Creating Text Boxes Dynamically?
Dec 2, 2010
As part of my form I have a box for the user to input the number of text boxes needed. I already have the page creating the textboxes but do not know the IDs of each text box. Once the user adds textboxes they can click add again to create more. If the user previously added 3 textboxes and now enters 4 I want the program to just add one more instead of 4 more.
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Jan 4, 2006
I'm trying to create a javascript function that will allow the user to
press a button within the html code that will add a text box right
above the button. If the user presses it a second time it should add a
second text box right under the previous text box. Any ideas?
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Jan 15, 2005
I've been ask to produce a new upload form that can allow multiple files to be uploaded with each article i was thinking of adding an upload form field than when text is added to the text field an extra file name description and upload text box would appear on the page via javascript.
So the more files that add to the form the more dynamically produced form text boxes are added, i have been looking to find if this could be done or what way is better, if anyone could help with telling where to look or how to dynamically produce more text areas. Or could you let me know another solutions to this.
I have seen it work on my mobile when added new contacts, you type in mobile number and then the home text box appears below it, then you type in home number and then the work text box appears. etc..
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Nov 1, 2011
I am doing a website project and in that currently I am designing a product page. I have to design add values to text boxes and drag and drop the text boxes in the workspace and delete the text boxes the user does not want and have to draw a graphical line between the text boxes which are in order.I have designed and coded everything except the graphical line part.
I am a learner in javascript and Can we draw a graphical line dynamically between the text boxes in the webpage? If we can draw, can anyone let me know the tutorial for that so that I can learn and start coding as I have to submit that project soon.
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Nov 1, 2011
I am doing a website project and in that currently I am designing a product page. I have to design add values to text boxes and drag and drop the text boxes in the workspace and delete the text boxes the user does not want and have to draw a graphical line between the text boxes which are in order.
I have designed and coded everything except the graphical line part. I am a learner in javascript and Can we draw a graphical line dynamically between the text boxes in the webpage? If we can draw, can anyone let me know the tutorial for that so that I can learn and start coding as I have to submit that project soon.
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Jul 13, 2010
I have a form where a user enters a number in a text box (txtTickets). When that number is entered, I need to create an equal number of select boxes. I've found code examples which show how to dynamically add or delete options from a select box, but I have found no examples which deal with this specific scenario. The select options do not depend on user input -- that is, I do not need to populate it dynamically. I need to create them dynamically. Has anyone created something similar to this?
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May 27, 2009
Here is the link to a page on my work web: -
You will see that I have three combo box objects on this form - one containing dates (Date) and the other two containing times (Time1 & Time2). Each time on each date is an available appointment.
I would like the content of the date combos to be read from a file whenever the page is opened - a text file with one record per row would be fine (by way of an example - but this may be insufficient). On the face of it this would seem fairly rudimentary but I don't code in JavaScript of PHP and, having found this site I can make a start. I used to be a VB coder.
On each date the following appointment times are available: -
This assumes that no appointments on a given day are taken.This leads me to conclude that each date should have records for each time - possibly as a CSV text file as follows: -
"29th May 2009","10:00"
"29th May 2009","11:00"
"29th May 2009","12:00"
The second time combo should make unavailable the time selected in the first time combo and present only those times available on the chosen date in the CSV file on the server.When I confirm appointments, at present I have to edit the page objects and update the web - which is quite messy and slow whereas uploading a simple text file, whilst an imperfect solution, is much better than what I currently have.
I believe that a PHP or Javascript routine based on events on the three objects would remove the inherent problems and would provide a useful set of building blocks for other routines of a similar nature.The routine would trigger whenever the page is loaded (or refreshed) or the content of any one of the three objects gets or loses the focus or a selection is made in an object.
