Multiple Submit Buttons Need Multiple Hidden Values?
Mar 19, 2009
I am setting up a text search with 3 search buttons to allow 3 different searches from the one text box. Each search has different values for the 2 hidden elements. So far I've got the 3 submit buttons working with the below code but I can't figure how to get the hidden values to be inserted. For each of the 3 different submits I need to tell javascript what the 2 hidden values are.
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function OnSubmitForm()
if(document.pressed == 'questions')
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Mar 29, 2006
I have a complicated page with several submit buttons. I don't want to
create multiple forms because much of the input is shared and the code
is getting very ugly. However I would like to determine which values
will be submited.
Here is a simplified example that may better illustrate my question.
Or maybe there is a better approach...
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function submitform1()
function submitform2()
// logic to submit only name parameter
function submitform3()
// logic to submit only address parameter
<form name="myform" action="#">
<TR><TD>Name</TD><TD><input type='text' name='Name'></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Address</TD><TD><input type='text' name='Address'></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Phone</TD><TD><input type='text' name='Phone'></TD></TR>
<TR><TD></TD><td><input type="button" onClick="submitform1()"
value="submit all variables"> </TD></TR>
<TR><TD></TD><td><input type="button" onClick="submitform2()"
value="submit just name"> </TD></TR>
<TR><TD></TD><td><input type="button" onClick="submitform3()"
value="submit just address"> </TD></TR>
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Jul 7, 2011
I am trying to change each forms .submit function like so (below) but each submit button gets the function of the last iteration. I want each form to have a different submit function without using onclick events.
var x = document.getElementsByTagName("form");
for(i=0; i < x.length; i++){
var ele = x[i].elements;[code].....
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Apr 9, 2011
If I disable JS is running everything as I need. (but it isn't my objective)
<form id='RequestData' action='request.php' method='post'>
<button type='submit' name='par[1]' value='V1'>
<button type='submit' name='par[2]' value='V2'>
Script work, but send wrong data, always send to request par[3]='V9' how I can do to send data' from buttons which I click ?
Myobjective it data:
par => array(
[1] => 'V1'
only one value of array PAR
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Jul 19, 2011
I have a list of products where they have minimum quantities in a hidden input. Some products have multiple colours, though the same minimum quantity and I'm trying to implement a jQuery check that entries made are at least equal to the minimum.
Blank or '0' entries are fine but if it's below the minimum quantity it should set to the minimum.
Is there something obviously wrong with this? It isn't performing the minimum check and I'm really not sure why.
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Jul 10, 2009
I am trying to add an additional submit button to a form that has a separate action. This is for a shopping cart. The button I am trying to add is a "Preview" button. Which will have a different action then the "Add to Cart" button. Right now it works but after the "Preview" button is clicked the "Add to Cart" button will use the action that the "Preview" button is using. This is the script I am using for the "Preview" button.
var productPreviewForm = new VarienForm('product_addtocart_form');
productPreviewForm.submit = function() {
if(this.validator.validate()) {[code]....
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Apr 8, 2010
I have a form that has 3 submit buttons with 2 input fields. The first input field is a search field that allows the users to search against the database for certain names that are found and not found.[code]...
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Sep 14, 2005
I have a form with several fields.
Each field can be modified:
- individually (one submit button next to the field)
- globally (a submit button at the end of the form).
Before submitting the form, a validation needs to be performed.... so I added: onSubmit="return isValid()".
If the validation does not pass, the form needs to be shown with the data previously entered by the user.
Now, I haven't even come to the previous problem I have mentioned..... my problem is that if a field is empty, the function isValid() recognize it (message sent) .... but the reDirect function is performed!
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Oct 2, 2009
I have a form with several submit buttons. I've used $(#myform).ajaxForm(options) method to make the form submittable with ajax. the problem is that no matter what button I click the form data is the same and <input type="submit"> element is not included into the form data, as if it were not a "successul control". so at this point form doesn't work as expected. is there a way to convey information of which button was clicked with the form plugin?
