Div Elements Are Hiding Correctly - Style.visibility = "hidden"
Jul 2, 2009
Take a look at my testing website: [url]
You'll find the following javascript in the source code:
Now this all works...well, sorta.
The DIV elements specified are hidden when the page is first loaded.
These DIV elements then re-appear (as programmed above) when the mouse pointer is hovered over them.
These DIV elements are listed on the right-hand side of the test webiste.
They contain the Google Ad's you will see listed along the right-hand side of the website.
However, you were not suppose to see the Google Ad's when the website first loads up.
The DIV elements are initially hidden, but the Google Ad's contained in the DIV elements are always visible!
I want the Google Ad's to only appear if a mouse pointer happens to hover over them ( a little test of mine.)
I don't get it...the DIV elements disappears when appropriate, why not their contents: the Adsense?
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Sep 15, 2011
I have a page where I have images that may have visibility 'hidden' or 'visible'.
So how do I ensure I animate (and other 'manipulations') only visible images when mouseover them and not the hidden image?
Must mention I want to do this without any use of css classes or other non-jquery made css.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm not sure if this is technically a javascript question, but I'm
coding in javascript, so I'll try here first.
To overlay a section of a page I typically use an absolute positioned
<div> and call insertAdjacentHTML. By raising the z-index higher than
than the underlying elements this method works fine, except if there is
a window'd element below it, such as a <select>. My understanding is
that I need to use the visbility attribute to hide the <select> before
calling insertAdjacentHTML.
Each <select> element (there are three) is identified with the ID
"select_vis". I am attempting to hide the select elements using the
following code:
selvis = document.getElementById('select_vis');
if (selvis) {
alert('gonna hide the selects.');
selvis.style.visibility = 'hidden'
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('BeforeEnd', theHTML);
The code is being executed, however the three selects stay visible.
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Jan 17, 2006
'When my form is submitted, I have onsubmit pointed to the following
code snippet. But, the button is not actually set to disabled and the
style.visibility changes are not made for several seconds. It appears
that it goes into validateForm and doing the rest of this snippet
before the browser makes the changes.
How can I get the browser to immediately make the UI change?
function submitForm(servleturl) {
var submitbuttonelem = document.getElementById("submit");
submitbuttonelem.disabled = true;
var mydiv = document.getElementById("contentarea");
mydiv.innerHTML = "Validating the form.";
var ret = validateForm();
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Apr 24, 2009
I have built a website and I wish to hide my code between "style type="text/css">....</style>
Is there a way to hide the code between it?
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Dec 5, 2006
I have a strange problem using Internet Explorer.
My page has a table included in a <DIV>
I have a checkbox that shows the div when checked
and hides it when unchecked.
var division = document.getElementById("passport") ;
Then I use
division.style.visibility = "visible" ;
division.style.visibility = "hidden" ;
Everything works perfectly under FireFox or Safari showing or
hidding the table.
BUT, in IExplorer 6 or 7, just checking the checkbox doesn't
change anything. You have to first click on the actual division
position to make it appear. Same for unchecking: click on the
displayed table and it will disappear. Code:
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Sep 20, 2005
Specifically, assume I have a div tag of absolute dimensions. I need
to figure out, first, whether or not the text inside the div tag is
partially hidden by the overflow setting, and if so, what the hidden
text is.
Is this even possible? Obviously, the rendering engine in the browser
"knows" this information, but is it accessible through Javascript?
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Sep 15, 2009
I've built a tool where users can search for something & the results show up in a select list as selectable options..... sometimes the results can take a few seconds to load depending on how many results there are... so I was attempting to show some "Results are loading" text when they search, & then hide it when they are displayed.
However for some reason it's not working correctly.. both commands don't appear to work until the select list options have loaded & hence rendering them redundant.... I have tried putting them inside separate functions but no change in the behavior.
What basically happens is I press the button to search & it searches & once the results show up so does the loading text.... however if I include the hide text command then the text doesn't show at all as it's hidden as soon as it's shown.
Here is the code I am using..
function searchCats(text) {
// Set URL for ajax request
var url = 'search_cats.php?search_text='+text;
// Set up element we're modifying
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May 14, 2009
I am working on a project that shows archived data as well as current data on the same page. When the page builds, current data is shown, archived data is hidden (by using a div with id="archive"). I found comments here that getElementsByName was not a good cross browser way to handle this (and I'm not sure how to use that anyway). Can someone suggest the correct way to handle this?
There should be a link that, when clicked, will grab each element on the page with id="archive" and toggle the display property (none or block).
Here is the current code:
function archives(toggle) {
if (typeof(toggle) != "undefined") {
if (document.getElementById(toggle).style.display == 'none') {
document.getElementById(toggle).style.display = 'block';
This works just fine, but only for the first element that it finds. I need many elements with the same name to be effected.
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Sep 12, 2011
I've got a list of links and divs. When I click on a link I want to keep showing all the divs which have a class that matches the clicked link id and hide all the divs which don't. At the same time I want to add another class (.item) to the matching divs and remove it from any div which is hidden.
When I run the code below, clicking any of the links hides all the divs apart from the one which doesn't have a matching colour class.
var id = $(this).attr('id');
if($('.filterclass').hasClass(id)) {$('.filterclass').removeClass('filteredout').addClass('item');
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Jan 11, 2010
I am trying to create a basic menu where if you put your mouse over a button you get a bit of descriptive text or an image appearing somewhere else on the page. I have tried to do this with hiding/revealing hidden divs - works fine with IE but no others.
<script language="javascript">
var descriptions = new Array();
descriptions[0] = "<p>See whats been added to the web site recently</p>";
descriptions[1] = "<p>Find out more about me</p>";
descriptions[2] = "<p>Check out me links</p>";
function showDescription(descriptionIndex){ .....
