Pull Text From Text Field Into Form Comment?

Oct 21, 2010

I am having some issues with a form that has "name" "email" "address" text field the a comment section that has been pre filled with the followingI <name> of <address> blah blah blah blah blah blahblah blah blahblah blah blahblah blah blahSigned<name><address>Now my question is how do i get the form (made in html) pull what the user types in the text field and make it get added to the comment section of the form where the <name> <address> is required.Once filled out it is emailed to me.

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Pull Down Replaced By Text Field When Selecting Other

Feb 2, 2010

- when you select other the pull down menu is replaced by the text field.
- Gotten it to the level of when you select the other the text field appears.
- HOw can I modify the code so when I select the other menu option from the pull down menu and it replaced by the text field?

<script type="text/javascript">
function togglefield(val) {
var o = document.getElementById('other');
(val == 'Other')? o.style.display = 'block' : o.style.display = 'none';
and the form:
<form action="" method="post">
<select name="sel" id="sel" onChange="togglefield(this.value);">
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<input type="text" name="other" id="other" style="display: none;">

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Form Text Field/SUBMIT Links To Onsite URL - On Home Page - Text Field And Submit Button ?

Feb 22, 2009

I have a website containing 26 subdirectories 'a' to 'z'

On the home page I want a text field and submit button

If someone for example types 'j' it will go to the 'j' folder home page

Does anyone know where I might find code like this?

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Force Insert Text Into Form Text Input Field Onload

Apr 13, 2010

Have a small problem with a cms whereby when i try to insert default text into an input text field using the "value" attribute it gets deleted. I was thinking to force insert the text in there when the page load with javascript but not sure exactly how...

<p><input name="vericode" id="vericode" value="This text doesn't display!!" type="text" onclick="value=''"/></p>

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OnClick Adds Text Field To Page (Limit 3 - Each Text Field Displays Different Text)

Nov 22, 2010

I have a text field (field1) already displayed on the HTML page. However, there's a link where you can add additional text fields to the page as well. When the link is clicked, the second text field is added successfully (field2), and when the link is clicked again, the third text field (field3) is added successfully. However, the third field does not add itself to the page, and the text for anything greater than a third field also isn't displayed after. This obviously means that my "fields" variable is not working right

<script language="javascript">
fields = 1;
function addMore() {
if (fields = 1) {
document.getElementById('addedMore').innerHTML = "<input type='text' name='field2' size='25' /> <span>Field 2.</span>";

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Pull A Value From Inside A Div Then Populate A Form Input Field With That Value?

Sep 13, 2011

Basically I need to:

1. Pull a value from inside a div

<div id="number">(invoice #1017)</span>

2. Populate a form input field with that value.

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Parsing An URL To Pull A Single Item And Place It Into A Form Field?

Jul 6, 2010

I have created a snippet of javascript code that will do the following:

1. read the window URL
2. depending on the window URL, a word will be placed into a hidden form field.
3. Person submits form...etc., etc.

Here is what I have.

Let's say that I have a single landing page with a simple form on it. I would like to reference the referred URL by pulling a part of the window URL into a hidden field of the form. Let's say the three URLs are:


I have created a javascript that takes the exact URL and check for equality. If the URL is equal, it will place the corresponding id into the hidden form field. See my code below.

<script type="text/javascript">
var lead_source = window.location.href
if (lead_source == "http://www.whatever.com/index.htm?id=ref1")


What I am looking to do is modify the code to only look at the "id" variable, not the entire URL. That way, if I add any additional items to the URL I will not have to change the code. I guess I am looking for an extra step of parsing the URL...maybe.

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Allow A Selected Option To Pull Data From One Field In A Form And Place It In Another

Apr 1, 2011

lets say i have this form:


<form name="x">


what i want to do is have a selection from 'tst' trigger an input into 'choose' from the data inputted into the 'fname' and 'lname' fields.

for example, i want option '1', when selected to draw the input from 'fname' and place it into 'choose'

or i might want to select the data in 'lname' instead, so i will tie option 2 to it, so when the user selects option 2 the contents of 'lname' go into 'choose' instead.

