I am trying to do a simple ajax request using get(). All I'm doing is sending and ID to a processing page that will delete a record from the database. If the process is successful I am outputting "success" on the processing page, if not "failure". The problem is when I try to check for the "success" string in the get() success function, it never picks it up as being "success". Here is the code I'm using:
I validated that the processing page is indeed outputting "success" to the screen by going directly to the page and passing a valid ID in the URL. Also if I alert(data), it alerts "success".
I found this script for filtering data in a table:[URL]
However say I type something in the filter, I click a link on the page, and then use the back button...the form resets. Is there a way to prevent this/leave the table filtered?
I am doing a JSON request to get data back from a PHP file. On the return of that data, I am using a for loop to go through the data and post it up using JS. Here is my code:
for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x++) { //create a container for each comment var div = $("<div>").addClass("entry round").appendTo("#characters"); //add author name and comment to container $("<div>").addClass("details").appendTo(div); $("<span>").addClass("main-armory button").appendTo("div.details"); }
Now, what is happening, because there is 10 entries being posted, my JS is looking at the class that is being put together (main-armory button) and making it so that class appends every run through. So, I want one entry for main-armory button and I am getting this:
And then, when it goes down to the next entry, it has 9 spans, and then the next entry has 8 spans, and it continues all the way down. What is going on here that I am missing? I know that I am not clearing a variable properly or something is wrong within my loop.
I'm trying to communicate between a parent document that is controlled through pure Javascript with an embedded IFrame containing an ASP.NET form. I can quite easily pass data into hidden fields in the IFrame and submit the form to pass data to the ASP.NET application.
Now the tricky part! (at least for me, probably not for everyone else!), how can I set a field in the ASP.NET page (using ASP.NET during a postback), which I can get the value of within the parent Javascript controlled page?
I have a form with three select boxes. Box 1 has a variety of choices, but boxes 2 & 3 are empty. When the person selects an option from box 1, box 2 gets populated with choices. When the person selects an option from box 2, box 3 gets populated with choices.
This is handled with javascript through either onblur or onchange (still working on which will work best for this).
The problem occurs after pressing submitting the form and then pressing the back button. All fields maintain their data EXCEPT boxes 2 & 3.
How do I get it so that those two boxes keep the data like the rest of the form?
I have many tags. I want click each tag, then post/get the tag's value to another page. In another page, received the values and make a mysql query. Then return the resalt data to the first page(do not make an iframe).
For the first time in a long time, I've encountered a project with a single image that has many regions.Each region is a polygon, and will bind to a unique rollover event. That rollover event will pull back data for each region.I've thought of using a hidden image in a canvas with a black background, and a different color foreground for each region. Then, mapping the color the proper region data on the backend.I've thought of passing a huge Javascript object with keys that relate to a position in the image, and values that define the region data.Initially, I dismissed the idea of a good, old-fashioned image map, in an attempt to find something sleeker and sexier. But perhaps this is the best solution?
A page I'm working on lets users open a new window, which in turn lets them send data back to the parent page to create new table rows, cells, links, etc. One of the links created is "delete", so it should delete the row that the delete link belongs to when clicked on. I can do this no problem in ff using the setAttribute('onclick',onClickEvent), but can't do this in IE. I'll show some code to make this easier to understand....
I have a form.On the form I have a drop down box that allows the user to select a data set to work with (A or B). The table loads just fine and all is right with the world. No problems there.What I need is for the user to be able to edit the data set and have those changes written directly back to the mySQL database. They also need the option of deleting a record entirely.I know how to do all the database queries, updates, etc. I just don't know how to write the ajax forms to accomplish this.
I'm looking to have a lightbox pop up when a user clicks the Back button in their browser rather than just navigating back. The purpose is to ask a question with a Yes/No answer, and if they click No, I allow them to go back. The only thing I've found anything like this is the onUnload event, but that doesn't prevent them from going back. How should this be handled?
