Highlight Search Terms In Textarea?
May 24, 2010
I have to highlight the search terms in the text area.
I have one text Filed,search Button and text area.
Quote ... After i have enter the search string in the text field whenever i click the search button it highlight the search terms which is available in the text area and focus the search term in text area.
I have try to do this by using jquery. But in mozilla,I can't get the focus to the search term at the time of search.
I have to scroll down the text area for find the focused search term.
In I.E. also it doesn't work properly. Otherwise if any post related to highlight search term in text area is also appreciable.
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Aug 31, 2007
Is there anyway to use Javascript (or other code) so that if you've arrived at a web page on your site via google (and there is alot of text on the screen) the javascript will scroll automatically to the searched terms?Is there anyway to use Javascript (or other code) so that if you've arrived at a web page on your site via google (and there is alot of text on the screen) the javascript will scroll automatically to the searched terms?
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Nov 3, 2011
On my homepage (index.html), I have a search field which fires the users input (text) parameters off to another website to perform the search (ie. results.html). What I'm now trying to do is create an iframe on index.html which shows the search results on the same page (without the user having to visit the other website. Does anyone know if this is possible using javascript?
The reason behind this is so that we can use the search on our old website on our new one... without having to re-invent the wheel.
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Mar 15, 2010
I too have a problem with Ajax POST method and Send. I have set up a Site Search using the Google Ajax Search API, and it works fine. The search term is stored in the variable (?) query. Just to make sure, I have set up a new variable (searchTerm) to read the value of query, and a temporary Alert box shows that this variable does indeed contain the search term.
I want to store the search terms in a database so I can see what people are searching for. So I set up a POST method to send the searchTerm to a php file, which uses if (isset($_POST['searchTerm'])) to obtain the searchTerm and then insert it into a MYSQL database. But it doesn't work.
When I couldn't insert into the database, I added a second (temporary) insert using a dummy value as the else part of the above if statement, to test (1) if the Ajax file was actually setting the php file going, and (2) to check my Insert code was working. Both work.
So the problem is clearly that either the Ajax code doesn't Send correctly, or the php isn't receiving it. I am stumped to find what is wrong. Here are the two relevant sections of code:
To repeat, the php is running and always loads the dummy variable from the else section, indicating that isset($_POST['searchTerm']) is null.
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Nov 22, 2002
Highlight a portion of the text and you can search it on the major search engines. The search box can also be used as a conventional search box too....
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May 8, 2009
I have a PHP script that searches a database and outputs the results in a table with several TD's. The user can select a radiobutton and press a button to edit that record. I need a JavaScript to do this :
Highlight the entire row when the mouse is over it (using in-line class). Un-highlight when the mouse exits it (in-line class again). Allow the user to select the radio button by clicking anywhere in the row Highlight the selected row (with another in-line class) My scripts endlessly have problems. Below is a small sample from the table...
A non-highlighted row is class "tcell"
a highlighted (mouseover) class is "rhtcell"
a radiobutton selected class is "selcell"
<table align="center" border="0" width="1000" class="stable">
<form method="post" action="index.php">
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Aug 4, 2005
I have a PHP/MySQL-based content management system that alows one to edit pages of a website through form textareas. I was wondering if it is possible to change the appearance of HTML tags inside the textarea so the HTML markup looks different (e.g., in grey), making it easier to quickly find and edit the 'real' content without messing up the tag (like accidentally deleting a '>' character).
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May 16, 2010
Anyone have an easy js solution for highlighting all occurances of a given/particular string within a block of text (textarea)?
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Mar 19, 2009
is it possible to highlight a TABLE-CELL instead of the searched word within that cell as a result of a google search.
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Feb 10, 2009
How can you search a textarea for a string and select it?
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Jun 5, 2011
Got this below code for a page im working on, what you'll notice is that when you hover over 'order' a sub menu appears,
How do I make the 'order' remain highlight while Im hovering over the sub menus.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have an FAQ page on my site, but, because much of the information could be
relative to the area council's bylaws, I want to have a pop-up window appear
when someone clicks the "FAQ's" menu button. In the window will be my
disclaimer regarding the use of the information on the FAQ's page, and then
I want them to click either "I agree" (action will close pop-up and direct
them to FAQ's page) or "I disagree" (action will close pop-up and leave them
at page they were at when clicking the link).
The script needs to be linked to the clicking of an image.
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Sep 5, 2011
when the visitor wants to register on my site, they have to fill in there email address in the requiered field and then check the terms box to activate the register button...thats all good, but there seems to be a bit of a bug......it seems that when they fill in the email address and press return, it skips passed the terms box and goes straight to the register page...
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Dec 15, 2006
I'm working on a Ruby on Rails web app and I'm trying to add a quick and dirty client-side Javascript validation, to ensure that users click a checkbox agreeing to our Ts and Cs, before clicking the "Register" button submits their info.
I'll post the generated HTML, rather than the Rails stuff.
This is the button that shouldn't submit the form until the checkbox has been clicked:
<input name="commit" onClick="return check_agreed()" type="submit" value="Complete Registration" /> or <a href="/">Cancel</a>
First off, to confirm that the onClick actually checks check_agreed(), I kept check_agreed() simple, just popping up an alert then returning false.