The Date Combo would need to look up the available dates - keeping the currently selected date selected or, if that date is no longer available defaulting to the first date in the list. The user then makes a selection or makes no change to the selected date.The Time1 Combo then reads the available times for that date, retains the currently selected time (if available) or the first available time (if the selected is not available) and the user makes a selection or accepts the current selection.The Time2 Combo does the same as the Time1 Combo and in addition it eliminates the time selected in the Time1 Combo from the available choices.
The result is that visitors are only offered available times on available dates (insofar as this solution provides).When the form is submitted I would receive the email and confirm the appointment with the client and, in addition, I would modify and upload the modified data file to the web server using Filezilla. The benefit is that there is a slim to none chance of two people wanting to book the same times on the same date at exactly the same time (though it is possible). In addition, I can add new dates and add new times if there is a demand and I can even add previously deleted times if there is sufficient demand to warrant bringing in a second consultant to take the meetings.
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Jul 23, 2005
I've got 3 'alternative' boxes, only one of which I want displayed,
according to the value of an earlier select (so I'm using the
<htmlelement>.style property from javascript).
One is a div containing text, which I amend as appropriate with innerhtml
One is an image.
One is a div containing 4 input text boxes, which are disabled or not as
I've tried .style.visibility = "hidden" / "visible" (correctly leaves
blank space, which I don't want)
I've tried .style.display = "none" / "block" (works for moz, ie treats
as visibility)
I've tried setting .style.height & width to "0px" / null (doesn't work
for ie).
Any suggestions as to how to make the thing disappear and occupy no
space (dynamically) in ie as well as other browsers please ?
If anyone really needs to see the page, go to
login with chris at ccagroup co uk (you'll need to accept a cookie) -
the password is set to testz (it doesn't confer any great privilege,
just accesses my test shopping basket).
then click 'enter personalisation' for 4D01 (christmas card)
Select different wordings to change the bottom section - 10 and 'your
own wording' are the intereesting two, and orderpg.js is the js file.
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Mar 30, 2006
Each time I dynamically load the options of a select box and then try to do anything with it (such as clicking it or using other JS code on it) I get the following Firefox error:Error: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount = NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR
I am using the following code:<select id="day" name="day"></select>
<script language="javascript">
var options_list = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31);
selectbox_element = document.getElementById('day');
selectbox_element.options.length = 0; // Remove any previous values.
for (var i = 0; i < options_list.length; i++) {
selectbox_element.options[i] = new Option(options_list[i], options_list[i]);
The "options_list" array is filled beforehand using a simple PHP for() loop.
If I create the exact same options but do so by writing them into the HTML using PHP, then I don't see the error message anymore.
This problem happens in both Firefox 1.5 and Internet Explorer.
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Feb 10, 2010
I'm using the following code to create a quick and dirty search tool for a site we're building at work as part of an RFP.My issue is that rather than creating a new window for the results page (which is what it does now), I'd really prefer that a new div be dynamically created on the page where the results would be placed.Maybe that's not possible? At the very least,how to make the results display in the same window rather than opening a new one?
var item = new Array();
// "Page Name","path","Page Title","Many,Key,Words","Descriptive Comments"
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Mar 15, 2010
I created <a> tag dynamically and attached event to it.
var link = document.createElement("a");
"attachEvent" is working only in IE. How to make that working in other browsers like Chrome/FF?
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Dec 21, 2005
I'm currently working with a bit of javascript to dynamically add
<option>s into a select box. My code currently works fine in Internet
Explorer, however in Firefox the dropdown only displays the first
option in the list, and when clicked the other values aren't displayed.
Here is the code;
//ar_options is an array with the option to be displayed in.
for (count=0; count<number_of_options+1; count++)
document.forms['enquiry'].enquirytype.options[count] = new
As I said - fine in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox. I did
discover some discussions about this, which were talking about an issue
and workarounds but I couldn't get any of them to work. I have also
tried simply using the document.write() function to output the HTML in
the correct place. However this is just hte same, works in IE but not
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm trying to create a fairly simple form which contains a label, a
button, and a textbox.
