Terms And Conditions Check Box?
Sep 5, 2011
when the visitor wants to register on my site, they have to fill in there email address in the requiered field and then check the terms box to activate the register button...thats all good, but there seems to be a bit of a bug......it seems that when they fill in the email address and press return, it skips passed the terms box and goes straight to the register page...
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May 31, 2010
I am trying to check multiple conditions in an IF statement. I did the below, but it is not working right? Whats wrong?
if ((hours == 0) && (days == 0) && (years== 0) && (minutes == 0)) {
} // end if
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Jul 20, 2005
I have an FAQ page on my site, but, because much of the information could be
relative to the area council's bylaws, I want to have a pop-up window appear
when someone clicks the "FAQ's" menu button. In the window will be my
disclaimer regarding the use of the information on the FAQ's page, and then
I want them to click either "I agree" (action will close pop-up and direct
them to FAQ's page) or "I disagree" (action will close pop-up and leave them
at page they were at when clicking the link).
The script needs to be linked to the clicking of an image.
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Aug 31, 2007
Is there anyway to use Javascript (or other code) so that if you've arrived at a web page on your site via google (and there is alot of text on the screen) the javascript will scroll automatically to the searched terms?Is there anyway to use Javascript (or other code) so that if you've arrived at a web page on your site via google (and there is alot of text on the screen) the javascript will scroll automatically to the searched terms?
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May 24, 2010
I have to highlight the search terms in the text area.
I have one text Filed,search Button and text area.
Quote ... After i have enter the search string in the text field whenever i click the search button it highlight the search terms which is available in the text area and focus the search term in text area.
I have try to do this by using jquery. But in mozilla,I can't get the focus to the search term at the time of search.
I have to scroll down the text area for find the focused search term.
In I.E. also it doesn't work properly. Otherwise if any post related to highlight search term in text area is also appreciable.
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Dec 15, 2006
I'm working on a Ruby on Rails web app and I'm trying to add a quick and dirty client-side Javascript validation, to ensure that users click a checkbox agreeing to our Ts and Cs, before clicking the "Register" button submits their info.
I'll post the generated HTML, rather than the Rails stuff.
This is the button that shouldn't submit the form until the checkbox has been clicked:
<input name="commit" onClick="return check_agreed()" type="submit" value="Complete Registration" /> or <a href="/">Cancel</a>
First off, to confirm that the onClick actually checks check_agreed(), I kept check_agreed() simple, just popping up an alert then returning false.
<script language="JavaScript">
function check_agreed()
alert("check_agreed checked");
return false;
This seems to work fine - the alert pops up and nothing is submitted. I have a checkbox:
<input type="checkbox" name="terms_agreed">
I'd like this to be checked before the form can be submitted, so I've altered check_agreed() and added some debugging alerts.
function check_agreed()
alert("in check_agreed");
if(terms_agreed == checked)
return true;
alert("Please agree to the Terms and Conditions");
return false;
So now the first alert, "in check_agreed" pops up, but then the form is submitted, with neither "checked" nor "Please agree..." popping up. This happens regardless of whether the checkbox has been clicked.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong - it seems to be to do with referring to the checkbox. Should I be giving the checkbox's complete path, rather than referring to it by its name? I've tried to work out the correct path according to the DOM, but it still does the same thing.
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Nov 3, 2011
On my homepage (index.html), I have a search field which fires the users input (text) parameters off to another website to perform the search (ie. results.html). What I'm now trying to do is create an iframe on index.html which shows the search results on the same page (without the user having to visit the other website. Does anyone know if this is possible using javascript?
The reason behind this is so that we can use the search on our old website on our new one... without having to re-invent the wheel.
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Mar 15, 2010
I too have a problem with Ajax POST method and Send. I have set up a Site Search using the Google Ajax Search API, and it works fine. The search term is stored in the variable (?) query. Just to make sure, I have set up a new variable (searchTerm) to read the value of query, and a temporary Alert box shows that this variable does indeed contain the search term.
I want to store the search terms in a database so I can see what people are searching for. So I set up a POST method to send the searchTerm to a php file, which uses if (isset($_POST['searchTerm'])) to obtain the searchTerm and then insert it into a MYSQL database. But it doesn't work.
When I couldn't insert into the database, I added a second (temporary) insert using a dummy value as the else part of the above if statement, to test (1) if the Ajax file was actually setting the php file going, and (2) to check my Insert code was working. Both work.
So the problem is clearly that either the Ajax code doesn't Send correctly, or the php isn't receiving it. I am stumped to find what is wrong. Here are the two relevant sections of code:
To repeat, the php is running and always loads the dummy variable from the else section, indicating that isset($_POST['searchTerm']) is null.
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Feb 3, 2011
I have a set of regular expressions that make heavy use of the | operator on sections that I do not really need to extract a match from. For example:
var regexp = /([A-Z][A-Za-z]+) (jumps( high)?|leaps|bounds) over ([A-Z][A-Za-z]+) and (grabs|snags|gets) (a|an|the) (apple|orange|pear|grapes)/
The important part for extracting from the match array after using regexp.exec() are the names (the ([A-Z][A-Za-z]+) parts), I don't care which of the other things are matched. The problem is that using the | operator seems to necessitate using the () and adding a term to the match. This makes it difficult to know which term in the array will be the names, especially after editing the middle.So I'd like to be able to use the | operator on words and phrases without adding terms to the match array.