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Jun 8, 2011
I would like to allow the user to be able to use the Enter key in lieu of the submit button on a page that has several forms.I'm assuming that toaccomplish that I need to detect which form's elements are being edited (have focus?) and programmatically fire the submit button's action for that form.How do I do something like that?
f u cn rd ths u cn gt a gd jb n prgrmmng
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Nov 11, 2009
I have a working code which allows the user to select one or multiple options from a drop down. Text appears alongside depending on their selection. I need to find a way for another area or text box to be populated depending on the original option(s) selected.
Example: At the moment if the user selects �Orange� as their favourite colour and submits it will display the text �Oranges are Orange� alongside. This is displayed within a <div>. I want it to also display another piece of text, for example �Oranges are a good source of vitamin C� in a seperate <div> and then another <div> showing �You should eat at least one orange a day�.
This must also work with multiple options. I am sure there is a way to use hidden values etc but I am stuck!code...
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Sep 27, 2010
I am using jquery with the cookie plugin and I have multiple image buttons that can hide/show multiple elements. My question is how can I add a cookie to this code to remember whether each separate element is opened or closed?
The code,
$(document).ready(function() {
// choose text for the show/hide link - can contain HTML (e.g. an image)
var showText='<div class="expanddown"></div>';
var hideText='<div class="expandup"></div>';
// initialise the visibility check
var is_visible = false;
// append show/hide links to the element directly preceding the element with a class of "toggle"
$('.toggle').prev().append('<a href="#" class="togglelink">'+hideText+'</a>');
// capture clicks on the toggle links
$('a.togglelink').click(function() {
// switch visibility
is_visible = !is_visible;
// change the link depending on whether the element is shown or hidden
$(this).html( (!is_visible) ? hideText : showText);
// toggle the display - uncomment the next line for a basic "accordion" style
// return false so any link destination is not followed
return false;
<a class="togglelink" href="#"></a>
<div class="toggle">
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Sep 16, 2009
How can I use jQuery to submit multiple forms with different types, values, and actions? For example:
<form name="form1" method="get" action="submit1.php">
<input name="value1" type="text" value="">
Can I start the jQuery process from within a function when clicking on the submit button?
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Oct 2, 2009
I have a form with multiple fieldsets which are visible conditionally. There are three submit buttons "Abandon", "Save" and "Save & Continue". Each button should validate specific controls of the form and submit it. I tried setting "onsubmit: false" and checking for "$('#myForm').valid ()" on click of these buttons., but that validates all controls of the form.
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May 17, 2006
how to assign multiple action with multiple submit button in the form.
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Apr 30, 2010
I got an unusual request form a client. I got a form and I have to get values from certain input fields and assign them as a value to a hidden field and then submit it through php.I'm using mootools (1.11). I was tinkering around that for a day and wasn't able to solve it. Here is the html:
<label for="primary_domain0">Primary Domain Name <span class="req">*</span></label>
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm validating a form that has two buttons ("Next" and "Back"). The call
to the script is currently in the form's onSubmit() handler. Upon
pressing either button, the script runs. This is understandable, since
either button press is considered a submit. Is there a way to test which
button was pressed to determine whether or not to run the script?
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Jul 10, 2009
I have look some of the examples of deleting tables and or rows with Java. The only problem is that all examples I have seen talke about one table and one or more buttons. What I needs to do is have 4 single row / dual columns tables each having a button of their own for deleting this table. Here is what I got but it just doesnt work for me as each table has a seperate Table ID.
<script language=javascript>
function removeRow(src)
var oRow = src.parentElement.parentElement;
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Nov 23, 2010
My goal is to be able to have a page with multiple hidden DIVs. On click of a link, a single DIV (box) should appear. Now, either on second click of that link, it should close OR on click of another link the first DIV should close and the second should open. At any one time, only one DIV (box) should be visible with the option to close DIVs by clicking a second time on the open link. I have only been able to get 2/3 the way there. I am able to click on a link and open it, click a second link which closes the first and opens the second, but I don't know how to close the last open link so that no DIVs are shown, as when the page originally loaded.