I've done quite a bit of reading and, from what I can figure, the
following should work, but isn't....
var rowCommentBox = document.createElement("TR");
var cellCommentBox = document.createElement("TD");
var frmCommentBox = document.createElement("FORM");
frmCommentBox.setAttribute("METHOD", "POST");
var strAction = ""submitComments.asp?Org="+strOrg+"&date="+activeWeekBegins""
frmCommentBox.setAttribute("ACTION", strAction);
var rowFrmCommentBox = document.createElement("TR");
var cellFrmCommentBoxLabel = document.createElement("TD");
var strFrmCommentLabel = document.createTextNode("comment:");
var cellFrmCommentBoxButton = document.createElement("TD");
var btnFrmCommentBoxButton = document.createElement("INPUT");
btnFrmCommentBoxButton.setAttribute("TYPE", "SUBMIT");
btnFrmCommentBoxButton.setAttribute("VALUE", "UPDATE");
var cellFrmCommentBoxTxtbx = document.createElement("TD");
var txtbxFrmCommentBoxTxtbx = document.createElement("INPUT");
txtbxFrmCommentBoxTxtbx.setAttribute("TYPE", "TEXT");
txtbxFrmCommentBoxTxtbx.setAttribute("cols", "50");
txtbxFrmCommentBoxTxtbx.setAttribute("VALUE", strComments);
cellFrmCommentBoxLabel.appendChild(strFrmCommentLa bel);
rowFrmCommentBox.appendChild(cellFrmCommentBoxLabe l);
cellFrmCommentBoxButton.appendChild(btnFrmCommentB oxButton);
rowFrmCommentBox.appendChild(cellFrmCommentBoxButt on);
cellFrmCommentBoxTxtbx.appendChild(txtbxFrmComment BoxTxtbx);
rowFrmCommentBox.appendChild(cellFrmCommentBoxTxtb x);
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Jul 20, 2005
Given an expression f = ƈ*x+3' from a user input I would like to do some sort of:
function userFunction(x):
return f(x)
is it possible with Javascript?
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Sep 24, 2009
I know this is not strictly related to jquery but I don't know how to make it works. I'm working on a function that has as variable an array and for each element I need to create a piece of code for an other function. For instance when the array contains [0,1,2] I need to call
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Sep 20, 2009
im trying to create a script for greasemonkey but its still written in javascript. so here is what im trying to do. Ive got a dynamically created division that aligns to the right of the browser window. Now im trying to put links inside it as you normally would with like a document.write statement or other methods. The only problem is, any method i try wont work for me. heres my code, maybe someone could give me some things i could try.
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Apr 21, 2011
I am trying to create a function that creates an array comprised of filenames based on a given range. I.E if 2-8 is selected and a foldername of UMCP/ and a common name of college is also given, the function should return and array such as [UMCP/college2.jpg,UMCP/college3.jpg.....UMCP/college8.jpg]. Here is what I've got but the alert that should tell me the filename of the first image says it is undefined, how can i fix this?
function getArrayPhotosNames (total,count,first,last) {
/*window.alert("get Array Photo Names");*/
var folderName = document.getElementById("photofold").value;
var Alias = document.getElementById("commonName").value;
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Oct 13, 2010
I've got an input with a value. The input is called 'command2' and I want to send it's value to the 'rover2' object (although I don't know if that object exists yet). I test and say if(rover2){... and if not then I create the object/if so then I insert the value.Question is: I want to do:Code JavaScript:var rover2 = new Rover();but I want to pass the name of the new object by association, so in effect:Code JavaScript:var "rover"+i = new Rover();How would you do that? So that the objects and their names are generated dynamically (or [perhaps a better explanation] so that the string value of a variable can be used as the name of new variable/object)?PS Bonus marks: If I hold HTML fragments as an object and those fragments include inputs, is the value of the input collected as well? i.e. if I have
Code HTML4Strict:
<input id="foo" type="text" />
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Aug 9, 2003
Here's my problem: I need to create a variable name dynamically, made up of a string (say "var_name_") and an integer. Ultimately I want something like this:
var_name_1 = 'whatever value I want'
var_name_2 = 'whatever value I want'
var_name_3 = 'whatever value I want'
var_name_N = 'whatever value I want'
But the actual variable names are determined at run-time, so I can't just hardcode them.