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Apr 11, 2010
I am doing this code that has multiple elements of the same type.... to select the parent DIV I had to use this code:
How can I do it without using that many parent() ?
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Nov 3, 2003
collapse does not work in IE6 on <tr> and <td>. also, in mozilla 1.5 it hides the element but does not collapse it. the only thing i can get to work is
<col width=300 style="visibility: collapse"> in mozilla, but this does not work in IE6.
anyone aware of this problem or know of a workaround?
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Apr 2, 2010
I have a bunch of floated divs and I want to increment a variable every time they 'jump' to the next line. When I try using offset() for this I get the same top,left cords for every single element. Is there any way of getting the actual offset? (I get the same result in FF and Chrome)
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Mar 30, 2010
I got a table with hundreds of rows...and I want the user to be able to hide a single one by clicking on the table row.
How can I do this without typing in hundreds of ids like 1,2,3,4,5... Since you can't get elements by class and ids have to unique I'm not sure how to do this. Also the order of the rows will change when they get updated so it would end up being a mess of unordered ids.
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May 27, 2010
why I'm getting an uncaught exception with this?
var nav = "navigation";
$link = $("#" + nav + " ul ul");
$.each($link, function() {
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Mar 9, 2006
i have a tetxtarea, with the style overflow:hidden, and a long text.
because of the overflow, user does not see the whole text but a part.
is there, in an IE browser, a mode to recovery the effective text
than user see?
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Jan 17, 2006
Here's my situation:
1. I have a web browser component that does not support Javascript
(well it does, but we've disabled it)
2. I have to display some HTML in it, where the user has a link titled
"Hide|Show Options" that can hide/show a particular section of the
I have not found a way to achieve it without using Javascript or any
other scripting language.
Is it possible to do this using pure plain HTML?
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Jul 20, 2005
I am trying to hide a drop down box in a form on a jsp page using the:
The form element is hidden ok but my problem is that the space still
exists where the element is.
Can anyone tell me how to hide these elements so that they dont mess up
the layout of my form.
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Feb 13, 2010
I want to show or hide some tags of registration form with changing a combo
I wrote this code :
FormType = $('select[name=user_type]').val();
switch (FormType)
case 'teacher': $('.teacher_form').show();
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Aug 28, 2009
I'm having an interesting IE6 and IE7 issue that may just be par for the course. i'm curious if anyone else has run into this problem.
Here's the URL: [url]
I have a bunch of nested lists with IDs in certain ULs, like <ul id="collapse">. i'm trying to use jQuery .hide() to hide all the ULs with that specific ID. everything works as expected in firefox, safari, chrome, IE8, etc. but IE6 and IE7 seem to only notice the first UL in the DOM tree. so IE6/7 hides that first UL, then stops.
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Jun 20, 2009
i've been searching the web for the best way to hide window elements in FireFox. But i'm not finding anything with clear defined answers.
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Mar 2, 2011
I have a pop-up window system on my site that shows an absolutely-positioned div over the entire page as a "pop up" of sorts when someone clicks a link. I use this simple line of Javascript to disable page scrolling when a "pop up" box is opened by a user:
document.documentElement.style.overflow = document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden';
The problem is that when a user is scrolled down on a page and clicks a link to bring up one of my pop up boxes, when the overflow is set to 'hidden' to disable scrolling, the page "jolts" back up to the top (similar as to what would happen if someone clicked an <a> element with href="#" ). However, the links are not actually links, but span tags that are programmed with JS to trigger the scrollbar to be disabled when clicked, so that is not the culprit here. I've narrowed the problem down to that one line of code which I posted earlier. Apparently, setting the documentElement overflow style to 'hidden' scrolls the user to the top of the page automatically along with "disabling" the scroll bar on the page.
I am wondering if there is a way to prevent this jolting to the top of the page each time that JS code is triggered. I don't want users to have to scroll back down to where they were each time they open a pop up dialogue box on my site, as this would be detrimental for usability purposes.
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Aug 16, 2010
If you want to see what I'm talking about at any point, go to [URL] and hit the "web" button in the top-rightish area. Or, you know, check the source code, because you can't see any of that stuff right now.
So, I'm working on a portfolio for myself. And I want to make it for myself, because, well, I don't want to be lame.
My portfolio has three parts: stuff I've designed on the web, stuff I've written, and other stuff. Those are separated by the three buttons in the top right. You hit one, and the old visible item fades out, and the new one fades in. It's pretty.
Now, the "web" section is the problem. Right now, the div associated with it contains 3 div's. Each of those divs contains a p, and is not visible by default. On ready, I do this:
function readyFunction()
var pages = [];
But when I try it out, nothing shows. It should show the first element, right?
I am aware that by calling toArray(), I am turning jQuery objects into DOM objects. That's not the problem, is it? How would I fix that?
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Apr 14, 2011
Let's say I have two lists for menus and one list for sortable content.
If I click on "A" in the #type list, the content list is sorted, the li's with the classes "B" and "D" are hidden by attaching a class of .hidden to display:none. In turn becoming:
My question is, how do I apply the new content results to the #location menu? If "B" and "D" are hidden then numbers "3" and "4" shouldn't be displayed. I'm having trouble getting the two to talk to each other. I've tried .is(':visible"), .each(), etc. and can't quite crack it.
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Aug 8, 2010
I have some pages being loaded via ajax and I want some of the elements hidden when the page is loaded.I could hide them with CSS and then change the css attribute when I want them to show but that just seems clunky to me since I'd have to assign <input style="visibility: hidden;"> to everything I wanted hidden on load. I know how to make it visible later when I need it.Using jquery's document.read doesn't seem like a good solution either since I'd have to make a list of everything I might want hidden right there on the main page.
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