JQuery :: Grab Value Passed In From URL?
Apr 26, 2011
I'm trying to grab a value passed in from a URL, i.e:
And I would like to grab the "foo" entry, with the value passed in. I'm guessing this can be done, but I can't find a way?
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Apr 27, 2011
I'm trying to use the "selectable" feature - and need to find the IDs of the DIVs which have been selected. When I run the code below, all I keep getting is the ID of the first DIV in the selectable DIV (ie. 2011-01-01).
<html lang="en">
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Nov 20, 2011
I am printing some info to a page when it loads echo'ing via PHP/MySQL and here is one div:
<div id
="0058><b title=
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Mar 16, 2011
I am using the load() method to load navigation sections of hidden copy, which I will later grab and display. After the hidden copy loads, I am grabbing selected divs, and bringing them into an area where the copy will be displayed. My problem is that after I load the new copy, replacing the old copy, and I go to retrieve it, it gives me the old copy still (eventhough firebug shows me that the load() actually did bring in and replace the copy...so it's grabbing and displaying copy not even in the file anymore!) Why is this happening? the code is below.link to example: http:[url]....
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#showcase_holder ul li:first').addClass("in_view");
$('#project_navigation ul li a').click(function(){[code].....
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Dec 15, 2011
I have an <a> tag that inside it has text. I want to select just a certain area. For example lets say we have this: <a name="product">Apple Price:$5.00</a> Lets say I have that and I want to go to this tag named product and want to just grab $5.00. How can I do that. How can I convert that to a number?
Also, what if I want to change that price to $0.00 how would you do that? does jquery do regular expressions?
I need to do all that. be able to replace $5.00 the dollar amount to any other amount.
I also do want to grab the dollar value and use it as a number. To compute the total charges.How would one do this?
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Aug 18, 2010
Using jquery can we grab one url and append it to empty element?
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Jan 20, 2010
I use the following function to clear the value of input fields onfocus and reset them back to the original value if left empty. The problem is now I am trying to serialize a form that contains radio buttons, and the value is always empty, How can I modify this so it doesn't clear the value of input radio buttons?
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Jul 27, 2011
I am not completely new to JQuery, but not a beginner either. Anyway, I want to do some advanced stuff like creating everything dynamically with JQuery. So here's the rough concept:
Step 1: Information get's collected
Step 2: Information will be written in divs, the divs will get an ID and will be displayed with .append()
Step 3: Setting css-propertys with the div's ID.
I can't grab the div which I created with .append.
Actually I can't access anything which was created with .append - for example if I want to get an .attr() - I can't do it with these elements. Is there a workaround or am I wrong:
$("#site").append("<div class='container' id=' " + containerId + "'>" + containerId + "</div>");
$("#" + containerId).css({
"left" : positionX + "px",
"top" : positionY + "px",
"background-color" : "#F000FA"});
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Mar 19, 2010
This should be fairly straightforward but I'm having some unexpected trouble.
I have a form with an input [code]...
...the value attribute 'search me' is what is displayed on default page load.
If I focus on the text field and type into it, "Hello World!"
How can I see that new value?
I've tried the obvious [code]...
How can I pick up the new value on the fly? It must be possible, no?
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Sep 10, 2011
My question is located here:[URL]... what I have is div 1 this div 1 has <a> tags appended to this div. It's a list of items the client selected to buy. so I have these <a> tags. I want to generate a invoice or a summary of the order and append the new <a> tags in a new div we will call this div 2.
for example lets say I have 5 apples at $1 each ordered and 3 oranges at $5 each for one order placed In div 2 I want to go to div 1 and grab the text name of the item and only grab the names once. No need to have multiple of the same item names. I will then create a new <a> tag and then append it to that div 2. Inside these <a> tag will be something like: Apple amount order 5 total $5.00 Orange amount order 3 total $15.00 Total amount due: $20.00 so in div 1 there be lots of <a> tags and you will see at least 3 apples ordered but it be listed as aseparateitem.
In the invoice or summary of the order I want to sum up the order. So I just want to let the client know your ordering 3 apples at a total of $5 for those apples. You ordered 3 oranges at a total of $15 which makes the bill to come out to be $20 dollars.
how can I grab from the <a> tag list only text that hasn't been grabbed yet. I don't want to display the word apple 3 times since there are 3 times that the client selected to order. How can jquery filter such requests. I just want to grab the text or names of the items. Then display that name once. if that name appears more then once in the div 1 then in div 2 you will say just the item name once but show how many of that item you ordered.
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Sep 20, 2009
I've cobbled this script together to help me implement 'read more.[URL]... It does the job, but I lose all the mark-up in the process :[ It doesn't cater for a bunch of tags like <img>, <ol>, <ul> etc. slice()
ain't being too kind to me. // create a 'read more' link, and hide remaining text, if post content
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Jul 18, 2010
I have the following code:
<script type="text/JavaScript">
I need to be able to send the variable a as GET. I'm posting this code not to a webserver, but an arduino (micro controller) and it only accepts GET data. I need to be able to grab that data and put it in the div called led8. This works when I use a php page as the backend, but the arduino only accepts GET.
