AJAX :: Call To Display A Certain Amount Of Items In A Roster

Jan 19, 2010

I have a link that makes an AJAX call to display a certain amount of items in a roster.

the link is:

<a href="javascript:loadRoster('per_page=10');">Show 10 items</a>
<a href="javascript:loadRoster('per_page=20');">Show 20 items</a>

I want to be able to make these calls from a dropdown,

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JQuery :: Display Only A Certain Amount Of List Items On A Page?

Mar 29, 2010

I would like to display only a certain amount of list items on a page.

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JQuery :: Ajax Call To Work - Display The Current Time

Jun 13, 2011

I'm using jquery with a simple ajax call to display the current time, but I'm getting undefined for the time instead of the actual time and I'm not sure why.

This is my code:

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JQuery :: Changing Classes Of List Items Depending On The Amount Of Them And Current Class Name?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm trying to create a list that contains items which are filters for a search. The list shows 10 items (max) on the page load. if there are more than 10 it changes the class of the elements > 10 so they are hidden, and a 'show more' link is appended. Now if the user has 'unhidden' the previously hidden items and then chooses one, I want the class for all those previously hidden items to change until the user has deselected that item.


Is there a better, smaller way to write this? It works for what i need currently, but there are future features im planning that will not be practical checkingindividualindexes the way i've done it.

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JQuery :: .ajax - Call A Function That Could Display Some Type Of 'thinking' Icon Before Success

Oct 21, 2010

When using .ajax, and when before I receive any data back from the server, I would like to call a function that could display some type of 'thinking' icon. In looking a the documentation I see there is a 'success', for when after receiving data back successfully, and an 'error', for obviously when something bad happens and need to error gracefully. I do not see something like a 'beforeSuccess' function that would allow me to specify, for example, to overlay a 'thinking icon' on top of a <div> after request is sent to the server and before I get any data back. I would assume this is a pretty standard necessity in ajax applications, and probably missing something here. How exactly is this done using the .ajax methods?

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Display Div For Set Amount Of Time And Then Fade Out?

Dec 6, 2009

I intend to start learning JS over the Xmas holidays, but right now I only have a very basic knowledge of it.I was just wondering if someone could point me in the right direction on how to do this, as I think i should be pretty easy.After someone changes something in the admin area [e.g. the position of an item] I want to be able to have a small div display at the top of the screen saying something like "Position Updated!" and then have it fade away after 2-3 seconds.

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Restricting Entries/display To Certain Amount

Dec 30, 2005

I am using this script which allows people to add links to a page and stores them in a cookie. I am redesigning the site and need to limit the amount of links which display to 5 or less. and/or restrict the amount of future entries to 5. Code:

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JQuery :: Display The Result Of Ajax Call As Html String And Not Plain String?

Dec 25, 2010

I want to know if there is a way to return ajax call as html value and not plain text, ie all html formatting will be displayed.

My code:

<script src="jquery.js">


String returned from webform4.aspx is html formatted but jquery displayed it as plain text. Is that anyway to display it as html string ?

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JQuery :: .html To Display Large Amount Of Content?

Jun 19, 2010

I'm using the .html() function to update information in a div whenever a button is clicked, like this:

$("#myPic").click(function() {
$("#myDiv").html("//new content for div goes here

However, for some of these new sections, the html is QUITE lengthy. can i store it on a separate file in the same directory and somehow import it?? Is there a better way?

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Make A Page That Could Display An Unlimited Amount Of Images?

Mar 2, 2009

I am trying to make a page that could display an unlimited amount of images. I mean that I want to be able to change the amount of pictures as I want. But in the same time I want the gallery to look like a table without making a table in my html.

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Display The Total Loan Repayment Amount Instead Of The Monthly Payment

Oct 3, 2011

i want the code below to display the total loan repayment amount instead of the monthly payment payment = principle * monthly interest/(1 - (1/(1+MonthlyInterest)*Months)) , eg if if l0an is 20$ payment is in 4 months, intrest rate is 15% display = amount to be repaid.


