Dynamically Loaded Select Boxes
Mar 30, 2006
Each time I dynamically load the options of a select box and then try to do anything with it (such as clicking it or using other JS code on it) I get the following Firefox error:Error: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount = NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR
I am using the following code:<select id="day" name="day"></select>
<script language="javascript">
var options_list = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31);
selectbox_element = document.getElementById('day');
selectbox_element.options.length = 0; // Remove any previous values.
for (var i = 0; i < options_list.length; i++) {
selectbox_element.options[i] = new Option(options_list[i], options_list[i]);
The "options_list" array is filled beforehand using a simple PHP for() loop.
If I create the exact same options but do so by writing them into the HTML using PHP, then I don't see the error message anymore.
This problem happens in both Firefox 1.5 and Internet Explorer.
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Dec 21, 2005
I'm currently working with a bit of javascript to dynamically add
<option>s into a select box. My code currently works fine in Internet
Explorer, however in Firefox the dropdown only displays the first
option in the list, and when clicked the other values aren't displayed.
Here is the code;
//ar_options is an array with the option to be displayed in.
for (count=0; count<number_of_options+1; count++)
document.forms['enquiry'].enquirytype.options[count] = new
As I said - fine in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox. I did
discover some discussions about this, which were talking about an issue
and workarounds but I couldn't get any of them to work. I have also
tried simply using the document.write() function to output the HTML in
the correct place. However this is just hte same, works in IE but not
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Jul 13, 2010
I have a form where a user enters a number in a text box (txtTickets). When that number is entered, I need to create an equal number of select boxes. I've found code examples which show how to dynamically add or delete options from a select box, but I have found no examples which deal with this specific scenario. The select options do not depend on user input -- that is, I do not need to populate it dynamically. I need to create them dynamically. Has anyone created something similar to this?
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Jul 24, 2009
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// This script supports an unlimited number of linked combo boxed
// Their id must be "combo_0", "combo_1", "combo_2" etc.
// Here you have to put the data that will fill the combo boxes
// ie. data_2_1 will be the first option in the second combo box
// when the first combo box has the second option selected
// first combo box
data_1 = new Option("Business Cards", "$");
data_2 = new Option("Club Flyers", "$$");[code].....
I have this code, and I was wondering if it is possible to make the select boxes appear AFTER you select the field before.
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Jun 5, 2009
I have four html form check boxes.The user is allow to choose one or three of the check boxes, the last check box has a value of None.
Example: What's your favorite color.1. Red 2.Blue 3. Green 4. Gray. 5. None.The user can select more then one color.So I'm wondering how can I make the other check boxes deselect when the user click None.So if the user select None, then the other boxes cannot be checked. know you can do this with radio buttons but I would like the user to select more then one option.
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Jul 25, 2002
I searched here and some other places on the net but cant find anything that suits my needs. I have a SELECT box with 3 values Code:
<form name="form1">
<select name="length">
<option name="length" value="none">--Select for All--</option>
<option name="length" value="5">--5 Days--</option>
<option name="length" value="7">--7 Days--</option>
<option name="length" value="10">--10 Days--</option>
OnChange, I want to invoke a function that auto populates the rest of the SELECT fields in the form. The select boxes will vary in quantity as the page is dynamic, but the values are always the same (like the code above).
Does this make sense?
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Jul 23, 2005
I've got 3 'alternative' boxes, only one of which I want displayed,
according to the value of an earlier select (so I'm using the
<htmlelement>.style property from javascript).
One is a div containing text, which I amend as appropriate with innerhtml
One is an image.
One is a div containing 4 input text boxes, which are disabled or not as
I've tried .style.visibility = "hidden" / "visible" (correctly leaves
blank space, which I don't want)
I've tried .style.display = "none" / "block" (works for moz, ie treats
as visibility)
I've tried setting .style.height & width to "0px" / null (doesn't work
for ie).
Any suggestions as to how to make the thing disappear and occupy no
space (dynamically) in ie as well as other browsers please ?
If anyone really needs to see the page, go to ccaweddingsdirect.co.uk/basket
login with chris at ccagroup co uk (you'll need to accept a cookie) -
the password is set to testz (it doesn't confer any great privilege,
just accesses my test shopping basket).
then click 'enter personalisation' for 4D01 (christmas card)
Select different wordings to change the bottom section - 10 and 'your
own wording' are the intereesting two, and orderpg.js is the js file.
