JQuery :: Populate Items Into A Select Using Ajax / Json And Php?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a select field. I must fill with options taken from a mysql table.Here is some little php code I have done using codeigniter framework

$idcateg = trim($this->input->post('idcategory'));
$array1 = array(
'result' => $idcateg
echo json_encode($array1);

Now, the jQuery call...

$.post("<?=base_url()?>index.php/rubro/list_ajax/", {
'idcategory' : idc },


The code works fine. When I call the post, I get the categoryid as a result.Now, I should modify the code above, so I can do:post the ajax call sending the category id. this is done get subcategories for this category, and build the array * json_encode the array and echo * get results back in jQuery ajax call, decode and build the < select > field *The array should be built with each element having a sub-array with id and name, right?

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Ajax :: Create A Multiple Select Menu Where Can Select Several Different Items

Oct 10, 2010

We have a list of items that each has a different quantity available. So I am going to create a multiple select menu, where they can select several different items. So, how can I make it that when they leave the field it sends all the different ones to the ajax program to build all the appropriate quantity forms?


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Ajax :: How To Populate Select List

Aug 15, 2010

I am using Javascript & PHP to populate a select list. The Ajax is working perfectly as I have tested it. However, as you can see from the below code, I have a button which adds more rows (which includes 2 select lists and file input) to a table.

When I click Add Row, the row is added perfectly and both select boxes along with the file field are shown as expected. The problem occurs when I select a value from the "room_name[]" box - there are no values returned inside the "album_title[]" select box. It doesn't seem to be triggering the onChange event.
code JavaScript:

function addRow(tableID) {
var table = document.getElementById(tableID);


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AJAX :: Populate 5 Select Boxes?

Jan 16, 2011

I have a product select page that is really slow to use because 6 dropdowns must be populated and the page reloads after selecting each box, to get the options for the next box.I want to speed it up as follows:

1) User selects one of 50 products from a dropdown list.

2) Page reloads, and all the possible options for the remaining 5 dropdown boxes are now populated (ie. list options all stored client side)

3) User can freely input the remaining 5 dropdowns without the page reloading.

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Ajax :: Populating Mutliple Select Box With JSON - Bug ?

Jan 31, 2011

I have a multiple select box that is dynamically populated based on a selection from another select box. There are 3 possible results:

1. Every click on the parent select box replaces the html of the child <select> with a "Loading..." message. Then it runs an ajax request to a server side page that returns JSON data back to the post-processing function.

In that post-processing function I check to see if any data was returned for that selection.

2. If data was returned, replace the child multi-select with the data.

3. If no data was returned then replace the child multi-select with a default message.

Now the problem I'm seeing. When I select an item from the parent select that I know returns data, the child multi-select seemingly doesn't update, but when I mouse over the select I see the changes.

BUT! On a whim, I created another <div> just to see if it was in fact a problem with the select, so everytime I updated the <select> I also updated this new <div>. Magically it all worked. So what I ended up doing is keeping the <div> there, just set it to display:none and now it works like it "should".

I'm using jQuery.ajax and jQuery.html to handle the processing.

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JQuery :: Way To Populate A Form With Json Object?

Jan 24, 2010

Found this plugin as a solution, which works:[URL]... which I can't get to work:[URL]..

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JQuery :: Generic Function To Populate A Dropdown Using JSon?

Jan 5, 2012

I have quite a few calls on my page at different points to populate dropdowns using jSon responses from the server. It is all working fine now apart from one issue. The name of the field that sets the value and text of the new Option(s) being put into the dropdown.


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JQuery :: Get Encoded JSON Items?

Apr 30, 2010

I am having quite a bit of trouble getting items out of a json encoded array. I have searched this forum tirelessly and can't find anything except more confusion. I'm simply trying to retrieve data from a mysql db via ajax.

echo $json_encode_data;
output is like so:


Do you need to use a .json file when using .getJSON? I simply want to print data from my select.php file that has an json encoded array. If there is a more simple way to do this without using json encode

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Add Items To A JSON Object?

Mar 3, 2009

Does anyone know the function for adding more items to an already declared JSON object?

Assuming you have something like code...

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Syntax To Reference Json Items?

Sep 14, 2009

My data (that does not need to be secure) is stored in a json array. If I include the file [2nd block below] in the head of my page with:


<script type="text/javascript src="list.js">

And my json object "list.js" looks like this:


var a = {"b": [
"cfirst": "0",
"csecond": "y2",


What code would I use to reference the text "r3" if I knew "q2"?

