JQuery :: Selecting Elements That Not Have Visibility Hidden

Sep 15, 2011

I have a page where I have images that may have visibility 'hidden' or 'visible'.

So how do I ensure I animate (and other 'manipulations') only visible images when mouseover them and not the hidden image?

Must mention I want to do this without any use of css classes or other non-jquery made css.

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Div Elements Are Hiding Correctly - Style.visibility = "hidden"

Jul 2, 2009

Take a look at my testing website: [url]

You'll find the following javascript in the source code:

Now this all works...well, sorta.

The DIV elements specified are hidden when the page is first loaded.

These DIV elements then re-appear (as programmed above) when the mouse pointer is hovered over them.

These DIV elements are listed on the right-hand side of the test webiste.

They contain the Google Ad's you will see listed along the right-hand side of the website.

However, you were not suppose to see the Google Ad's when the website first loads up.

The DIV elements are initially hidden, but the Google Ad's contained in the DIV elements are always visible!

I want the Google Ad's to only appear if a mouse pointer happens to hover over them ( a little test of mine.)

I don't get it...the DIV elements disappears when appropriate, why not their contents: the Adsense?

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JQuery :: Toggling Visibility Of Elements With Multiple Classes?

Sep 12, 2011

I've got a list of links and divs. When I click on a link I want to keep showing all the divs which have a class that matches the clicked link id and hide all the divs which don't. At the same time I want to add another class (.item) to the matching divs and remove it from any div which is hidden.

When I run the code below, clicking any of the links hides all the divs apart from the one which doesn't have a matching colour class.

var id = $(this).attr('id');
if($('.filterclass').hasClass(id)) {$('.filterclass').removeClass('filteredout').addClass('item');


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JQuery :: Show An Alert (or Hidden Div) When Selecting A Particular Option In A Select Element?

Jan 26, 2010

I'd like to have an alert of some type, either standard alert or a hidden div, show up when a user selects an option in a select element.

For instance, if a select element has 5 options in it and the user chooses the first one, they would get an alert that says "You have chosen the first option". I'm confident this is something that can be done with a few lines of code, but I'm not sure where to begin.

Here's the logic - I'm just not sure how to write the syntax...

If ("#select option") changes and ("#select option:eq(0):selected"), fade in the div ("alert").

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Toggle Visibility On Multiple Elements Simultaneously?

May 14, 2009

I am working on a project that shows archived data as well as current data on the same page. When the page builds, current data is shown, archived data is hidden (by using a div with id="archive"). I found comments here that getElementsByName was not a good cross browser way to handle this (and I'm not sure how to use that anyway). Can someone suggest the correct way to handle this?

There should be a link that, when clicked, will grab each element on the page with id="archive" and toggle the display property (none or block).

Here is the current code:

function archives(toggle) {
if (typeof(toggle) != "undefined") {
if (document.getElementById(toggle).style.display == 'none') {
document.getElementById(toggle).style.display = 'block';


This works just fine, but only for the first element that it finds. I need many elements with the same name to be effected.

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JQuery :: Selecting All Td Elements In A Row But The First One

Feb 18, 2011

I have the following code that works fine (except the show/hide animation for the rows is proving to be a pain to get working):

In the table this is for, I have a checkbox in the first cell in the row the user hovers and clicks on to expand the following row. I am trying to make it so that clicking the checkbox doesn't trigger the jQuery toggling action.

Here is a sample row in the table this is for. The complete row below is what the user clicks on, and the row after that (class="docClassesRow") is what is expanded on clicking the above row

I tried adding :not(:first-child) to the selector:

But that didn't work.

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JQuery :: Selecting Groups Of Elements?

Feb 11, 2010

I am trying to easily fix 100+ blog posts where the customer has <pre>tagsto format code.

the issue is in wordpress when you hit enter you are given a new <p> tag, and setting the format to preformatted outputs code like this



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JQuery :: Selecting Nested Elements?

Aug 17, 2011

i'm trying to do the following: select the links one after another and add a class to them. When the next one is selected i want to remove the class from the previous.


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JQuery :: Selecting Elements Using Multiple Parameters?

Aug 4, 2010

Selecting elements using multiple parameters like here: $('descendant', 'ancestor').text(); seems to be way more popular than css-like syntax: $('ancestor descendant').text(); Do those two differ in performance, or is it just about being intuitive to particular people?

