Calling Parent Onblur Event After Child Onblur Event?
Jul 2, 2009
I am having one td and inside td using one control(it may be any control like textbox,combobox) and am using onblur events for td and aswell as the control inside td. when am moving focus from this td to another td the parent onblur event is firing first and then child control(like textbox, combobox) onblur event is firing. The problem is am validating that entire td (what ever the value user updates) in one method. so in this scenario that validate method is calling when i move the focus onto child control. After entering the value in the child control that child control onblur event is firing and am unable to fire the parent control(td) onblur event.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm having some trouble with the "onBlur" event in the BODY tag.
Ideally, what I want to happen is that when someone leaves window A,
window A executes a command. I had put
<body onBlur="savePage();">
I have a couple of problems. On IE 6 (win2000), whenever I put the
cursor focus on a textfield within window A, the "savePage" function
is invoked. And on Mozilla Filefox 0.9.1, the event never launches
even when I leave the window.
Does anyone know how I can solve these respective problems?
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May 19, 2009
I am looking for a way to fire the onBlur event for a textbox using JavaScript. I have been working with the following code:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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Aug 22, 2011
i have created a Textbox class in in which i used Onblur event. but now when i try to use that event again in the page where i have to make some calculations. it doesnt works... IS THERE ANY WAY TO USE ONBLUR EVENT MULTIPLE TIMES, CALLING FROM DIFFERENT PLACES AND CALLING DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS. ????
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Dec 4, 2010
I want to have a function on an event
<span id= "nameheader"> </span>
<form method ="post" action="send.php">
id = "nameinput"
class = "input"
value = "name"
onfocus = "focus();"
onblur = "blur();"
That is when you focus on the input box the value ' name' gets put above the box and when you focus on something else it goes back to the box.
this is my function
document.getElementById('nameheader').innerHTML = 'name';
document.getElementById('nameinput').value = '';
And I would obviously do the opposite for onblur event.
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May 22, 2003
There are basically 4 fields in a form, being Name,Company,Email and Phone. I'm trying to use the ONBLUR event, on the email field, to then pass parameters to a JS function, which calls a PHP file, to insert a row into a MySQL db. I saw an example of how to do this, using a hidden field, possibly I need 3 hidden fields to pass the 3 parameters (value of fields) ?. Anyway, here is the code:
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Oct 12, 2011
I have an onfocus event that makes a textarea large and then an onblur event that sets it back to a smaller textarea. If I click the textarea the onfocus event is triggered but if I go straight to submit the form the onblur event is triggered and the form is not submitted unless i hit submit twice. How can I get the form to submit? Can I put an "if" statement in the onblur event to see if the form is being submitted then just submit the form otherwise run the onblur event?
<style type="text/css">
.textarea {
background-color: #ffffff;
color: black;
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Feb 6, 2009
I have an editable div, when clicked displays two buttons - save and cancel. When either button is pressed the respective function takes place. The problem I'm having is with the onblur function. When a targetElement loses focus, I want to figure out which new element gained the focus - if it is the save button then I want the save function to fire. However, if it is any other element then I want the cancel function to fire.
I'm trying to figure out once an editable div is selected and the user clicks the save button, how do I determine that the save button was clicked and trigger the save function - because with the onblur method attached to the editable div any click outside the div is interpreted as a call to the onblur method, even if the save button is clicked.
document.getElementById("cancelEdit").onclick = function(){ cancelEdit(targetElement, initialContent ); };
document.getElementById("saveEdit").onclick = function(){ saveEdit(targetElement) };
targetElement.onblur = function(){
if (document.getElementById("saveEdit").onfocus){
} else { cancelEdit(targetElement, initialContent ); }
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Jul 20, 2005
I want to close a popup-window with the onBlur eventHandler.
function closeIt() {
setTimeout('window.close()',2000); }
<body onBlur="closeIt()">
There is a form on my page, and when a input-field gets focus, body looses focus and the window closes. That's not what I want. I want to close the window, if focus goes to another
window or application, but not when someone tries to fill that form.
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Sep 23, 2011
I am using a calendar that I have downloaded from a web site. I use this to provide a way for the user to choose a date from the calendar to fill in some date fields. Overall, the calendar works fine except for one problem that I cannot fix: When I add OnBlur event handler to the calendar, the calendar loses its capability to handle OnClick event -- therefore, the user cannot click a day from the calendar. I am trying to use the OnBlur event to hide the calendar as soon as the user clicks outside the calendar. Currently the user can click at a "Cancel" button on the calendar to hide the calendar, or the user can hit <Esc> key to hide it. But I think the calendar will work better if the user can click outside the calendar to hide it.
Attached please find a simplified version of the program that can show this problem. It has one single text field to put date on it. When you click at the text field, the calendar will pop up. This version has the OnBlur event handler commented out. Therefore, you should be able to choose a date from the calendar. But you cannot click outside the calendar to hide it. In order to show the problem, you need to go to the bottom of the program and uncomment this line:
//div.onblur = function() { calendar.hideCalendar(); };
After you have uncommented that line, you will find that you can click outside the calendar to hide it. Unfortunately, you will also find that choosing a date from the calendar only hides the calendar; the date is not being placed into the text field.
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Apr 23, 2008
I am trying to get a modal popup to display on an onblur event, but I keep getting a "'null' or is null or not an object" js error.I have seen many examples using
var _popup;
_popup = $find('MPE');
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Jun 25, 2010
HTML Code:
<style type="text/css">[code]....
All i want to do is have the onclick fire when mouse clicks on the background only. Currently it fires when either element is clicking.( it fires through the foreground element)How to i prevent this while maintaining a child parent positioning relationship?
