Display Specific Items Depending On Browser?
Feb 20, 2001
Here is the thing, I need to have parts of my website display different items depending on the browser (Netscape or Explorer). I have been using PHP to do this on 90% of the site, and it works great. However due to limitations on some pages (the shopping cart software) I cannot use PHP. When the page loads I can use Javascript, and I need it to load a specific header & footer for each browser type. I know that javascript cannot use SSI, so I would basically add everything into the one page and just have the script decide which chunk to add (the if or else statements get to decide I assume). The thing is I rarely use Javascript and when I do it has been extremely simple. here is the basic format I assume it will be using... (not in actual code though as I dont know javascript)
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Sep 18, 2010
On my site i use a lot of features that are unsupported by older browsers, and right now it looks pretty stupid when the features are only partially shown. So i was wondering if there's a way of making the browser look to different css files depending on which browser and version it is. For example, css3 gradient backgrounds are supported in firefox 3.6 or something, but not in 3.0. All the hacks out there is to 3.*, so it changes for the allready working 3.6 too if i hack it. I want to controll it so that i have a specific css file for the none-supporting version and lower and one for the supporting and above. I looked at a bad browser plugin (because it has some of the basic features im looking for)
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Aug 25, 2003
i'm after some script to display some html depending on what is selected in a list box
the html i want to display are checkboxes so it's more stuff for a form i'm using lotus notes, so i have to use javascript.
i can get it to display a checkbox if a particular item is selected but it won't show up in place, it loads a new page with the check box the only thing on that new page.
function updateChecks()
string = "";
if (document._WEBRequest.dataReq.value == "blah") {
string = "<input type="checkbox" name="check" />";
string += "Boundary";
return string;
function writeChecks()
the writeChecks() function is called onChange for the listbox
also don't have much clue as to how to make it show more checkboxes if more than one item is selected in the listbox.
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Nov 5, 2009
Within a classic asp webform (using vbscript) I would like part of the form (input boxes within table structure) to be specific/displayed depending on the users selection from the combo box in the row above.
I think the best solution would be using Javascript can anyone suggest a solution or example code?
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Oct 6, 2009
Another thing that has been driving me crazy is that css positioning is handled differently by different browsers. JS is not my area, but I can do a lot with CSS, and I do, but cross browser compatibility is killing me.
I can use an IF IE statement and only IE runs that segment of code, but I haven't been able to figure out out how to make ONLY firefox or ONLY opera or safari enact an encapsulated segment of code. The same type of IF statement doesn't work for them.
Is there a single method using JS that works for all browsers?
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Oct 16, 2010
If I have an 'dynamic' Div that sometimes contains the word Red or sometimes contains the word Green, i would like to replace (or something) the ID to something else.If the word inside the div is Green I need to use a green background, but if the word is red in the div, i need to have it in a red background.
<div id="x">Green</div>
#y {
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Mar 28, 2011
I'm trying to create a list that contains items which are filters for a search. The list shows 10 items (max) on the page load. if there are more than 10 it changes the class of the elements > 10 so they are hidden, and a 'show more' link is appended. Now if the user has 'unhidden' the previously hidden items and then chooses one, I want the class for all those previously hidden items to change until the user has deselected that item.
Is there a better, smaller way to write this? It works for what i need currently, but there are future features im planning that will not be practical checkingindividualindexes the way i've done it.
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Sep 19, 2009
I need a function to change an id depending on the webrowser.if the guy uses internet explorer the id of the main there as to be renamed mainie.if he is with firefox the id of the main as to be renamed mainfff and if he uses opera the id of the main as to be ranamed mainop.
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Jul 1, 2009
How would I target (with jQuery or normal javascript) the 5th and 6th li in an unsorted list for styling? I need to change the css for only 2 items in a list.
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Sep 18, 2010
Here's the sitch:
I've got the a bunch of selects back from a find:
var selects = $( "#my_id").find( 'SELECT');
Now I want to say this:
For each {desired value} in array with index ix Select the {ix}th select box Set the option in the {ix}th select box whose value == {desired value} as selected
I know it's really exceptionally easy, but I suck at jQuery...