Any suggestions? JavaScript doesn't seem to have a Variable type, so I can't just cast a string into a var...
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Aug 6, 2010
how to add up a series of text boxes which contain numbers that a user will input and have the total of those text boxes show up in a quantity text box on the next page.
Not sure if i should use javascript or php, but i don't know how to do it either
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Aug 20, 2010
I have form that asks a simple question: "How many XYZs do you want to create?" Then, for every XYZ, it should create several new labels/inputs in the form.
That is, every XYZ looks like this:
<div id="xyz">
<input> blah blah blah </input
I looked into .each() and .live(), but I can't wrap my mind around how to do this.
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May 15, 2010
I want to find a way of using canvas tags that are created at runtime. I went about this by trying to change the id of the tag, ONLY to find out that javascript did not like the fact that I was using numbers, even though I converted to String first...
var count = 0;
for (var item=0; item<20; item ++) {
if (count%5==0){
document.write(" ||| ");
var canv = document.createElement("canvas");
num = 505;
aStr = num.toString(); // does NOT do the job for some reason !!!???
aStr = 'canvas'; // this works...
count += 1;
var C = document.getElementById(canv.getAttribute('id'));
if (C.getContext) {
makePlot(C); // does the plot to the canvas
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Nov 1, 2011
Im developing a script for dynamically creating html table structure so that from the input that has been given to the function it will fetch the values one by one and will create the structure. My problem is i want to add attributes to the elements created. sample code attached.
with( window['o' + elementname]){
here the element name will be get from the parameters passed to the function. i want to verify whether the line in bold is correct or not coz the id is not updated in output.
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Feb 5, 2010
I'm a JavaScript noob, and I'm playing with it. I have some code which created a div inside another div by using the innerHTML of the outer div. That had an onclick event which worked fine. Now I'm trying to create the div as an object, so I'm doing something like this:
Code JavaScript:
var obj = document.createElement('div'); = "object";
obj.onClick = function() {alert("Clicked");};
obj.innerHTML = "something"; // an img tag in the actual code
The new div is shown, but clicking on it does nothing. (I originally had another function, but changed to the alert for testing.)
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Apr 16, 2011
Im having problem generating the labels for content created by the following function:
function setOutput(){
if(httpObject.readyState == 4){
var answer = httpObject.resultsponseText.split(",");
var results = document.getElementById("resultsultadosScan1");
var article = document.createElement("div");
var weight = document.createElement("div");
var price = document.createElement("div");
article.className = "article";
weight.className = "weight";
price.className = "price";
document.getElementById('outputText0').value = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[0];
document.getElementById('outputText1').value = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[1];
document.getElementById('outputText2').value = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[2];
article.innerHTML = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[0];
weight.innerHTML = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[1];
price.innerHTML = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[2];
A friend wrote this sample script to achieve generation of labels on my script, but I have been trying for hours with no luck, can someone take a look and tell me the correct usage of this script:
function createLabel() {
var target = document.getElementById("target");
var label = document.createElement("label");
var text = document.createTextNode("Article");
Can you help me with the correct "combination" using my script above, a "real life" example?
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Apr 24, 2010
html and javascript and am having problems getting a table to be generated from a given set of rows and cols. I was successful at creating the table, but trying to add functionality such as mouse over is giving me some trouble. I have a feeling its because my variables are out of scope when the function is hit, but can't think of a better way to do it.
function setTable(){
var myElem = document.getElementById('tableDiv');
numRows = 16;
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