JQuery :: Getting Dynamic Values From MySQL Data Displayed Via PHP/HTML

Jul 6, 2009

I have multiple rows of data in an HTML table. E.g., financial transactions. In each row I have an HTML dropdown SELECT with options (user will select transaction tag). I want the transactionID and selected tagID to pass to an onchange event for that unique row. The transactionID comes through for the unique row of data, but I


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Add Data From Dynamic Fields To Mysql Db In Php?

Oct 24, 2009

i have a script which i found on the internet. i modify that script according to my needs. what is in that script is there are three form fields with two buttons. one button is "Give me more fields" clicking on this button will give you more fields. and second button is submit so the data goes to server side and will be added to db. the problem is when i click give me more fields it gives me three more fields which is right but when i fill all these fields and click submit button it adds to the db but the data in the first three fields adds in the one row and the other three fields data adds in separate row which is not fine for me. so how can i do this so all the data will be added to only one row.

here is js code


var counter = 0;
//Start a counter. Yes, at 0
function add_phone() {


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Updating MySQL DB From HTML Table Values?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm dynamically outputting the contents of a MySQL table using Python, to a HTML table, which users view (obviously) through a web browser. It looks great, but the problem is that I'd like users to be able to update these values. For example, I have the current value of certain fields in text boxes. I'd like users to be able to change those values, then hit a submit button or similar (ideally on-the-fly) to update the dB. I imagine javascript will need to pass values to a Python script, but I don't know what the best way to go about this is.

# Python code embedded in a .psp file
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT from_name, from_address, project, orb_proj, app, tier, environment,


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Extracting Data Of A Dynamic Html Table Using DOM?

Nov 4, 2011

I'm using DOM in javascript to extract data from a dynamically generated html table( table id ="tableId"). Each cell of the table includes an input field to get user input. The problem is below javascript returns "null" always when retrieving the input field value? What I'm doing wrong here?

var mytable = document.getElementById('tableId');
var mytablebody = mytable.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
var myrow = mytablebody.getElementsByTagName("tr")[0];[code]....

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JQuery :: Get Data From Mysql?

Jan 24, 2011

I am trying to get data from mysql into a variable, that should be read by protovis.

I tried
/* abfrage_LB.php echoes a json string with the data from mysql */
var parsedData;
$.post('abfrage_LB.php', function(data){
parsedData = JSON.parse(JSONdata);

the error message says, that parsedData is undefined. How can I display, what is in parsedData?

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JQuery :: Using To Get Data In MySQL And Put It In A Textarea?

Mar 16, 2010

I start to use JQuery and see how is really simple...! I just have a question that I couldn´t find in documentation or here in the forum, andI have a PHP Script that is a combobox with a several textareas. What I would like to do is, select a data in combobox andit will get some data in MySQL database and put it the textarea inputs.The combobox is from name of persons, and the textareas is address, telephone, email, etc... all of them are in MySQL database.

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JQuery :: Insert Data In Database Mysql With Php?

Jun 15, 2009

I'm triyng to use the $.ajax jquery function to insert some dates in a database, using php.I have the page that insert the data called : sign.php and in the page I have the form, and the ajax scritp.

type: "POST",
url: ("sign.php"),


if I use the page without ajax it works, if I use the script jquery it works but doesn't insert the dates in the field, it send only white field. can't pass the variable POST beetween the ajax script and the php script.

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JQuery :: Validate For Each - PHP / MySQL Data Records

Dec 14, 2011

I have a database listing of properties down the page. Each property row has a date selector and a time selector. I need to somehow validate that if one of the dates is selected the time must be selected per property record before the bulk save can happen (or visa versa), if neither are selected it cane be left blank and addressed later. How I can go about validating this using jquery?

The field names are as follows:
DATE - data[Property][777][entry_date]
TIME - data[Property][777][entry_time]
NOTE: 777 is the property ID and changes per record down the screen.

I basically need something such as within a function to run dynamically:
if(data[Property][$id][entry_date] <> NULL) {
data[Property][$id][entry_time] is required
} else if (data[Property][$id][entry_time ] <> NULL) {
data[Property][$id][entry_date ] is required

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JQuery :: Mysql - Displays All The Data Of The Database

Nov 13, 2011

I have a .load that executes a php mysql query from another page. This query displays all the data of the database. Each result is wrapped around a div.

