JQuery :: Selecting All Input Fields, In A Iteration Over Table Elements
Jul 26, 2010
What I have is this html:
<div class="persons">
<td>Name: </td>
Now what do I write in this iteration loop to first get the text from the FIRST name and age box, in the first <table> (so I can work with tem). And in the next iteration loop get the SECOND <table>īs input fields text values?
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Sep 26, 2011
Here is my HTML
<table bindtype="spinner" class="keypadfield" spinnermin="0" spinnermax="9" spinnerdefault="5" bindname="seg12dtm" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<input name="seg12dtm" type="text" class="inputnumericupdown" id="txtseg12dtm" maxlength="1">
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Aug 8, 2011
I know that it may be better to use the .each() function for this but I can't figure out how to iterate over elements that or not children or siblings of $(this). I have this code, and it works fine:
$('#button1').hover(function(){ $('#pres1').css('opacity',1.0).siblings().css('opacity', 0.0); });
But that doesn't seem to work for some reason. I can't figure out why (still early days in JavaScript for me).
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Feb 4, 2010
How can I use JQuery to, when clicking a row of data in a table, take that row (consisting of three columns) and populate three different input fields with it?
$('#tableRow').click(function() {
$('#input1').val() = ?;
$('#input2').val() = ?;
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Jan 28, 2011
I made this function to duplicate form elements with a little html-code surrounding the input fields. First i clone the html of the first child found (always gets rendered by php). Then, everytime the add-button is pushed, i append a cloned piece of that stored html. It's working fine except for the delete button.
It's seems that whenever a cloned html is removed, the other cloned elements aren't recognized anymore by the delete buttons (although the delete buttons are in them)
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Jul 8, 2009
I am trying to assign values to a bunch of form fields. However, I don't want to loop through EVERY field in the form, just a specific subset of fields. The fields I am trying to change are all named similarly myField1, myField2, myField3.So, my thought is that I would like to use a for loop and loop through the appropriate fields by simply incrementing a variable and appending it to the end of the string "myField" in order to change the appropriate field.How can I evaluate "myField + iterator" into a useable reference to change the value of said field?
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Jul 12, 2009
I have a table of input elements which i create through a javascript widget. When i press submit i want to make an action and a part of the output should be the same unchanged tables with the values in it. I don't know how to accomplish it. At first i used the html() function, but it does not pass the table with the html values inserted as i would like.
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Jul 28, 2010
I've hacked together a calculator, it features one row to begin with that accepts user inputs to specify height (from dropdown), width, depth, qty (text fields).It then performs a calculation (width+depth) * multiplier +12
The multiplier is defined by an IF based on the selected height.I want to add 10 or more rows which are identical, and then get a grand total for all the rows' totals added together.Where I am stuck is how to change the drawerPrice function to handle extra rows.I basically know nothing about js, this is a result of day 1.
Code JavaScript:
<script type = "text/javascript">
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Jun 6, 2011
I have a need to select all table rows in the outer table of a cascading table structure, that is a table with contained tables. I tried to use the "Context" section of jQuery, but the table rows of the sub tables are being selected as well.
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Feb 18, 2011
I have the following code that works fine (except the show/hide animation for the rows is proving to be a pain to get working):
In the table this is for, I have a checkbox in the first cell in the row the user hovers and clicks on to expand the following row. I am trying to make it so that clicking the checkbox doesn't trigger the jQuery toggling action.
Here is a sample row in the table this is for. The complete row below is what the user clicks on, and the row after that (class="docClassesRow") is what is expanded on clicking the above row
I tried adding :not(:first-child) to the selector:
But that didn't work.
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Feb 11, 2010
I am trying to easily fix 100+ blog posts where the customer has <pre>tagsto format code.
the issue is in wordpress when you hit enter you are given a new <p> tag, and setting the format to preformatted outputs code like this
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Aug 17, 2011
i'm trying to do the following: select the links one after another and add a class to them. When the next one is selected i want to remove the class from the previous.
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Sep 7, 2009
I have a pretty basic set of things I want to do: Capture key press, compare against an allowed list, block keys that are not in that list, replace a space by a dash if entered. As this is happening, I have a span I wanted to be updated with the live values. The username field at [URL] is exactly what I am trying to do, though I have trouble dissecting how they did it. Here is my attempt, which is off by one keypress for some reason.
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Jan 26, 2011
I've been trying some stuff with jQuery, especially zebra striping table rows. All the methods out there use a "table tr:odd" selector or similar to that.
I would like to select every 3rd row (1,4,7,10,...).
