JQuery :: Function Return - Pull Live Data From Database And Display It In An Alert Box On Sight
Oct 10, 2010
I'm very new to jQuery, only picked it up yesterday, so there is very little I understand at the moment. I have a website on which I would like to display a real time, time-series chart displaying results from a database that is constantly updated. how to pull live data from my database and display it in an alert box on my sight. One of the replies said I should use jquery to achieve this.
I'm trying to pull data from multiple database tables and output them into a table which I've done fine, but I'm having trouble trying to filter the rows by specific values like colour and size selected from select boxes without reloading the page.
After more than a day of looking though I have made no progress, If this was to be done with just PHP and MySQL reloading the page I'd have no problem but having problems with the AJAX side.
there is a selection of menus on the screen that you can change select different options to show you a price.
issue is as follows; i want to be able to create url's for every product in the database for google adword purposes; for example if they click on the google ad they come direct to the page/selection from the table/drop downs that is what they want. currently we have got as far as creating the below link;
this link will take you to the product, but the drop downs from the menus haven't changed, just the price and the quantity.
i need to know of a way of selecting from the database and it be able to change the drop downs from a specific url.
our problem is we need to populate a select option in order of the one we send.
could someone please point me in the right direction for creating an AJAX page that displays "live" data from a mysql database? I need the page to update its self every time data changes in a mysql table.
I have this code <TR id="tr1" onClick="var ret_val = clickedfun(this.id)" /> and this javacript code <script language="javascript">function clickedfun(tid) {var elemento = document.getElementById(tid);if(confirm("Tem a certeza que quer remover esta fila?")){elemento.style.visibility='hidden';var numero=tid.substring(2,tid.length);return numero;}}</script>; I want to get the return value of the javascript function to use in database for deletion of that value. I am using jsp and java classes.
I am following the following example to create predictive text pull out of the database.[URL]... Seemed quite easy but it seems like it's not working for me, maybe because i'm doing something wrong?
This is the page:[URL]... If you start typing in the big search box the suggestions box appears in the wrong place, and it should be returning some results but it's not.
I have got some code working below which creates a nice effect when shopping on a website. Basically i have a large image, and 4 thumbnails below, when i hover over the thumbnails the main image changes to match etc..Now i would expect this to work, but i dont know how to change the JS at the top of the page to match my requirements? The JS at the top is also selecting images 2,12,11 and 13, but again i want this to be linking to my table from database..
How would I go about outputting something when a database value is being changed?
e.g. If im typing in a text field, which is saving what ive typed every time i keyup into a database field, it then shows on another page on another user computer as "User is typing something in field X"?
If no typing is happened, i.e. the database field value is not changing, nothing is echoed out.
It would also be cool to have something show "User is deleting text from field X" when the field value is getting shorter.
In pseudo code, something like if the value of database string is bigger than 100ms ago, echo out "user is typing something in", and conversly, if string is getting shorter echo out "user is deleting stuff".
I am trying to create a form to edit existing data in my database. I have 2 drop down boxes( category then item) they do not work correctly. I am using php to populate the drop down boxes but there is nothing dynamic about doing this. I think I need to totally rewrite the page using java script or Ajax but I don't know what parts.So I want the user to select a category from a drop down list populated by database then have it populate the item list(so I think both of these need to be java script in case they change the category it will re populate the item list). Then I just want the selection of the item to pull the information to my form so they can update it and save the update(which I am pretty sure I can save the update as a php function but need to populate the item editable information in java script). I am really looking for help on how to setup the page with java script to make database queries and use the results to update parts of the page.In case you confused here is my flow:page loads
-User selects catagory query database for item list (on change event it think) -User selects item.Item information is pulled and displayed from database(cost, serial number, quantity(another on change event) -User is able to edit information and save updated results(run an update.php...)
I have a button in my html form that will process some functions when user clicks on the button. The problem is after processing the functions, the result is not displayed in the form where I want it to be displayed. I want to ask whether we can create table in the function and display the result in the table row/column but in the same form. Is this possible to be done? And how to do this?
In this form cpiM, the input button will call function showIndex. <tr> <td><input type="button" value="Enter" onclick="showIndex(document.cpiM.currFrom.options.selectedIndex, document.cpiM.currTo.options.selectedIndex, document.cpiM.base.options.selectedIndex, document.cpiM.country.options.selectedIndex)">
Basically i have a form with jqueryui implemented (autocompletes) and I need the form to display the number of current results as the user fills the form, i.e. once the user has finishedinputtingdata into one field, the form will query the database with the current form details and return just the number of results ($mysql_num_rows)
I am currently trying to create a live search box that as I type it will start displaying results that match.but it retrieves its data from an XML file, I need mine to retrieve from a column called FirstName within a table of an Access database.
