Editable DIV - OnBlur Overriding OnClick Event
Feb 6, 2009
I have an editable div, when clicked displays two buttons - save and cancel. When either button is pressed the respective function takes place. The problem I'm having is with the onblur function. When a targetElement loses focus, I want to figure out which new element gained the focus - if it is the save button then I want the save function to fire. However, if it is any other element then I want the cancel function to fire.
I'm trying to figure out once an editable div is selected and the user clicks the save button, how do I determine that the save button was clicked and trigger the save function - because with the onblur method attached to the editable div any click outside the div is interpreted as a call to the onblur method, even if the save button is clicked.
document.getElementById("cancelEdit").onclick = function(){ cancelEdit(targetElement, initialContent ); };
document.getElementById("saveEdit").onclick = function(){ saveEdit(targetElement) };
targetElement.onblur = function(){
if (document.getElementById("saveEdit").onfocus){
} else { cancelEdit(targetElement, initialContent ); }
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Jul 2, 2009
I am having one td and inside td using one control(it may be any control like textbox,combobox) and am using onblur events for td and aswell as the control inside td. when am moving focus from this td to another td the parent onblur event is firing first and then child control(like textbox, combobox) onblur event is firing. The problem is am validating that entire td (what ever the value user updates) in one method. so in this scenario that validate method is calling when i move the focus onto child control. After entering the value in the child control that child control onblur event is firing and am unable to fire the parent control(td) onblur event.
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Jul 23, 2005
Can anyone assist me with what I am trying to do with the following
code (six different scenarios to try to make the functionality work
I want to always (and ONLY) display in the status bar 'Symantec
Corporation' whenever anyone mouses over (onMouseOver) my image or
link OR when one clicks while holding the left mouse down (onClick) on
the same image or link. Upon releasing the mouse (onMouseOut), the
status bar should be 'blank'. I need the link to open in a new window
via my function openWindow(URL) code.
What is happening in most of the six scenarios, is that when one
clicks the link, either the function doesn't engage, but rather the <a
href= takes effect instead OR that status bar shows
'javascript:openWindow('http://www.symantec.com/');' when one clicks
while holding the left mouse down (onClick) on the image or link.
Additionally, for only the link, I need the CSS/style to show 'red'
when one mouses over (onMouseOver) it and then change to 'blue' upon
releasing the mouse (onMouseOut).
How about integrating 'style="cursor:hand"' into the code or perhaps
setting some of the data via a <div> or <span> snippet? Code:
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Oct 5, 2005
*The Situation*
A traditional situation where HTML form inputs are checked...
(if simplified then it would look something like this)
<form onSubmit="return checkWholeForm(this)">
<!-- other inputs -->
<input type="text" name="anInput" onBlur="dataCheck(this, ...)" />
<span id="error_anInput"></span>
<!-- other inputs -->
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" />
dataCheck validates the inputs value and if something is wrong, then..
document.getElementById('error_anInput').innerHTML = 'Error!'
or if data is valid then the content of span is removed.
The checkWholeForm function iterates through all elements on the form
and triggers onblur() for each input... leading to executing function
dataCheck (and so changing innerHTML of some specific span elements if
*The Problem*
If I have entered incorrect data to an input and hit the submit button
with my mouse (causing the onBlur event to be triggered just right
before onSubmit) then *occasionally* for some fields the onSubmit event
is not triggered because the onClick event is not triggered. :S
As there are actually quite many complex functions (tested and these
seem OK afaik) that are doing the checks then dowes anyboudy have a clue
what type of code might break this. I thought at first that setting
innerHTML to some value during onBlur disables all waiting events but as
this is happening occasionally (on some machines) I'm in doubt...
any ideas what to check? double declaration of function/variable names?
Not deleting some object after usage? ... anything?
Waiting for any ideas...
PS. http://eix.lap.ee/test/portali_js.html in the example *occasionally*
third field generates the error - remove any content from the field
and stright hit the submit (*with mouse* - to create onBlur and onClick
at the same time).
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Jul 13, 2010
We have a couple of textboxes in a form. All of which are validated onblur. The form is submitted onclick of an anchor tag.SubmitWindows platform browsers(Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE): When validateMyText() returns false, onclick is not triggered. This is the expected and existing behaviour.Mac platform browsers (Firefox, Safari): Even after validateMyText() returns false, onclick event is triggered, which submits the form.Background: This is a legacy application that was supported only on Windows platform and IE browser. Now it has to be enhanced to work on all the browsers(Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE) on Windows and Firefox, Safari on Mac.