<div id ="post<? echo $row['post_id']; ?>">

the id of the div depends on the post id of the result. How do I put the data of $row['post_id'] in my javascript?

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JQuery :: Paginating MySQL Data In Loaded Php Script

Jun 10, 2010

I have a php script which contains various links which get handled by a jQuery function which in turn passes parameters to and loads another php script. The php script that gets loaded queries a large MySQL database and returns a set of results in an HTML table. Where there is more than 1 page of results the php script provides page numbers which can be clicked on to bring up further pages of results. Where there are more than 20 pages a small algorithm displays an abbreviated set of page numbers,This obviously worked fine when the script was running on its own but now it's being loaded using jQuery it's preumably of no use. Can anyone suggest a way of tackling the problem, I did take a look at various pagination plugins but they didn't seem to be what I was looking for based on what I've said above.

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JQuery :: Script For Mysql Data Editing Table

Aug 30, 2011

I am looking for JQuery script to edit mysql table. I am sure something should be published, but I don't know where to search. I need something very simple to install and configure. The idea is to have a form field on a page, where all columns of table would be placed. Every mysql column should be on separate line and there should be a save button next to it. So if I edit a column, then I would just press Save button, and the request to save actual value would be send to server. No page reload. I would continue editing and saving all columns and when I would be at bottom of page, then I would press the Next button, and next mysql row would be loaded to the form field.

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Jquery :: Post - How To Make The Variable Data - [data] - Dynamic?

Aug 21, 2009

I wonder if i can make the variable data which is [data] in jQuery.post( url, [data], [callback], [type] ) dynamic. for instance, this is the form i want to send,

PHP Code:
<form action="send_xml.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="form_send"><input type="checkbox" id="var_1" class="checkbox"/><input type="checkbox" id="var_2" class="checkbox"/></form> 


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Data From XML Not Displayed In IE

Jun 25, 2011

I am displaying some data from a XML sheet on my webpage. parsing it using javascript ofcourse. Now its working in all browsers except IE. I understand that IE handles xml different to other browsers and I've written that into my code. My issue is that the data I am trying to loop through is not the firstchild of my root node.

<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
}else{// code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} .....

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3 Level Dynamic MySQL Dropdown

Apr 12, 2010

I'm trying to make 3 drop downs (based off of mysql tables), to narrow down the selection. Source, School, and Program. So when when they select SOURCE(source), all the SCHOOLs in drop2 will be based on the SOURCE selected in the previous dropdown, and whatever school(cid) is selected, the program will be based off that school(cid) and display all the programs for that school. I've google'd high and low for something, and no avail. Here is what I have, I am just trying to make 3 drop downs narrow in, without pressing submit (I am new to ajax and javascript etc) The issue may be in that java part, I've look in the php and mysql, but nothing.

PHP Code:
<table width="517" border="1"> <tr>
<td width="87">Source:</td> <td width="414">
<? echo'<select name="source" onChange="showUser(this.value)">
<option value="">--Select--</option><?php while() { } ?>'; .....

My javascript
var xmlhttp;
function showUser(str){
if (xmlhttp==null){
alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request");
} .....

Right now, the results display in a table, I don't want that - I need them to display as results in the next dropdown.

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After Executing Code - Variables Are Not Displayed Values

Sep 21, 2010

I want to add the values of several variables in one variable and then use this variable, which contains the values of variables

You can see the following example


Javascript Code

After executing this code I find that the variables are not displayed values

As in the following picture: [url]

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Jquery :: Show Ajax Data Correctly When It Include In A Php Mysql Query?

Jan 30, 2011

I want to add a comment system after my article, <form id="postform" class="postform"> is written into a MYSQL_QUERY result circle. but after post a comment, the current posted comment will be showed in all the <div class="post_comment"></div>, how to modify jquery ajax part so that the current posted comment only be showed in its own <div class="post_comment"></div>? [code]...