I think it looks something like one of the below two lines:
selects[ix].val( {desired value});
selects[ix].val( {desired value}).attr( 'selected', true);
but I know the select[ix] syntax is wrong, and I don't know how to reference an item at a specific index from the jquery object returned by jquery.find()
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Mar 12, 2009
Does anyone here know of the javascript I'd use in a situation where I didn't want to display a certain image when the client is using IE6? I'm fine with displaying it in IE7 and Firefox, but don't want it displayed in IE6. The image is a PNG with a transparent background.
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Sep 23, 2010
I have a list of links in a sidebar, each with an associated class name. When one of these links are clicked, I want to fade out all of the main content list items that do NOT have this class (ie - if I click on boots, I want to fade out the list items heels and sandals)
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Jun 10, 2010
say that I have 2 css classes, 1 is "test failed" and the other is "test ok". And that i have like 20 diffrent div's with their own id, and class either "test failed" or "test ok".Code:<div class="ok/failed" id="one-twenty"> </div>I would like to (depending on what button the user pushes" display the "ok" test cases or hide them and the same thing for the "failed" one's.How can this be done in javascript?Tried the following but it does'nt work
var allHTMLTags = new Array();
function getElementByClass(theClass) {
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Aug 25, 2009
Is there a script that displays an image depending on the domain?
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Feb 24, 2010
i don't know what has changed in last releases of Firefox and Opera but before i used this script to detect browser versions (IE, Opera, FF) and block or redirect depending on version
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Nov 6, 2011
I'm working on a site where we display two lists of boats, sail or power via the organic tabs plugin. Now, our client wants us to show one list type by default depending on the class of the body tag - for example, if the user was on a sailing boat page, the body would have a class of 'sailPage' and therefore the list that would be shown by default would be the 'sail list' - and vice versa for the power (although be default this one shows first anyways as it is the first 'panel' in the HTML') In my admittedly rather clumsy way, I've written the following jQuery function which does seem to work (well, the first half) - however when the user clicks back on to the 'power' tab whilst on page with a class of 'sail', the power list doesn't display. There also seems to be a problem in IE7 where the content of the lists will not display until you select the other tab first, and then select the second tab again?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a string that contains n items. Each item start with a '@' and the
item itself does not contains the '@a'.
For example the string looks like: "@one@two@three@four"
I have to output this string as "one, two, three and four".
So in fact the first '@' can be removed, the next except the last replaces
by ", " and the last one by the word "and ".
Is there a simple way doing this?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a dynamically generated table, filled from a database by a perl
Each row represents a database record and has a 'status' and a unique 'id'.
What I want to do is create buttons to hide all rows with a particular
status. The code to show/hide is relatively easy, but how do I turn them
all off at once?
Several ideas I had:
1. Set the tr's 'id' attribute to the status (eg 'open') and then set that
id to display: none. But that only turns off the first one.
2. Do the same but somehow loop over all elements looking for that id.
3. Set the tr's 'id' attribute to the status plus the data's id (eg
'open.24') then loop over all elements matching the status with a regexp.
4. Doing something else that I haven't thought of yet.
Anyone have any advice and example code?
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Nov 29, 2006
Right now, the array items print out without spaces like "Jane,John,Mary,Sue". I need to be able to work with the items individually so I can format them so they read "Jane, John, Mary and Sue". I thought I'd be able to do something like v[i] + ", " but I get an "undefined" when I try to alert for v[i]. Can someone point me in the right direction? Code:
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Dec 4, 2006
Basically, I need a browser detection script that will detect what version of what browser the user is reading. My site works with IE 5.5SP2 and up, Netscape 7.2 and up, Opera 7.1 and up, and Firefox 1.0 and up (have not tested on any Mac browsers).