Here is my example code:
<title>Hide DIV Test Run</title>
<script language="javascript">
function show(selected) {
var openDiv = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
for(var x=0; x<openDiv.length; x++) {
name = openDiv[x].getAttribute("name");
if (name == 'openDiv') {
if (openDiv[x].id == selected) {
openDiv[x].style.display = 'block';
} else {
openDiv[x].style.display = 'none';
body {
#openDiv1 {
border:solid 2px black;
#openDiv2 {
border:solid 2px black;
<div id="body">
<p>This is <a href="#" id="link1" onclick="show('openDiv1')">some</a> test text. Sentence #1.
<div name="openDiv" ID="openDiv1">This is the hidden text.</div>
<p>This is even <a href="#" id="link2" onclick="show('openDiv2')">more</a> text. Sentence #2
<div name="openDiv" ID="openDiv2">This is more hidden text.</div>
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Feb 19, 2010
I have the following javascript code:
Code JavaScript:
for (var i=0; i < myRadio.length; i++) {
if (myRadio[i].checked) {
myChecked = 1;
This works fine when I have more than 1 radio button. However for just a single radio button it does not work. I don't know how many radio buttons I will have since they are being created from a mysql query.
I'm very bad with javascript, so how should I amend the code so that it also works with only one radio button? I just need to check if they are trying to submit the form without selecting any radio buttons.
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Jan 15, 2010
I have a form that has multiple radio button groups to allow the customer to build a custom product. I just want to figure out how to send all the CHECKED radio buttons (name="flexikits[1]", name="flexikits[2]", ect.. ) when the customer changes just one of the radio buttons. The goal of this is so I can update the price for the KIT right then.
I am easily able to set the onClick for each radio and have it send that particular radio button, just no clue how to send more.
function showPrice(str)
if (xmlhttp==null)
My best guess is there is javascript that I can replace for "this.value" that will send all the checked items in the form called "cart_view".
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Sep 4, 2010
i want to create some radio buttons associated to a textbox, and onchange the radio buttons this would put the value of the radiobutton in the textbox automatically. I.E: Imagine i selected the radio button "Option 1", i want this one to fill the textbox with his value that would be "option1".
* Option 1
* Option 2
* Option 3
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Jan 11, 2011
Is it possible to submit multiple links all at the same time using Javascript? I check all over the web and can't find any examples anywhere.
I would like to click on a button and submit to google, yahoo, msn, etc all at the same time. Like someone physically click on [url], [url],url], so on.
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Jul 20, 2005
I am trying to retrieve selected values from a multiple select object on a page:
*** Selection Page ***
<form name="theForm">
<select name="numbers" MULITPLE>
<option value="1">One</option>
<option value="2">Two</option>
<option value="2">Three</option>
What I want to do is to pass the selected values from "Selection page" to its parent window. Right now, I pass the values by doing this (in JavaScript):
window.opener.parentForm.num.value = document.theForm.numbers.value;
I'm assuming if mulitple selections are made (lets say One and Two are selected), document.theForm.numbers.value will be a collection of the selected option values. Is this correct?
If so, how can I retrieve each option value when coding parent window?
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Nov 2, 2010
I am trying to do some JavaScript calculation with checkboxes, and have been able to modify some codes to do bits of what i want to do. (Screenshot attached) However, i want each checkbox to have multiple values, and therefore multiple results.
I can't find any examples, but i've come across something similar with Radio buttons [URL].. I don't 'get' the example enough to proceed. My question is, is it even possible to do with a checkbox, and if so how do i go about doing it please?
The Javascript code:
function count() {
var item1price = 10;
var item2price = 50;
var item3price = 1100;
var item4price = 100;
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Apr 23, 2010
I'm trying to figure out how I can pass multiple values to my javascript from one selectbox. code...
As you can see the product_id get passed to the javascript, but it is essential that I get the price and color id passed along... Is that possible, and if
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