Multiple Selection Values

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to retrieve selected values from a multiple select object on a page:

*** Selection Page ***

<form name="theForm">
<select name="numbers" MULITPLE>
<option value="1">One</option>
<option value="2">Two</option>
<option value="2">Three</option>

What I want to do is to pass the selected values from "Selection page" to its parent window. Right now, I pass the values by doing this (in JavaScript):

window.opener.parentForm.num.value = document.theForm.numbers.value;

I'm assuming if mulitple selections are made (lets say One and Two are selected), document.theForm.numbers.value will be a collection of the selected option values. Is this correct?

If so, how can I retrieve each option value when coding parent window?

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JQuery :: Find Selection Values On Multiple Dropdowns?

Jan 16, 2011

I've got a form which I want to validate using jQuery to ensure that the same value for a dropdown has not been entered more than once. The form consists of the following:

Code HTML4Strict:
<li class="clonedInput" id="input1">
<select id="player[1][userid]" name="player[1][userid]"></select>
<select class="hours" id="player[1][hours]" name="player[1][hours]"></select>
<select class="mins" id="player[1][mins]" name="player[1][mins]"></select>


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Parsing Returned Values From A Multiple Selection List In A Form

Jan 5, 2007

I have a form that I am using to generate an email with several user
selected fields being part of it. As part of this form, I have a select
box which allows the user to select which email addresses it should be
sent to. The box works great except that the CGI script I'm sending the
values to can only parse a single line for each field in the form. The
issue comes into play when someone selects more than one value in the
select box, the output of the select box seems to separate each value
on a separate line using a line feed (or carriage return, I can't
tell). The format that the CGI script needs is for a single line with
each of these values separated by a comma. I'm confident that a
javascript can do this fairly easily, but unfortunately, I am not very
well versed in javascript. I've found a few code snippets on the web
that I've mangled together, but since I don't really know what I'm
doing, it isn't working out so good. I've included what I have in the
form right now below (note that I've removed all of the other form data
but the select box code to save space). Code:

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JQuery :: Checking Multiple Input Values Against Various Other Hidden Minimum Values

Jul 19, 2011

I have a list of products where they have minimum quantities in a hidden input. Some products have multiple colours, though the same minimum quantity and I'm trying to implement a jQuery check that entries made are at least equal to the minimum.

Blank or '0' entries are fine but if it's below the minimum quantity it should set to the minimum.


Is there something obviously wrong with this? It isn't performing the minimum check and I'm really not sure why.

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Adding Values From Selection Boxes?

Jan 11, 2010

I am trying to take the values of 2 or more select boxes, add them together and then update a text field each time a selection in one of the select boxes is made. Basically, I am trying to keep a running total.

Currently I have it set up so that onchange it grabs the selected value. The problem is that it is being processed as a string I believe. For instance, if there are two variables, a=111 and b=222, the output in the text field reads 111222. I tried using parseInt, but that just returns NaN (not a number?...just a guess).

I have seen this solved with if statements, grabbing the selected index # and then assigning an integer, but I am hoping there is an easier way.

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Multiple Submit Buttons Need Multiple Hidden Values?

Mar 19, 2009

I am setting up a text search with 3 search buttons to allow 3 different searches from the one text box. Each search has different values for the 2 hidden elements. So far I've got the 3 submit buttons working with the below code but I can't figure how to get the hidden values to be inserted. For each of the 3 different submits I need to tell javascript what the 2 hidden values are.

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function OnSubmitForm()
if(document.pressed == 'questions')


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Pass Values To Selection Menu In Modal Window

Jul 23, 2005

I'm trying to figure out how to tackle this problem: I have an XML
table with a cool grid in which users can select a table row. When
they right-click on a cell, they get a modal dialog window with a
selection menu. What I want this thing to do is display the different
values in the row, so that users can make a selection: eventually I
want it to be a filter option > in the selection menu, users can
select the value on which they want the whole table to be filtered.
However, I'm seriously lacking js-skills so I don't know how I should
pass the values from the table row to the selection menu. Code:

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Listing Id's Of Multiple Selection?

Dec 15, 2011

I have a script I am trying to manipulate. I can do some basics with it but really need to work something out.

It is basically a calender script where I can select multiple days. I really need to be able to reference the id's of each day(div) selected and basically list how many have been selected.