What I want the script to do is once it's detected a version of one of these browsers or higher, to continue loading the page. If it detects a lower version, or any other browser, I want it to direct users to a page telling them they are using an old or untested browser, where I have links to update the tested browsers and a link to continue to the site anyways
I have tried a couple scripts, but they only partially work. The one below seems to work so far for the two browsers I can test on (It goes to the good page for IE 6 and the bad page for NS 4.79 (I added Firefox and Opera myself, so I don't know if it works).
browser = navigator.appName
ver = navigator.appVersion
version = ver.substring(0,1)
if (browser=="Internet Explorer") {
if (version<="5.5")
if (browser=="Netscape") {
if (version<="7.2")
if (browser=="Firefox") {
if (version<="1.0")
if (browser=="Opera") {
if (version<="7.1")
How do I specify that IE 5.5 has to be 5.5 SP2? And how do I specify that every other browser in the universe except those lined out above in the code has to go to index2.html? I don't know how to specify that Safari has to go to index2.html while Netscape 8 doesn't.
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Jul 23, 2009
Is there a way to do it so that when listnav initially appears on the page, no items are shown? In other words, is there a way to just have the alphabetized index show with no initial display of anything else?
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Nov 29, 2010
I am using a drop down menu for a website I'm working on to display menu items under categories. I'm using the same code to do this on two different pages with the actual content of the menu's loading from a MySQL database using PHP scripts. [URL] On the menu.php page I left the code below in the mix which drops down the first category listed on the left. On the seasonal.php page I took the code below out and it no longer drops down any menu by default when the page is loaded. What I'd like to do is drop down nothing initially when the page is loaded but if someone opens up the "Cupcakes" category and clicks on an item it would keep that category open when it loads the item details in the center column. If you need to see more code let me know!
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Apr 8, 2009
I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to detect if a browser supports a specific URI scheme with javascript. So far the only close-but-wont-cut-it solution seems to be looping through navigator.plugins and check for plugins known to support these schemes, but that wont cut it (not maintainable, lacks perenity and have not found such a list). I have HTML anchor tags which use the geo [URL] and tel [URL] uri schemes. These are recognized by the iphone web browser (at least, tel I'm sure of) but not by the more general browsers.
If I click on any of these links in an nonsupporting browser of course, I get a nice browser alert box telling me the scheme isn't supported. But you cant trap that with javascript. I've tried fiddling around with window.navigator and even tried some iframe embedding magic to see if this would work, no success yet. What I want to do is detect I the scheme is supported and if not, prevent the links from a) appearing as links and b) be clickable. So far, I've been able to hack something out of firefox with this:
Code JavaScript:
var schemes = ['aaa', 'aaas', 'acap', 'cap', 'cid',
'crid', 'data', 'dav', 'dict', 'dns', 'fax',
'file', 'ftp', 'go', 'gopher', 'h323', 'http',
'https', 'icap', 'im', 'imap', 'info', 'ipp',
'iris', 'iris.beep', 'iris.xpc', 'iris.xpcs', 'iris.lws', 'ldap',
'mailto', 'mid', 'modem', 'msrp', 'msrps', 'mtqp', .....
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Mar 29, 2010
I would like to display only a certain amount of list items on a page.
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Jan 19, 2010
I have a link that makes an AJAX call to display a certain amount of items in a roster.
the link is:
<a href="javascript:loadRoster('per_page=10');">Show 10 items</a>
<a href="javascript:loadRoster('per_page=20');">Show 20 items</a>
I want to be able to make these calls from a dropdown,
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Apr 6, 2010
I have been trying all sorts of things, but falling short... I'm trying to set up a way to detect a user's browser size and then call a specific background image accordingly...
say (for example) that BKGD1.jpg is for users who have browsers that are 1280x1024 and higher; BKGD2.jpg is for users who have browsers that are smaller than 1280x1024...
i'm even open to an option that only displays a background image if the browser is (as in the example above) 1280x1024, and just a background color if the browser is smaller than that.
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