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Ajax :: Reload Div Tag After Set Amount Of Time?

Aug 12, 2009

At the moment I have two div tags in my main index.php file, called "flowchartDiv" and "buttondataDiv".Now what I'm trying to do is when ever a image is clicked, "Image of a button", it is added to the database and the "flowchartDiv" must reload in-order to reflex the new button added to the database.I will settle for the "flowchartDiv" reloading after a set time but I actually want the "flowchartDiv" to reload every time I click on the image buttons in the "buttondataDiv".here is my code for index.php file:

<script type='text/javascript' src='ajax.js'>


Now in the function HandleResponse(response) function you can see I have already tried to in corporate the timer but nothing is working at the moment.

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Call Dynamically Created Form Items?

Jul 7, 2010

I want to be able to access whatever the user types into my testCreation.html in a session created in testCheck.php. I then want that session to be accessed by testView.php. code...

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AJAX Callback With Large Amount Of Text

Sep 28, 2006

so I'm trying to get a large amount of text back to my ASP script
on the server. My large amount of text is the source to a web page, and
I want to preserve the formatting on it, ie the indenting. Before any
of this the only way I got stuff back to the server is with query
strings. Now I'm pretty sure there's other ways to get data back to the
sever besides query stings but I'm having trouble finding them. Can
somebody point me in the right direction or tell me how?

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AJAX :: Call Based On Results Of A Previous Call

Dec 14, 2010

The general framework is a simple user login function. The user name is selected and a password entered as usual. The function grabs the element values and passes them to a php page that queries the database. An AJAX call returns the password to the function and then I want the innerHTML to be a choice of two web pages, depending on success or failure of validation. There are existing AJAX functions available on the internet but they are overly complicated for what I think should be a simple, quick to load function.

Where I am stuck is that the standard procedure to make an AJAX call is the browser window event. How do you make the call from within the function? I have tried creating two new variables, "success" and "again" to replace xmlhttp, but still stumble on the event to assign a value. I left the blank password protection (if statement) with that variable to demonstrate what I mean.

I've put in my code below, which is in development and successfully alters the innerHTML text depending on user input but I can't figure out how to insert the relevant php page. I have '// out' the testing bits, but left them for info. (I have tried full 'scripting' as the innerHTML, but it's messy.)

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Parse String To Display Items

Jul 23, 2005

I have a string that contains n items. Each item start with a '@' and the
item itself does not contains the '@a'.

For example the string looks like: "@one@two@three@four"

I have to output this string as "one, two, three and four".
So in fact the first '@' can be removed, the next except the last replaces
by ", " and the last one by the word "and ".
Is there a simple way doing this?

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Changing The 'display' Of Multiple Items

Jul 20, 2005

I have a dynamically generated table, filled from a database by a perl

Each row represents a database record and has a 'status' and a unique 'id'.

What I want to do is create buttons to hide all rows with a particular
status. The code to show/hide is relatively easy, but how do I turn them
all off at once?

Several ideas I had:

1. Set the tr's 'id' attribute to the status (eg 'open') and then set that
id to display: none. But that only turns off the first one.

2. Do the same but somehow loop over all elements looking for that id.

3. Set the tr's 'id' attribute to the status plus the data's id (eg
'open.24') then loop over all elements matching the status with a regexp.

4. Doing something else that I haven't thought of yet.

Anyone have any advice and example code?

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Display Array Items Separately

Nov 29, 2006

Right now, the array items print out without spaces like "Jane,John,Mary,Sue". I need to be able to work with the items individually so I can format them so they read "Jane, John, Mary and Sue". I thought I'd be able to do something like v[i] + ", " but I get an "undefined" when I try to alert for v[i]. Can someone point me in the right direction? Code:

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JQuery :: Listnav Initial Display Of No Items?

Jul 23, 2009

Is there a way to do it so that when listnav initially appears on the page, no items are shown? In other words, is there a way to just have the alphabetized index show with no initial display of anything else?