I'm guessing this might not be enough to go on so I may need to post all of the code but this is the part that makes me able to select the days (divs):

initBackendEvents:function(){// Init Events for the days of the Calendar.
$('.DOP_BackendBookingCalendar_Day', Container).click(function(){
var day = $(this);
if (!day.hasClass('past_day')){


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JQuery :: How To Set DatePicker With Multiple Selection

Jan 12, 2011

I need to set Jquery Date picker with multiple selection, But condition is to select consecutive date only. How to achieve this?

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Multiple Selection Of Links In Form?

Mar 5, 2011

I'm doing kind of a form that at the end you can pay thru paypal. I have like a table made of anchor tags <a> and each one is styled as a table cell. What I need to do is to have the ability of multiple select this links. It would be: the user select one or more links and then a variable would carry these links name so he could pay with paypal.

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Multiple Variables From One Dropdown Selection

Feb 13, 2010

Is it possible to pull multiple variables from a single dropdown menu selection?

I have this:
function material_choices_menu() /* Provides Specific Gravity for various materials */{
var data = "Material <select name='material'>";
data += "<option value='.926'>CYCOLAC MG47 (ABS)</option>";
data += "<option value='1.050'>CYCOLAC MG47MD (ABS)</option>";
data += "<option value='.958'>CYCOLAC T (ABS)</option>";
data += "</select>";

I'd like to have multiple option values:
function material_choices_menu() /* Provides Specific Gravity for various materials */{
var data = "Material <select name='material'>";
data += "<option value1='.926', option value2='.005-.008'>CYCOLAC MG47 (ABS)</option>";
data += "<option value1='1.050', option value2='.005-.008'>CYCOLAC MG47MD (ABS)</option>";
data += "<option value1='.958', option value2='.005-.008'>CYCOLAC T (ABS)</option>";
data += "</select>";

I plan to use the first value in some math formulas to determine weights and the rest of the values will just be shown as data for the user and/or possibly a link to the datasheet for the material selected.

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JQuery :: Doubts On Multiple Selection Employment?

Sep 21, 2009

As stated in your documentation, it's possible to iniciate the selector with more than one filter of "^=" kind. But when I try to use that feature it doesn's seem to work. Should it work that way? May I actually use two or more filters of that kind (^=) in the same expression?[code]

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Dependable Dropdown Lists (4 Level) With Multiple Selection

Nov 27, 2011

Dependable dropdown lists (4 level)
1 Level dropdown list
2 Level dropdown list
3 Level dropdown list
4 Level dropdown list
Every dropdown list is depends on another dropdown list

For example if I select a value from 1 dropdown list then 2 dropdown list will appear. And then I select a value from 2 dropdown list then 3 dropdown list will appear. And if I select a value from 3 dropdown list then 4 dropdown list. Multiple selection will be enable. It means every dropdown list may have hundreds of values. Thus, In this situation of multiple selection of values I analyze that, use of dropdown isn't suitable because if a dropdown value has 500 related values then these 500 values disturb the page design.

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Jquery :: Sending Array From Multiple Selection Box To Server

May 25, 2010

I have a selection box that allows me to select muliple items. I'm trying to use the click event handler to send an array of multiple selections back to the server using the $.ajax function and I'm having some issues. Below is my html, javascript code, and PHP server-side code:

<label>Select a Color</label><br/>
<select name="ddl" id="multiple" size=9 multiple>
<option value='blue'>Blue</option>
<option value='green'>Green</option>
<option value='red'>Red</option>
<option value='yellow'>Yelllow</option>
<option value='white'>White</option>
<option value='brown'>Brown</option>
<option value='black'>Black</option>
<option value='orange'>Orange</option>
<option value='purple'>Purple</option>
<input name="btn" id="btn" type="button" value="Submit" /><br/><br/><br/>

$(document).ready (
$.ajax ({
type: "POST",
url: "phpMultiple.php",
data: {data: $('#multiple :selected').serialize()},
success: callback
function callback(data, status) {

$data = ($_POST['data']);

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Retain Multiple Checkbox Selection Upon Refresh Or Using Pagination?

Jun 11, 2010

Can we retain multiple checkbox selection upon refresh or using pagination for few hundred records? There is a page where user sees all the items which has search box on the field column to perform searches and select items using checkbox besides those items. While searching the items page result changes and previous selected value is lost. Also the selection is lost when I use the pagination link below the result.

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One Checkbox With Multiple Values?

Nov 2, 2010

I am trying to do some JavaScript calculation with checkboxes, and have been able to modify some codes to do bits of what i want to do. (Screenshot attached) However, i want each checkbox to have multiple values, and therefore multiple results.

