JQuery :: Elements Stay Hidden Irrespective Of The Conditions?
Aug 30, 2010
I am trying to make a carousel of sorts. I am kind of stuck with hiding and displaying the next and precious buttons once a div moves to the far left and right of its container. I think i have everything correct regarding calculating the widths but for some reason when you click the buttons, elements stay hidden irrespective of the conditional comments which should dictate when they should be hidden or shown. Here is a link to what i have thus far. Click the MoveLeft and MoveRight buttons. [URL]
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Oct 13, 2011
I have the following code. What I want to do is for certain questions to remain hidden inless certain conditions are met, then they appear to be answered. I am thinking with the <div> but not sure how. I also thought maybe with css but cant write a if statement in css so that a no go.
<tr><td align="left">Do you own a Yorkie?<br />
<input type="radio" name="owner" value="yes" /> Yes
<input type="radio" name="owner" value="no" checked="checked" /> No<br />
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Nov 11, 2011
My design involves two "layers". On the first layer, I have a circle, with some links in the middle. This is just a div with a background image, and some text in the center. Then I have another circle, same size and shape, on top of the first one, covering it up. This circle just has a one or two word title on it. When a user hovers over the title with their mouse, I want that div to disappear, showing the links underneath it. When you mouse out, the circle with the title should show back up.
Here is the basic HTML:
So what happens, is if you mouse over, the circle fades away just fine. But if you move your mouse at all again, even the slightest bit, the event is triggered again. So the title fades in and then out again real quick. Even if you actually mouse completely out of the CircleTitle div, it still triggers one last time instead of just fading in.
Because mouseenter keeps track of the mouse being over that element, and then that div disappears, it's probably causing some problems. But I don't know any other way to get this to work! If someone has some ideas,
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Apr 20, 2011
I have also posted this question on StackOverflow which you can see here. This first issue I had to solve was using jQuery in an ASPP.Net app with Master Content pages - that issue is resolved. The main issue is that I have a content page that has many divs on it - 3 of which are hidden when the page first loads and are then each displayed based on various user interaction wth the page. One of the divs is displayed by server side code for many reasons dvDetail.style("displaya') = "block". My issue is that I need to use jQuery on an element that is located inside this div and can't seem to get that to work. The jQuery works just fine on anything that is not inside the hidden div. Items to note: Hiding and displaying the hidden divs works just fine. I am not using the visible property on any div - I use the display = "block" and 'none' in both the client side code and the server side code. jQuery working just fine on the page - just not on elements inside the hidden div. jQuery selectors working just fine in the content page scenario just not in the hidden div.
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Jun 14, 2010
How do I get the elements from a form when these elements are named like each other? I'd like to make a list of values and store it in few hidden elements. It is suppose to work like a list of checkbox whose elements have the same name (and same id), but they are diferent indexed. [code]...
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Sep 15, 2011
I have a page where I have images that may have visibility 'hidden' or 'visible'.
So how do I ensure I animate (and other 'manipulations') only visible images when mouseover them and not the hidden image?
Must mention I want to do this without any use of css classes or other non-jquery made css.
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Sep 7, 2009
I have a page that opens up an iframe for the user to be able to select photos. Each photo has a checkbox, and on select I add a hidden form element to the parent frame form. This all seems to work fine, but im now stuck on how to remove the form element when the checkbox is un-checked.
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Mar 31, 2010
i am working on a custom drop down list that has hidden #options DIV which is shown when the user clicks on a button. the problem i am having is that the click event does not seem to be attached to the LI elements since they are hidden when the page first loads. if i show the #options DIV when the page loads everything is working as expected.i've tried to attach the click event after i show the hidden UL but that didn't work either.what can i do to make sure the LI click event fires? i tried to put A tag inside of LI and attach click to that but to no avail.
<style type="text/css">
.gbtn-options {
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Feb 23, 2011
I can have a unlimited set of list items and form fields (limited) in li:
<li id="apr1">
<textarea class="thisistext">blablabla
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Mar 15, 2010
I figure this is a JS question. I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on methods of preloading hidden content. For example, lets say you have a drop down menu or something similar, which contains images for bullets or borders, whatever the case. These items are hidden via css, and therefore would not be loaded until they are rolled over or clicked. This usually creates and ugly effect the first time, as the popup/drop down will show, then it will take a second for the image to load.
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Aug 15, 2010
I've been using jQuery for a while now but I never needed to write something from scratch up until now. Is it possible to use some if statements to replace (replaceWith()) a form depending on which of the inputs was activated? The objective is to design a quick survey tool with different forthcoming questions, depending on the ones given.