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Expected '' Error - Select Menu 'Customer' Which Triggers A 3 JS Functions - To Populate 2 Extra Select Menus

Aug 18, 2010

I'm having problems with a Javascript 'Lookup' function.

Basically, I have a select menu 'Customer' which triggers a 3 JS functions, to populate 2 extra select menus.

Using IE Developer Tools, during debugging, I get this error: Expected ';' Error

This relates to either: eval(ajax_CustContact[index].response); OR eval(ajax_CostCentreContact[index].response); (it's a bit random, as sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't)

I have tried changing the 'custid' to 'custname' to check whether it was an integer causing the problem, but had the same problem.

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JQuery :: Populate Select Form Field?

Jan 26, 2010

I have a form where a user may select a box from above which will query the database and autofill in the fields. This works properly for all of my input text fields but I have a select box where a user selects their state that I am unable to get to properly populate.

The select box is populated on page load in the following format....

<select id="state" name="state">
<option value="1">ALABAMA</option>
<option value="2">ALASKA</option>


Everything populates correctly except where I try to set the val on the state select field. It does not change at all. I need it to display the statename with the value of the state (number).

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JQuery :: Select Dropdown With Many Options, Most Efficient Way To Populate?

Jun 16, 2010

I am populating a number of Select boxes on the server-side with a large number of options. I'd like to get the response size down without taxing the client browser too much. What do you think is the most efficient way to approach this problem?

Here are some considerations: The option text/values do not change very often, but could potentially change in the future. The page that holds the select boxes should never be cached, there are other aspects of the page that need to remain fresh. Firebug with YSlow is saying that the primed cache size of the page is 300Kb with all the select dropdowns and options, if I remove the options, the primed cache size of the page is 80Kb. I am considering breaking out the text/value pairs for the select boxes into a separate file that is cache-able calling it "valueTextPairs.js" and referencing it with a query string and some sort of server-generated MD5 hash of the data, so that if any of the values change, the client's cached version will be replaced by the latest version. Like so:[URL]...

Provided I do this, I anticipate that the primed cache size of the page will be reduced down to 80Kb (which I like) -- however, before I take the plunge, I am curious what you all think the performance effect will be?

I know the number of bytes on the wire will be reduced, but will this put a lot of additional pressure on the client's browser because I'd need to traverse the name/value pairs and add the options to the select boxes dynamically on the client end? If it seems reasonable to do this, what jQuery approach would be the most efficient? $('#selectId').html(options) with options = one big string? Adding each child option to the select in a loop? Something else?

Some client end folks are using IE6 so I am trying to tax the browser as little as possible, while also reducing the size of each request, trying to find a happy medium..

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JQuery :: Popup Wizard To Select A Value To Populate Back Into A Form?

Aug 29, 2011

I want to make a popup helps the user select a value for an input field in a html form.

For example, if the field is for a customer code - the user can either type in the customer code directly, or use the popup to search on available customer codes using various criteria and finally select the customer code he or she wants to use, and have that customer code populate back into the original input field.

I have been looking around the various components in jquery but can't quite see how to do this.

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JQuery :: Populate Inputs From Ajax Call?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm trying to create a function which sends a ajax call and checks a database for entries. If the number sepcified is found in the data, jquery is to populate some input fields with the result.

Example: I looking for 210 and the database found a user with this number, then the ajax returns some information like name, address, postal and city. I created a database call which in a php file created a array with the result: $user[] = array('name' => $row->name,'address' => $row->address,'postal' => $row->postal,'city' => $row->city); Now I can't figure out how to return this array into the jquery function and populate the right html inputs.


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JQuery :: Deselecting All Items In A <select>-field?

Jan 13, 2008

This is something I spent way too much time on, trying to figure out why it didn't want to do what I wanted in IE7. I'm posting it here, so maybe it will save some others a bit of time. The problem: You have a <select> and you wish to deselect all options. It turns out that you need to change the code, depending on whether you're using a select that can take multiple options or not. Both versions work in FF and Safari for both variants, but for Internet Explorer you'll need to use them as specified below.


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JQuery :: Set Certain Items In Select List To Selected

Aug 3, 2009

I have a multiple select list
<select id=mylist name=mylist[]>
<option id=1>first</option>
<option id=2>second</option>
<option id=3>third</option>
<option id=4>fourth</option>
<option id=5>fifth</option>

Then I have a string of id's that I want to set to selected like so.
var selectedIds = '1,3,5';
Is it possible to use jquery (preferably in a one liner) to set first, third and fifth to selected.?