I can't find any examples, but i've come across something similar with Radio buttons [URL].. I don't 'get' the example enough to proceed. My question is, is it even possible to do with a checkbox, and if so how do i go about doing it please?

The Javascript code:

function count() {
var item1price = 10;
var item2price = 50;
var item3price = 1100;
var item4price = 100;


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Get Multiple Values OnChange?

Apr 23, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how I can pass multiple values to my javascript from one selectbox. code...

As you can see the product_id get passed to the javascript, but it is essential that I get the price and color id passed along... Is that possible, and if

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Multiple Values For Checkbox?

Nov 2, 2010

I am trying out checkbox total calculator code examples, which automatically calculates the values of checked/unchecked items, and so far so good. My question is if it's at all possible for each checkbox to have multiple values, so i can have different sets of totals? I have been looking for examples all over with no luck. I have seen examples for Radio buttons, which separates the different totals with commas, but i don't have enough JavaScript experience to understand it fully.

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Calculate Multiple Values

Apr 17, 2007

I have a table which I have made work where I put some values in and the script works out the result on an onChange event.

My question is that I want to make the table rows populate from a database so each of the javascript values will have to be unique for the value to be worked out on a specific row calculation.

The code as it is works out the single value but how would i go about using the mechanics of the code to apply to multiple lines in the table. Code:

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Using Multiple Return Values ?

Jun 10, 2009

I was looking at some public code for detecting browser version/type as well as the new IE8 compatibility view. The code does a return of multiple values but I can't figure out how to use them in my html code.

I've managed to figure out most of what the code is doing but I haven't figured out how to access the returned information. I've only been coding JavaScript for a short time so I'm stumped.

Here's the code:


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Getting Multiple Values From Option?

Apr 23, 2009

I have a drop down box in a form like this...

<select name="product[]" id="unitcost">
<option value="92">92mm</option>
<option value="130">130mm</option>

The value selected is passed to a shopping cart. However, I also need to pass a unit price which is different depending on the value selected.

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JQuery :: Finding The Multiple Values?

May 11, 2009

<pre><code><font size="4"><span>

Is there a way to find multiple values?This script checks <u>name = ben</u>, what about I want to check if <u>name = ben</u> and <u>name = joe</u>?

var</span><span> items </span><span>=</span><span> </span><span>[{</span><span>id</span><span>:</span><span>1</span><span>,</span><span> name</span><span>:</span><span>'bob'</span><span>},</span><span> </span><span>{</span><span>id</span><span>:</span><span>2</span><span>,


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Search An Replace Multiple Values At Once?

Jun 14, 2009

In a string (that contain the Flash version installed), I want to replace:

all "," by "."
"win" by <nothing>
all spaces by <nothing>
So far I do it this way:
strFlashVer = strFlashVer.replace(/,/g, '.');
strFlashVer = strFlashVer.replace('win', '');
strFlashVer = strFlashVer.replace(/ /g, '');

but I'm sure theres better way (I'm not really good with reg exp).

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Getting Values From Multiple Radio Sets?

Jul 26, 2009

I am having trouble getting values from multiple radio sets. I know it is probably elementary, but this is the code I am using:

Radio Set 1
<input type="radio" name="radSafe1" value="AR" id="radSafe1" onClick="SetFocus('1_1')"/> </label>  <label>


Well, I am using the alert function to test the values, but no matter what is checked, even if none are, the values for both of them are always "AR".

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Getting The Values Of Multiple Checked Checkboxes?

Dec 2, 2010

I'm having problems getting the values of selected checkboxes and outputting them to a textarea. This seems like quite a simple thing to do but its causing me a lot of bother! I am using a mixture of JavaScript and jQuery to find a solution to this.

<h2>Booking Form</h2>
<form name="booking">
Please choose the days that would suit your visit: <br/>
<input type="checkbox" name="days" value="Monday">Monday<br/>
<input type="checkbox" name="days" value="Tuesday">Tuesday<br/>
<input type="checkbox" name="days" value="Wednesday">Wednesday<br/>


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Check For Equivalence To Multiple Values?

Sep 9, 2011

I have to check for several possible values of a variable and I currently do it like so:
(SHIP_TYPE == "M" || SHIP_TYPE == "S" || SHIP_TYPE == "X")
But this seems overly manual to me. I'm imagining something like the SQL "IN" function:
SHIP_TYPE IN ('M','S','X')
Does such a thing exist in JavaScript, or do I need to write my own function?

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