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JQuery :: :nth-child() Selecting Elements Of One Class But Not Another?

Aug 19, 2011

im experiencing a problem when using the :nth-child() selector.

I currently have a div that contains multiple divs. These divs have either the class 'labels' or 'labels-alt', I currently use the following code to change add/remove a class to one of these

function mOver1(n) {
function mOut1(n) {


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JQuery :: Selecting Dynamically Created Elements?

Aug 18, 2010

Previously when developing my own modal windows I have been creating a "mask" div directly in my markup, in the CSS setting it to be display:none and then setting it to show() by jQuery when a button is clicked.

I'm sure there is a better way to do this but i'm getting a little stuck.

I tried adding the "mask" div and its content to the body using prepend() when my button is clicked but i found i then can't select any of the added elements in jQuery.

How can you select elements you have added to a page by jQuery?? Also if this is the right approach whats the best way to insert a block of html to a page??

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JQuery :: Selecting Elements By Name In Extremely Slow?

Oct 23, 2010

I'm having trouble using jQuery to find get select box values by element name. At the moment the code is in a for loop and it gets 8 different form values and puts it into an array. Currently this takes 1.5 seconds to execute which is far too slow as the user has to wait for it to finish. Here's the code which is inside the loop:


This when run executes instantly with no time delay. Why is the jQuery way so much slower? I'm all for saving 2 lines of code but not when it's 10x slower. Also I shouldn't need to put an id on the select box element to make finding it faster, the name value is already unique because I require the specific value once the form has been submitted.

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JQuery :: Selecting Elements From HTML String?

Jul 8, 2010

how can i select elements from a HTML string. i have used .get() to load data and i want to search for HTML elements within that data/string

$.get(nextHref, function(data) {
alert(data); // OK
// i tried
alert($(data).find("#posts").html()); // returns null


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JQuery :: Selecting Elements That Ajax Has Not Delivered Yet

Sep 17, 2010

Here's some pseudo-code for reference:

function() {
... // #1 some code that fetches xml and generates a dom structure... <ol id='bla'><li></li></ol> then .appendTo('#foo');
... // #2 some code that generates another dom structure to be inserted into $('#bla').

The snippet #1 fetches xml and generates a dom to be appended to $('#foo'). But snippet #2 refuses to work with the id's created by the steps in #1. My guess is it is because #2 ran before #1 finished.

How do I make it so that #2 can reference the id's created by #1? Do I make #1 syncrhonous? Is there a way to make #2 run only after #1 is done? Do I just include onclick to the elements created by #1 -- I was hoping to avoid this because it appears the jQuery collective frowns on this.

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JQuery :: Selecting / Operating On Multiple Elements?

Aug 12, 2010

I am creating an FAQ type page with rows of questions that will drop down the respective answer when clicked. I have it mostly working, except I can't find a way to close all answers before opening the next one. I have tried everything I can think of (or search), but to no avail. I am using the following code, where QQQ1/2 are the questions, and AAA1/2 are the answer divs:

$(".QQQ1,.QQQ2").click(function () {
// check the visibility of the next element in the DOM
if ($(this).next().is(":hidden")) {


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JQuery :: Drag And Drop Selecting Incorrect Elements

Aug 5, 2011

Im working on some drag and drop logic similar to the jQuery shopping cart example, but I've run into a small hitch. If I double click on the LI within my 'dropped' area it causes them to become draggable again. I specifically set up drag to only work from one source list, so Im unsure how double clicking is causing this bug?

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JQuery :: Selecting Elements That Match A Regular Expression?

Sep 16, 2009

is there a way to select elements that match a regular expression? I have a set of divs with id = "wrap_n" where n is a progressive and I need to select them and for each 1 I have to add a function that togggle the "elem_n" div.

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JQuery :: Textarea Form - Selecting Array Elements?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm trying to add the text of a textarea form to the string that's contained at:
It was easy to pull out the value of the textarea with this:
textinput = $('#mytextarea').val();
But then when I try to add the variable into the array, it doesn't work. I'm not able (apparently) to do this. Fingers crossed that I'm doing something dumb?

