i need an event based calender using open source how can i create is there any free open source event based calender is there user need to boook and block his dates and edit and book the dates for his requirements
how to create a customizable event based calender i need to create a grid calender where user can edit the fields of the dates and he can block some dates!
I am creating a website for my company's helpdesk and need an Event Calendar for conference room reservations. User need to be able to check the availability of conference rooms and enter a reservation on the calendar.
I have following code in my file <% @ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="SimpleCalender. aspx.vb" Inherits="SimpleCalender" %> <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional/ /EN" "[URL]"> < html> < head> < title>Calender</title> <link href="[URL]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <script src="[URL]"></script> <script src="[URL]"></script>
<script> $(document). ready( function() { $( "#datepicker").datepicker( ); }); </script> </ head> < body style="font-size:62.5%;"> <div type="text" id="datepicker"></div> </ body> </ html> And I have xml file which have events, I wanted to show events from xml file into my calender.
I want to be able to display an embedded video on a web page but i want the URL to be different based on the source IP visting the web page.Can this be done in javascript?Example: If someone from inside our network (one IP address on the outside) visits our external web page (hosted externally) visits a web page with one of the embedded videos the URL and code will serve up a locally hosted video. (WMV format)
The script creates new fields with calendar in a form, if new information is added to a field and then a new field is created the information is lost in FF Live demo: [URL]
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Calendar Text Input</title> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="datetimepicker.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> [Code]...
I've created a form using datepicker to choose the birthdate, now I'm trying to control what's in my inputs, but I have issues when it comes to the input of my datepicker
When I have focus on my input I diplay a message to guide the user, when the event blur happens I check if the input contains a valide date and display an alert when it's wrong, but the blur is launched even when the user clicks on the calendar of datepicker, so the alert message is displayed which isn't supposed to happen
I'm looking for a way to wait for the user to select a date before executing the blur, or at the blur event check if the calendar is open or closed before doing any control
I'm doing this site for my c=school and needs this event calendar. Ive traipsed through this far but stuck with the event showing up. The problem is it will double print the dates that have events. One from the for loop which shows events and other from the normal if function. Following are my files.
I've implemented [URL]... in to our website, and it works great. What I'm trying to do now is take the events on that calendar and have the next upcoming event display on the sidebar of the pages. I put the listing of events in its own .js file for easier reading
I am using a calendar that I have downloaded from a web site. I use this to provide a way for the user to choose a date from the calendar to fill in some date fields. Overall, the calendar works fine except for one problem that I cannot fix: When I add OnBlur event handler to the calendar, the calendar loses its capability to handle OnClick event -- therefore, the user cannot click a day from the calendar. I am trying to use the OnBlur event to hide the calendar as soon as the user clicks outside the calendar. Currently the user can click at a "Cancel" button on the calendar to hide the calendar, or the user can hit <Esc> key to hide it. But I think the calendar will work better if the user can click outside the calendar to hide it.
Attached please find a simplified version of the program that can show this problem. It has one single text field to put date on it. When you click at the text field, the calendar will pop up. This version has the OnBlur event handler commented out. Therefore, you should be able to choose a date from the calendar. But you cannot click outside the calendar to hide it. In order to show the problem, you need to go to the bottom of the program and uncomment this line:
After you have uncommented that line, you will find that you can click outside the calendar to hide it. Unfortunately, you will also find that choosing a date from the calendar only hides the calendar; the date is not being placed into the text field.
I have been away from development for a while and I'm looking for a way to get back into it. I have two questions:
1) Is the choice of javascript framework independent of the choices of all the other application parts like the object-relational mapping layer, the app server, etc? Right now, I'm looking at JQuery, and ExtJS.
2) Does anyone know where I can get a complete sample application made of open source parts and using all the best practices that I can just copy to get started?
