Grab All Text Between <START> And <END>?
Jun 23, 2010
I am trying to grab all text between <START> and <END> and have the following bits of code, but neither are returning anything. I use JS so rarely that I can't see where the problems are -
var ermtext = response.match(/<START>(.*?)<END>/i);
if (ermtext) {
result.ermtext = ermtext.replace("$1");
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Jun 24, 2010
So I have the following xml:<ingredient name="rice"><us>1 cup</us><metric>250 mL</metric> of uncooked Korean rice</ingredient>
I want grab only the "of uncooked Korean rice" part. I tried to use text() but it would grab the text from inside the "us" and "metric" element.
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Jun 17, 2010
I want to get the cursor start and end position of a selected range in a text-field or text-area. i tried lot of functions in various forums. but when the last character of the selection is a new line character JavaScript ignore it in IE6. any one having idea ?
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Dec 15, 2011
I have an <a> tag that inside it has text. I want to select just a certain area. For example lets say we have this: <a name="product">Apple Price:$5.00</a> Lets say I have that and I want to go to this tag named product and want to just grab $5.00. How can I do that. How can I convert that to a number?
Also, what if I want to change that price to $0.00 how would you do that? does jquery do regular expressions?
I need to do all that. be able to replace $5.00 the dollar amount to any other amount.
I also do want to grab the dollar value and use it as a number. To compute the total charges.How would one do this?
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Mar 19, 2010
This should be fairly straightforward but I'm having some unexpected trouble.
I have a form with an input [code]...
...the value attribute 'search me' is what is displayed on default page load.
If I focus on the text field and type into it, "Hello World!"
How can I see that new value?
I've tried the obvious [code]...
How can I pick up the new value on the fly? It must be possible, no?
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Sep 10, 2011
My question is located here:[URL]... what I have is div 1 this div 1 has <a> tags appended to this div. It's a list of items the client selected to buy. so I have these <a> tags. I want to generate a invoice or a summary of the order and append the new <a> tags in a new div we will call this div 2.
for example lets say I have 5 apples at $1 each ordered and 3 oranges at $5 each for one order placed In div 2 I want to go to div 1 and grab the text name of the item and only grab the names once. No need to have multiple of the same item names. I will then create a new <a> tag and then append it to that div 2. Inside these <a> tag will be something like: Apple amount order 5 total $5.00 Orange amount order 3 total $15.00 Total amount due: $20.00 so in div 1 there be lots of <a> tags and you will see at least 3 apples ordered but it be listed as aseparateitem.
In the invoice or summary of the order I want to sum up the order. So I just want to let the client know your ordering 3 apples at a total of $5 for those apples. You ordered 3 oranges at a total of $15 which makes the bill to come out to be $20 dollars.
how can I grab from the <a> tag list only text that hasn't been grabbed yet. I don't want to display the word apple 3 times since there are 3 times that the client selected to order. How can jquery filter such requests. I just want to grab the text or names of the items. Then display that name once. if that name appears more then once in the div 1 then in div 2 you will say just the item name once but show how many of that item you ordered.
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Dec 2, 2010
Im a bit curious about this Facebook's useful functionality. When I paste a URL on the 'What's on your mind?' box, it almost perfectly gets the body of the article. How does Facebook do this?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have the following simple code:
<TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" ONCLICK="myform.color.value =
<FORM ACTION="hello.cgi" NAME="myform" ID="myform">
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="color" SIZE="10" MAXLENGTH="10">
When I click on the cell, the text input box shows 'undefined'. How
can I insert the cell's bgcolor hex code (#FFFFFF) into the form's
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Jan 28, 2010
I require to highlight the text on the webpage. For that I am using document.getSelection() function to get the selected text and then replace the text with the highlighted text. It works fine but have some problem with that.
If user has selected a single word rather then a long text to highlight, and if it's a common word, It will find many words in the text and will highlight the first word it encounters no matter user has selected it or not.
So I need to have a function that returns me the start and end index of the selected text from the html text.
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Feb 15, 2007
I am creating a little html editor, and I want to highlight a chunk of
unformatted text, click a <buttonand put a <pand the beginning and
a </pat the end. I assume there is a DOM element relating to this,
can anybody help please ?
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Nov 11, 2009
how I can get a text input box to start with a single quote/tick?
I tried this but with no luck...
Quote: <script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<input type=text value=');
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Dec 22, 2010
I have found this nice background rotator:
/*Remove below line to make bgimage NOT fixed*/
background-repeat: no-repeat;
when i run it, i have to wait the 9000 timer to c the first image, and i need the page to start with an image and then start the rotation, i have assigned background-image by css, and tried also to use document.body.background, but when i do this the rotator doesnt work.