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Feb 27, 2009
I want to expose a container only after a series of conditions have been met:
Code JavaScript:
$('#entryform .submit').click(function(){
if($('#title')!=='' && ('#field_id_3')!=='' && ('#file_content_1')!=='' && ('.checkbox').is(':checked')){
I know the syntax is not correct. How do I string together a series of "if's".
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Jun 14, 2011
I have done the hide/show divs using javascript.Its working fine but the problem is that at the time of page loading the hidden divs are showing first anf then disappearing.Is there any way not to show the hidden elements even if the page loads for first time
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Dec 30, 2010
I have been building a website and am in the process of integrating a shopping cart into the website. I have colors for the products in a <select> but there are a few colors that require an extra processing step that would cost extra to the customer if they chose those colors. However I don't want that extra processing step to be visible unless those certain colors are selected because I feel it would be confusing to the customers.
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Nov 20, 2011
I have a webpage which the user can drag a marker around inside a div and the script then shows the standard js alert box with the final positions of the marker once the user has stopped dragging it about. What I need to do is get the script to add these values to two hidden input elements in the page.
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Oct 20, 2011
Given the following input tag which is enclosed within a hidden div tag:<input id="X" class="Y"/> this call (id-based) locates the tag: $(this).find("#X")but this one doesn't (class-based)I couldn't find any documentation indicating find() working differently when using id-based vs class-based selectors.
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Jan 17, 2006
'When my form is submitted, I have onsubmit pointed to the following
code snippet. But, the button is not actually set to disabled and the
style.visibility changes are not made for several seconds. It appears
that it goes into validateForm and doing the rest of this snippet
before the browser makes the changes.
How can I get the browser to immediately make the UI change?
function submitForm(servleturl) {
var submitbuttonelem = document.getElementById("submit");
submitbuttonelem.disabled = true;
var mydiv = document.getElementById("contentarea");
mydiv.innerHTML = "Validating the form.";
var ret = validateForm();
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Dec 22, 2010
I have a section of a form containing elements that are not visible, currently just in a hidden div. Some of these elements have validation on them so when the form is submitted it fails on this validation.What I am after is a way to stop the validation firing for any hidden elements. I have tried setting them to 'display: none' and 'visibility: hidden' but this does not have any affect.
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Mar 6, 2011
Can't get this to work correctly. I need to run an alert if the user clicks the button "#step0Next" and none of the var ckd button's are checked [code]...
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May 7, 2010
URL...This item is almost finished for a project.I've gone over ita few hundred times.Each time a tab is selected, it goes to thecorrect <p> paragraph and displays the paragraph assiged to that tab, but that tab orcurrent tab does not stay ON.
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Feb 10, 2011
validation for pin must not be allow given below conditions
6 rising consecutive numbers(e.g 123456,456789 etc)
6 Descending consecutive numbers (eg. 654321,987654)
All same digit (eg 111111,222222)
Same digit appearing 3 or more time in pin code (eg:121212,1111432)
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Jun 5, 2011
The accordion-menu I created works nice from the bottom, but if the mouse comes from top it isn't functional. Do you know a trick to let the bullets open if the mouse comes from the top?[code]
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Nov 24, 2011
My problem is that my site has a fixed element in the right side but when looking at the site from a HI-resolution device like TV or something, the element moves about 1000px to right. I want it to scroll down when I scroll the site down. But I want it to stay in the same place on x line.angsti.net if you need more information.
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Jul 2, 2009
Take a look at my testing website: [url]
You'll find the following javascript in the source code:
Now this all works...well, sorta.
The DIV elements specified are hidden when the page is first loaded.
These DIV elements then re-appear (as programmed above) when the mouse pointer is hovered over them.
These DIV elements are listed on the right-hand side of the test webiste.
They contain the Google Ad's you will see listed along the right-hand side of the website.
However, you were not suppose to see the Google Ad's when the website first loads up.
The DIV elements are initially hidden, but the Google Ad's contained in the DIV elements are always visible!
I want the Google Ad's to only appear if a mouse pointer happens to hover over them ( a little test of mine.)
I don't get it...the DIV elements disappears when appropriate, why not their contents: the Adsense?
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Sep 5, 2011
when the visitor wants to register on my site, they have to fill in there email address in the requiered field and then check the terms box to activate the register button...thats all good, but there seems to be a bit of a bug......it seems that when they fill in the email address and press return, it skips passed the terms box and goes straight to the register page...
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Apr 25, 2011
I have a javascript which verifies if the submitted data is a number or not, and works like a charm, but... I also want to be able to tell if the number is "0" and then submit other data.
Here is my script:
// Makes sure variable is a number
function validNum(nmbr){
// forces variable into integer type
nmbr = (nmbr * 1);
// Checks if variable is Not a Number
// If a number, return value
return nmbr;
// If not a number, return zero
return 11;
Now, what I want is to add "0" as not a number and change that to "11" as the last else...
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