say that I have 2 css classes, 1 is "test failed" and the other is "test ok". And that i have like 20 diffrent div's with their own id, and class either "test failed" or "test ok".Code:<div class="ok/failed" id="one-twenty"> </div>I would like to (depending on what button the user pushes" display the "ok" test cases or hide them and the same thing for the "failed" one's.How can this be done in javascript?Tried the following but it does'nt work
var allHTMLTags = new Array();
function getElementByClass(theClass) {
I'm working on a site where we display two lists of boats, sail or power via the organic tabs plugin. Now, our client wants us to show one list type by default depending on the class of the body tag - for example, if the user was on a sailing boat page, the body would have a class of 'sailPage' and therefore the list that would be shown by default would be the 'sail list' - and vice versa for the power (although be default this one shows first anyways as it is the first 'panel' in the HTML') In my admittedly rather clumsy way, I've written the following jQuery function which does seem to work (well, the first half) - however when the user clicks back on to the 'power' tab whilst on page with a class of 'sail', the power list doesn't display. There also seems to be a problem in IE7 where the content of the lists will not display until you select the other tab first, and then select the second tab again?
I'm fairly new to jquery and slowly picking it up as I go. Here is a problem I though would be simple-ish but I am stuck. I think I have most of what I need, I just need the correct way of writing 1 part of it.
I would really love some sort of javascript observer to automatically add/remove a class to the labels on my page, depending on wether their checkboxes are checked or not. As well as adding those same CSS-classes to the checkboxes already checked on document load.
I'm trying to create a list that contains items which are filters for a search. The list shows 10 items (max) on the page load. if there are more than 10 it changes the class of the elements > 10 so they are hidden, and a 'show more' link is appended. Now if the user has 'unhidden' the previously hidden items and then chooses one, I want the class for all those previously hidden items to change until the user has deselected that item.
Is there a better, smaller way to write this? It works for what i need currently, but there are future features im planning that will not be practical checkingindividualindexes the way i've done it.
Here is the thing, I need to have parts of my website display different items depending on the browser (Netscape or Explorer). I have been using PHP to do this on 90% of the site, and it works great. However due to limitations on some pages (the shopping cart software) I cannot use PHP. When the page loads I can use Javascript, and I need it to load a specific header & footer for each browser type. I know that javascript cannot use SSI, so I would basically add everything into the one page and just have the script decide which chunk to add (the if or else statements get to decide I assume). The thing is I rarely use Javascript and when I do it has been extremely simple. here is the basic format I assume it will be using... (not in actual code though as I dont know javascript)
i'm after some script to display some html depending on what is selected in a list box the html i want to display are checkboxes so it's more stuff for a form i'm using lotus notes, so i have to use javascript.
i can get it to display a checkbox if a particular item is selected but it won't show up in place, it loads a new page with the check box the only thing on that new page.
function updateChecks() { string = ""; if (document._WEBRequest.dataReq.value == "blah") { string = "<input type="checkbox" name="check" />"; string += "Boundary"; } return string; } function writeChecks() { document.write(updateChecks()); } the writeChecks() function is called onChange for the listbox
also don't have much clue as to how to make it show more checkboxes if more than one item is selected in the listbox.
Within a classic asp webform (using vbscript) I would like part of the form (input boxes within table structure) to be specific/displayed depending on the users selection from the combo box in the row above.
I think the best solution would be using Javascript can anyone suggest a solution or example code?
I'm doing a very simple expand/collapse function using 'slideToggle'. The button that triggers this event simply says 'Expand/collapse'. I want this text to change depending on whether an element is visible or hidden.
I'm having an issue I was hoping someone could help me with. I'm very new to jquery and just picking it up as I go. I'm trying to display the first 10 table rows with a certain class. The rows with this specific class(.filtered) are not ordered in any way. Basically I have a loop which runs through 10 times, and in that loop I'm trying to say "display the [i]th table result where class = filtered" so at the end of the loop, I will have 10 rows, all with the class .filtered. Here's what I have, but I'm fairly sure my syntax is wrong.[URL]..
I could use a hand changing the display property of a group of objects based on classname. What I have here doesn't work; perhaps you can see why? I think the basic problem is that I don't know how to access the objects properly.. Code:
My code: [URL]... When I click on UpraviƄ in class edit I need add some HTML code to begin and to end of class entry how to I can select class entry in the same class post on which I clicked?
I have a huge blob of code but the main part I am focusing on is this
$('.billboard_click').click(function () { //this remove class $(".billboard_click").removeClass("billboard_click"); });
1. Execute a click event when the div with the class 'billboard_click' is clicked
2. Once clicked, remove the class from that very div to avoid another click from happening
3. Execute a series of events such as animations, etc
4. add the class back to the clicker div
The code does not seem to work as expected but I am wondering if I am having issues elsewhere at this point and wonder if this actually is known to work
So I create a class: function cMap(mapID){//vars and stuff}
I go and prototype a function: cMap.prototype.loadMap = function(){ //jquery AJAX call }
Now in the jquery $.ajax({...}); call, I use an anonymous function on the "success:" call: success: function(data){ this.member = data; }
My problem is that inside this anonymous function call I'm trying to call a class member of my cMap class to store the data in from the AJAX call, but it's out of scope. So the JS console in FF/Chrome throws errors about bad value/doesn't exist.
How can I access this class member from inside an anonymous function? Or at least what's a good way to go about doing all this?
I am new to this discussion but hope you would post reply for my query and encourage me to keep in touch with this discussion. Well here is my problem. I have made an edit in place form in which we can add and remove the elements. I have used and jquery.duplicate-remove.js plugins for edit in place and add and remove action. I have live() function to access the dynamically ganerated elements like this. $(".addressDiv span").live("mouseover", function(){ clickable function here...
CONDITIONS:If a person selects a Friday Class but not a Saturday Class the Total Cost Field will automatically enter $99.If a person selects a Saturday Class but not a Friday Class the Total Cost Field will automatically enter $99 as well.If a person selects both a Friday & Saturday Class the Total Cost field will automatically be $159.I found the following code and so far only have it changing when a Friday class is entered. I have no idea where to go from here
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
I am adding a CSS class to a DIV as follows:$div.addClass("Hover");But I would like the class to be added only if the DIV does not have a class named "Disabled".
I have this filter in a results table that also reflect in a ui datepicker day styling (ex:available unavailable) . Everything fine till i change month or year in datepicker . Maybe i have to use live() or livequery() but can see the way .This is the code:
$("#filterSelect").change(function(){ var filtro=$("#filterSelect").val(); $("#filter-box2").val(filtro);
I'm trying to figure out which selector is faster (assuming that the class 'foo' only appears on input tags)...
$('.foo'); or $('');
From what I've seen online, it seems that people recommend $(''), but in some limited testing it appears that $('.foo') is much faster in both FF and Chrome. In IE, both methods seem to produce similar results. Here is a fiddle with a simple example...
Have browsers started implementing native ways to find all elements with a given class name? Would that explain why $('.foo') seems to be faster?
[URL] The above webpage lists the selector .class.class without an example. I can't find this usage in jQuery document either. I made the following example, but it doesn't work. Could anybody let me know who to use the .class.class selector?