<script language="JavaScript">
function check_agreed()
alert("check_agreed checked");
return false;
This seems to work fine - the alert pops up and nothing is submitted. I have a checkbox:
<input type="checkbox" name="terms_agreed">
I'd like this to be checked before the form can be submitted, so I've altered check_agreed() and added some debugging alerts.
function check_agreed()
alert("in check_agreed");
if(terms_agreed == checked)
return true;
alert("Please agree to the Terms and Conditions");
return false;
So now the first alert, "in check_agreed" pops up, but then the form is submitted, with neither "checked" nor "Please agree..." popping up. This happens regardless of whether the checkbox has been clicked.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong - it seems to be to do with referring to the checkbox. Should I be giving the checkbox's complete path, rather than referring to it by its name? I've tried to work out the correct path according to the DOM, but it still does the same thing.
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Dec 10, 2010
I have a search field on the website, and when I type a word to search, it search good, but after preforming the search, the search term from search text field disappears and become the default 'Search' word.
How can I make search term stay in search field after preforming a search ? For example, when I type into the search field 'JavaScript' I want that term to stay in search field and after the search is done.
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Feb 3, 2011
I have a set of regular expressions that make heavy use of the | operator on sections that I do not really need to extract a match from. For example:
var regexp = /([A-Z][A-Za-z]+) (jumps( high)?|leaps|bounds) over ([A-Z][A-Za-z]+) and (grabs|snags|gets) (a|an|the) (apple|orange|pear|grapes)/
The important part for extracting from the match array after using regexp.exec() are the names (the ([A-Z][A-Za-z]+) parts), I don't care which of the other things are matched. The problem is that using the | operator seems to necessitate using the () and adding a term to the match. This makes it difficult to know which term in the array will be the names, especially after editing the middle.So I'd like to be able to use the | operator on words and phrases without adding terms to the match array.
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Dec 13, 2011
I found this for instant search :
demo : [url]
Now i just want to edit one thing, when you search for something, results are shown under the search field, when you click on each result, goes to a link.
I want when clicking on a result, not going to link, just show that result string on the search field. where should i edit in script?
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Aug 18, 2010
I have created a similar smart search like yellowpages:[URL]... Here is the problem I have with mine:
Lets say I search 'Attorneys' I start typing 'Att' ... then 'Attorneys' shows up in the smart search so I click on it and press enter. The next time I start typing 'Att' my browsers saved search field pops up over the websites smart search. Here is an image which might help explain the problem a bit more:
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Jul 13, 2011
how is clearing search box with click on search results?
var strToMatch = $("#hotel").val();
$('.list_name p').each(function () {
if (this.innerHTML.indexOf(strToMatch) > -1) {
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May 23, 2011
I have chosen to use Google Custom Search with my website and was given the following code, my question is, how can i pass a search query from my homepage which has a standard form on there to the search page which holds this code?
I am given a search box within this code but would prefer to use my own on the homepage...
<div id="cse" style="width: 100%;">Loading</div>
<script src="http://www.google.com/jsapi" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load('search', '1', {language : 'en'});
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Aug 24, 2011
I have a javascript that allows me to search text on a page.What I want to do is to limit the search area and not search the entire page.
Here is an example page:
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Dec 7, 2011
I have a website that I'm designing where I have the need to search multiple sites at specific times. By this I mean that In some cases, we would want to search only the internet using google, or only search the site that I've created (which currently uses the jse_search.js solution), or only our company's website.
I currently have four different search boxes that will search either the internet, the internal site, a separate internal site, or a third-party website, which all working fine. The problem is that the search boxes take up quite a bit of space, and the layout is becoming cumbersome. Is there a way in Javascript I could use a single search box and a drop-down list to select which method to use? The code I'm currently using is below. With the exception of the Google search function, I've modified some of the site names to general site names and paths to preserve the company's anonymity:
Code in the <head> tag:
<script language="JavaScript1.3" type="text/javascript" src="jse_form.js">
Code in the <body> tag:
<!--Begin Internal Site Search 1!-->
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Aug 27, 2009
is it possible via Javascript to search certain websites with certain keywords without having to use specific search engines?
example search only the following:
1. www.yyy.com
2. www.aaa.com
3. www.zzz.com
for the keyword "Laminat" and open the sites accordingly.
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May 13, 2011
How would i change back to the default length of textarea?
I have this comment area that after clicking submit i will append the new comment in the list of comments through ajax... i got one problem though, everything is working perfectly well except for the textarea that won't change back to it's default size...
The problem is that the textareawon't change back to it's default size // let's say that the default size is rows=3
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Jan 24, 2011
i want to search the index.xml file throu diff input like combo box and input text shown in the search.html file and output the result in a tale.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type">
<script type="text/javascript" src="search%20xml/search%20xml%20with%20mouseover%20table/searchindex.js"></script>
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Sep 28, 2011
I have a page built in Sharepoint. I need to create a little search box within that page so people can search for names on that same page. It's a page with a lot of text, hence why the search feature is needed.
I can only use an XML editor.
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