Onbeforeunload Not Setting Data Values?
Jan 20, 2010
I set some value like in onbeforeUnload
The value is not set and is not available at server side.
I set some value like
The value is available at server side.
window.body.onbeforeunload = saveBeforeExit; // IE else[code].....
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Mar 13, 2010
I've a group of checkboxes and I want to insert the values in table field in 01010 format. So for example, if PHP & HTML checked then the value will go into table field would be 01010.
<form name="form1">
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list" value="1">ASP
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list" value="1">PHP
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list" value="1">C
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list" value="1">HTML
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list" value="1">MySQL
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Jul 23, 2005
I am currently getting/setting values in an HTML table with:
where "id" is the id of the <td> tag of the cell.
However, I have a few <td> tags that could have the same ID's but in
different forms of the document.
How do I gain access to those "elements" if the ID's are ambiguous and I
know the name of the form? Also, what says the jury for non-unique ID's in
the same document?
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Feb 14, 2007
I know how to reload the mainform, but accessing a form and setting a
value there?
onLoad="if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed)
{ window.opener.forms[0].elements[0].value='xxx'window.close(); }"><?
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Oct 22, 2010
i have 10 text boxes in a from and when i insert value in textbox1 and textbox2 sum twice and display them in textbox3 at same time when i am inserting it means keyup event how do i solve this task at client side using jquery
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May 6, 2009
Context: I have a a framed page which have two frames.First frame have two iframes and second frame also have two iframes. Each iframe have a form to add record. Each forms have some fields to enter data. To show the layout of the page, I have created a picture. Go through this layout picture at this link: [URL]
Problem: I have set the following javascript variables in the <head> tag of "leftframe.htm" which represents frame "leftframe".
<script type="text/javascript">
var studentFirstName = "";
var studentLastName = "";
Now I want to set the value of these variable to the input box (text box) of these forms in different iframes.
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Apr 7, 2009
I keep getting <undefined> when I alert out the value of my array 'fadeimages1'. Using php/mysql I retrieve filenames from a directory and create <INPUT> fields to store the filenames. In the javascript portion of the code, I use getElementsByName() to retrieve all of the <INPUT> fields. I then declare an array, 'fadeimages1'. Next, using a for loop I try to copy the values from the <INPUT> fields into the array 'fadeimages1'. When I alert out the length and value variable for each <INPUT> field, I get the correct filename, but after trying to store the value into 'fadeimages1' array, I get value is <undefined> when I alert it out. BTW, the following code uses 'fadeimages1.push()', but I also tried 'fadeimages1[i]=...'. Both result in <undefined> values.
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Jan 27, 2010
I have 4 text boxes that are supposed to load 4 seperate values of data from one field in one table from a database. The field is called interface_cropsettings (from the interface table) and these values have been concatenated and comma seperated in this field.
Once the form is filled out and saved, the data is inserted into the database and the values from these 4 text boxes are concatenated, comma seperated and inserted into that one field correctly.
If the 4 text boxes have the following values:
In the database field they become:
However, if the form is closed and then re-opened, each text box displays the entire database field rather then each value seperated in the corresponding text box.
All 4 text boxes display this:
I already know why the data appears like this in the form, my problem is that I'm not sure how to write the javascript to seperate the values into the correct corresponding fields, assuming javascript is what I should be using!
Also, this is kind of irrelevant but just in case you're wondering, this form is part of a cold fusion application!
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Jan 13, 2009
I'm trying to do something that is slightly complex and I can't find any relevant examples in the usual places,I'm pulling a list of projects (and their IDs) into a select:
<select name="proj_id" id="proj_id" onchange='setValuz()'>
<option value="1" >1st Project</option>
<option value="2" >2nd Project</option>
Each project has two associated values, in addition to the unique ID:
Can anyone shed some light on how I could do this? Maybe a link to a "how-to" (if there is one out there)?
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Jul 23, 2005
Currently I use an onbeforeunload method, to do call various tidy up
methods when a user exits my web application - however I now need to add
additional support, for users migrating to Sun's JVM.
My understanding that the onbeforeunload call is a Microsoft one, and
the net result of having it in a page used by a SUN JVM user is that the
browser does not close.
Does anyone know of an alternative to this method, that is supported
by Sun's JVM?
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Jul 23, 2005
The onbeforeunload fires just before the current document begins to
unload due to form submission or window closure.
How can I have this code run after window closure (X) but not after
pressing a button (form submission)?
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Nov 29, 2005
I want to override the onbeforeunload event so that when the user
clicks on the close button, at the right top of the screen, it only
open an alert with OK button and don't close the screen ...
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Jun 6, 2006
the bug of onbeforeunload is so obvious!
in IE 6 it will popup twice "sometimes"
I am using the following code
window.onbeforeunload = null;
window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;
var executingPostBack = false;
function confirmExit()
if ( typeof executingPostBack != 'undefined' && !executingPostBack)
return 'Warning: Modified data has not been saved.' ;
In some cases, IE pops up it twice, for example, when we click a link
that contains "__doPostBack", onbeforeunload is fired the first time;
when the form is submitted, it is fired second time.
There is no way to work it around, because onbeforeunload is stupid, we
can't know whether the user clicks OK or Cancel.