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Dec 2, 2010
As part of my form I have a box for the user to input the number of text boxes needed. I already have the page creating the textboxes but do not know the IDs of each text box. Once the user adds textboxes they can click add again to create more. If the user previously added 3 textboxes and now enters 4 I want the program to just add one more instead of 4 more.
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Jan 15, 2005
I've been ask to produce a new upload form that can allow multiple files to be uploaded with each article i was thinking of adding an upload form field than when text is added to the text field an extra file name description and upload text box would appear on the page via javascript.
So the more files that add to the form the more dynamically produced form text boxes are added, i have been looking to find if this could be done or what way is better, if anyone could help with telling where to look or how to dynamically produce more text areas. Or could you let me know another solutions to this.
I have seen it work on my mobile when added new contacts, you type in mobile number and then the home text box appears below it, then you type in home number and then the work text box appears. etc..
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Nov 1, 2011
I am doing a website project and in that currently I am designing a product page. I have to design add values to text boxes and drag and drop the text boxes in the workspace and delete the text boxes the user does not want and have to draw a graphical line between the text boxes which are in order.I have designed and coded everything except the graphical line part.
I am a learner in javascript and Can we draw a graphical line dynamically between the text boxes in the webpage? If we can draw, can anyone let me know the tutorial for that so that I can learn and start coding as I have to submit that project soon.
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Nov 1, 2011
I am doing a website project and in that currently I am designing a product page. I have to design add values to text boxes and drag and drop the text boxes in the workspace and delete the text boxes the user does not want and have to draw a graphical line between the text boxes which are in order.
I have designed and coded everything except the graphical line part. I am a learner in javascript and Can we draw a graphical line dynamically between the text boxes in the webpage? If we can draw, can anyone let me know the tutorial for that so that I can learn and start coding as I have to submit that project soon.
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Jan 25, 2007
I'm using a function like this to load divs dynamically (and hide
current one..)
function get_img(curr_img,curr_nav,new_img,new_nav2) {
var img_top = eval('document.getElementById(' + "curr_img" + ')');
var img_new = eval('document.getElementById(' + "new_img" + ')');
var nav_top = eval('document.getElementById(' + "curr_nav" + ')');
var nav_new = eval('document.getElementById(' + "new_nav" + ')');
img_top.style.visibility = "hidden";
img_new.style.visibility = "visible";
nav_top.style.visibility = "hidden";
nav_new.style.visibility = "visible";
curr_img = new_img;
curr_nav = new_nav;
problem I always run into in situations like this is I can't tell which
one is currently loaded.. how do you detect which div is currently loaded?
this is in JSP, divs generated with loops...
for (int i = 0; i < photos.length; i++) {
<div id="nav<%=photos[i]%>">
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Jun 8, 2010
I have loaded a fragment into a div using the .load function. Is it possible to access the newly loaded content for editing?
$("#outfitTopDesc").load(""+itemTop+" #productTitle, #productDescription, #productPrice");
var linkDiv = document.getElementById("productArticles");
My alert dialog never apears.
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Apr 5, 2010
I'm creating an inventory management back-end for an intranet application.
The user has to indicate whether the item is "Non-Inventory" or "Inventory".
Each item type has it's own set of fields so this distinction loads the proper data entry form via:
The form loaded via inventory_form.html is:
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Aug 3, 2011
I'm having a problem with some dynamically loaded content.
1. Ajax request returns some content that goes in a div. Inside that content, there's a text box with the id "coupon"
2. Also inside that content is a script called add_coupon that sends another ajax request. Use pushes a button, function gets called, all is well.
