Post Hidden Values With Multiple Options Selected?
Nov 11, 2009
I have a working code which allows the user to select one or multiple options from a drop down. Text appears alongside depending on their selection. I need to find a way for another area or text box to be populated depending on the original option(s) selected.
Example: At the moment if the user selects �Orange� as their favourite colour and submits it will display the text �Oranges are Orange� alongside. This is displayed within a <div>. I want it to also display another piece of text, for example �Oranges are a good source of vitamin C� in a seperate <div> and then another <div> showing �You should eat at least one orange a day�.
This must also work with multiple options. I am sure there is a way to use hidden values etc but I am stuck!code...
Anyone know of a javascript that can get the values of the id's from the selected options and add them to the inputbox?For instance, if you select "Product 3" and "Service 2", the inputbox will display $1699.99
I have a multiple select box and want to be able to select from this box and transfer the selection accross to a div using an "Add" button. I have this working fine but I want to append to the list, rather than replace the list when further selections are made.
I somehow need the function to remember the original selected array and then merge the new selected array and the old array if another sleection is made. This is all I have so far...
function editOptions(action) { var optionsBox = document.getElementById('optionsBox'); var selectedArray = new Array();
Since its not multiple its not going to show all the 3 options selected, so I created a little button with the easy statement in JQuery it is working, it makes the Select Multiple, it expands the Select and make the items selectable, but on the other hand it does not show the already selected options.
I have a list of products where they have minimum quantities in a hidden input. Some products have multiple colours, though the same minimum quantity and I'm trying to implement a jQuery check that entries made are at least equal to the minimum.
Blank or '0' entries are fine but if it's below the minimum quantity it should set to the minimum.
Is there something obviously wrong with this? It isn't performing the minimum check and I'm really not sure why.
I am setting up a text search with 3 search buttons to allow 3 different searches from the one text box. Each search has different values for the 2 hidden elements. So far I've got the 3 submit buttons working with the below code but I can't figure how to get the hidden values to be inserted. For each of the 3 different submits I need to tell javascript what the 2 hidden values are.
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function OnSubmitForm() { if(document.pressed == 'questions') {
In JS, how can I change the selected value of a dropdownlist(select options) I know the value of indexed value of the selected value before it is changed.
how to fix the coding so when a user select a category it will add a different hidden filed for that option for example: When the user selects category "Men" the hidden filed
Code: <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="REFERRER" VALUE=""> automaticly will be added the search
and when the user selects category "Kids" the hidden filed
Code: <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="REFERRER" VALUE=""> automaticly will be added the search[code]......
how do I make the "Select Catagory" a Must Choose and if not chosen to give message that say"Please Select a Category"
I have a product page that allows each specific item of clothing to have any number of various options. For example the admin may allow that a specific jersey can have your last name on the back and your team number, or maybe your nickname on the sleeve. These options each have an additional price, the name on the back may be $3.00, the number $2.00 and the nickname $5.00. I currently have a function like below that adds the additional fee to the total when you fill in that text box:
$('input').blur(function() { var option = $(this).attr('id'); var value = $(this).val();
and on the shopping cart I want to display:
Custom Name: Williams Custom Number: 17 Custom Nick Name: Booger
I can use PHP to convert customName to Custom Name by looking up that option in the options db table but how do I build the JavaScript Array before I pass it to $_POST? Each element should have the value and price and it's key should be the options name...
I'm trying to make a template generator. I want the visitor to select a background (options: none, color, image). If 'color' or 'image' are selected, I need the appropriate text input field to be displayed.
I've found code to do this which I was able to understand and install. I've also found code that was well beyond my current understanding and that I couldn't get to work to save my life.
The problem is that the code snipped I found and installed is designed to work with a single dropdown, and it's beyond me to figure out how to turn it into a function that could be applied on the page multiple times. I have no idea if it is possible with this piece of script, but that is what I need to have whatever script I use do on the page.
This is the snippet I installed:
function Choose(op) { document.getElementById('None').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('Color').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('Image').style.display='none';
I've tried searching the forums extensively for this, but to no avail, so apologies if it's already been covered..
As the subject of the thread reveals, I want to create two sets of drop down menu's with the contents of the second being triggerred by the option selected on the first. However, I want to retrieve the options set for the 2nd menu via a php/mysql query.
I.e Menu 1 boasts: Users and Members for options.
If I select Members, I want a query to run that selects all Members and outputs as via menu options.
I use $.post like so: $.post("", $.toJSON({ emailAddress: emailAddress }), callback, "json"); this works great..the response of the POST is a json string and that is used in the I added https: $.post("", $.toJSON ({ emailAddress: emailAddress }), callback, "json"); so it is now a cross domain firebug I see that instead of POST'ing like in the http first is sending an OPTIONS verb..why? The webservice doesn't know how to respond to that and gives a 403 forbidden...I need it to just send the POST like it did when it was on the same domain...
I am trying to create a “simple” form with 3 dropdown options which totals up the value of the 3 selections. My script is based on one I have used in the past which used checkboxes… checkboxes work fine, but I can not get the script to work with dropdown options. I can get a string to build but totals are always 0. Code:
I am looking to create a set of three combo boxes with around 15 options in each. If an option is selected in one of the three boxes, it is removed as an option from the others.
I need to get the values of two hidden fields and values that make a query in my database and return this column to a text field in the same form, I have already informed the forum here that can do that with Ajax, researched and made an example But it is not working.
I'm looking for four level connected drop down boxes. Unlike all the scripts I have seen on the internet I need all the options to be available if nothing is selected in the previous drop down. So I want something like combination of connected drop downs and ordinary drop down. If the selection is made, display appropriate options in other drop downs... Hope I'm clear...
I an designing a website and the user need to select from option of three values. Each option selected have a numerical value. On selection the numerical value attached to the selection will be multiplied by the another value in an input box to get a final value.