I would like to use the following code with confirm so that I know
exactly what the user behaves
res = confirm("leaving?");
if (res==1)
but I can't use this in onbeforeunload, because I can't stop it!
onbeforeunload always asks for something return, but if I return
anything, it will popup!
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Jun 6, 2005
I have written a web application in .ASP with VBScript and JavaScript running against a SQL back end. Everything works great except my BeforeUnload() event:
<%'Add a script to save any unsaved data before the client leaves the page%>
<script language="JavaScript">
function confirmExit()
{if (document.Client_Info_Page.Value_Changed.value == "true")
{if (confirm("This record has been changed. Press [OK] to save; [Cancel] to discard."))
alert("Changed and save");}
{alert("Changed and no save");}
<%'END Add a script to save any unsaved data before the client leaves the page%>
This code checks a variable to see if anything's been changed on the page and if it has, it asks the user if they'd like to save before exiting. The alert boxes are just to show the If/Then is working correctly (which it is) but the .Submit() function just gets ignored as the page exits.
Just to play, I made a java button and cut and pasted the submit() into and when that's clicked it submits with no problem.
Anyone know how I can get the onBeforeUnload to push a .Submit()? I've changed it to stop the exit and allow the user to save, but it would be so much smoother if it could be automatic.
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Jul 23, 2005
Can 'onbeforeunload' (ie) be used to trigger a javascript? I can't find any info on how or if this is possible.
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Feb 9, 2006
Does anyone know how to suppress the default messages?
1. "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?"
2. "Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on current page"
I need to provide the user a custome message. I tried many approachs, but non of them seem to work. I tried to use a confirm box instead, but for some reason, the return value for onBeforeUnload event seem to be used as string, so return false to the event CANNOT stop the page from refreshing.
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Jul 23, 2005
What code can I put in the 'onbeforeunload' event to cancel the 'unload'
action (when user closes browser) and then present the user with an
alert saying that he/she must use the logout button.
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Sep 30, 2009
i dont want to show the confirm message when using window.onbeforeunload.Please suggest a solution to hide the confirm message..
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May 22, 2009
I'm trying to add the "you have unsaved changes" message to a form. I have it working in every browser except IE7 and IE8.I have set the onbeforeunload with using a global "goodExit" variable (that's supposed to help IE, and it did partially).The thing is, that I have multiple tabs on the page, so I only show part of the form at any given time. If they change a field on one tab, the top of the page shows a visual box of "unsaved data", so that as the users changes tabs the box at the top still shows.The problem is that, IE fires the onbeforeunload anytime someone clicks to change tabs. The only thing that happens when they click a tab is that I use jQuery to show/hide the DIVs appropriately.Why does IE fire onbeforeunload when changing the display of DIVs???!!!No other browser does this.The global "goodExit" variable meant to help IE, seems to work, except that goodExit is set to true if they change any field on a tab, so that then the next tab they switch to fires the event.
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Aug 10, 2010
I got something like that:
<script type="text/javascript">
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Feb 28, 2011
Below is my code, please ignor the comments etc. its very basic. i have a set of data in a var. i am displaying the highest value in that set of data. however one of my sets of data the highest value has 2 occurancies so i want to display both. atm it just displays the first occurance of the highest value and then stops as opposed to all occurances. if you run my script you will see what i mean.
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Apr 11, 2010
i am making a program in a JSP. i have used some java script code in this program.by this program i can find out the result for between years for any class.i have three combo box for class_name, from_year, to_year. for class_name, Its value is 1 to 12. when i select class 11 or 12, an combox appear for subject having values Arts,in database for class 1 to 10 having subject values is AllSubject. and for class 11 or 12 having subject values arts, commerce and science.my problem how i make the query which send for class 1 to 10 , assume subject values is all and for class 11 or 12 subject values arts, commerce and science with others combox values.combox box for subject remain hide when i select class 1 to 10. but if i select class 11 or 12 then value for subject is Arts, Commerce and Science. how i make query from database base on the subject.
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Jul 6, 2009
I have multiple rows of data in an HTML table. E.g., financial transactions. In each row I have an HTML dropdown SELECT with options (user will select transaction tag). I want the transactionID and selected tagID to pass to an onchange event for that unique row. The transactionID comes through for the unique row of data, but I
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Nov 25, 2011
how I can use Jquery to append and remove data into a table by checking and unchecking html checkboxes?(Or any plugin for this?) I would like to generate an online order invoice from the following checkboxes:
I find these two example on the net but (The first example looks too similar to what I would like to do but with a table) but Icouldn'tfigure out how to modify them? [URL]
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Jan 5, 2011
I got the following script to work the way I want it by adding new text inputs with new name values, but if there is data added and the add button is clicked again everything disappears. Is there any way to keep the data from going AWAL?
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />[code]....
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Nov 24, 2011
I have an ajax function which passes form field values to a PHP script which in turn saves the data to my database. all works great.
I now need to add a file input to my form and pass the file upload ot the same PHP script.
I have read an article [url] which explains how to do this but this would suggest it is a completely separate function.
My question is, is there anyway I can expand my existing function (below) to inlude the file upload process to save having 2 functions doing the same process?
My Code:
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