page I'd have no problem but having problems with the AJAX side.
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Jun 23, 2009
I want to pull data from the following website adress. But, my codes are neither working nor giving any errors. [URL]
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#link").click(function() {
{ PROCESS: "UPS", WEIGHT: "<%=Session("TotalWeight")%>", POSTALCODE: $("#ShippingPostalCode").val(),
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Jul 23, 2005
I need to look at the url, if a variable is present in the query string.
so, if my address bar looks like:
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Jul 23, 2005
Below is a stock script I found which controls a framed environment.
My problem is that if a URL has a query string attached, that string
does not pass through. Can someone please let me know if and
hopefully how, it will be possible to carry a query string through?
This first part here is in the default.asp framed page. Code:
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Jul 23, 2005
i want to pass XML data in querystring from one to another asp page.
it is about 10000 characters long, i cannot use FORM because it is
already nested in one.
What i do is i have IFRAME and im passing some xml data
in QUERYSTRING. It doesnt work somehow, im using javascript escape
method to substitute escape characters, but most of characters are
being truncated (about 300-500 left).
Are there limits in querystring length?
what else should i try?
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Dec 12, 2005
Is there a way to prevent query string showing in the address bar with
out using hidden fields with javascript?
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Oct 29, 2010
I am working on the HTML Code in which i write the 2 pages for SMS Sender & SMS Receiver in that from the SMS Sender when the user sends the SMS it lands on server URL as:[URL]The query is regarding the how to parse the content from the incoming Messgae & the content are shown on the Receiver side. by parsing the Sender Number & the message content from the URL & Receiver side URL is:[URL]how to write the Function for parsing the URL & seperating the SMS Sender & Message content
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Jul 5, 2011
having trouble getting a query string/URL to append a couple of variables from a function (well, trying to get ONE working). Basically, once a user makes a selection from a form, I want the script to add the variable to the query string, which is then sent off to a PHP script. If I manually enter the 'social_housing_type' as a number in the query string, it executes properly, I just can't get it to do it from the form.
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Oct 18, 2011
For the first time in a long time, I've encountered a project with a single image that has many regions.Each region is a polygon, and will bind to a unique rollover event. That rollover event will pull back data for each region.I've thought of using a hidden image in a canvas with a black background, and a different color foreground for each region. Then, mapping the color the proper region data on the backend.I've thought of passing a huge Javascript object with keys that relate to a position in the image, and values that define the region data.Initially, I dismissed the idea of a good, old-fashioned image map, in an attempt to find something sleeker and sexier. But perhaps this is the best solution?
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Jul 23, 2005
What I am attempting to do is have a link/button on a page
(testpopup.cfm) that opens a popup page (popupwindow.cfm). The popup
page displays a resultset from a query and the selected record needs
to be passed through a query string/URL parameter to the original
calling page and will be available in the body onload event of the
calling page.
I open the popup window and display the query results, I then click on
a record and the record is then displayed in the calling form textbox
(txtOrg) - - - only the calling form appears in the POPUP window!
This is not what I need it to do. I need it to pass the URL parameter
to the calling page and close the popup. Here is the code from the
two pages. Can you shed any light on this? ....
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Sep 20, 2007
I'm working on a rather complex booking system for building European
trips, in a combination of SQL/VBScript/Javascript. There are tons of
query string variables that get passed back and forth between the
pages, and in almost every case, I can set 'em up fine, provided the
variables are in the link.
The page the *holds* the booking information, though, is problematic.
An example trip might include two European cities or towns with a week
in each in an apartment or cottage that the user selects from a dozen
or properties for each region.
All the information is on one page (all the dozen or so properties for
each weeks, available dates for the trip and for each , max occupancy
per property, pricing per property and per number of passengers,
etc...everything necessary to actually book the trip). If the user
changes party size or chooses a date, properties are hidden or shown
depending on max occupancy and/or availability.
So, a user sets their date and party size (or maybe just the party
size, or maybe has just cleared everything out to start over...) then
wants to view available properties so they can find one they like. The
current pax/date/etc. information is not in the query variables,
because the link was built at runtime.
If I build the link in an onclick event, it breaks if someone right
clicks to open a new page or tab.
I hate sites that disable right click menu. I hate sites where, when
you open a new page with a right click, it generates a javascript
error if the URL is created with an onclick event. I hate that using
an onclick to bring up the page means whatever is showing in the
status bar bears no resemblance to the page that is brought up when
you click on the link.
My client isn't worried about the non-javascript people for this use;
those people are referred to a free spiffy catalog, which frankly, is
how most of this client's customers book their trip anyway. I just
want to be able to carry the variables in such a way as to not break
the site if someone right clicks.
Anybody have any suggestions? Is it hopeless?
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Jul 20, 2005
I am looking for a javascript function that will parse a query string.
Parameters are passed in the url: url?a=3&c=5&etc
An array is returned that uses the variable name as the index.
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Feb 3, 2011
refer to[URL]
In 1.4.4 thea[href=somepage.php?name=mike] lookup works 100%, but switch to 1.5 or jQuery WIP from the Include dropdown and the selector fails (PS. 'jQuery latest' in the dropdown still refers to 1.4.4 on Google's CDN).
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