I'm trying to figure out how I can pass multiple values to my javascript from one selectbox. code...
As you can see the product_id get passed to the javascript, but it is essential that I get the price and color id passed along... Is that possible, and if yes.how?
I have a scenario with 3 x 12 textfields and looking for a javascript that could do the trick.
What I'm looking for is a smart way of extracting the values of the first three textfields and then multiply them. This will be done for all 12 rows. I then would like to add the result from the 12 rows together to create a final value that will be presented in a seperate textfield.
row1=value1*value2*value3; row2 =value1*value2*value4; and so on....untill row12. then row1+row2+...row12
To show you what I mean I've created a small page with 3 x 2 fields at this link: [URL] The idea is then to have 12 rows and not two. Also - it should call for the function onChange.
I guess combind all the values in three seperate arrays, multiply and then add the values together could do the trick, but so far I havn't manage to do this. Maybe a for(i<12)-code could help.
I have a list of products where they have minimum quantities in a hidden input. Some products have multiple colours, though the same minimum quantity and I'm trying to implement a jQuery check that entries made are at least equal to the minimum.
Blank or '0' entries are fine but if it's below the minimum quantity it should set to the minimum.
Is there something obviously wrong with this? It isn't performing the minimum check and I'm really not sure why.
In our class we were assigned a project to create a Web page with 5 text boxes, each with a value attribute of zero. When the user changes the values, it is supposed to call a caclAvg() function. How do I pass 5 values to the calcAvg() function? It specifically states in our book to create an onChange event handler for each textbox. Wouldn't it be easier to somehow create a variable onChange, then after all 5 textboxes have changed, pass the 5 variables along to the function? I know the following code is a mess, I've tried so many ways now. I'm sure this is an easy, routine procedure for most of you.
I have two basic select lists and I want to automatically submit the values from the first list once they select from the second list using onchange. how to get the multiple values from the first select.
So basically I want them to select a state or states from the first list and in the second list they can choose from some data parameters to query within those zip codes. So once they select data parameter(s)... the onchange should kick in and pass both the zip code selections and data parameters to the getData function.
By using state.value I get ONE of the select items and not multiple. And I've tried state[] and variations of state[].value or state.value[]... no luck.
The onchange=getData is a function that puts together a URL to get data from another page. So I really need to pass something like state[]=1&state[]=2
Therefore it seems like the state select needs it's own onchange to run a local function that formats this URL string??? then how do I get that value?
I have it working as two completely seperate form elements but I really want to make these two selects one form/step that they have to complete.
I got a very good select script that produces multiple values and it works fine by itself but I have two other instances of the same script on the same page. I know that multiple scripts don't work on the same page unless you execute the onChange for all three. But I dont have a clue how to do that. Code:
I've done extensive searching, but each example or explanation I come across is too different from my own, so it's ultimately no use. The problem is that I barely know anything when it comes to Javascript, but yet I'm trying to use it. I have a form on a page. This form contains 6 <select> elements, each with its own <option>Other</option> element. If something isn't listed, the user can choose "Other" and then type into a textbox which appears.
I have the following code, which works great if only applied to one <select> element. <select name="How did you hear about us?" id="How did you hear about us?" onchange="makeBox1()"> <option value="0" selected="selected">-- Select --</option> <option value="1">Search Engine</option> <option value="2">Referral</option> <option value="3">Trade Publication</option> <option value="4">Vendor Web Site</option> <option value="5">Your Company Website</option> <option value="6">Direct Mail</option> <option value="7">Other</option> </select><div id = "inputBox1"></div> <script type = "text/javascript"> function makeBox1() { var a = "<input type = 'text' name = 'box1' id = 'box1' class='form popup'>" if (document.getElementById("How did you hear about us?").value==7) { document.getElementById("inputBox1").innerHTML = a; } else { document.getElementById("inputBox1").innerHTML = ""; }} </script>
I've read that you have to combine onchange events, but I have no idea how to do this (I've done plenty of trial and error, trying to make every item unique, but to no avail.
I am setting up a text search with 3 search buttons to allow 3 different searches from the one text box. Each search has different values for the 2 hidden elements. So far I've got the 3 submit buttons working with the below code but I can't figure how to get the hidden values to be inserted. For each of the 3 different submits I need to tell javascript what the 2 hidden values are.
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function OnSubmitForm() { if(document.pressed == 'questions') {
I am trying to tie the value of an image src to two onChange events. the events are drop down boxes in a form. I do have a couple of single event driven peices working so I think my logic is sound. I originally tried to do this with multiple if statements that tested both conditions/events. I have since given each event it's own function. I have no idea what i am doing wrong. the onChange events have no effect on the image display at all. The default image just stays in place. My JS knowledge is limited but it looks correct as far as I can tell. What am I missing.Here are the functions:
I have a series of dropdowns that allow the user to choose country, province and town respectively. The province dropdown is populated by an Ajax function when the user chooses their country, and the town dropdown is likewise populated by the user's selection in the province dropdown. This all works fine.
Of course, my client now wants to add a "major centres" dropdown between the province and town selection. This seemed straightforward to me, however in practice it's proving problematic. The "major centres" are drawn from the same dataset as the towns, however an extra flag is applied so that only records flagged as "main centre" appear.