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Mar 2, 2010
In my project I'm using onblur event in four text boxes and using that onblur event i wanna call different javascript functions i.e', like first text box onblur="test()" and in second text box onblur="test1()" etc. But only one onblur onblur is calling the function and other onblurs are not working. So pls tell me how can i put more the one onblur event and javascript functions in a single page.
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Aug 18, 2011
I need to click on a child element and trigger an function in the parent, but know when i enable it both child and parent are getting executed.As you see in the attachment photo when I click the flip page icon the T-shirt should hide and create a description on T-shirt.
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Apr 27, 2009
In jQuery, how to select a parent element to a child if I attached a click event on the parent but also want a click event on a child within.
Let's say I have a the following code :
HTML Code:
There may be several of those classes in the page. I then use jQuery to replace the inner HTML to the clickclass div when clicked on with some other code and a input button (with an ID of, let's say 'save_button').
This works fine for that part:
HTML Code:
I then want to have the button clickable so that I can replace again the HTML in the div (like a save button). But if I try a separate event listener on the input button, it also fires the parent event. Even if I return false on the child event or use event.stopImmediatePropagation() in the .click child function.
I've managed to almost get it with the following code :
HTML Code:
If the event is triggerd form 'clickclass', then replace with HTML + input button
The problem is that whenever I try using .parent() with jQuery, it always tells me that parent() is not a function. I've tried various other ways of getting the parent object (the clickclass div) but can't get it to work.
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Jul 6, 2009
As far as I understood, stopPropagation() is supposed to stop events bubbling 'up' though the element tree (through parent elements). Eg. If I use stopPropagation() on a click event on an anchor element in a list, the event would not be triggered on the list. In my code I have a popup div, that needs to have stopPropagation(), as a click on the document (everywhere other than the popup) will hide it. When I add an element to the popup that has a live click event, the live click event is never called, even though it is a child element of the popup. Shouldn't the live click get called first? If I remove the stopPropagation all is well.. some code:
$('#a_test_link').live("click", function(e){
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Aug 26, 2010
I tried 2 smilar code.
first one :
In this code first 111 message is shown then the other is shown. everything is ok for me in this code.
Then i tried second code.
But in this code 111 message is not shown. What is the problem. my aim for this code, calling same event in one <script> tags. How can i do this?
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Oct 25, 2010
Have this in parent document:
function ResizeDocument(...) {
(){ $(this
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Feb 1, 2010
I have an HTML page where I am opening a child window using the child window is something like I want to refresh the parent window when the child window is closed.
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Feb 8, 2009
I have a simple javascript function loadNPlay('file'),
on clicke event it simply plays the file in a player in the parent window. with IE and Mozilla its working fine but with Safari, when called from iframe this function doesn't work(it does work, ie loadNPlay(..) when called in the same window, in safari)
I have tried:parent.loacation.loadNPlay(..) as well, it doesn't work.
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Aug 11, 2006
I have two textboxes, each of them is controlled with a function called checknumber. It controlles if they are empty or a valid number and I connected this function to onBlur event of these textboxes. The problem is that when I wrote an invalid number to the first and click the second one, It gives continuously error messages. How can I solve this problem ?
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm having trouble with a bit of code that is both validating and updating fields on the fly. Here's something similar to my code:
function validate(field) {
var frm = document.theForm;
if (field.value != "") {
frm.field3.value = Number(frm.field1.value) +
} else {
alert("Field is empty.");
<form name="theForm">
Field 1 <input name="field1" type="text" onblur="return
Field 2 <input name="field2" type="text" onblur="return
Total <input name="field3" type="text">
<input type="button" value="Validate"> <input type="button"
value="Cancel" onClick="window.location.href=''">
So, I need to
1. Have the "Total" field update whenever a user changes a value in field 1 or field 2.
2. Perform some validation on those fields
3. Have the onblur and validation NOT fire when the user clicks the Cancel button.
Problem: click in the first field, don't enter a value, then try to press Cancel - the validation is happening, and I don't want it to.
This third point above seems to be the kicker. Anyone know a way I can go from a text field to clicking the "Cancel" button without firing the onBlur event? I normally don't like doing validating on-the-fly like this, but my application has the requirement of updating that Total box dynamically, so I have to perform field-level validation as I go....
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Jul 23, 2005
I cannot seem to get these two events to work together. If I change
them to say onmousedown and onmouseup, they seem to work fine. In this
case, the onclick appears to work properly but onblur does not kick
<a href="javascript:submitCheck();"><img border="0" alt="Next"
name="btnNext" src="Resources/SurveyButtons/Next.gif"
Any ideas? am i doing something wrong?
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Jul 23, 2005
For those who have been using Outlook Express, you must be pretty used to
the fact that whenever you focus on the preview section, the header for the
preview turns from grey to blue, while the text turns from black to white.
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Feb 16, 2006
I have few textfields and dropdowns in my jsp, form is submitted on
clicking an image link.
In case there is an error for instance some text field is left empty,
then message is displayed below respective fields ( using spans, inner
html). The message is displayed onblur event of the field. So if there
was an error then message is displayed, now if the user corrects the
error and clicks the link then first the message disaapears ,which is
desired ,but he has to click again to submit the form. please suggest a
way to handle this. So that user doesn't have to click the link twice
to submit the form.I tried having onmousedown and onfocus events on
image , but then sometimes the form was submitted twice which gave
backend errors.
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Mar 3, 2010
I am trying to use onBlur to get to pictures to pop up when a user leaves a text box. The only requirement is that a user must enter any value into the text box if they want the pictures to pop up. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out why my code will not work
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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