Ajax :: Calling Multiple Function On Single Onchange()?
Sep 12, 2010
Actually i made two ajax function on single onchange() but when i fetch value on next page it will generate null pointer exception .The code is here..
<script language="javascript">
function disease_desc(id,type,desc)
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Feb 25, 2009
I have a series of dropdowns that allow the user to choose country, province and town respectively. The province dropdown is populated by an Ajax function when the user chooses their country, and the town dropdown is likewise populated by the user's selection in the province dropdown. This all works fine.
Of course, my client now wants to add a "major centres" dropdown between the province and town selection. This seemed straightforward to me, however in practice it's proving problematic. The "major centres" are drawn from the same dataset as the towns, however an extra flag is applied so that only records flagged as "main centre" appear.
Called separately , both the town dropdown and the main centre dropdown are populated. However, the problem comes in when the onChange event which is meant to update both dropdowns simultaneously fires. Watching the network behavior in Firefox, I see that calls to the ASP files which populate the town and major centre dropdowns DO happen, though only one of the calls actually returns values. I've checked this in IE7 also, and the same thing happens.
My function is called from the Province dropdown, like so:
<select name="Province" id="Province" onChange="callOthers(this);">
<option value="">---</option>
what might cause only the one dataset to be returned via Ajax? Either the towns are populated or the major centres, depending on which order I call the two handleOnChange functions from my callOthers function. As I said, BOTH Ajax calls are made, however only the results of ONE are being used in my page. Could this problem be related to 2 Ajax calls being made too close together?
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Jul 20, 2010
I'm trying to build a t-shirt creator application w/ php and ajax.You can see where I'm at here.Thus far, I've successfully passed the first parameter from the form via a function called from an onchange event, which uses a php script to pass simple text (for the time being, 'til i get this figured out), which you can see working on the page.trying to update the output w/ each change they make via the form. For every step, the output on the right needs to update.Should I be calling the same function for each onchange, or different functions? Here's what I'm using as far as AJAX/form goes:
function showShirt(s) {
if (s=="") {[code]...........
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Mar 16, 2010
I am trying to tie the value of an image src to two onChange events. the events are drop down boxes in a form. I do have a couple of single event driven peices working so I think my logic is sound. I originally tried to do this with multiple if statements that tested both conditions/events. I have since given each event it's own function. I have no idea what i am doing wrong. the onChange events have no effect on the image display at all. The default image just stays in place. My JS knowledge is limited but it looks correct as far as I can tell. What am I missing.Here are the functions:
function dropdownimageMidC()
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Mar 16, 2010
First time here. I have had no luck searching on Google or here regarding this. I am trying to tie the value of an image src to two onChange events. the events are drop down boxes in a form. I do have a couple of single event driven peices working so I think my logic is sound. I originally tried to do this with multiple if statements that tested both conditions/events. I have since given each event it's own function. I have no idea what i am doing wrong. the onChange events have no effect on the image display at all. The default image just stays in place. My JS knowledge is limited but it looks correct as far as I can tell. What am I missing.
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Jul 20, 2005
I am trying to call 2 functions from the 1 onMouseOver event on an
anchor tag, but I can't seem to get it to work. the following should
<a onMouseOver="ShowMenu('Menu3');AddMenuToHoldArray('Menu3')">Menu
I have tried a number of variations, like adding "javascript:" in
front of the first call, and returning True of False from the first
function, but Icant get the second function to fire after the first
one has.
by using alerts, and wathcing what IS occuring, I know that the first
is being called, but the second isn't.
I did this once some years back, but I can't seem to rember how I did,
it, and none of the example that I have located have helped, so can
anyone point me in the right direction?
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Jul 19, 2011
I have a web page that has a short flash show on it, then it redirects to the main site index page, using a setTimout in body onload. That was all working fine. Now I need to add an OS detection function to redirect iphone and ipad users immediately (bypassing the flash pape). So, I have 2 functions that need to be in the body onload. I figured the logical thing to do would be to write another function that calls the first 2, then put that one in the onload. But now nothing is working. I have played with in for an hour with no luck.
