JQuery :: :nth-child() Selecting Elements Of One Class But Not Another?
Aug 19, 2011
im experiencing a problem when using the :nth-child() selector.
I currently have a div that contains multiple divs. These divs have either the class 'labels' or 'labels-alt', I currently use the following code to change add/remove a class to one of these
function mOver1(n) {
function mOut1(n) {
I've been fiddling around with a bit of javascript in a chrome extension - something to alter the Google buzz webpage.I'm trying to find each individual post basically and have the following:
var entry =$('.X0POSb'); //This main block contains the bulk of Google buzz content console.log(entry); var items = entry.find('.G3.G2');
i want already select .postlike in $(this) now i want to select the tagh1 who is in .commentboxelements.i want to change the h1's inside text 1 to 2 so i write the code
$(this).closest('.posts').children('.commentboxelements center h1').html('1');
i try this but it's not worked anyway how i can do this.
This code works on my wordpress parent pages but not on child pages. The code output looks exactly the same on the parent and child pages when viewed in firefox's firebug.
To see it in action: [URL].. View the cart, which is a child page of the store and you'll see the problem.
In jQuery, how to select a parent element to a child if I attached a click event on the parent but also want a click event on a child within.
Let's say I have a the following code :
HTML Code:
There may be several of those classes in the page. I then use jQuery to replace the inner HTML to the clickclass div when clicked on with some other code and a input button (with an ID of, let's say 'save_button').
This works fine for that part:
HTML Code:
I then want to have the button clickable so that I can replace again the HTML in the div (like a save button). But if I try a separate event listener on the input button, it also fires the parent event. Even if I return false on the child event or use event.stopImmediatePropagation() in the .click child function.
I've managed to almost get it with the following code :
HTML Code:
If the event is triggerd form 'clickclass', then replace with HTML + input button
The problem is that whenever I try using .parent() with jQuery, it always tells me that parent() is not a function. I've tried various other ways of getting the parent object (the clickclass div) but can't get it to work.
I need a way to select BOTH the first occurrence of <div class='posts'></div> and the LAST occurrence of <div class='posts'></div>. Then I need to set different css rules for both of them. In CSS, I can use first-child, but this doesn't work in older browsers. CSS last-child does not work here because it targets date_area and also doesn't work in older browsers.
I need to select a class within an element. the class is generated by the code using .addClass. I suspect this is actually really easy and I'm just being stupid,
I found this javascript, but I need to target by class, line 1 below was originally GetElementById
var dyntext = document.getElementsByClassName("tpopdyn"); var body = document.body, steps = 7; function threedee (e) {
I keep getting an error that dyntext is undefined (lines 21-23). First and foremost I just need to get it running - I'm still learning and I don't want to break more than I already have.
I have list of forms generated from SQL database and every single one of them has to have unique id, so how I can select the specific item that is to be manipulated (changing values via php).the $("#submit").click(function())will trigger every submit buttons on the page, so how I can tell it to be "#<randomInteger>" thought of passing the unique value with onClick="myfunction(unique_id)", but don't know how it goes with jQuery.
I have mulitiple 'a' tags with different classes (aclass1, aclass2, aclass(n)) and I have multiple divs, also with consecutive classes (divclass1, divclass2, divclass(n)). Is there a way to select the 'a' tags to match the div based on its number (ie. 'aclass1' with 'divclass1' and aclass2 with divclass2)? For example something like this:
I'm trying to select a class (.home) and an ID (#something) at the same time,
normally I'd use:
but in this instance, the ID is already stored in a variable called "newpage" - I'm trying the following:
(note, selecting the id on it's own with just$(newpage) does work, so I know the issue isn't with my variable, it's just a matter getting both the class and the variable stored ID selected at the same time)
I'm having an issue I was hoping someone could help me with. I'm very new to jquery and just picking it up as I go. I'm trying to display the first 10 table rows with a certain class. The rows with this specific class(.filtered) are not ordered in any way. Basically I have a loop which runs through 10 times, and in that loop I'm trying to say "display the [i]th table result where class = filtered" so at the end of the loop, I will have 10 rows, all with the class .filtered. Here's what I have, but I'm fairly sure my syntax is wrong.[URL]..
(There's a structural reason for accessing the child <p> tags, rather than just the parent <div>s. Some <p> tags in some<div>swill have previously had a style change applied: if the changes are now applied only to the parents, some children won't change… at least not till they're hidden).Anyway: this code doesn't work, doesn't generate a FF error message, and doesn't stop subsequent chained functions from operating. So it can't be far off; and the syntax$(cl + ' > p') works ok in another function.
I have the following code that works fine (except the show/hide animation for the rows is proving to be a pain to get working):
In the table this is for, I have a checkbox in the first cell in the row the user hovers and clicks on to expand the following row. I am trying to make it so that clicking the checkbox doesn't trigger the jQuery toggling action.
Here is a sample row in the table this is for. The complete row below is what the user clicks on, and the row after that (class="docClassesRow") is what is expanded on clicking the above row
I tried adding :not(:first-child) to the selector:
I am trying to add a class to my menu for the page it is currently on.
I followed this example: [url]
But I am not able to make it work at all.
Here is my HTML:
To make the nav element highlighted, the list item must have a class of 'hover' like this '<li class="hover">...'
And here is my jQuery:
The script is not applying any CSS to the list elements. I tried different combinations, tried to add a class to the a element by removing parent(), but nothing is triggering.
i'm trying to do the following: select the links one after another and add a class to them. When the next one is selected i want to remove the class from the previous.
Selecting elements using multiple parameters like here: $('descendant', 'ancestor').text(); seems to be way more popular than css-like syntax: $('ancestor descendant').text(); Do those two differ in performance, or is it just about being intuitive to particular people?
Previously when developing my own modal windows I have been creating a "mask" div directly in my markup, in the CSS setting it to be display:none and then setting it to show() by jQuery when a button is clicked.
I'm sure there is a better way to do this but i'm getting a little stuck.
I tried adding the "mask" div and its content to the body using prepend() when my button is clicked but i found i then can't select any of the added elements in jQuery.
How can you select elements you have added to a page by jQuery?? Also if this is the right approach whats the best way to insert a block of html to a page??
I'm having trouble using jQuery to find get select box values by element name. At the moment the code is in a for loop and it gets 8 different form values and puts it into an array. Currently this takes 1.5 seconds to execute which is far too slow as the user has to wait for it to finish. Here's the code which is inside the loop:
This when run executes instantly with no time delay. Why is the jQuery way so much slower? I'm all for saving 2 lines of code but not when it's 10x slower. Also I shouldn't need to put an id on the select box element to make finding it faster, the name value is already unique because I require the specific value once the form has been submitted.