Check Box To Copy Data From One Form Text Field To Anther?
Nov 15, 2005
I'm having users fill out a form where there are multiple rows of data.
Some of the rows can have duplicate data for some fields.
So say on line 1) i have first name, last name as an input fields and some other fields as well, c, d, e, etc.
When the user gets to line 2) if they want to have the same first name and last name as line 2, can I have them check a box and it will automatically populate these fields with the info they just typed in line 1? I can't figure out how to do this.
I have a popup window, and in that window i have some links
my question its:
then i click one of the link its have to copy in a form in a text field to anothersite. its the site there i get the popup..
1. have a site whit a form there are some text field and one of the field have a link to popup.
2. then i get popup and in the popup there are some links. so then i click on link, its have to copy this linie / Text then i click on it, its have to copy into the field in site"not popup site" the site there i have the form.
I have a web form with several fields. If I copy & paste from a RTF document into a field, the javascript validation and field length are bypassed and cause the form to fail.
I have a form with a text field and a submit button. I don't want the form to submit if the text field is filled in correctly. for example a email address typed in the text field area. I'm working with spry validation but i guess i need to add some kind of onSubmit event, with javascript. I have some idea but not sure what to fill in by the "if statements" in the script.
Ive got a form with 3 text fields, one for first name, last name and one i dont what the user to be able to write things in(if that cant be done no biggy), when I hit submit, I want to move these two entries (first name and lastname) into uneditable text field so basically just combine the two, and then the user can add more names and it just keeps adding them to the end of the other text field... kinda hard to explain, basically like a chat type thing, where hitting enter just adds more names to the other text field except only you can see it.
I have a site for property bookings with 2 calendars to enter start and end date. The calendar im using doesnt have any obvious facility to copy yhe date to 2 fields so each one has to be done, months in advance this can be a real pain.
Does anyone have any ideas how i can take the data inserted into one field and copy it to the second?
I am looking to take the information submitted into field A and add it to the end of the value of field B
Text Field A = Zip Hidden Field B - redirect =<<<ZIP>>> <form method="post" > <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="http://mydomain?l=<<<ZIP>>> "/> <input type="text" name="Zip" value='' "> </form>
When they put in their zip code, I need the script to add that information at the end of the redirect URL
I have two text fields, 1) Page Title and 2) URI. As and when the user types in the Page Title, I want the text to be copied straight into the URI text field, but after having made all letters small and replacing ' ' (space) with '-' minus sign.
This is what I have so far: <script type = "text/javascript"> function transfer(which) { reg = /s+/;
case lowering works fine, but with space replacement, it only replaced the first space with '-', and leaves the rest of the spaces as they are.Hence, this is how it looks:
Page Title: This is my Pompous Page Title URI: this-is my pompous page title
How can I get it to continue replacing all spaces and not just the first one?
I have a password text field, where copy paste from anywhere must be disabled. I have a textarea where the user must be limited to enter only 250 characters. <textarea name="description" id="description" maxlength="250" rows="4" dojoType="dijit.form.SimpleTextarea" style="width:200px;overflow:auto;word-wrap:break-word;">${fn:trim(status.value)}
i use a from in wordpress (tdo miniform) and in this form i copy the content of a field into another but when i remove the »check box is clicked«-thing it won't.i have manually trigger an event - can i do it automaticly?
I know it's messy and all to send data this way, but it's what was decided on, so here's what I need to do with it. I want to take all the info from the query string and post it into the corresponding form fields in the document. So I need to somehow isolate the query string (maybe a global JS variable? maybe another method?) and then I was thinking it would work to somehow pull each piece of information delimited with &= and put them into a simple array (split() method?). Once I have the info pulled from the URL into an array, I thought I could simply update the field's value attribute with basic javascript like this:
Then, all the values would be automatically loaded into the correct form fields. But, since I'm a js newbie, I really dont know how to go about this. Ideas? Examples? Remember I'm new, so explaining every process might be in order.
My script is used to check some text field before the user upload some text, below you can see the code:
(i guess something is wrong since internet explorer works and chrome/firefox not) I also forgot to mention that the script works just fine when i am testing the webpage on my pc, the problem is when i used the webpage not locally but over the net, is there any setting should i change on my hosting server?
i'm fairly new to regular expression and want to know if it's possible to check a text field value. I need to only accept value between 0 and 20. I've got also a problem with the 0 value ... guess the script think it's false :
if(!Number( || > 20){ alert('Your must enter a numeric value between 0 & 20 pts!');; return false; }
I have an image validation script that im working on. This is what i have so far...
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function validate_form ( ) { var imgcheck; valid = true; if ( document.editavatar.avatar.value == "" ) { alert ( "Please Enter an Image Url!" ); valid = false; } return valid; } //--> </script>
How can i add to that so that it checks if the avatar field has the words png, jpg, gif and bmp, and if it doesnt, valid will be false. So in other words, if it does contain png, jpg etc it will return valid.
I have some problems with validating form in javascript.
I have a following HTML code:
What I want in validation is to check all the field in form (check for required fields etc). I want to show user error message in div tag with id='poruka'.
Part of code of function ValidirajFormu:
So, validation works OK, but message is not written in div tag. Only if all fields are correct, form is submited, but there are no error message.
I want to validate a form. In the form is a text field named 'extra[]' where the user inputs a number. The number is what I want to validate.
However, the 'extra[]' field is dynamic and does not always appear in the form.
If it appears, there may be only 1 occurrence of it which means it's then not an array but there may also be multiple occurrences of it.
I have a script that validates (and work as it should) if the 'extra[]' field occurs multiple times and is thereby an array, but I can't figure out how to validate the 'extra[]' if there is only 1 and to not throw an error if it's not there at all. Code:
A non leap year can be divided by 100. But a leap year is divisible by both 4 and 400.This seems so simple yet I can't nail it. I'm taking an accelerated Javascript class and I was able to do all the problems up to this one. It's confusing me, or it may be that I've been up since 2 working on homework and getting ready for another test.
Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html>
Is it possible to convert an item of form field data to uppercase using the toUpperCase() method? What I'm really asking is, how do I reference the data item?
Have a small problem with a cms whereby when i try to insert default text into an input text field using the "value" attribute it gets deleted. I was thinking to force insert the text in there when the page load with javascript but not sure exactly how...
<p><input name="vericode" id="vericode" value="This text doesn't display!!" type="text" onclick="value=''"/></p>