For a social system I am working on, I am in desperate need of being pointed in the right direction for how to create a live ajax feed which calls data from a database.
Relatively new to jQuery but have a problem with getting data to display.Using a webform with 2 forms. User slects and inputs data into the first form, clicks a button then using jQuery .ajax submits the serialized data to a php script. The script processes the input into multiple paragraphs of text which is based on the input from the first form.The data is returned to the webpage and displayed in a text area (of the 2nd form) where the user can edit it to fine tune the wording. The 2 forms are displayed in different tabs so it is easy to move back and forward between the 2 forms.
The problem occurs when the user goes back to the first form and enters or selects different text and then click the submit button to generate a whole new text for insertion into the textarea on the second form. For certain fields the modified text is displayed.However if the whole of the text in the textarea is deleted, then the user clicks the submit button to re-generate the text content area then nothing at all is ever interted into the textarea. If have user alert to check that data is returned from the php handler and this text is correct. BUT when I click on the tab to see the textarea (id is "draftrec") there is no text inserted. The relevant function is below and the line that should insert the text into the textarea is:
I would like to use jQuery to prepopulate a form - ie make a call to a php program to get data from a database and pre-populatea form with appropriate data for the user. Can anyone point me in the right direction for some examples on the simplest way to do this?
One on the left and contains the buttons to control the others and occupies half the page -left half- 2nd that upon a button press from the 2nd slides down in the middle the others occupy the right half of the page and are behind each others and are viewed up button click on the 1st, on 1st click the 2nd comes down in the middle and the 1st one of the right divs slides out of sight and makes the one behind it visible, on second button the one behind it slides out of sight and makes the one behind THAT one visible my problem is only ONE part of the sliding div's is sliding and then they just disappear, and i want to be able 2 force a delay between actions, and the 2nd div that is supposed 2 slide down is actually sliding UP :
1st things first does anyone know how do i hide a div on button click and show the one behind it?
Update 2 question: how do i make #box8 slide to the right out of side.
I am writing a small data entry screen that will post the form data to a page and return a message. But i cannot get the Success or Error functions working properly.
Here's the code where strData is the posted querystring of:
I'm not sure whether it should be in a form and using the onsubmit or click of a button.
I have a bunch of dynamically created divs which I need to loop through and then display text inside which is obtained via AJAX.
<div class="appStatus" id="appStat_1>TEXT FROM PHP PAGE</div> <div class="appStatus" id="appStat_2>TEXT FROM PHP PAGE</div> <div class="appStatus" id="appStat_3>TEXT FROM PHP PAGE</div>
Basically, I want to loop through all divs where class = appStatus and on each iteration pull data from a PHP page (via AJAX) to display in the DIV. I need to send the value after the _ of the id (which I can obtain using substring) with the AJAX request in order to return the correct text.For some reason.I know that I need to do something with
I'm having some issues with my code. I'm trying to pull data from one array and use it to populate a new array. With my initial array I can get the results of certain properties using 'servos[i].application'. Any servos that share their value with that of my filter box should be put into a new array called matches and allow me to referance them in a similar way 'matches[i].application'. At the minute I've got my code to populate the new matches array, i'm pretty sure, but when I try to get data out of the second array using the 'matches[i].application' style of query it says its undefined. I already have an array called servos which is full of 49 different servo objects. I've added the function containing this code and commented it too.
PHP Code: function dataPull(){ //create servoStore to build page for display //var servoStore=""; // search and get servos meeting application filter settings // create new array called matches with set properties var matches = new Array("application", "sclass", "type", "motor", "bearings", "gears", "modelno", "name", "speed", "v3_3", "v4_8", "v6_0", "v7_2", "weight", "dimensions", "opvoltage", "image", "description"); .....
php page is echoing out:{"species":"Please select a species!"} I double checked the response from the php and firebug shows the same. On success alert is not alerting the JSON data instead, I'm receiving [object Object]. Why is that and how do what should I do to fix this?
For the first time in a long time, I've encountered a project with a single image that has many regions.Each region is a polygon, and will bind to a unique rollover event. That rollover event will pull back data for each region.I've thought of using a hidden image in a canvas with a black background, and a different color foreground for each region. Then, mapping the color the proper region data on the backend.I've thought of passing a huge Javascript object with keys that relate to a position in the image, and values that define the region data.Initially, I dismissed the idea of a good, old-fashioned image map, in an attempt to find something sleeker and sexier. But perhaps this is the best solution?