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Aug 12, 2009
I'm trying to implement is a table with editable rows and columns that will feed back into a database. If I could do it with AJAX that would be great too, but I'm not too familiar with javascript. I don't need the code, I need more of an idea. The HTML Table is currently a recreation of the MySQL table minus a few columns. Its all in text, but if I could make the text editable, or better yet, make the text turn into input boxes it would be really cool. I'm not really sure what kind of methods and properties I would need, or quite how to put it all together. What do you think is the best way to go about the entire project?
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm having some trouble with the "onBlur" event in the BODY tag.
Ideally, what I want to happen is that when someone leaves window A,
window A executes a command. I had put
<body onBlur="savePage();">
I have a couple of problems. On IE 6 (win2000), whenever I put the
cursor focus on a textfield within window A, the "savePage" function
is invoked. And on Mozilla Filefox 0.9.1, the event never launches
even when I leave the window.
Does anyone know how I can solve these respective problems?
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Apr 21, 2010
How would I go about running a program onclick or onblur and displaying the result on same page without it changing?
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May 19, 2009
I am looking for a way to fire the onBlur event for a textbox using JavaScript. I have been working with the following code:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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Aug 22, 2011
i have created a Textbox class in asp.net in which i used Onblur event. but now when i try to use that event again in the page where i have to make some calculations. it doesnt works... IS THERE ANY WAY TO USE ONBLUR EVENT MULTIPLE TIMES, CALLING FROM DIFFERENT PLACES AND CALLING DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS. ????
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Dec 4, 2010
I want to have a function on an event
<span id= "nameheader"> </span>
<form method ="post" action="send.php">
id = "nameinput"
class = "input"
value = "name"
onfocus = "focus();"
onblur = "blur();"
That is when you focus on the input box the value ' name' gets put above the box and when you focus on something else it goes back to the box.
this is my function
document.getElementById('nameheader').innerHTML = 'name';
document.getElementById('nameinput').value = '';
And I would obviously do the opposite for onblur event.
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May 22, 2003
There are basically 4 fields in a form, being Name,Company,Email and Phone. I'm trying to use the ONBLUR event, on the email field, to then pass parameters to a JS function, which calls a PHP file, to insert a row into a MySQL db. I saw an example of how to do this, using a hidden field, possibly I need 3 hidden fields to pass the 3 parameters (value of fields) ?. Anyway, here is the code:
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Oct 12, 2011
I have an onfocus event that makes a textarea large and then an onblur event that sets it back to a smaller textarea. If I click the textarea the onfocus event is triggered but if I go straight to submit the form the onblur event is triggered and the form is not submitted unless i hit submit twice. How can I get the form to submit? Can I put an "if" statement in the onblur event to see if the form is being submitted then just submit the form otherwise run the onblur event?
<style type="text/css">
.textarea {
background-color: #ffffff;
color: black;
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Jul 20, 2005
I want to close a popup-window with the onBlur eventHandler.
function closeIt() {
setTimeout('window.close()',2000); }
<body onBlur="closeIt()">
There is a form on my page, and when a input-field gets focus, body looses focus and the window closes. That's not what I want. I want to close the window, if focus goes to another
window or application, but not when someone tries to fill that form.
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Sep 23, 2011
I am using a calendar that I have downloaded from a web site. I use this to provide a way for the user to choose a date from the calendar to fill in some date fields. Overall, the calendar works fine except for one problem that I cannot fix: When I add OnBlur event handler to the calendar, the calendar loses its capability to handle OnClick event -- therefore, the user cannot click a day from the calendar. I am trying to use the OnBlur event to hide the calendar as soon as the user clicks outside the calendar. Currently the user can click at a "Cancel" button on the calendar to hide the calendar, or the user can hit <Esc> key to hide it. But I think the calendar will work better if the user can click outside the calendar to hide it.