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Aug 12, 2011
I want to test if we could use jQuery for our mobile devices. Because of network-restrictions I need to run the jQuery Test Suite from my local Apache (the mobile device does not have any internet connection).
If I understood correctly I would have to grab the latest version from git and run a MAKE. Since I'm under XP that isn't possible that easy...
Is there a precompiled version available?
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May 31, 2011
Here's the deal: I have a JQuery page in which I'm using AJAX to call a classic ASP back-end. For example purposes, let's call the page "JQuery.asp", and we'll call the back-end "BackEnd.asp".My BackEnd.asp is set up as reusable code, using JQuery.asp as my wrapper.BackEnd.asp includes the following line:
GetID = request("GetID")
So, my JQuery.asp would look like this:
$(document).ready( function () {
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Jun 24, 2009
If I have a plugin thats being called...
How do I pull out the ".myClass" part inside the plugin?
jQuery.fn.somePlugin = function(o) {
// Defaults
var o = jQuery.extend( {
option1 : 'something',
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Jun 3, 2010
I've made a trivial html page to show my problem. This page should take all of the <tr> tags from the first table, move them into the second table in reverse order, and change each <tr> tag's click handler to print it's internal <td> tag's contents.Unfortunately, the function I've set as the click handler seems to be passing a variable by reference rather than by value. I'm sure this is probably the expected behavior, but is there someway to prevent this behavior?If this doesn't sound very clear, hopefully the code I've included will make more sense:
<script type="text/javascript"
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Nov 20, 2010
This is the first question I couldn't find answered by Google! No doubt the answer is out there, but...
So I have a function that is being passed an array of nodes: some of them plain vanilla DOM nodes, (say, those created by document.createElement), others are jQuery nodes (say $("<div></div>").
What's the best way to determine if a node is of each type? I can obviously look at the node contents, but I wondered if there was a "best practices" here?
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Aug 3, 2011
How I use $.ajax() for passed argument to php function other file example index.php.
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Oct 22, 2010
I am wondering why:
{'f':a_searchtype, 'partial':value},
causes javascript errors in unrelated sections of code.
The second version can be used in a common routine that doesn't know what is being passed.
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Mar 27, 2010
I have just started using the data functions in jQuery for keeping track of a few items on the client. The user can click on links, which call a function that updates the display and stored data value.I am storing data as a set of columns, named c1, c2, c3 etc.
I update the relevant column like this
function UpdateCol(column)
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Dec 24, 2009
I'm passing the id of a div as a parameter. I'm not sure how to refer to it with Jquery. The following does not work:
function updatemail(param1, param2) {
$("#param2").animate({ opacity: "show" }, 300);
I also tried $(param2) but it did not work.
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Apr 28, 2011
I want to call a javascript function when a <span> is clicked, pass two variables to it, and then use jquery to hide that span.
A simple example is:
The variables (1,3) & (8,9) are loaded dynamically with a php script. Adding the two variables together isn't the intent of the script, but it seems the simplest way to explain what i'm after.
So how do you get $(this) to work in a function that has to have variables passed to it?
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Aug 24, 2009
Is there any was to prevent ampersand from splitting up the passed data? For example if my data looks like: "This is some text&blah blah" If I pass it as data it will get split up at "&": This is some text blah blah
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Sep 21, 2010
I've run into a very perplexing problem, and it's probably mostly due to my lack of knowledge of what I'm really trying to do. I've created a C# PageMethod that accepts three parameters (string name, string xmlData, int CubeID). In my javascript, I've created a function to call the pagemethod passing in those values. However, when trying to pass in the XML I continually get odd errors like "Invalid object passed in" followed by my entire xml structure with escape sequences in it.
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Feb 4, 2011
jQuery is ignoring the root element when passed through context. Am not sure if this is intended behavior.[URL]
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Jan 13, 2010
I have some forms whose ID's are dynamically created via PHP by including a variable called "invno" as shown here:
<form name="formEditInvoice<?php echo $invno ?>" id="formEditInvoice<?php echo $invno ?>" method="post" action="javascript: SubmitEditedInvoice(<?php echo $invno ?>);" onsubmit="javascript: return ValidateForm(this);">
As you can see in the "action" attribute, I'm calling this function:
function SubmitEditedInvoice(invno) {
$.post('output.php?mode=6&invno=' + invno, $('#formEditInvoice' + invno).serialize(),
The problem I'm having is that no data is passed to the PHP back end. I have verified that the variable invno is correctly passed to the javascript function, and have tested my .serialize() by using a hard-coded form ID, but I still get no data passed through.
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