I'm trying to pull data from multiple database tables and output them into a table which I've done fine, but I'm having trouble trying to filter the rows by specific values like colour and size selected from select boxes without reloading the page.
After more than a day of looking though I have made no progress, If this was to be done with just PHP and MySQL reloading the page I'd have no problem but having problems with the AJAX side.
there is a selection of menus on the screen that you can change select different options to show you a price.
issue is as follows; i want to be able to create url's for every product in the database for google adword purposes; for example if they click on the google ad they come direct to the page/selection from the table/drop downs that is what they want. currently we have got as far as creating the below link;
this link will take you to the product, but the drop downs from the menus haven't changed, just the price and the quantity.
i need to know of a way of selecting from the database and it be able to change the drop downs from a specific url.
our problem is we need to populate a select option in order of the one we send.
I'm very new to jQuery, only picked it up yesterday, so there is very little I understand at the moment. I have a website on which I would like to display a real time, time-series chart displaying results from a database that is constantly updated. how to pull live data from my database and display it in an alert box on my sight. One of the replies said I should use jquery to achieve this.
Say that you have a table with id Testresults. Now you also would like to show diffrent parts of that table inside diffrent divs that also contain a table.
I naturally don't want to write the code for the table at multiple places of the page. Notice also that my site only contains of one site, containing many divs.
I have got some code working below which creates a nice effect when shopping on a website. Basically i have a large image, and 4 thumbnails below, when i hover over the thumbnails the main image changes to match etc..Now i would expect this to work, but i dont know how to change the JS at the top of the page to match my requirements? The JS at the top is also selecting images 2,12,11 and 13, but again i want this to be linking to my table from database..
I am trying to create a form to edit existing data in my database. I have 2 drop down boxes( category then item) they do not work correctly. I am using php to populate the drop down boxes but there is nothing dynamic about doing this. I think I need to totally rewrite the page using java script or Ajax but I don't know what parts.So I want the user to select a category from a drop down list populated by database then have it populate the item list(so I think both of these need to be java script in case they change the category it will re populate the item list). Then I just want the selection of the item to pull the information to my form so they can update it and save the update(which I am pretty sure I can save the update as a php function but need to populate the item editable information in java script). I am really looking for help on how to setup the page with java script to make database queries and use the results to update parts of the page.In case you confused here is my flow:page loads
-User selects catagory query database for item list (on change event it think) -User selects item.Item information is pulled and displayed from database(cost, serial number, quantity(another on change event) -User is able to edit information and save updated results(run an update.php...)
I am following the following example to create predictive text pull out of the database.[URL]... Seemed quite easy but it seems like it's not working for me, maybe because i'm doing something wrong?
This is the page:[URL]... If you start typing in the big search box the suggestions box appears in the wrong place, and it should be returning some results but it's not.
I'm having some issues with my code. I'm trying to pull data from one array and use it to populate a new array. With my initial array I can get the results of certain properties using 'servos[i].application'. Any servos that share their value with that of my filter box should be put into a new array called matches and allow me to referance them in a similar way 'matches[i].application'. At the minute I've got my code to populate the new matches array, i'm pretty sure, but when I try to get data out of the second array using the 'matches[i].application' style of query it says its undefined. I already have an array called servos which is full of 49 different servo objects. I've added the function containing this code and commented it too.
PHP Code: function dataPull(){ //create servoStore to build page for display //var servoStore=""; // search and get servos meeting application filter settings // create new array called matches with set properties var matches = new Array("application", "sclass", "type", "motor", "bearings", "gears", "modelno", "name", "speed", "v3_3", "v4_8", "v6_0", "v7_2", "weight", "dimensions", "opvoltage", "image", "description"); .....
I've created an XML-RPC server, and would like to somehow bind the XML server responses to a table for users to view. Here's the catch, that data changes frequently (every few seconds), so I'm using setInterval to periodically get updated XML content from the server.
Currently, the setInterval function requests the entire dataset, then rewrites the entire table. I'm concerned that it's a waste of bandwidth, and disrupts the user scrolling through the data whenever it rewrites. Ideally, I'll have the XML-RPC server generate only data changed since the last request, then somehow update the table with the changes.
Here's the situation: I have a simple php file which retrieves data from a mysql database and displays it in a table. However, the number of records has gotten so large that retrieving all the data takes a lot of memory and the browser freezes.
I been googling for a solution and some1 mentioned something called live scrolling where the data is retrieved only when you scroll up or down. Since am just an amateur and not familiar with XML, XSL, etc; can any1 recommend some link where i could find some JS script with such a feature? one that's easy to get started with if possible...