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Pull Text Off A Page?

Mar 17, 2011

Is there a way to pull a text off a certain div on a page, and put it into a javascript string? I'm certain that the field has a particular name and id that I can use, if need be.

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Updating Text Not In A Form Field?

Jan 25, 2011

I am very green in Javascript but I am working on it, I was wondering if this is even possible:

I have a bit of information as just text on a page, what I would like to do is to have the text change according to which form button they select. The trick is that the text information is not in a form, its just in a table.


Here would be blah blah blah

()<-bad impression of a button

once I select that button, the information above it would change to something different.

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Inner Label In Form Text Field

Mar 11, 2009

I have a form and inside the text fields I have a note that indicates: Type here your name...all this instead of having titles for each field. That text is set as initial value and the user has to highlight the text to delete it. What I am wondering is if there is a way to have the text but when the user clicks on the Field the text disappears and there is no need for deleting. I have seen this before but I can recall where.

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Form Field-Text Value Color

Jan 31, 2007

I'm trying to change the value in a text field to red for the validation. (It's one of those forms with an intial value in the text field which is currently got a style attached to it. If they fail validation, by not having anything in the text field, I would like the initial value to turn red from a style in the style sheet.

Here's a bit of my code for the form: *NOTE=the onblur is to make the intial value dissapear on click in the field. Code:

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Clear Form Text Field?

Oct 18, 2010

The javascript below works perfectly using Firefox, but not Opera or IE.I have a button which I would like to clear the text in the input field with.The "onFocus" on the input field works fine in all browsers, but when clicking the "cross.gif"-button, it only works in Firefox.javascript:

function checkclear(what){


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Moving Form Data Into New Text Field

May 18, 2010

Ive got a form with 3 text fields, one for first name, last name and one i dont what the user to be able to write things in(if that cant be done no biggy), when I hit submit, I want to move these two entries (first name and lastname) into uneditable text field so basically just combine the two, and then the user can add more names and it just keeps adding them to the end of the other text field... kinda hard to explain, basically like a chat type thing, where hitting enter just adds more names to the other text field except only you can see it.

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Turning A Text Link Into A Form Field?

Nov 20, 2011

I'm working on a web app where a profile is displayed to a user. The profile consists of data pulled from FB and LinkedIn via their respective API's. I'd like to provide the user with the ability to add more detail to the profile. I've scoured the web looking for a way to use Javascript to change an HTML element from a link to a form field but couldn't find exactly what I was looking for.

For example...


Education: College Add Major

And when the user clicks the "Add Major" link, it turns into a form field. I'm not much of a front end developer but I'm working alone on this project so I have to wear a few hats.

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Dynamically Add A Populated Text Field To The Form?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a form to add items to a database. In the sidebar next to the form I have a bunch of pre-defined items, I would like to be able to click on one the pre-defined items and have it add a populated text field to the form.

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Submit Only The Text Field Part Of A Form?

Jan 16, 2006

I have a search interface that I'm building that uses radio buttons, jump menus and a keyword search text box.

Is there a way to have a little "go" button next to the text field that will submit just the search string in the text box to my searchresults.php page?

Right now, any submit button I put within the page submits all parameters from my radio buttons and jump menus in addition to the keyword values. I would like the keyword entry box information only to be used if there are any values in it and have any other variables (e.g. from the radio buttons) to be null so I don't get a search with keywords AND radiobutton values. Of course, if nobody clicks the radiobuttons, no problem, no values are passed, but I'm sure some pesky user will have some checked and then decide to do a keyword search...

I'd rather send the info to the same PHP results page, so I don't want other values to muddle up the keyword results. I'm sure I could erase the other values with an 'if keywords=anything then other variables are null' statement, but I want the user to think they're only submitting the keywords from the entire page (which is what a 'go' button next to the field would imply) and I thought there might be a simple way.