Just as a note: Original, before I had to add the OS detection, there was just the delayer function, and it was called thusly:
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Jul 23, 2005
I am using a javafunction (onclick in select) in which i am calling a
function in php (thats why i send this to both php and javascript
in the onclick i call the function "Place_Selected" with the value from the
select (naam_keuze.value)
in the function the value becomes the $zoek_id and searches in the database
for the record with the id of $zoek_id
the naam_keuze.value does not give the value to $zoek_id When i replace naam_keuze.value for a number (15) i works great.
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Dec 18, 2010
The general outline is that I have part of a page that deals with the addition, editing and deletion of upcoming events. Data is stored in a MySQL table. The form design (in traditional terms) would be very simple requiring three fields, one for the Event Name, one for the Event Description and one (hidden) to identify the UniqueID of the event in the MySQL table. (As the reference to make edits.) The table therefore has 3 fields. (There are more such as Timestamp, clientID etc, but they are not important here.)
I envisage three functions, one to add, one to edit and one to delete the event listed on the page. I have 3 php files eventadd.php, eventedit.php and eventdelete.php which speak for themselves.However, this is where I have the problem. What I have been doing is returning the xmlhttpresponse as a formatted HTML page for the two 'form' elements because whilst I can return unformatted text containing the relevant fields in one response, I don't know how to break that down into two sections for the innerHTML of the two 'form' elements that change.
Returning a formatted page does work, but as well as being slower than neccessary, I am also running into character-set encoding issues and I just know that I am not doing this properly. I can supply code and things, but I have a feeling that this problem will have come up somewhere and probably has a recognized solution because to me it seems to be such an obvious requirement to be able to populate several form elements with fields from one recordset.
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Dec 11, 2007
i have 4 images that expand onMouseOver and shrink onMouseOut
<script src = 'js/size.js'>
<div id = 'img1' onMouseOver = "expand(this.id)" onMouseOut = "shrink(this.id)">
<img src = ...>
<div id = 'img2' onMouseOver = "expand(this.id)" onMouseOut = "shrink(this.id)">
<img src = ...>
question: when i quickly move the mouse from one image to the other shouldn't i see one expand and one shrink simultaneously? i am currently seeing one shrink, then the other expand after. on occasion the shrink is skipped and the next image is expanded right away.
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Jan 20, 2010
Here is the application for this javascript.
When the.slide-button-one(top 'Profile', 'Clients' or 'Contact' links) is clicked,#main-content-portfolio (white-background div) slides down and the display is set to none. This reveals#main-content-info (grey-background div).
Currently however, the display value of #main-content-portfolio is set to none BEFORE the slide. How can I switch this order of events?
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Apr 21, 2010
I have a grid that uses RowAltRow as the classes for the rows...is there a way to have the hover applied to both instead of having to define it twice (or more)?
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Mar 1, 2009
I have an html page which currently has two different text input (I'd like to add more if I can get the two to work!) I then want to output the calculated taxes (eventually I want to add on calculated profit as well) then output the taxes to my page.
My question is, if I input 2 or more dollar amounts, how can I have just one function that calls each of the input ids so I can run them all through one function instead of a different function for each name id? Right now I have a jillion lines of code, and it seems like I should be able to enter each one of these through one function.
Also, is it possible to convert my text to parseFloat within that same one function? Or do I need a separate function that converts each name id to parseFloat?
this is the segment of the html page:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="calculate.js">
This is one portion of my function that calculates taxes. You can see I have "amount1" called in the function, this is where I am confused as to how I can change this code to call "amount1" then "amount2", then more and more as I want to be able to add on as many amount fields as I would like.
function calculate(getvalueFromField){
if (amount1 > 0 && amount1 <= 5000) {
taxincome = amount1 * .10;
return taxincome;
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Nov 19, 2007
JavaScript is not my strong point though and I have found that the previous web editor has a lot of repeat functions on the pages.