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Dropdown - Display Menu Items Under Categories

Nov 29, 2010

I am using a drop down menu for a website I'm working on to display menu items under categories. I'm using the same code to do this on two different pages with the actual content of the menu's loading from a MySQL database using PHP scripts. [URL] On the menu.php page I left the code below in the mix which drops down the first category listed on the left. On the seasonal.php page I took the code below out and it no longer drops down any menu by default when the page is loaded. What I'd like to do is drop down nothing initially when the page is loaded but if someone opens up the "Cupcakes" category and clicks on an item it would keep that category open when it loads the item details in the center column. If you need to see more code let me know!


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Display Specific Items Depending On Browser?

Feb 20, 2001

Here is the thing, I need to have parts of my website display different items depending on the browser (Netscape or Explorer). I have been using PHP to do this on 90% of the site, and it works great. However due to limitations on some pages (the shopping cart software) I cannot use PHP. When the page loads I can use Javascript, and I need it to load a specific header & footer for each browser type. I know that javascript cannot use SSI, so I would basically add everything into the one page and just have the script decide which chunk to add (the if or else statements get to decide I assume). The thing is I rarely use Javascript and when I do it has been extremely simple. here is the basic format I assume it will be using... (not in actual code though as I dont know javascript)


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Display Html Depending On Selected Items In Listbox

Aug 25, 2003

i'm after some script to display some html depending on what is selected in a list box
the html i want to display are checkboxes so it's more stuff for a form i'm using lotus notes, so i have to use javascript.

i can get it to display a checkbox if a particular item is selected but it won't show up in place, it loads a new page with the check box the only thing on that new page.

function updateChecks()
string = "";
if (document._WEBRequest.dataReq.value == "blah") {
string = "<input type="checkbox" name="check" />";
string += "Boundary";
return string;
function writeChecks()
the writeChecks() function is called onChange for the listbox

also don't have much clue as to how to make it show more checkboxes if more than one item is selected in the listbox.

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JQuery :: Implement - Multiple Row Carousel - Display 9 Items At A Time On 2 Rows?

Aug 18, 2009

I'm wondering if there's a way to have multiple row carousel implemented.

I use jCarouselLite.. [url]

To be more specific, here's what I have:

And this is what I would like to accomplish:

I do realize that placing multiple items withing the <li></li> would be one approach, however I can't do that since the items are generated dynamically. The structure of my data (items) is an unordered list:

Using "float: left" & "clear: left" messes up the whole structure...

Any ideas how to display 9 items at a time on 2 rows?

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JQuery :: Populate Items Into A Select Using Ajax / Json And Php?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a select field. I must fill with options taken from a mysql table.Here is some little php code I have done using codeigniter framework

$idcateg = trim($this->input->post('idcategory'));
$array1 = array(
'result' => $idcateg
echo json_encode($array1);

Now, the jQuery call...

$.post("<?=base_url()?>index.php/rubro/list_ajax/", {
'idcategory' : idc },


The code works fine. When I call the post, I get the categoryid as a result.Now, I should modify the code above, so I can do:post the ajax call sending the category id. this is done get subcategories for this category, and build the array * json_encode the array and echo * get results back in jQuery ajax call, decode and build the < select > field *The array should be built with each element having a sub-array with id and name, right?

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Enable Uncertain Amount Of Textbox With Uncertain Amount Of Radiobutton?

Mar 30, 2010

when user populate info it will appear like this:

chkbox | name | number
radbtn | MJ | 234123
radbtn | MD | 343543
radbtn | AB | 453466

Is uncertain that how many info will appear as its from database. I am able to enable the radbtn with chkbox by getting radbtn name. How can i enable only the selected radbtn textbox under name and number in order for user to edit it?

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JQuery :: Set Some Items Of An Ajax Toolkit ComboBox To Bold Or To A Different Color?

Jun 4, 2010

We want to emphasize the top about 10 items (number varies based on other criteria) in bold or perhaps a lightgray background. The Ajax Toolkit ComboBox is filled from an SQL database. After it is filled (or perhaps while it is being filled) we'd like to bold the top so many items. How to do this in JQuery?

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