Overriding OnBeforeUnload Dialog Message
Feb 9, 2006
Does anyone know how to suppress the default messages?
1. "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?"
2. "Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on current page"
I need to provide the user a custome message. I tried many approachs, but non of them seem to work. I tried to use a confirm box instead, but for some reason, the return value for onBeforeUnload event seem to be used as string, so return false to the event CANNOT stop the page from refreshing.
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Sep 30, 2009
i dont want to show the confirm message when using window.onbeforeunload.Please suggest a solution to hide the confirm message..
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Jul 23, 2005
Currently I use an onbeforeunload method, to do call various tidy up
methods when a user exits my web application - however I now need to add
additional support, for users migrating to Sun's JVM.
My understanding that the onbeforeunload call is a Microsoft one, and
the net result of having it in a page used by a SUN JVM user is that the
browser does not close.
Does anyone know of an alternative to this method, that is supported
by Sun's JVM?
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Jul 23, 2005
The onbeforeunload fires just before the current document begins to
unload due to form submission or window closure.
How can I have this code run after window closure (X) but not after
pressing a button (form submission)?
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Jul 23, 2005
How can i override all the styles being cascaded applied to some HTML
For example:
I have a stylesheet where DIV styles are described
padding: 10;
margin: 10;
and have HTML code:
<DIV><DIV style="override:all">Test</DIV></DIV>
I would like to not have the inner DIV padding, margin and other
directives described in styles above. Actually I would like to
discover some directive line "override:all"!
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Nov 29, 2005
I want to override the onbeforeunload event so that when the user
clicks on the close button, at the right top of the screen, it only
open an alert with OK button and don't close the screen ...
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Jun 6, 2006
the bug of onbeforeunload is so obvious!
in IE 6 it will popup twice "sometimes"
I am using the following code
window.onbeforeunload = null;
window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;
var executingPostBack = false;
function confirmExit()
if ( typeof executingPostBack != 'undefined' && !executingPostBack)
return 'Warning: Modified data has not been saved.' ;
In some cases, IE pops up it twice, for example, when we click a link
that contains "__doPostBack", onbeforeunload is fired the first time;
when the form is submitted, it is fired second time.
There is no way to work it around, because onbeforeunload is stupid, we
can't know whether the user clicks OK or Cancel.
I would like to use the following code with confirm so that I know
exactly what the user behaves
res = confirm("leaving?");
if (res==1)
but I can't use this in onbeforeunload, because I can't stop it!
onbeforeunload always asks for something return, but if I return
anything, it will popup!
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Nov 30, 2010
I am using the "lightbox" effect to open my images which uses javascript. I am also using jQuery for the changing banner at the top of the page. Ever since I put the jQuery script in, the "lightbox" script stopped working. When I remove the jQuery script, the "lightbox" script works again. Obviously they are conflicting for some reason. I have included the relevant code below.
HTML Code:
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Jun 6, 2005
I have written a web application in .ASP with VBScript and JavaScript running against a SQL back end. Everything works great except my BeforeUnload() event:
<%'Add a script to save any unsaved data before the client leaves the page%>
<script language="JavaScript">
function confirmExit()
{if (document.Client_Info_Page.Value_Changed.value == "true")
{if (confirm("This record has been changed. Press [OK] to save; [Cancel] to discard."))
alert("Changed and save");}
{alert("Changed and no save");}
<%'END Add a script to save any unsaved data before the client leaves the page%>
This code checks a variable to see if anything's been changed on the page and if it has, it asks the user if they'd like to save before exiting. The alert boxes are just to show the If/Then is working correctly (which it is) but the .Submit() function just gets ignored as the page exits.
Just to play, I made a java button and cut and pasted the submit() into and when that's clicked it submits with no problem.
Anyone know how I can get the onBeforeUnload to push a .Submit()? I've changed it to stop the exit and allow the user to save, but it would be so much smoother if it could be automatic.
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Jul 23, 2005
Can 'onbeforeunload' (ie) be used to trigger a javascript? I can't find any info on how or if this is possible.
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Jul 14, 2009
I have this class, (just the signature)
javascript Code:
var parent_child = function(po, ps, co, cs){
var url = 'http://xyz.com/abc/';
var pars = [], childs = {}, tmp;
this.p_added = function(urlFrag){
What i want to do is to create a new class with the above one as the super class, pass in one more variable to the constructor and override the p_added function. I thought of doing something like xpc = new parent_child(); and override the function with xpc.prototype.p_added = function(){}
how to pass in another variable to the constructor and make it private to the new class.
I believe there is a nice and concise way to achieve what i want to, but i can't find it. And the fact that OOP in javascript can be implemented in several different ways doesn't help my cause.
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May 8, 2009
I'm trying to use javascript to control a table's td styles. What I want to achieve is to
- apply style A onmouseover
- apply style B onmouseout
- apply style A onfocus
The problem is that the mouseout event overrides the focus event. Also I'd like each element to stay on the focus state until another element gets clicked.
This is my code:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function HoverStyle(element) {
document.getElementById(element).style.backgroundImage = "url(images/arrow1.jpg)";
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Mar 4, 2007
I have been developing a website in html and javascript for people to play the game Runescape (www.runescape.com) on.
It uses a textbox and array to open the page of the selected server into a frame, but they have recently added this little bit of javascript to the pages on which the game is embeded.
function init() {
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Dec 4, 2006
I want to turn all text on a page black when the user clicks a print icon. (Along with that I also remove some DIV's so only the information someone would want to print is visible)
If I add * {color:#000000} to my CSS it does exactly what I want. Now I need to figure out how to apply this rule dynamicly to my document object or perhaps the body when a function is run.