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Feb 10, 2011
validation for pin must not be allow given below conditions
6 rising consecutive numbers(e.g 123456,456789 etc)
6 Descending consecutive numbers (eg. 654321,987654)
All same digit (eg 111111,222222)
Same digit appearing 3 or more time in pin code (eg:121212,1111432)
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Aug 15, 2010
I've been using jQuery for a while now but I never needed to write something from scratch up until now. Is it possible to use some if statements to replace (replaceWith()) a form depending on which of the inputs was activated? The objective is to design a quick survey tool with different forthcoming questions, depending on the ones given.
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Feb 27, 2009
I want to expose a container only after a series of conditions have been met:
Code JavaScript:
$('#entryform .submit').click(function(){
if($('#title')!=='' && ('#field_id_3')!=='' && ('#file_content_1')!=='' && ('.checkbox').is(':checked')){
I know the syntax is not correct. How do I string together a series of "if's".
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Apr 25, 2011
I have a javascript which verifies if the submitted data is a number or not, and works like a charm, but... I also want to be able to tell if the number is "0" and then submit other data.
Here is my script:
// Makes sure variable is a number
function validNum(nmbr){
// forces variable into integer type
nmbr = (nmbr * 1);
// Checks if variable is Not a Number
// If a number, return value
return nmbr;
// If not a number, return zero
return 11;
Now, what I want is to add "0" as not a number and change that to "11" as the last else...
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Jul 30, 2011
I need the page to redirect if x is null AND the screen width is less then 600. My problem is the page is still redirecting even if the cookie has a value.
To make sure my cookie was working properly I just tested an alert of x and it gave x's value.
<script type="text/javascript">
var x = readCookie('mobile')
if (x==null && screen.width < 600); {
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Nov 24, 2010
I am trying to hide div based on conditions..This is the scenario: the div should never appear again for that user, until i write another server side message.lets say i write a message today saying " we are really sorry, but the website will be don for one hour today" and you login today, the message will be displayed, when you click close its closed,it wont appear again for you, until i post another message,but each message would have an expiration date, if i post a message which would be displayed to every user, i should decide how long i want it displayed, maybe 24 hrs, so in 24 hrs the message should no longer display.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have implemnt a onBlur event of a text input. In the event, a window with all records which related to the text input will be shown. However, I don't want to pop up the window in case there is no records that matching the text input.
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Dec 30, 2010
I have been building a website and am in the process of integrating a shopping cart into the website. I have colors for the products in a <select> but there are a few colors that require an extra processing step that would cost extra to the customer if they chose those colors. However I don't want that extra processing step to be visible unless those certain colors are selected because I feel it would be confusing to the customers.
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Jun 25, 2009
I am developing a course. I would like to display certain pages, depending on the Operating system.
I do not think that javascript can load a page. So I have tried the following:
In html I have:
In javascript I have:
The above was just to see if it would work.
When I click on the link I get an error that it could not find nextpage()
I have tried the simplest solution. It did not work. Is there a solution?
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Oct 13, 2011
I have the following code. What I want to do is for certain questions to remain hidden inless certain conditions are met, then they appear to be answered. I am thinking with the <div> but not sure how. I also thought maybe with css but cant write a if statement in css so that a no go.
<tr><td align="left">Do you own a Yorkie?<br />
<input type="radio" name="owner" value="yes" /> Yes
<input type="radio" name="owner" value="no" checked="checked" /> No<br />
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Sep 11, 2010
Here's my the code.
Now, the problem is. when i click the link. nothing happens. :| the way i want it to be is, when you click the link, the list shows. what's wrong with it?
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Feb 25, 2011
Function doesn't work with conditions , but works without them , I need a condition in the function so i can pause, start a slideShow. how do i do this.
<div class="pause"><a href="javascript:pause();" style="z-index:15" >Pause</a></div>
<script type="text/javascript" >
var paused=0;
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May 11, 2011
The following javascript coding is used in a "select a city" dropbox.
I made a submit button. I want the button to redirect the page to "page1.html". "page1.html" will be a webpage with events located in Auburn, Alabama, United States.
My submit button:
Here is my function:
Right now my button doesn't recognize if i select "Auburn", so it never sends me to "page1.html". Can someone please help me write the correct if statement?
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Oct 6, 2011
I'm got an application that uses (will use) 6 drop down boxes to filter through items stored in an array, if I can get a search system sorted out.At the minute i've tried a range of ways and I can't suss this out. At the minute its counting the number of entries that match the filter criteria but its not even getting that 100% right.I've tried using one big if statment 'if condition 1 && condition 2 && condition3 = true then' etc. I've tried nested ifs. t the moment I thought I'd try to dump the values of servos into a new array, that meet the criteia of the first if, then using another if, create another array and repeat this until only the servos that meet all 6 if conditions are stored inside one array that i can then set to display on screen. if there are no matches then i can display a 'none found' messageHeres my code, hopefully its commented enough to follow whats happening,
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Mar 16, 2011
I want my submit button to link to different pages, based on the value of a particular variable (let's call it total).
So, if 18 < total < 20, the submit button should redirect to page1.html
If 16 < total < 18, the submit button should redirect to page2.html
If 14 < total < 16, the submit button should redirect to page3.html
I have created page1.html, page2.html....page10.html. how should I link my submit button (I have only *one* submit button) to different pages based on different conditions?
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Aug 30, 2010
I am trying to make a carousel of sorts. I am kind of stuck with hiding and displaying the next and precious buttons once a div moves to the far left and right of its container. I think i have everything correct regarding calculating the widths but for some reason when you click the buttons, elements stay hidden irrespective of the conditional comments which should dictate when they should be hidden or shown. Here is a link to what i have thus far. Click the MoveLeft and MoveRight buttons. [URL]
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Mar 6, 2011
Can't get this to work correctly. I need to run an alert if the user clicks the button "#step0Next" and none of the var ckd button's are checked [code]...
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