Ajax :: Creating Page That Displays 'live' Data From Mysql Database?
Jun 6, 2010
could someone please point me in the right direction for creating an AJAX page that displays "live" data from a mysql database? I need the page to update its self every time data changes in a mysql table.
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Nov 13, 2011
I have a .load that executes a php mysql query from another page. This query displays all the data of the database. Each result is wrapped around a div.
<div id ="post<? echo $row['post_id']; ?>">
the id of the div depends on the post id of the result. How do I put the data of $row['post_id'] in my javascript?
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Feb 12, 2010
I have a listings page which displays results using images and text which are stored in a MySQL database, all is working fine. The images are pulled into the page from the database and each listing can have up to a maximum of 10 images. Some will have all 10, some probably one or two, so the page is coded such that if there's an image in the field, it displays a thumbnail, if there isn't then it shoves a "Â " in instead.
The results page has one main photo (image 1) and then a series of thumbnails (images 2-10) below it and I need to be able to set this up so that when someone clicks on image 2 it shows the full-size version of that image in the div where image1 sits, and the same for however many remaining images there are.
So my question is, how easy it is to do this with javascript and does anyone have any idea how to code it?
The main photo sits in a div whose id is "mainphoto" the remainder all sit in a div whose id is "thumbpix".
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Oct 19, 2009
The below coding is the javascript coding in which i have used AJAX coding also.its only pagenavigation coding.
function change(which)
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Jul 11, 2010
I have a form.On the form I have a drop down box that allows the user to select a data set to work with (A or B). The table loads just fine and all is right with the world. No problems there.What I need is for the user to be able to edit the data set and have those changes written directly back to the mySQL database. They also need the option of deleting a record entirely.I know how to do all the database queries, updates, etc. I just don't know how to write the ajax forms to accomplish this.
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Apr 8, 2011
I am writing a web page that accesses Mysql database data through PHP then dynamically displayes the Mysql data when the user mouses over different parts of an imagemap. I use Javascript OnLoad function to load the Mysql data into the header and then I use the Onmouseover function to change the display dynamically.
Here is my question; when I mouse-over a part of an image the data in my side bar changes (exactly what I want) but I can't seem to make the data linkable. For example, when a user mouse-overs a certain part of the image, on the side bar it displays the companies web adr. How do I make that data a link? On the initial load the default data displayed is linkable but because I use <div> </div> to change the data dynamically, I loose the likability.
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Jul 27, 2010
Basically i have a form with jqueryui implemented (autocompletes) and I need the form to display the number of current results as the user fills the form, i.e. once the user has finishedinputtingdata into one field, the form will query the database with the current form details and return just the number of results ($mysql_num_rows)
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Jul 13, 2011
I am having no luck with my post form to mysql. It is only posting the first letter of the word/phrase for the text input fields to the mysql database. It is a photo and text post form. The photo and only first letter of text are posting to database. I am using Jqtouch, jquery, and phonegap.
Here is my form fields:
Here is my java script:
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Jun 15, 2009
I'm triyng to use the $.ajax jquery function to insert some dates in a database, using php.I have the page that insert the data called : sign.php and in the page I have the form, and the ajax scritp.
type: "POST",
url: ("sign.php"),
if I use the page without ajax it works, if I use the script jquery it works but doesn't insert the dates in the field, it send only white field. can't pass the variable POST beetween the ajax script and the php script.
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Mar 16, 2004
Not sure if this is the correct forum as it covers data retrieved from mysql in a .js file...
I need to grab the last 5 rows from my database (2 fields per row) and list all 5 in a table but from within a .js file that I can externally link to.
I can manage the php / mysql and the output to a .php page but how can this be contained within a .js file?
I believe it is possible but after 2 days of searching on google I'm appealing for assistance.
I realise this could be done with a php include or iframe but that isn't an option and the only way available to import this data is via an external javascript script.
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Oct 10, 2010
I'm trying to display data from mysql database using getJSON
this is the code JQuery Code
//get data from database
$.getJSON('getCategories.php', parseCat);
// display data
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Jun 20, 2011
For a social system I am working on, I am in desperate need of being pointed in the right direction for how to create a live ajax feed which calls data from a database.
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Oct 10, 2010
I'm very new to jQuery, only picked it up yesterday, so there is very little I understand at the moment. I have a website on which I would like to display a real time, time-series chart displaying results from a database that is constantly updated. how to pull live data from my database and display it in an alert box on my sight. One of the replies said I should use jquery to achieve this.
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Sep 13, 2010
I have here a code that will automatically generate two text fields (Title & Price) when "Add another article" is pressed. I got this from the web, but I want instead of using a text field, I want it to create a drop down menu based on a mysql table, then update the price automatically (also based on the mysql table) on the other text field once a selection has been made on the drop down menu.
