JQuery :: Redirecting The Back Button If The "back URL" Is Xyz.com?
Sep 14, 2010
I am trying to capture the back button and redirect if it is a certain URL, if not just go back like a normal back button.I've never really messed with the history except for something like this: <a href="#" onClick="history.go(-1)">Anyone have an example using this plugin: [URL]r any other plugin that might achieve this
I'm looking to have a lightbox pop up when a user clicks the Back button in their browser rather than just navigating back. The purpose is to ask a question with a Yes/No answer, and if they click No, I allow them to go back. The only thing I've found anything like this is the onUnload event, but that doesn't prevent them from going back. How should this be handled?
I am trying to write a script that uses the IF statement to see wether or not a user clicked the back button to come to a page, and then if it's true to not let the page load and kick them back X number of pages (say 4) This is what I have so far:
I am wondering how Back, Forward browser button works for iframes. Does it bring back/forward iframe or top window? I remember I had before a problem because I wanted to bring back iframe and not top window as it did. But today I tested my Facebook app and was surprised to see it works as I need which means it brings back/forward iframe window and not top. Is it possible that Facebook has some javascript code which does that or is this normall behaviour?
I am on the page [url]. I click on the .mouseenter() link and get to page [url]. Now I click on the IE back button and wait. Finally, when I click on the back button a second time, I return to the page [url]. Two clicks on the back button is a problem.
I have a jquery-powered "start page" that checks your log in and if successfull it slides in a "menu" of new places to go. The problem is, if you click back from one of the new places, the original "start page" looks as if you never logged in. You have to reload the page. Not very intuitive and this website is for kids. Now I've tried setting form field values with server session variables, javascript variables, etc etc but they all get reset when you click back. I've tried the "onunload hack" which I don't fully understand, and then read a bit about the onhashchange event which is from what I gather only compatible with HTML5 browsers...is there no way to detect if the user is already logged in when they click the back button or am I not doing enough homework?
I use append() to add html fragments to a page dynamically. This works fine until the user navigates to another page and then clicks on the browser back button. The dynamically added html fragments are no longer visible. I read somewhere that dynamically added elements are not remembered by the browser and therefore the back button will only render the original page (without the dynamically added elements).
I found this script for filtering data in a table:[URL]
However say I type something in the filter, I click a link on the page, and then use the back button...the form resets. Is there a way to prevent this/leave the table filtered?
I have a webpage popup (lets call it POPUP) which refreshes the opener window (this one we call PARENT) when we close it, saying we want to save data. For this, we use
When we don't want to save the POPUP data, we just close the popup and don't refresh the PARENT. In the PARENT we have a "Back" link which executes a simple
The problem is: If we refresh parent, we need to go back 2 pages, because the refresh method adds another page to the history. But we have no (easy) way of knowing in the PARENT if it had been refreshed. With this, our users are forced to click two times in the Back link.
Is there anyway of going back to the previous page, no matter how many refreshes happened in the current one ?
I have been trying to utilize a pre existing snippet of JS that makes a call to some PHP, where the PHP echo's out the answer, namely a dynamic quick search output, that gains its data from an xml file (which works as expected) and thought I might be able to rework the code to work for my altered purpose (which has been a disaster at every attempt) which is as follows:
1. I have a JS file called call4section.js - JS that has a string (str) value assigned (could be number or a combination of numbers and letters) which is passed to a PHP script called call4section.php.
2. The PHP script takes receipt of the string and finds a match within an XML file for the entry under <reference>.
3. The XML file has a format as follows:
<pages> <note> <section>value</section>
And well, I dont seem to be able to get any further forward with it. Effectively, I can echo out the $reply (if it worked I think), but my stumbling block is sending the starting string, with the JS expecting some reply sent from the PHP.