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Aug 4, 2010
Selecting elements using multiple parameters like here: $('descendant', 'ancestor').text(); seems to be way more popular than css-like syntax: $('ancestor descendant').text(); Do those two differ in performance, or is it just about being intuitive to particular people?
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Aug 19, 2011
im experiencing a problem when using the :nth-child() selector.
I currently have a div that contains multiple divs. These divs have either the class 'labels' or 'labels-alt', I currently use the following code to change add/remove a class to one of these
function mOver1(n) {
function mOut1(n) {
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Aug 18, 2010
Previously when developing my own modal windows I have been creating a "mask" div directly in my markup, in the CSS setting it to be display:none and then setting it to show() by jQuery when a button is clicked.
I'm sure there is a better way to do this but i'm getting a little stuck.
I tried adding the "mask" div and its content to the body using prepend() when my button is clicked but i found i then can't select any of the added elements in jQuery.
How can you select elements you have added to a page by jQuery?? Also if this is the right approach whats the best way to insert a block of html to a page??
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Oct 23, 2010
I'm having trouble using jQuery to find get select box values by element name. At the moment the code is in a for loop and it gets 8 different form values and puts it into an array. Currently this takes 1.5 seconds to execute which is far too slow as the user has to wait for it to finish. Here's the code which is inside the loop:
This when run executes instantly with no time delay. Why is the jQuery way so much slower? I'm all for saving 2 lines of code but not when it's 10x slower. Also I shouldn't need to put an id on the select box element to make finding it faster, the name value is already unique because I require the specific value once the form has been submitted.
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Jul 8, 2010
how can i select elements from a HTML string. i have used .get() to load data and i want to search for HTML elements within that data/string
$.get(nextHref, function(data) {
alert(data); // OK
// i tried
alert($(data).find("#posts").html()); // returns null
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Sep 17, 2010
Here's some pseudo-code for reference:
function() {
... // #1 some code that fetches xml and generates a dom structure... <ol id='bla'><li></li></ol> then .appendTo('#foo');
... // #2 some code that generates another dom structure to be inserted into $('#bla').
The snippet #1 fetches xml and generates a dom to be appended to $('#foo'). But snippet #2 refuses to work with the id's created by the steps in #1. My guess is it is because #2 ran before #1 finished.
How do I make it so that #2 can reference the id's created by #1? Do I make #1 syncrhonous? Is there a way to make #2 run only after #1 is done? Do I just include onclick to the elements created by #1 -- I was hoping to avoid this because it appears the jQuery collective frowns on this.
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Sep 15, 2011
I have a page where I have images that may have visibility 'hidden' or 'visible'.
So how do I ensure I animate (and other 'manipulations') only visible images when mouseover them and not the hidden image?
Must mention I want to do this without any use of css classes or other non-jquery made css.
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Aug 12, 2010
I am creating an FAQ type page with rows of questions that will drop down the respective answer when clicked. I have it mostly working, except I can't find a way to close all answers before opening the next one. I have tried everything I can think of (or search), but to no avail. I am using the following code, where QQQ1/2 are the questions, and AAA1/2 are the answer divs:
$(".QQQ1,.QQQ2").click(function () {
// check the visibility of the next element in the DOM
if ($(this).next().is(":hidden")) {
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Feb 15, 2011
If you click on the second row you'll notice that the text doesn't change, but clicking on the first row changes that row's text. I'm trying to make it so when you click the Edit Class link the text in that row gets changed, but as my selector is now it always selects the first table row - not the row clicked on. I know my selector isn't quite right anyway (".parent().parent().child()"), I'm sure getting that fixed will get my row-clicking issue fixed as well.
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Aug 5, 2011
Im working on some drag and drop logic similar to the jQuery shopping cart example, but I've run into a small hitch. If I double click on the LI within my 'dropped' area it causes them to become draggable again. I specifically set up drag to only work from one source list, so Im unsure how double clicking is causing this bug?
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Sep 16, 2009
is there a way to select elements that match a regular expression? I have a set of divs with id = "wrap_n" where n is a progressive and I need to select them and for each 1 I have to add a function that togggle the "elem_n" div.
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Feb 22, 2011
I'm trying to add the text of a textarea form to the string that's contained at:
It was easy to pull out the value of the textarea with this:
textinput = $('#mytextarea').val();
But then when I try to add the variable into the array, it doesn't work. I'm not able (apparently) to do this. Fingers crossed that I'm doing something dumb?
This doesn't work:
myarray[a][b][c] += newstringvariable;
Nor this:
myarray[a][b][c] = myarray[a][b][c] + textinput;
I'm guessing there is a very simple (probably syntax related!) solution to this. I'm open to doing this via jQuery or regular javascript.
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