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Control Visibility - How Data Gets Displayed

May 5, 2010

I'm using PHP and adding Javascript to snazz up how my data gets displayed. This isn't for a class-p, I'm just expanding my skills. I try to stay away from Javascript as much as possible for compatibility reasons, but there are some instances where I can't get away with it. In my web apps class a few years ago, we used ASP.NET, C# and Javascript. The instructor really had no idea what she was talking about... But we were making labels visible/invisible for input validation. As I recall, this was server-side, but I don't remember the page reloading. I need a method of making an html control element visible or invisible without a page refresh based on whatever criteria I have at the moment. I don't see any reason why Javascript couldn't do this.

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Add Calculations To Mysql Values ?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a script with the following:

I need to do the following:

When the amount boc changes value, it must change the $credit amount and effect the $total_crt amount (ex. 10 + 10 in credit value - $total_crt value) So whenever the client chooses a new value from the select box, it must change it emidiately with javascript, but only send to the database once an update button is pressed.

Here is a quick example of my code:

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Getting Data From Mysql

Apr 14, 2010

I have a database holding roughly 20 fields of data per entry. I want to make only one request to the database, store this information in some manner on my client, and then use javascript to deliver this information to the user. Initially the user will be presented with just a list describing each entry, when clicked upon, all corresponding fields will populate. I know how to do this with javascript fairly easily, but I'm not confident in my methods for getting that data from my database ala php to javascript.

The first thing that comes to mind is to write some PHP code to pull from my DB and then echo out a two dimensional javascript array. I have seen posted elsewhere that this method is not ideal... And I can see why as I always run into issues with attempting this... plus it is ugly as all hell. What is clean way to get all this information onto my client so no subsequent server requests must be made?

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Storing Array Values On The Fly (DOM) To Mysql

Aug 13, 2007

The Problem

I have made the following structure which uses Dynamic Object Module (DOM) to
add/remove a field on the page which works perfectly fine.

I have a database whose structure contains tag,date and ip as field.

Now I want to send whatever data has been written on the tags field to be
stored in the database in the tag field of the db.

I read on a forum to use implode function or serialze function and then post
the data (which is combined) to the database.

I didnot understand how to use the implode function WITH REFERENCE TO THE GIVEN TASK.

I am storing whatever the contatenated data from all the tags fields (the no. depends
on the click on add button) in a variable 'tag'

And I want all the individual data of the field using DOM in variable tagarray.

Please tell me what will be relationship between the tag and arraytag so all the
array of tags field are concatenated and stored in tag variable.

How do I define the index of tag array and the the variable tag. Code:

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Populating Array With MySQL Data?

Apr 29, 2010

how can I insert data from mysql table into a javascript array?

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Load JSON Data With PHP And MySQL?

Jan 25, 2011


and I changed it round slightly, I would like the first select box to be Search by either Town or County - Having links would easier?! [URL]

So, when a user selects Town, the PHP selects the Towns or if the user selects County, then show the Counties list

I am currently getting the following error: $ is not defined [Break On This Error] $(document).ready(function() {

here is my HTML

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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How To Save Data Entered In Mysql

May 18, 2011

i have the code used to generate additional dynamic fields how can i save data entered in mysql???

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Ajax :: Retrieving Data From Mysql?

Jan 21, 2010

i want to retrieve data from mysql database using ajax and php. my code is below which does not work

here is index.html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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Edit Data After Pulling It Out From Mysql

Jun 26, 2010

I am trying to set up a web based tool for my wife and I to use to balance our checkbook together. I am using HTML, Javascript (Ajax), PHP and MYSQL. I have read beginner books on all of these subjects, I can get data out of MYSQL, BUT can't do it the way I want to do it. If someone could point me to a book, or even the name of what I need to study it would be very helpful. The top line will always be input. But as you submit the top line it refreshes the "growing list" beneath it. (kind of like on-line banking, where you can look at 50 or so lines and then go back further if necessary) The catch is within the "growing list" I want to show Bank and book balance running totals and have three buttons next to each transaction ... EDIT DELETE SUBMIT. If edit is clicked, I want to be able to change that line and then resubmit it to MYSQL.


This way we can both input our transactions as we spend money and know at all times how much money is in the account. What do I need to study to be able to program this?

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Display Mysql Data With Page Onload

Sep 9, 2010

I want to query a MySQL table when a php webpage initially loads and display the data. Is there a way of executing a php script using the onload() function directly other than using Ajax?

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