Attached please find a simplified version of the program that can show this problem. It has one single text field to put date on it. When you click at the text field, the calendar will pop up. This version has the OnBlur event handler commented out. Therefore, you should be able to choose a date from the calendar. But you cannot click outside the calendar to hide it. In order to show the problem, you need to go to the bottom of the program and uncomment this line:
//div.onblur = function() { calendar.hideCalendar(); };
After you have uncommented that line, you will find that you can click outside the calendar to hide it. Unfortunately, you will also find that choosing a date from the calendar only hides the calendar; the date is not being placed into the text field.
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Apr 23, 2008
I am trying to get a modal popup to display on an onblur event, but I keep getting a "'null' or is null or not an object" js error.I have seen many examples using
var _popup;
_popup = $find('MPE');
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Sep 4, 2010
I want to make it so that when I click on something, it changes what document.onclick does.
This is a simplified version of what I'm trying to do:
<div id="clickme" onclick="document.onclick = function(){ alert ('This should not be alerted on the first click'); }">Click here</div>
However, as you'll notice, the alert box shows up on the first click as well. The only way I have been able to get around this behaviour is to have the first onclick execute a timer that will then set the document.onclick after 1ms, however this seems very messy to me.
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Jan 9, 2009
currently on our site we have and expanding <div> that responds to both the onmouseover and onmouseout events. It works wonderfully.
The UX people now would like the expanding <div> to open with the onclick event and then as soon as the mouse leaves the expanded div, it would close. I have tried using the onmouseout event in conjunction the onclick event but it does not work (the div persists).
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Jun 29, 2011
have facing a problem with .toggle()i have a requirement that when i click a button a row will be editable when i click it again the row will not be editable.when i use .toggle with alert, the first time it shows the first alert. when i click it a second time it shows alert 2. when i press ok on alert 2, alert 1 fires. how do i stop this?
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Jul 23, 2005
How can i override all the styles being cascaded applied to some HTML
For example:
I have a stylesheet where DIV styles are described
padding: 10;
margin: 10;
and have HTML code:
<DIV><DIV style="override:all">Test</DIV></DIV>
I would like to not have the inner DIV padding, margin and other
directives described in styles above. Actually I would like to
discover some directive line "override:all"!
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Nov 30, 2010
I am using the "lightbox" effect to open my images which uses javascript. I am also using jQuery for the changing banner at the top of the page. Ever since I put the jQuery script in, the "lightbox" script stopped working. When I remove the jQuery script, the "lightbox" script works again. Obviously they are conflicting for some reason. I have included the relevant code below.
HTML Code:
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Jul 14, 2009
I have this class, (just the signature)
javascript Code:
var parent_child = function(po, ps, co, cs){
var url = 'http://xyz.com/abc/';
var pars = [], childs = {}, tmp;
this.p_added = function(urlFrag){
What i want to do is to create a new class with the above one as the super class, pass in one more variable to the constructor and override the p_added function. I thought of doing something like xpc = new parent_child(); and override the function with xpc.prototype.p_added = function(){}
how to pass in another variable to the constructor and make it private to the new class.
I believe there is a nice and concise way to achieve what i want to, but i can't find it. And the fact that OOP in javascript can be implemented in several different ways doesn't help my cause.
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May 8, 2009
I'm trying to use javascript to control a table's td styles. What I want to achieve is to
- apply style A onmouseover
- apply style B onmouseout
- apply style A onfocus
The problem is that the mouseout event overrides the focus event. Also I'd like each element to stay on the focus state until another element gets clicked.
This is my code:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function HoverStyle(element) {
document.getElementById(element).style.backgroundImage = "url(images/arrow1.jpg)";
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Mar 4, 2007
I have been developing a website in html and javascript for people to play the game Runescape (www.runescape.com) on.
It uses a textbox and array to open the page of the selected server into a frame, but they have recently added this little bit of javascript to the pages on which the game is embeded.
function init() {
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Feb 9, 2006
Does anyone know how to suppress the default messages?
1. "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?"
2. "Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on current page"
I need to provide the user a custome message. I tried many approachs, but non of them seem to work. I tried to use a confirm box instead, but for some reason, the return value for onBeforeUnload event seem to be used as string, so return false to the event CANNOT stop the page from refreshing.
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Dec 4, 2006
I want to turn all text on a page black when the user clicks a print icon. (Along with that I also remove some DIV's so only the information someone would want to print is visible)
If I add * {color:#000000} to my CSS it does exactly what I want. Now I need to figure out how to apply this rule dynamicly to my document object or perhaps the body when a function is run.
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