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How To Create A Text Link To, When Clicked, Will Take The Value Of A Pull Down Box?

Jul 30, 2005

I have a form with several pull-down menus. I want to give the user the option of learning more about the choice they have made in a pull-down menu.

I'd like to create a text link that takes you to a page with the parameter which is the index number of the pull-down menu. I'd also like it to open in a new window.

How do get that value as a parameter to use in a link?

Here's some code I am working with: Code:

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Require Text Field Only If Another Text Field Is Not Blank

Oct 10, 2007

I am trying to create a javascript form validation that will make a text field be required only if a previous text field is populated. If the first text field is blank, then the second field can be blank as well.

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Pre Populate Text Field Based On Another Text Field

Jan 23, 2010

I'm developing a web page. It includes 2 text boxes. One text box for city and another text box for std code. I wrote the code for auto suggestion to city. Now i want to pre populate the STD code when ever a known city is selected (when city is selected from the recommendations displayed for city field).

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Get The Cursor Start And End Position Of A Selected Range In A Text-field Or Text-area

Jun 17, 2010

I want to get the cursor start and end position of a selected range in a text-field or text-area. i tried lot of functions in various forums. but when the last character of the selection is a new line character JavaScript ignore it in IE6. any one having idea ?

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JQuery :: Display Text Form Field Value On Page?

Feb 18, 2011

I have a standard HTML form that asks the user for a dollar amount and a payment date. On the same page I want to display some acknowledgement text which displays to the user what they entered above.

For example, lets say the user entered 10.00 as the dollar amount, and 03/01/2011 as the payment date in separate HTML form text fields. Right before the submit button I would like to display to the user "By clicking on the submit button below, I agree to pay $10.00 to Company, Inc. on 03/01/2011".

I'm sure this can be done using jQuery... I'm just having a hard time finding an example.

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Form Text Field - SUBMIT Links To Onsite URL

Feb 23, 2009

I have a website containing 26 subdirectories 'a' to 'z'

On the home page I want a text field and submit button

If someone for example types 'j' it will go to the 'j' folder home page

Does anyone know where I might find code like this?

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Validate Individual Text Field Validation On Form?

Jan 14, 2011

I have written a form in HTML which contains username,lastname,email,password and submit.I have written a javascript to validate this form [validate(username,lastname,,password)].On submit this javascript function will be called and hence form get validated. I am passing all the arguements(username,lastname,email and password) to the javascript function..Is it possible to make me a code such that it should call an individual function for each field in the form.for ex:if i have not entered username, last name in the form and attempt to submit, only username arguement should be passed to the function as it comes first in the form.In other sense i want to validate individual text field validation of my form.

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Append Extra Text To Form Field Entry

Jan 2, 2010

I am trying to find a way to add an extra piece of hidden text onto the end of the text a user enters into the form field so that when the form is sent the extra text will automatically be added to the end before sending. I have tried cobbling together different scripts using onblur/onclick etc but I just cannot get any to work as I need..

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AJAX :: PopUp A Form When A Text Field Is Clicked On?

Jun 23, 2009

I have looked all over the Internet for the last few hours and the main articles I can find are using JQuery or Prototype to handle validation. However, I am trying to work on a series of forms (They won't work with tabs due to their nature) which depend on other items in a database.So, what I want to do is if someone is inserting a record in Form 1 to input into Table 1 which has an ID from Table 2, it will pop up a new form (shadowing out Form 1, sort of like LightBox does) to create the new record into Table 2. Once this record is inserted successfully, it will return control to Form 1.I plan on making an OnKeyUp activate this script when someone clicks on the textfield to add a new category. I understand what I have posted may be a little confusing, but I basically just need to be pointed in the right direction with a couple of tutorials to follow for how to use AJAX to show forms.

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