Called separately , both the town dropdown and the main centre dropdown are populated. However, the problem comes in when the onChange event which is meant to update both dropdowns simultaneously fires. Watching the network behavior in Firefox, I see that calls to the ASP files which populate the town and major centre dropdowns DO happen, though only one of the calls actually returns values. I've checked this in IE7 also, and the same thing happens.
My function is called from the Province dropdown, like so:
what might cause only the one dataset to be returned via Ajax? Either the towns are populated or the major centres, depending on which order I call the two handleOnChange functions from my callOthers function. As I said, BOTH Ajax calls are made, however only the results of ONE are being used in my page. Could this problem be related to 2 Ajax calls being made too close together?
First time here. I have had no luck searching on Google or here regarding this. I am trying to tie the value of an image src to two onChange events. the events are drop down boxes in a form. I do have a couple of single event driven peices working so I think my logic is sound. I originally tried to do this with multiple if statements that tested both conditions/events. I have since given each event it's own function. I have no idea what i am doing wrong. the onChange events have no effect on the image display at all. The default image just stays in place. My JS knowledge is limited but it looks correct as far as I can tell. What am I missing.
The simplified code below works, and should give you an idea of what Im trying to achieve. The final version will have dozens of input fields so you can see why the below method stinks :D
<html><head><title>Values</title> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function getid() {
Each text input will have A or B written in by the user, which should automatically place that letters associated ID in its partner field. If any other letter is entered the ID will automatically be left blank.
With the above code I'd need to repeat it over and over for each of the dozens of input fields. The final version wont be using simply A/B either but around 50 possible inputs each with their own ID which would make around 1000 possible variations.
Show/hide table rows via select menu choices - And I changed my Javascript up a little so that I would have an easier time remembering it.Here are the codes:
I put the following line in the onchange tag of a listbox to use the values to manipulate an iframe: document.getElementById('viewer').src=('Location_Files/')+(this.value)+('.htm') There it works perfectly but I wanted to do more so I decided to build a function around it:
function display() { document.getElementById('viewer').src=('Location_Files/')+(this.value)+('.htm') }
When I put the function in the onchange tag instead, the iframe tries to work but I get a "can't load page" message like the src is broken. Now when I first made that line it took me hours to figure out that I can't use a "" because if I do it fails. So I went with "/" and that works but I wonder if that rules change when I specify it in the java script instead of in the onchange tag itself. Either way it still breaks if I try to use "".
What I want to do is to pass the selected values from "Selection page" to its parent window. Right now, I pass the values by doing this (in JavaScript):
I'm assuming if mulitple selections are made (lets say One and Two are selected), document.theForm.numbers.value will be a collection of the selected option values. Is this correct?
If so, how can I retrieve each option value when coding parent window?
I am trying to do some JavaScript calculation with checkboxes, and have been able to modify some codes to do bits of what i want to do. (Screenshot attached) However, i want each checkbox to have multiple values, and therefore multiple results.
I can't find any examples, but i've come across something similar with Radio buttons [URL].. I don't 'get' the example enough to proceed. My question is, is it even possible to do with a checkbox, and if so how do i go about doing it please?
The Javascript code:
function count() { var item1price = 10; var item2price = 50; var item3price = 1100; var item4price = 100;
I am trying out checkbox total calculator code examples, which automatically calculates the values of checked/unchecked items, and so far so good. My question is if it's at all possible for each checkbox to have multiple values, so i can have different sets of totals? I have been looking for examples all over with no luck. I have seen examples for Radio buttons, which separates the different totals with commas, but i don't have enough JavaScript experience to understand it fully.
I have a table which I have made work where I put some values in and the script works out the result on an onChange event.
My question is that I want to make the table rows populate from a database so each of the javascript values will have to be unique for the value to be worked out on a specific row calculation.
The code as it is works out the single value but how would i go about using the mechanics of the code to apply to multiple lines in the table. Code:
I was looking at some public code for detecting browser version/type as well as the new IE8 compatibility view. The code does a return of multiple values but I can't figure out how to use them in my html code.
I've managed to figure out most of what the code is doing but I haven't figured out how to access the returned information. I've only been coding JavaScript for a short time so I'm stumped.
Is there something that will update as soon as the user changes information in a textbox as appose to what onChange does, which is update once the focus has been taken off of the textbox? I am writing a custom cart and I am using AJAX to update the price according to how many they are ordering, I was hoping to have it update the price as soon as the user put in the volume, but it doesnt update until the user clicks somewhere else on the page.
In a string (that contain the Flash version installed), I want to replace:
all "," by "." "win" by <nothing> all spaces by <nothing> So far I do it this way: strFlashVer = strFlashVer.replace(/,/g, '.'); strFlashVer = strFlashVer.replace('win', ''); strFlashVer = strFlashVer.replace(/ /g, '');
but I'm sure theres better way (I'm not really good with reg exp).
I'm having problems getting the values of selected checkboxes and outputting them to a textarea. This seems like quite a simple thing to do but its causing me a lot of bother! I am using a mixture of JavaScript and jQuery to find a solution to this.
<h2>Booking Form</h2> <form name="booking"> Please choose the days that would suit your visit: <br/> <input type="checkbox" name="days" value="Monday">Monday<br/> <input type="checkbox" name="days" value="Tuesday">Tuesday<br/> <input type="checkbox" name="days" value="Wednesday">Wednesday<br/>