My idea is to create an external .js file and just call the function...it is for a rotating banner ad. The problem is the the function is called in the <Body> tag..this means that I have to change 100's of pages by adding the call function to the tag on every page.
Is there a way I can call the function as well as adding the function to the onLoad event.
I have tried adding "window.onload = rotateBanner;" to the beginning of my javaScript but it does not seem to work...what am I doing wrong
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Aug 27, 2008
I have a page that has php code at the top. Ajax before the body tag and a form. I need to be able to call a php function (the one at the top of my page) that adds info from the form into the DB. Normally I'd do this in the traditional sense of "if($_REQUEST('submit')" but I have a jquery progress bar that works with ajax to request progress data from the server. The following code is the code that retrieves the data from the server:
if (@$_GET['id']) {
echo json_encode(uploadprogress_get_info($_GET['id']));
This as you can see executes repeatedly till the upload is finished. The problem is I can't incorporate my database insertion code with this because the progress bar stops working altogether.
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Oct 3, 2011
I can't seem to get the syntax correct to get this to work. I'm sure it is something simple.I want to call multiple functions inside my document.ready function.The first function gets called but not the second.
function GetSuspectCollection() {
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Jun 22, 2009
I am using jquery 1.3.2 and I want to call a function define in ajax file.form php file. How can I do that.
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Jul 2, 2009
Just getting my feet wet with AJAX and trying to figure out how I can make a javascript call to a specific PHP function in another file when I have a drop down menu change value using DOM. I've found lots of examples of how it could be done with GET variables, but none for this particular method of data retrieval. Has anyone ever ran into this, and if so, how did you solve this interesting deliema?
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Jul 5, 2010
if i am using jquery's $.ajax to load content and the content in the url ('test.php')
is <script type="text/javascript">function test() {alert('test called');
how do i get the function test() to execute?as if i call it (from the parent page in the success function)i get told it is undefined
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Aug 5, 2009
I have some modules on my web site that have HTML similiar to this, where the tab is a dynamic generated number:
Basically, anytime someone presses the close class from one of tabs, using AJAX it eliminates it from their page. However, since their are multiple close classes on the page, its calling the AJAX a number of times if they have multiple tabs.
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Jul 17, 2011
I have a form button with id="submit". When pressed, ClickGeocode(credentials) is called. This works fine and dandy with: $('submit").click(ClickGeocode) Despite there being no indication that the function takes an argument 'credentials'. So when I want to call the function at some point in my code, I should be able to do something like ClickGeocode(credentials) ... no? However, my issue is that credentials isn't once defined in my code - it is part of Bing Maps function... like so:
function ClickGeocode(credentials)
So why does it work using .click(), and how can I call the function without user interaction (simply somewhere in my code) even if 'credentials' is not defined?
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Mar 15, 2010
I am looking for a way to add multiple items with a single URL to my shopping cart.
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Mar 15, 2010
I am looking for a way to add multiple items with a single URL to my shopping cart. Is this possible?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a JSP page with several forms on it. Some of these forms are
generated dynamically, and each of them submits some information to a
Handling one form is easy, as I can simply make the form post to
itself, and handle the
data using a single bean. Since I have multiple forms, I now have a
problem. Several of the forms on the page handle the same type of data
(same input names), and a 'setproperty *' call for each of the form
beans would change data in several beasn, not just the form/bean that
sent the data.
I am attempting to write a separate JSP with a single bean that
handles a form submission. However, I'm not sure how to make this page
go back to the referring page from which the data was submitted.
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Jan 16, 2010
I have developed one project and in that i have taken two css now i want to add jquery effects in that, But my display is not properely adjusted and extra enlargement is done so how i can add jquery in my php project without affecting another effect? And one more thing where i can get the jquery effect codes?
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Jan 19, 2010
How to use multiple .js files in a single web page??Is it possible to use both external .js file and inbuilt java script functions in a single page?
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