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Jun 22, 2011
This form retrieves results from a mysql database. It works fine but when I click submit it shows the result only for a second. When I hold down submit the result stays there. How do I get the result to stay on the screen after I hit submit? Even better how do I get it to spit out results without having to hit a submit button or press enter?
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Jun 20, 2009
I need to create three dropdown boxes (box 1:colour, box 2: price, box 3:brand) and when the user presses "GO" they are returned with the correct information, pulled from corresponding fields in my MYSQL database.
For example, colour: silver, price £100-£200, brand:samsung...should return 5 items on the page. I do not need the dropdown boxes to populate depending on ther previous selection - they are static, so to speak. If possible, I would like the information to be retuned to my page without the URL changing, which leads me to think I will need to be ausing ajax....?
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Apr 14, 2010
I am looking for an Ajax combobox (drop down, not a text box) auto complete script. I searched for it on Google and only result which seems similar to what I am looking for, is dhtmlxCombo. And that one is too complicated for me. What I basicly need is:
When the client types on the drop down, the records appear from MySQL database and when the client chooses one and submits the form, I want the ID (not the text written) to be posted.
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Jan 21, 2010
i want to retrieve data from mysql database using ajax and php. my code is below which does not work
here is index.html
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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Dec 13, 2011
I am attempting to create a profile page with PHP utilizing AJAX technologies as well. I need profile data to auto-refresh on the page when a change is made in the database but every 15-30 seconds intervals are fine too. I would really like to use AJAX/PHP for this because I think it will be good for me to know and learn.
I have checked the internet for this and all of the examples show a form select/combobox where you select a "User" and then it populates the information automatically in a div below.
But... I need AJAX or PHP to READ THE VARIABLE FROM THE URL instead of a form(Combobox) and ultimately refresh the data on the page with the results from the DB query in the php file.
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Mar 11, 2011
I've the following AJAX code:
This code works to insert a MySQL record to a Database using AJAX. It works fine on IE, but it's not working on FF or Chrome. When I test it on FF/Chrome, i just get the text "Just a second..." and it doesn't advance from there.
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Jan 30, 2011
I want to add a comment system after my article, <form id="postform" class="postform"> is written into a MYSQL_QUERY result circle. but after post a comment, the current posted comment will be showed in all the <div class="post_comment"></div>, how to modify jquery ajax part so that the current posted comment only be showed in its own <div class="post_comment"></div>? [code]...
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Sep 9, 2010
I want to query a MySQL table when a php webpage initially loads and display the data. Is there a way of executing a php script using the onload() function directly other than using Ajax?
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Sep 2, 2009
Im having the weirdest problems with my ajax. Now first off i have horrible coding convention!! I have one Ajax.js file which handles all my ajax requests and one ajax.php file which handles retrieving data from a database. The problem I am having is when ever I call a certain method which contains a if statement and runs the respective ajax function, it sometimes evaluates the if statement wrong. The weirdest thing of all is when I use FireFox's firebug and step through the javascript code to see why its evaluating the if statement wrong, it evaluates it correctly.
So basically if I don't step through the javascript code it evaluates the if statement wrong which means one of my variables are not being set in time for it to be used in the if statement. BUT if i step through the code with firebug it evaluates the if statement correctly! Now I have tried this is all the browsers and sometimes it evaluates the if statement correctly and when i keep refreshing the page it will sometimes evaluate the if statement correctly! Now I know this makes no sense, but I'm just as confused! The only reason I can think why this is happening is that one of my variables are not being set in time for the if statement to use it!!
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Apr 21, 2009
I want to build-up ajax based friends system. though i no nothing about ajax (would like to learn but) actually i have form where user can add his friend. on very next page of this page he/she can see what he/she is entered and where
they should probably see the add and remove button(which i want to build up using ajax)
how to start for this? till now i have code where user can write his friend name and to the next page he/she can see the value he has written. on submit button it all goes in to database. means i have devloped php form for this.
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Jun 9, 2010
we have product pages; example page: [URL]
there is a selection of menus on the screen that you can change select different options to show you a price.
issue is as follows; i want to be able to create url's for every product in the database for google adword purposes; for example if they click on the google ad they come direct to the page/selection from the table/drop downs that is what they want. currently we have got as far as creating the below link;
this link will take you to the product, but the drop downs from the menus haven't changed, just the price and the quantity.
i need to know of a way of selecting from the database and it be able to change the drop downs from a specific url.
our problem is we need to populate a select option in order of the one we send.
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Mar 2, 2009
I have made a page thats makes an AJAX call to the server gets the time and displays it. In the OPEN method i have set
req.open("GET","/timerProg.cgi?param1="+new date(),false);
I have set the last parameter as false as i am expecting a synchronous request so that time displayed should be consistent.
I am using new date() since the browser is caching my request and displaying the same output everytime as i dont know any other alternative.
The alternative so that browser does not cache the results and gives proper output each time.
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