3. Inside the function, "document.getElementById ( 'coupon' )" returns undefined.
<script language='javascript'>
function add_coupon() {
document.getElementById('cart_cc').innerHTML = "<img src='spinner.gif'>";
var coupon = document.getElementById('coupon');
if ( !coupon )
alert ( 'no coupon box' );
$(function() {
type: 'POST',
url: '/store/ajax_add_coupon/'+$('#coupon').val(),
success: function(data) { $('#cart_cc').html(data); }
<span style='float: left;'>Coupon: <input type='text' id='coupon' size=15/> <input type='button' value='Add' onclick='add_coupon();' class='btnGreenCSS'/></span>
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Mar 14, 2009
I'm trying to add dynamically generated HTML after the page has loaded. I've tried two versions.The latest versions is this, using insertBefore (as appendChild is buggy in a few browsers according to the SitePoint reference) ...
addImageField: function(x) {
var newNode = createImageField(x);
var src = document.getElementById("imageUploads");
The first alert returns: object HTMLFieldsetElement .The second alert returns: object HTMLDivElement....and the third alert fails to fire, indicating a problem with the code above.Note that if I change the problem line to remove the null reference it still doesn't work (again the third alert won't fire):
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Jun 14, 2006
Is there a way to know when a function is available for me to call it
from a dynamically loaded a javascript?
I use this code to load the include.js file and then I call
testIncludeFn() from it:
var html_doc = document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0);
var file = document.createElement('script');
// here I would like to be able to wait for the script to become
It works in IE and sometimes I get it to work in FF 1.5, but I would
like to have a way of reliably calling testIncludeFn().
Can I pool somehow the DOM to see if the load completed. How?
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Oct 29, 2009
When I load an HTML file dynamically which contain relative links with jQuery, all the links are broken. which does not involve changing all the links to absolute values?
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May 2, 2011
I have a page that contains images, and those images are displayed in a fancybox window when they are clicked. Some of these images are loaded dynamically after the page loads via AJAX.
All of the images exist inside of link tags with class="challenge_image_gallery". The code works the way it should on the images that are initially loaded on the page. However, when the new images are loaded onto the page using AJAX, the fancybox window loads two instances of the image that was clicked on rather than one as it should.
Here's the code I'm using:
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Aug 23, 2009
I have a js application, that loads formular-markup dynamically for a specific entity. Is there a way to access elements within this dynamically loaded markup through jquery?
in the form load function:
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Oct 25, 2010
I have seen similar problems in the forum, but none that match this issue exactly.
I am using Giva Labs' jNotify plugin [URL].I have a main page that dynamically loads content in a container.
I load jquery, and jnotify in the main page. When I call jnotify from thedynamicallyloaded content, I get an error that jnotify is not a valid method. If I include the <script> call for jnotify in the dynamically called content, it works. This does not seem like the best practice.
Is there a way to re-initialize jnotify afterloadingdynamiccontent?
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Jan 20, 2010
I have a site that shows off video clips. When a clip is 'clicked' the video and related data is loaded in using jQuery. The page does not refresh. I now need to link directly to different 'videos', but am unable to because a click hasn't taken place to load the video in. It just loads the categories page. What would be the best way to allow me to link directly to the video... ? Will I need to edit my .htacess file? Will I need to somehow work out what clip they are trying to get, and 'fake' a click to impose the video/data on the page?
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Nov 20, 2011
The following code adjusts the opacity of an image which were dynamically loaded. It works on all browsers except for IE6.However, jQuery did apply inline styles "FILTER: alpha (opacity=30); ZOOM: 1" on the image. It just doesn't work.
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Nov 20, 2011
The following code adjusts the opacity of an image which were dynamically loaded. It works on all browsers except for IE6. Is there a workaround?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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May 22, 2009
OK, I am very new to jQuery so bare with me here. I am trying to get the document body height and set it as the height of a table, after the page has been loaded. Below is an example of what I am trying to do.
I am not sure where to place the jQuery code, before or after the table tag...and I am not even sure if any of my jQuery code is correct. Once again, i need to set the table height AFTER the document has been loaded and then dynamically change the height of the table.
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Mar 3, 2010
I've been trying to get this page working with dynamically loaded iframe sources passed by URL, but I can't seem to get it working.Here's the relavent code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function delineate(str) {
URL = str.indexOf("=") + 1;[code]...
I used the hidden form to change the url to text - advice from another website. I'm sure there are better ways to do it, but I'll explore them as soon as this thing actually works..The types are in a subfolder named types, as shown. The document.write was placed in as a debug helper, and it displays the proper file location of whatever I select with the combo box, but the iframe doesn't change it's src to the selected page! I've tired the last line of the last <script> with several different methods, none of them producing any effect whatsoever.
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