This doesn't work:
myarray[a][b][c] += newstringvariable;
Nor this:
myarray[a][b][c] = myarray[a][b][c] + textinput;
I'm guessing there is a very simple (probably syntax related!) solution to this. I'm open to doing this via jQuery or regular javascript.

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JQuery :: Selecting Multiple Elements And Storing Them In A Variable?

Mar 23, 2011

just a very basic question. Have a div (id - photos) with multiple images. 1) Does this select them all? $('#photos img') 2)If so, how can i capture this information? Like so -> var bunchOfStuff = ($('#photos img')); and 3) if so, why can't i do something like alert(bunchOfStuff.length)into code tags...

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JQuery :: Selecting All Input Fields, In A Iteration Over Table Elements

Jul 26, 2010

What I have is this html:

<div class="persons">
<td>Name: </td>


Now what do I write in this iteration loop to first get the text from the FIRST name and age box, in the first <table> (so I can work with tem). And in the next iteration loop get the SECOND <table>īs input fields text values?

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JQuery :: Using With Elements In Hidden Div?

Apr 20, 2011

I have also posted this question on StackOverflow which you can see here. This first issue I had to solve was using jQuery in an ASPP.Net app with Master Content pages - that issue is resolved. The main issue is that I have a content page that has many divs on it - 3 of which are hidden when the page first loads and are then each displayed based on various user interaction wth the page. One of the divs is displayed by server side code for many reasons dvDetail.style("displaya') = "block". My issue is that I need to use jQuery on an element that is located inside this div and can't seem to get that to work. The jQuery works just fine on anything that is not inside the hidden div. Items to note: Hiding and displaying the hidden divs works just fine. I am not using the visible property on any div - I use the display = "block" and 'none' in both the client side code and the server side code. jQuery working just fine on the page - just not on elements inside the hidden div. jQuery selectors working just fine in the content page scenario just not in the hidden div.

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JQuery :: Get An Element From A List Of Hidden Elements?

Jun 14, 2010

How do I get the elements from a form when these elements are named like each other? I'd like to make a list of values and store it in few hidden elements. It is suppose to work like a list of checkbox whose elements have the same name (and same id), but they are diferent indexed. [code]...

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JQuery :: Elements Stay Hidden Irrespective Of The Conditions?

Aug 30, 2010

I am trying to make a carousel of sorts. I am kind of stuck with hiding and displaying the next and precious buttons once a div moves to the far left and right of its container. I think i have everything correct regarding calculating the widths but for some reason when you click the buttons, elements stay hidden irrespective of the conditional comments which should dictate when they should be hidden or shown. Here is a link to what i have thus far. Click the MoveLeft and MoveRight buttons. [URL]



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JQuery :: Iframe - Adding And Removing Hidden Form Elements?

Sep 7, 2009

I have a page that opens up an iframe for the user to be able to select photos. Each photo has a checkbox, and on select I add a hidden form element to the parent frame form. This all seems to work fine, but im now stuck on how to remove the form element when the checkbox is un-checked.


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Using "visibility" Style Attribute With Select Elements

Jul 23, 2005

I'm not sure if this is technically a javascript question, but I'm
coding in javascript, so I'll try here first.

To overlay a section of a page I typically use an absolute positioned
<div> and call insertAdjacentHTML. By raising the z-index higher than
than the underlying elements this method works fine, except if there is
a window'd element below it, such as a <select>. My understanding is
that I need to use the visbility attribute to hide the <select> before
calling insertAdjacentHTML.

Each <select> element (there are three) is identified with the ID
"select_vis". I am attempting to hide the select elements using the
following code:

selvis = document.getElementById('select_vis');
if (selvis) {
alert('gonna hide the selects.');
selvis.style.visibility = 'hidden'
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('BeforeEnd', theHTML);

The code is being executed, however the three selects stay visible.

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Show Form Elements By Selecting Checkbox?

May 11, 2011

Trying to build a dynamic part on my form by using a checkbox and <span>. Found a script that does exactly what i want, but uses a 'radio' in the script instead of a checkbox. And at that spot i need to be able to make multiple selections, so i need checkboxes.. In this specific case it's about geslacht='v' checkbox

My problems are:

1. My span doesn't start off at invisible
2. My function match_personalia_geslacht() works with a onChange, not with a onSelect.

Don't know how to get the same result with a checkbox.. So if someone can help me, i would be a happy man.


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