I have a table within a table, that is to say the table is embedded in a <tr> tag in another table and would like to extract row and cell data to make an ajax call. The table in question has several input fields and a submit button on each row. While I can find the table where the submit came from and can get the data from the <td> elements which contain data i.e.<? echo AsOfDate; ?>, I can't find the correct syntax to retrieve the data from the input fields in that same row. Can someone give me the correct syntax to retrieve the input data?
var AssetTbl = document.getElementsByTagName('table'); for (i =0; i< AssetTbl.length; i++) { if (AssetTbl[i].id == "tblAssetHx") { RowID =AssetTbl[i].rows[1].cells[0].childNodes[0].data; if (RowID == ID)
I'm new to JavaScript and intermediate with coding. After watching several videos on JavaScript I'm trying to document.write into a table data cell. I'm stuck on how to do this.I know how to retrieve data from such, but can't figure out how to write to the tables data cells.
I would like to use jQuery to prepopulate a form - ie make a call to a php program to get data from a database and pre-populatea form with appropriate data for the user. Can anyone point me in the right direction for some examples on the simplest way to do this?
For the first time in a long time, I've encountered a project with a single image that has many regions.Each region is a polygon, and will bind to a unique rollover event. That rollover event will pull back data for each region.I've thought of using a hidden image in a canvas with a black background, and a different color foreground for each region. Then, mapping the color the proper region data on the backend.I've thought of passing a huge Javascript object with keys that relate to a position in the image, and values that define the region data.Initially, I dismissed the idea of a good, old-fashioned image map, in an attempt to find something sleeker and sexier. But perhaps this is the best solution?
I know it's messy and all to send data this way, but it's what was decided on, so here's what I need to do with it. I want to take all the info from the query string and post it into the corresponding form fields in the document. So I need to somehow isolate the query string (maybe a global JS variable? maybe another method?) and then I was thinking it would work to somehow pull each piece of information delimited with &= and put them into a simple array (split() method?). Once I have the info pulled from the URL into an array, I thought I could simply update the field's value attribute with basic javascript like this:
Then, all the values would be automatically loaded into the correct form fields. But, since I'm a js newbie, I really dont know how to go about this. Ideas? Examples? Remember I'm new, so explaining every process might be in order.
I am trying to use the plugin tablesorter that has a pager, for one table in a page it works fine, but when I put two tables, the pager links [next, previous,....] for the first table is moved under the
I have look some of the examples of deleting tables and or rows with Java. The only problem is that all examples I have seen talke about one table and one or more buttons. What I needs to do is have 4 single row / dual columns tables each having a button of their own for deleting this table. Here is what I got but it just doesnt work for me as each table has a seperate Table ID.
<script language=javascript> function removeRow(src) { var oRow = src.parentElement.parentElement; document.all("tblGrid").deleteRow(oRow.rowIndex);
In the main table there are two sub tables are there.when user click addRow button main row and also subrow should be created.i have written the code but when i click addrow alignment is missing and apart from that mainrow and subrow is not displaying properly.
what i want to do is have a selection from 'tst' trigger an input into 'choose' from the data inputted into the 'fname' and 'lname' fields.
for example, i want option '1', when selected to draw the input from 'fname' and place it into 'choose'
or i might want to select the data in 'lname' instead, so i will tie option 2 to it, so when the user selects option 2 the contents of 'lname' go into 'choose' instead.
This can't be too hard, but I'm not seeing the answer. Elements on a web page may contain a class starting with "tr_". Sample HTML:I'm using the following to select matching elements: $('[class*=tr_]').each(function() So far so good. But now, I need to get the name of the class that starts with "tr_" from each matching element.
there are a lot of different scripts out there to sort a table with multiple columns. However, I want to do something specific.
I have a table that is "spread" accross multiple pages. Usually, when a user wants to change the page, what you do is compute indexes in the server and return the modified list. But that's not what I want to do, I want to be able to navigate through the pages AND be able to sort the columns within the client screen.
Does anyone know of a good example of something like that ? I know it can be done, I would have to write the entire data in the client side, and then manipulate it with indexes and sorts. I am very much able to write such data, but should "delete" and "add" new table Elements (in a way that is browser compatible) or show/hide <TRelements, maybe overwrite these table rows?
I was wondering if this is somehow trivial so you can suggest a coding strategy or if anyone knows a good page that displays this possibility.
I'm using quick search plugin (URL...) in filtering rows in a group of tables.The problem is that the old vesion of Quick search may act on multiple tables as long they have the same table_id while the new vesion acts on the first table only.
1-the number of tables is very large (in some pages may be 500 tables).
2-the action of Quick search is applied automaticaly as the user type any text in the input text box. so i don't know any way to make a loop to call the function once for each table.
I have here a code that will automatically generate two text fields (Title & Price) when "Add another article" is pressed. I got this from the web, but I want instead of using a text field, I want it to create a drop down menu based on a mysql table, then update the price automatically (also based on the mysql table) on the other text field once a selection has been made on the drop down menu.
This (apparently) totals all 'amount' cells in the page, and writes it in *all* the 'total' cells - close, but obviously I'm not correctly specifying that each total should be displayed in its parent.