I am trying to write a script that uses the IF statement to see wether or not a user clicked the back button to come to a page, and then if it's true to not let the page load and kick them back X number of pages (say 4) This is what I have so far:
I am trying to capture the back button and redirect if it is a certain URL, if not just go back like a normal back button.I've never really messed with the history except for something like this: <a href="#" onClick="history.go(-1)">Anyone have an example using this plugin: [URL]r any other plugin that might achieve this
I have a webpage popup (lets call it POPUP) which refreshes the opener window (this one we call PARENT) when we close it, saying we want to save data. For this, we use
When we don't want to save the POPUP data, we just close the popup and don't refresh the PARENT. In the PARENT we have a "Back" link which executes a simple
The problem is: If we refresh parent, we need to go back 2 pages, because the refresh method adds another page to the history. But we have no (easy) way of knowing in the PARENT if it had been refreshed. With this, our users are forced to click two times in the Back link.
Is there anyway of going back to the previous page, no matter how many refreshes happened in the current one ?
I have been trying to utilize a pre existing snippet of JS that makes a call to some PHP, where the PHP echo's out the answer, namely a dynamic quick search output, that gains its data from an xml file (which works as expected) and thought I might be able to rework the code to work for my altered purpose (which has been a disaster at every attempt) which is as follows:
1. I have a JS file called call4section.js - JS that has a string (str) value assigned (could be number or a combination of numbers and letters) which is passed to a PHP script called call4section.php.
2. The PHP script takes receipt of the string and finds a match within an XML file for the entry under <reference>.
3. The XML file has a format as follows:
<pages> <note> <section>value</section>
And well, I dont seem to be able to get any further forward with it. Effectively, I can echo out the $reply (if it worked I think), but my stumbling block is sending the starting string, with the JS expecting some reply sent from the PHP.
I am using .ajax() to access cross-domain data using JSONP. Because I need to be able to cache the data I want to use a static name for thejsonpCallback function, so I have set the jsonpCallback option in the .ajax() request. However that appears to requires a global function whereas the auto generated function didn't (well maybe it did but that was all hidden from me).
I definitely need to be able to cache the results. Ideally I wouldn't have a global function handling the data. Is there another way to do this? If not what is the best practice way to go about using a global function these days and how do I provide it with the context of the object/module it was called from - which is where the data is needed?
Relatively new to jQuery but have a problem with getting data to display.Using a webform with 2 forms. User slects and inputs data into the first form, clicks a button then using jQuery .ajax submits the serialized data to a php script. The script processes the input into multiple paragraphs of text which is based on the input from the first form.The data is returned to the webpage and displayed in a text area (of the 2nd form) where the user can edit it to fine tune the wording. The 2 forms are displayed in different tabs so it is easy to move back and forward between the 2 forms.
The problem occurs when the user goes back to the first form and enters or selects different text and then click the submit button to generate a whole new text for insertion into the textarea on the second form. For certain fields the modified text is displayed.However if the whole of the text in the textarea is deleted, then the user clicks the submit button to re-generate the text content area then nothing at all is ever interted into the textarea. If have user alert to check that data is returned from the php handler and this text is correct. BUT when I click on the tab to see the textarea (id is "draftrec") there is no text inserted. The relevant function is below and the line that should insert the text into the textarea is:
I would like to use jQuery to prepopulate a form - ie make a call to a php program to get data from a database and pre-populatea form with appropriate data for the user. Can anyone point me in the right direction for some examples on the simplest way to do this?
I wonder if i can make the variable data which is [data] in jQuery.post( url, [data], [callback], [type] ) dynamic. for instance, this is the form i want to send,
I am writing a small data entry screen that will post the form data to a page and return a message. But i cannot get the Success or Error functions working properly.
Here's the code where strData is the posted querystring of:
I'm not sure whether it should be in a form and using the onsubmit or click of a button.
I am still new to jQuery and I am trying to figure something out. I have this code:
This is working fine on itself. What is does is when I click a link it loads data into the following div. When done loading it slides out. But I want to change the appearance of the slide. I have tried to do that like this: $(this).show("slide", { direction: "down" }, 1000); But this doesn't work. When I check firebug it says the following: o.easing[this.options.easing || (o.easing.swing ? "swing" : "linear")] is not a function