I have a page where a user can progressively download more thumbnail images. New thumbnails are loaded using '$.get' followed by an 'append' to the main thumbnail container. If a user clicks on a thumbnail then they link to another page to see the full size image. If the user then presses the back button, the page of thumbnails has returned to its initial state. I was hoping that all the additionally downloaded thumbnails would remain in memory! Is there a way around this? Keeping track of any additional thumbnails that have been downloaded when navigating the to the full size image page and then re-loading them when the user returns to the thumbnails page is not really an option as I don't want the user having to wait for this. This is what facebook appears to do after one has loaded lots of additional items on their news feed - if one links to another page and hits the back button, my suspicion is that all the items are re-loaded - they're not just re-displayed from memory.
I have a javascript animation built with animate(). Whenever the page is reloaded, it is playing correctly, the problem is when the user navigates away from that page and the presses the Back button to go back to the previous page with the animation. The animation does not play again, it just shows the last state (probably because it's cached/in history?). Is there any way to restart the animation after the user presses the Back button?
I have a large form that uses jquery's .change to rewrite html select forms, make some calculations, etc. It works great if I don't reload the page via a refresh or a back. If I click back or refresh it doesn't change some of my form's selections, but all of the jquery generated stuff doesn't recalculate. Is there a way I can trigger a re-evaluation? I tried
I recently updated from jQuery 1.4 (I think 1.4.4) to 1.5.1. Before the upgrade, when users pressed the browser's Back button, they would usually be taken back to a page with all their changes intact. If they had modified input values or clicked objects that caused other parts of the page to change, they would still see those changes. Back literally took them back to the exact thing they were looking at before. Under 1.5.1, Back takes them to the prior page as it was when it first loaded. What changed? Can I get the old behavior back?
it disables the submit button when my form is submitted (IDs are used). This action displays a result page. If the browser's Back button is pressed to change some of entered items, the submit button in Firefox is still disabled, while the same action in MSIE8 enables it again. I don't know if this is exactly JavaScript/browser/chache issue, how to get the submit button enabled 'automatically' Unfortunately the refresh button in Firefox doesn't help either (probably JSP issue) - I have to press Enter on the address bar which is not very obvious for every user.
I have a few document ready functions on my page. I don't want the functions to get executed if the page is loaded because the user clicks on the browser forward/back button. Is there a way to prevent the document ready functions from getting executed if the user clicks on the forward/back button?
I have a number of pages that organize book data by category and then by unit, chapter, section, etc... Since there is a ton of data I display the headings and hide the rest of the content for the category. When a user clicks the heading then the content for the heading is shown underneath it. This works great and the users don't have to scroll (at least not much in comparison to if everything on the page was visible) unless for some reason they expand tons of stuff.
The problem:My company wants it so that if they expand a bunch of stuff and then browse to another page, that when they click the back button, everything should still be expanded as they left it. The issue is, this content is only available to logged in users and is based on their current location (which they can change at any point), so if their session expires or they logout, using the back button to get to these pages needs to redirect them to the login screen, if they change pages and change their location, going back to this page needs to display the correct content for their location. It is kind of a catch-22. Of course in the eyes of my company "shouldn't it just work that way?"
I have a graphic with a rollover for site navigation on each page. I put the page to go back to in the rollover javascript.
My question is, is it possible to put in some code that will refer the visitor back to whatever page they came from rather than one I specify?
The rollover is combined with a tooltip script to make matters fun (below). However, I'm quite happy to lose the tooltip to have the link perform as a back button.
<a href="../index.asp" onmouseover="document.images['link1'].src=img2.src; showtip(this,event,'Back to home page');" onmouseout="document.images['link1'].src=img1.src; hidetip()";><img src="bhome.gif" name="link1" border=0></a>
how do i make the page go all the way to the top after you press the back button?
for example, you would go to page 1 and you scroll mid-way, then you press a link to page 2. then you press the back button on page 2 and takes you back to page 1 but it brings you back to the section where you scrolled mid-way.
is there any way to make it so it will automatically bring you to the top of the page. ive seen it on other sites.