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Sep 15, 2005
I am trying to use a regEx to grab Function names and function parameter names from a text entry.
The script is written in javascript and I expect the functions to be in javascript syntax.
For example the code might look like:
function myFunction1(param1,param2,param3){
some code
function myFunction2();
function myFunction3(param);
Whats the best way to accomplish grabbing the function names and parameters?
Should I be breaking it down into multiple regular expressions?
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Aug 6, 2010
im searching for a plugin/code example for text scrolling. I got some text in a <div> if text is longer than for example 300px it gets cut and is scrolling from start to end, stops for a second and then scrolls back, stops and all over, and if its not long enough than 300px then just displays normaly. Something similar to the Song name scrolling inin anyMP3 player.
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Feb 6, 2010
I have a start date and end date text boxs. What I would like to achieve is when a submit button is clicked all the available dates between start and end dates should be displayed together with 3 check boxes next to each date (please see below). I am just wondering whether that'sachievablewith jquery, and if so, how I might be able to implement this.
Start date End date
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Sep 4, 2006
I wonder if someone could tell me where I am going wrong with this script.
The original implementation of finding a DL list and separating it by dt |
dd groups and making new DL's from them worked good. It found only one DL by
The problem I am having is now to process multiple lists in which are found
now by a unique class name on the DL instead of getElementById and only
processing one DL. I'm not really sure how to explain where I am going wrong
but here is the code....
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Sep 8, 2006
Is there a way to find which element in an object array the keyword 'this'
is acting upon?
For example:
function doMe(){
var aTags = document.getElementById("list").getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i=0; i<aTags.length; i++) {
aTags[i].onclick=function() {
this.className = "myClass";
Inside of this function is there a way to determine where in the array this
'this' is and return the integer?
var theID = this.somethingOrOtherThatWouldGiveMeTheNumber;
var elementID = document.getElementById("myDiv"+theID);
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Sep 20, 2006
I have a PHP script that displays my online status and shows a window
if I am online, or doesn't show anything if I am offline.
I'd like to include the content of this remote PHP file inside a web
page using JS. I have created an xmlHttpRequest script to do that but
it doesn't work as expected... It should work just like the status.php
file, but instead, the content doesn't show up in IE, and in Opera, it
it stuck in the upper-left corner...
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Apr 26, 2011
I'm trying to grab a value passed in from a URL, i.e:
And I would like to grab the "foo" entry, with the value passed in. I'm guessing this can be done, but I can't find a way?
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Apr 27, 2011
I'm trying to use the "selectable" feature - and need to find the IDs of the DIVs which have been selected. When I run the code below, all I keep getting is the ID of the first DIV in the selectable DIV (ie. 2011-01-01).
<html lang="en">
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Nov 20, 2011
I am printing some info to a page when it loads echo'ing via PHP/MySQL and here is one div:
<div id
="0058><b title=
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Dec 4, 2009
I want to be able to grab variables from the GET data in a URL....
so I have index.php?var1=test&var2=test2
How can I use javascript/jquery to get those variables? Is there an easy way without using split and whatnot? How can I do this?
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May 28, 2009
Would like to check if there is anyway where i can use javascript to grab the keyword of .doc and .pdf file.
because when i right-click on the files, and click on properties. there will be a tab at the top (Summary for .doc and PDF for .pdf), and upon clickin there will the description, author and keywords. so im just wondering if there is any way to grab the value?
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Jun 23, 2009
Is there a way to grab the URL for the page that sent the user? I have links coming in from several pages and would prefer not to create a separate back link for each one... is there a way to do this dynamically?
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Aug 27, 2009
I have a data like the format below. How would I only extract the following data: meet, run into, encounter, run across, come across, see (The data after "Sense 1" and stops before the next "Sense #"?code...
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Aug 30, 2006
I'm trying to grab all of the elements of a DL, specifically the <a href>'s
grouping them by the DD's. I suppose if I can just get them into groups I
can get the href's later. The hard part is getting them grouped as explained
below. For example...
<dl id="dlList">
<dt><a href="#2">DT Item1<span>(1)</span></a></dt>
<dd><a href="#">DD Item1<span>(2)</span></a></dd>
<dd><a href="#">DD Item2<span>(1)</span></a></dd>
<dd><a href="#">DD Item3<span>(1)</span></a></dd>
<dt><a href="#1">DT Item1<span>(1)</span></a></dt>
<dd><a href="#">DD Item1<span>(1)</span></a></dd>
<dd><a href="#">DD Item2<span>(1)</span></a></dd>
Is there a way to say, loop through the DL until it finds a DT. Whe it finds
one, grab it and all of the DD's that immediately follow it .. until it
comes to another DT. Group it with its DD's and continue until no more DT's
are found.
Then maybe take these collections and possibly populate an array with the
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