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Jan 20, 2010
I set some value like in onbeforeUnload
The value is not set and is not available at server side.
I set some value like
The value is available at server side.
window.body.onbeforeunload = saveBeforeExit; // IE else[code].....
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Jan 20, 2011
In class based languages you can override methods in subclasses like so:
class BaseClass{
print( name() );
return "--base--class--";
class SubClass extends BaseClass{
return "--sub--class--";
So the following code prints "--sub--class--"
(new SubClass).methodA();
So even though methodA belonged to the BaseClass, it called the overridden version found in SubClass. Would the equivalent code in Javascript print "--sub--class--" or "--base--class--" ?
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Oct 16, 2009
i have been working with jquery dialog for a while and am stuck on a new problem today.when i load a dialog, it is running the button functions when the dialog is opened.
$(function() {
var dialogopts = {
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Sep 10, 2009
I used the jquery modal dialog from the[url].... that is currently draggable from the title only. is there any way i can make
that draggable by inserting a div at the footer of the dialog or make it draggable from everywhere in the dialog.
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Jul 23, 2005
What code can I put in the 'onbeforeunload' event to cancel the 'unload'
action (when user closes browser) and then present the user with an
alert saying that he/she must use the logout button.
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Aug 25, 2009
JQuery and have a problem with an expandable menu I have created for a new Wordpress theme.
With my expandable menu I am simply (slide)toggling the children <ul> by clicking the parent <li>. This should work fine but jQuery is overiding the default event for the anchors in the children resulting in me having a nice expandable menu that animates well but with its links disabled.
As far as I can tell this should work as I am targeting one level of anchor beneath the parent and not any other more deeply nested children.
The problem only applies to the followning browsers - Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome and ie 8.
It works fine in ie 6 and 7, Firefox 3 and Opera 9.
The jQuery is as follows:
The html structure is as follows:
I left the anchor details (href, title and so on) out just to make the html code a little easier to scan.
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May 22, 2009
I'm trying to add the "you have unsaved changes" message to a form. I have it working in every browser except IE7 and IE8.I have set the onbeforeunload with using a global "goodExit" variable (that's supposed to help IE, and it did partially).The thing is, that I have multiple tabs on the page, so I only show part of the form at any given time. If they change a field on one tab, the top of the page shows a visual box of "unsaved data", so that as the users changes tabs the box at the top still shows.The problem is that, IE fires the onbeforeunload anytime someone clicks to change tabs. The only thing that happens when they click a tab is that I use jQuery to show/hide the DIVs appropriately.Why does IE fire onbeforeunload when changing the display of DIVs???!!!No other browser does this.The global "goodExit" variable meant to help IE, seems to work, except that goodExit is set to true if they change any field on a tab, so that then the next tab they switch to fires the event.
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Feb 6, 2009
I have an editable div, when clicked displays two buttons - save and cancel. When either button is pressed the respective function takes place. The problem I'm having is with the onblur function. When a targetElement loses focus, I want to figure out which new element gained the focus - if it is the save button then I want the save function to fire. However, if it is any other element then I want the cancel function to fire.
I'm trying to figure out once an editable div is selected and the user clicks the save button, how do I determine that the save button was clicked and trigger the save function - because with the onblur method attached to the editable div any click outside the div is interpreted as a call to the onblur method, even if the save button is clicked.
document.getElementById("cancelEdit").onclick = function(){ cancelEdit(targetElement, initialContent ); };
document.getElementById("saveEdit").onclick = function(){ saveEdit(targetElement) };
targetElement.onblur = function(){
if (document.getElementById("saveEdit").onfocus){
} else { cancelEdit(targetElement, initialContent ); }
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Jan 19, 2010
I have a site with the main content displayed in an iFrame. The problem is the outside frame is not exactly rectangular so the iFrame corners go over the corners of frame. I solved this by having the pages in the iFrame transparent and this works fine. However, I wish to only have the iFrame displayed when it is fully loaded. I have pretty much worked this out but there is just one problem. I cannot work out how to set the iFrame to not display initially so I can then change it from Javascript. In other words, I have the following function that shows or hides the iFrame. I simply parse "none" or "block":
function showHideFrame(display) {
Frame = document.getElementById("frameContent");
I then have this function that is called from Flash to change the page. Before the page is changed I hide the iFrame:
function changeFrame(page) {
Frame = document.getElementById("frameContent");
Frame.src = page;
I then have the iFrame set up as follows:
HTML Code:
<iframe src = "[URl]" id="frameContent" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" onload="showHideFrame('block')></iframe>
The problem with this is that it starts visible. I have tried adding a
HTML Code:
To the iFrame but then the javascript cannot set it to block it stays hidden the whole time. I have also tried putting it on the CSS but the effect was the same. So how can I override the CSS? Or set it to be invisible initially?
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Jun 2, 2009
Is it possible to have the jquery ui dialog close when clicking outside the area of the dialog? Like facebox?
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Feb 17, 2010
I am trying to get a dialog box to open another dialog box. Clicking on "more search options" the first time results in opening a dialog box. Clicking "search" within the dialog box results in opening up a second dialog box. But this only works the first time I click on "more search options". In other words, the second dialog box only opens up only once. To get the second dialog to open again, I have to reload the page in the browser.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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Aug 16, 2010
I'm redesigning a large website right now, and the problem i'm having is that there is already a CSS class called "required" that has been used extensively all over the site. However, I want to use the jQuery.validate.js for the forms. is there any way to override this?
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