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JQuery :: Select Items With Multiple Classes

Feb 28, 2010

[code]I want to be able to highlight all of the divs which contain both the classes 'two' and 'three'. So the first and the third divs above are highlighted but the second isn't because it doesn't contiain both classes.I can see how to select multiple classes like this:$('.two, .three').css('background',''yellow');This selects items with either'two' or 'three' classes. I want it only to select the items with both classes.

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JQuery :: Select Only Top Level List Items?

Feb 7, 2011

Can anyone please tell me how to select only top level list items?[code]...

The answer I'm looking for is 3, since that is how many main listitems there are. How can I target only these main items?[code]...

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JQuery :: Encountering A Snag When Attempting To Dynamically Populate Multiple Dynamic Select Elements?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm encountering a snag when attempting to dynamically populate multiple dynamic select elements. I have the following object hierarchy Field --> Category --> Expertise which are displayed within a form as select elements, e.g., when 'Field' is changed then the 'Category' is repopulated based on the root index value of 'Field' and then 'Expertise' is repopulated based on the root index value of 'Category'. Below is the code I'm using:

<div class="formRow">
<label class="desc" for="Job_Field">


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JQuery :: Replacing Like Items - Select Without Iterating Through Checkbox

Aug 30, 2009

I have a form of data I am working on where I may have *nearly* the same thing appear with a checkbox appear multiple times.
For example:
<input type="checkbox" name="blah" value="widget1||123456">
<input type="checkbox" name="blah" value="widget2||123456">
<input type="checkbox" name="blah" value="widget3||123456">
<input type="checkbox" name="blah" value="widget4||123456">
<input type="checkbox" name="blah" value="widget5||123456">
So, if checkbox #1 (widget1) is checked, it will either disable all other ones containing the sku 123456 OR replace the others in the form having sku 123456 with an image of a sort. Is there a way to select this without iterating through every checkbox in the form and looking at it's value?

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JQuery :: Select All Of The Items In A Multiselect Listbox Using A Checkbox?

Jul 19, 2011

I am trying to select all of the items in a multiselect listbox using a checkbox and and the change event. I have it working correctly but the problem is that it is extremely slow. There are about 420 items in the listbox loaded from a d.b. I noticed that the scroll bar also scrolls when the items are selected which i dont want.

$(document).ready(function () {
$('#AutoSprinkAll').change(function () {
$('#lstAutoSprink option').each(function() {


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JQuery :: Read Items In <Select> List Before Submit?

Jul 30, 2009

I have a select list that is populated from a mysql DB with 3 names in it. I've created buttons to allow my users to move the names up or down inside the select list.

I'd like to put a save button at the bottom of the form that when clicked, runs a jquery function to read each value of the list and put them into a hidden tag or something that gets submitted to my next form.

I've been trying different combo's of items I've found on the internet, but nothing seems to work for my application.

I have considered updating the table everytime an item is moved, but I just dont have the jquery/javascript experience to pull it off.

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JQuery :: Multiple Select Boxes Affecting Visible Items

Feb 17, 2010

I'm quite new to jQuery and have this working, though I'm fairly sure if this won't be an efficient way to do this. I have a form with each day of the week, and each day has a choice in the number of slots which then shows the correct number of slots for entry for that day.

The form:
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="DataTable"><tbody>
Slots .....

This is simplified just a little as there are more than the 1 input in an 'Entry Section' (eg .Entry3). The jQuery I have working here is:
function onSelectChange(){ .....

That's working fine, except I do want to have 7 days so that would be quite a lot of replicated jQuery code. I am thinking there will be a way to identify the select item with the others so jQuery will know which to adjust without having to spell every single item out. Is there an easy way to achieve this in the above?

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Populate Select Box With Dates?

Jan 26, 2009

I'm trying to get a select box to automaticly populate the year ranging from 2008 to the current year + two years.Below I've put the code I've got so far which populates it with the current year plus two years so for example at the moment it shows 2009, 2010 & 2011. Next year it would show 2010, 2011, 2012 but I need it to start at 2008 so this year it would show 2008, 2009, 2011 & 2012 and next year 2008, 2009, 2011 & 2012.


<script type="text/javascript">
var year = new Date();
var nextYear = year.getFullYear()+1;
var nextYear2 = year.getFullYear()+2;


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Populate A Select Box Without Using A Framework Of Any Sort?

Apr 19, 2009

how i would poppulate a select box with an ajax call.

Would anyone have a super simple function or script that will populate a select box without using a framework of any sort ?

All i need is for it to extract pull a list from my server

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