And I mean complete... as if a real life functioning enterprise the likes of Google just zipped up their whole open-source production and development hard drives and made it all available for people to download, unzip, and run... mysql database, bug tracking system, build system, version control, connection pooling services, web server, app server, javascript libraries, internationalization resources, configured IDE, etc. etc. All of everything configured and wrapped up in a single zip file ready to go with just a few changes to IP addresses and passwords. From that we could just change things to build our own first app.I've tried getting started with a bunch of different open source application stacks and I always get stuck. And every time it happens I wonder why I can't just copy someone's entire web development folder. It's open-source and it's just ones and zeroes. Why can't we just copy it and skip the setup process and the time of figuring out best practices on our own?
I have these "editable" divs in my document. When you click them, a text box comes up and you type something and push enter. It changes what's in the div.There is also a blur event associated with the text box. When the user tabs or clicks away, it fires the blur event. Here lies the problem.I have other elements on the page that are clickable. I don't want those clickable things to fire their events if the user is clicking away from the text box, ie. the blur event. This isn't a problem is the user pushes tab, for instance.
How would i add an avent listener to change the source of an image? I have added the image to a canvas element through javascript using the code below.
var start = new Image(); start.src = "start.jpg"; ctx.drawImage(start, 50, 50);
I currently have several instances of a video player placed on the page by number of XML nodes. Each player has a source of one of 2 video codecs, dependent on browser as to which one will be read. The issue I am having is that on click of a thumb 1 video player and its corresponding sources is animated into view and plays. That is all fine, yet when selecting a different thumb the previous video continues to play unless I place the statement in green into my click function. This works until I add another node into my xml, and or place more video.pause without videos actually being in the xml (undefined, of coarse). I have been trying to find the syntax to replace the source with the corresponding thumb id (url, url2) and utilize only one player, but I have failed in my searches. Is it possible to swap the source upon clicking on the thumbs? $('video').player.pause(); is not recognized.
I am facing an issue where a link on my website opens in a new window if you simply click on it. However, if you right click and say open in new window or new tab, it opens the same window (URL) again from where the link is clicked.
Self Service Option is a link and the JSP calls a function getSelfServSite() when the link is clicked. This is how the code flows in my case
function getSelfServSite() { getToTheLink("${myConfigInfo.selfServiceURL}"); // this is because the URL is configurable
I want it to go to the right link no matter how the user click it.
I got some code that loads divs from other web pages into a particular div in my main page. In other words, I click on a button, and this tells jquery to load afragment of a particular page into my main page. For instance if I have 5 web pages onrock stars, I could have 5 buttons, and each button could load one rockstar's biography into a div on the main page (and replace whatever was there before). This works, and I do see the content that it loaded. But when I do 'view source' in IE, I do not see that content (the bio of the rock star). Another clue that this content is not really there, is when I try and run some code on that content. The content (from those external pages) have divs with specific names, and I try and make them into collapsible panels by running the following short function:
I apologize in advance for my ignorance. I'm relatively new to javascript. I am trying to dynamically create a page based on information in a .txt. So far the code works. But only for a spacific line in the .txt. I would like it to create numbered divs and fill with approprate info from .txt for each line in .txt. Does that make sense? I will paste full code if necessary and it is explained exactly how. Is it: ["my code goes here"] or
ok i have a script which will make a copy of the html in a div and place it into another div the problem with this it creates a duplicate element with the same id so what i want to know is can i create a new id based off old ids using a generic type script
function scope(e) { var popin = document.getElementById('popin');
How can I dynamically create a button once the page is loaded. At the end of the page I want a javascript to create a button next to a textarea in a table cell. I have the following piece of html and want to see if this is present in a page at loading time then create a button dynamically next to textrea. code...
Firstly this isnt a double post, I stupidly posted in the Java forum not the java script forum. Im trying to create a dynamic table based on the selections of multiple lists as per here Screen Shot
A user would select thier choices from the various lists and then add them to a table - this is where my question comes in. How do I achieve creating a table which will grow depending on how many additions a user adds?
Hope I make sense, Im trying to get my head around this.