I wonder if someone could tell me where I am going wrong with this script.
The original implementation of finding a DL list and separating it by dt |
dd groups and making new DL's from them worked good. It found only one DL by
The problem I am having is now to process multiple lists in which are found
now by a unique class name on the DL instead of getElementById and only
processing one DL. I'm not really sure how to explain where I am going wrong
but here is the code....
I'm trying to grab all of the elements of a DL, specifically the <a href>'s grouping them by the DD's. I suppose if I can just get them into groups I can get the href's later. The hard part is getting them grouped as explained below. For example...
Is there a way to say, loop through the DL until it finds a DT. Whe it finds one, grab it and all of the DD's that immediately follow it .. until it comes to another DT. Group it with its DD's and continue until no more DT's are found.
Then maybe take these collections and possibly populate an array with the groups?
I have never used this object before and don't know a whole lot about javascript or DOM. I am trying to create a select menu so that when you click an option it turns the display attribute of the coorosponding div to just "" from the initial "none". This works fine just by grabbing the right ID.
I also want to hide all other divs, even if they were previsously selected by mistake, so I thought I could use the get elements by tage name object to grab all the divs and then edit their display to "none". Maybe this is completely the wrong way to go about what I want to do, because eventually there will have to be forms nested within these divs.
I have a PHP script that displays my online status and shows a window if I am online, or doesn't show anything if I am offline.
I'd like to include the content of this remote PHP file inside a web page using JS. I have created an xmlHttpRequest script to do that but it doesn't work as expected... It should work just like the status.php file, but instead, the content doesn't show up in IE, and in Opera, it it stuck in the upper-left corner...
I'm trying to grab a value passed in from a URL, i.e: test.html?foo=bar And I would like to grab the "foo" entry, with the value passed in. I'm guessing this can be done, but I can't find a way?
I'm trying to use the "selectable" feature - and need to find the IDs of the DIVs which have been selected. When I run the code below, all I keep getting is the ID of the first DIV in the selectable DIV (ie. 2011-01-01).
Would like to check if there is anyway where i can use javascript to grab the keyword of .doc and .pdf file.
because when i right-click on the files, and click on properties. there will be a tab at the top (Summary for .doc and PDF for .pdf), and upon clickin there will the description, author and keywords. so im just wondering if there is any way to grab the value?
Is there a way to grab the URL for the page that sent the user? I have links coming in from several pages and would prefer not to create a separate back link for each one... is there a way to do this dynamically?
I have a data like the format below. How would I only extract the following data: meet, run into, encounter, run across, come across, see (The data after "Sense 1" and stops before the next "Sense #"?code...
I am trying to grab all text between <START> and <END> and have the following bits of code, but neither are returning anything. I use JS so rarely that I can't see where the problems are -
var ermtext = response.match(/<START>(.*?)<END>/i); if (ermtext) { result.ermtext = ermtext.replace("$1");
I am using the load() method to load navigation sections of hidden copy, which I will later grab and display. After the hidden copy loads, I am grabbing selected divs, and bringing them into an area where the copy will be displayed. My problem is that after I load the new copy, replacing the old copy, and I go to retrieve it, it gives me the old copy still (eventhough firebug shows me that the load() actually did bring in and replace the copy...so it's grabbing and displaying copy not even in the file anymore!) Why is this happening? the code is below.link to example: http:[url]....
$(document).ready(function() { $('#showcase_holder ul li:first').addClass("in_view"); $('#project_navigation ul li a').click(function(){[code].....
auto grab the webpage url yor on and put it into a smaller url. Could redirect towith url in the input box or does it`s own shortening.... I need it to be a extension form (ex: javascript:alert) xD.I'm needing this code for DSi user`s on DSiHub (DSi can't copy'n past) to make it easy for them to get avatars or post long links
I'm looking for a way to grab a number from a string, although this number is not at either end of the string.
Here is the string in question: var el = "v4Function_Name('argument3')"
Here is a substring that returns the number ( the 3 ) successfully... var number = el.substring(el.lastIndexOf("ent")+3,el.length-2);
Seems very ineffecient to do it this way, and better to find a lean elegant way using replace(); How does one go about getting a value inside of a string with regular expressions? .. or is there a better way?
Here are a couple of the many expressions I have failed with...
var pat = /^[^ent][0-9]*$"/; var pat = /v4Function_Name('argument([^0-9]+)'/; var number = el.replace(pat,"");
I have an <a> tag that inside it has text. I want to select just a certain area. For example lets say we have this: <a name="product">Apple Price:$5.00</a> Lets say I have that and I want to go to this tag named product and want to just grab $5.00. How can I do that. How can I convert that to a number?
Also, what if I want to change that price to $0.00 how would you do that? does jquery do regular expressions?
I need to do all that. be able to replace $5.00 the dollar amount to any other amount.
I also do want to grab the dollar value and use it as a number. To compute the total charges.How would one do this?
I am selecting an image as part of a html form. Once selected, jQuery assigns a user-defined attribute of the image to a hidden form variable and passes it to form handler. Problem is when I dynamically add images that can be selected. I am using live function to ensure that the dynamically added image is highlighted when clicked - but the user-defined attribute is not being grabbed by jQuery.
I think that when the page is first loaded, all the existing image attributes are loaded into the DOM, but when extra images are added with ajax, the DOM doesn't have the new attribute values, despite them appearing in the html on the page. I don't think I can use the live function in this instance, because an attribute is not an event. Out of ideas now. HTML/PHP, with jQuery:
I use the following function to clear the value of input fields onfocus and reset them back to the original value if left empty. The problem is now I am trying to serialize a form that contains radio buttons, and the value is always empty, How can I modify this so it doesn't clear the value of input radio buttons?
how can i grab a value off of a URL and fill in a input field on the page with that value? Say I have this url: [URL] how can i grab the value of var_email and pulse_daily and place it in a input field ?
How can I grab the keyword phrase that someone used to enter the website and then pass that through a form? I would need to know for search engines and Google AdWords as well. Does anyone know how to do this?
In my javascript code im able to grab the tiles position which is 32x32 each tile. When I enter this tile I want to be able to grab the pixel position that the mouse is at inside the tile. For example "[TileX]:[PixelX],[TileY]:[PixelY]".