Dynamic Page Generation For A Link?
Dec 17, 2010
I have to do a project, the requirements i have got are, same link on multiple pages should lead to a single page on client's site, but the page should be different for each link clicked.
What i understand from this is, we will send parameters with each link to a JS or php file and then generate a dynamic page each time, but i am not clear how many files we need to call and what will be the sequence. I want to implement this in JS and php.
how to implement it with JS and PHP if we send parameters with the url and if we don't send any parameters.
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Jun 9, 2009
There's a feature I want to implement, but don't really know how to code. The intention is to use jQuery to convert words with a certain class attribute into Wikipedia links.
An example to make things clearer:
PLAIN TEXT: There is a <span class="wiki">penguin</span> there.
EXPECTED RESULT: There is a <a href [url] there.
Hence the code would have to grab the string of words inside the tag and place them inside a href with the first part of the link already attached to it. Doesn't seem too complicated, but I wasn't able to do it.
I have been trying to use the code below (created by Patrick Haney and improved by enraged) as a basis, but no deal. This code subistitutes words for code, but it searches for specific words.
If anybody knows a script like that, modify the code below,
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May 31, 2006
Is there a tutorial on dynamic SID generation?
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Jun 13, 2011
i have a select box which has num 1 to 10.when i select each number,that many number of textboxes and one submit buttin shud come.The submit button when clicked shud go to another page.
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Jul 20, 2005
I'd like some help trying to generate input fields on the fly. What I
have on an HTML page is a single text input field labelled #1, e.g. #1
<input type="text">. Next to the field is a button that, on click, I'd
like to automatically generate a second text input field below the
first, labelled #2. Everytime the button is clicked, another field is
created with an incremented label.
I explored iframes, but these text fields will be part of a larger
form that has to be passed together. I'd rather not use hidden text
fields because I don't want to hardcode a limit to the number of
fields available. Please point me in the right direction, or let me
know if this isn't possible.
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Jul 20, 2005
I am using ASP to dynamically generate a series of forms. When the
page is loaded, everything appears to be correct, except that the
first form generated fails with a "FormName is Null or not an Object"
error. Each subsuquent form created by the code after that works
perfectly. Why is it that the first form, generated with exactly the
same block of code, fails? Code:
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Nov 18, 2003
I've been working on a redesign of our site at ExperiencePlus for some time now, and long ago chose CBE menu 9 over the other menu technologies out there because of its browser independance. Problem is, as you can see, we have a pretty large site; load-times for the menus and associated scripts are approaching prohibitive. So I'm trying to speed things up.
You can see the results of some simplification here - still about the same speed by my guesstimates.
So, my question is twofold, I guess. First, Mike, do you have any ideas about how long it will take X menu 4 to reach maturity? No pressure ;^) If it were ready now, I'd just drop CBE in favor of X.
Second question: How much performance improvement can I expect from removing unnecessary code (sliding, for example) from the CBE core files? I haven't played with that stuff at all, except to read it now & then when looking for solutions to problems. Does anyone have a similarly large implementation of CBE menu9 that runs faster, so that perhaps they could share their experience?
One final thing: I'm planning to eventually shove all this into a PHP document that will auto-generate chunks of the menu from database queries, especially around the tour & country listings and our "Resource Room." (X menu 4 looks like it would be vastly superior for that purpose, since it's so lean.) I'm interested in hearing from anybody who's tried to do something like this, whether they succeeded or not.
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Mar 14, 2011
What I'm trying to do here is to create an editing form based upon the field descriptions extracted from a database, and use jQuery (e.g., datepicker) to handle the input. So, using the datepicker example, I create an input item, make it a 'text' type, give it a name and an id, and then use $('#'+textfld.id).datepicker({ ... }) to set it up. This is NOT done at $document.ready time, but while running the form's JavaScript, so I don't know if that's the problem or not; I can't see how to use $document.ready here due to the dynamic nature of each field.
AFAICT, what should happen here is that a jQuery datepicker should be created and associated with the text field - but nothing at all is happening.
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Mar 21, 2005
I have a form with a number of <select> fields, some of which require additional fields to be displayed/enabled depending on which <option> is chosen. For example, in the following code, I'd like a <textarea> field to be displayed if users choose the 'Other' option:
<label for="venue_type"><p>What type of venue do you require?</p></label>
<select name="venue_type" id="venue_type">
<option value="null">--Please choose--</option>
<option value="Meeting/Training/Seminar room">Meeting / training / seminar room</option>
<option value="Computer Suite">Computer Suite</option>
<option value="Examination room">Examination room</option>
<option value="Lecture theatre / auditorium">Lecture theatre / auditorium</option>
<option value="Other">Other type of venue</option>
I'm guessing that it's possible to do this using onchange, but am not too great with Javascript .
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Aug 19, 2009
I am teaching myself javascript and in the course of my experimentation have run into this roadblock: I want to display a styled navigation bar with a button beneath it. When the button is clicked, an onclick event will be triggered and the response of the browser should be to print the word "test" right beneath the button. However, what actually happens is the page blanks out and the word 'test' appears in the upper left corner of the screen.
<title>JavaScript Navanimation Example</title>
<style type="text/css">
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Feb 9, 2009
I'm trying to put together a mockup website. to test my knowledge on javascript.So my problem now is putting dynamically a css style using javascript. The style that I need to dynamically put is a hover style, visited style, and link style.
function moveBar() {
var bar = document.getElementById("taskbar");
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Nov 26, 2005
how can i create a dynamic link section like that of sitepoint.com in which the title of the page currently being browsed and previously browsed can be displayed in a section of the page.
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May 10, 2009
All the numbers should match. It's not working right in any version of IE I test it in (6, 7 and 8). I'm also using jQuery, fyi.When you click the button to stop the numbers, I'm setting a variable named winner to a number (3, 4 or 5). Right now, I have it set to 5. This number determines how many of the slots match:[code]I'm then generating a random number (0-8) to base all the other numbers off of . Three numbers will always match, so I'm setting two more variables to match that random number.[code]Then I do some conditionals to check the value of winner. If it's 4, I set the 4th number to random number, then generate a random number for the 5th spot while it doesn't equal randomnum. I do something similar if winner is set to 5.[code]The goto trigger sends the scroll to the specified index according to slotnum(1-5).I'm waiting to hear back from the plugin developer to see if it's something to do with that.However, I just want to make sure my logic in generating those numbers is sound. It works perfectly in FF, Opera and Chrome but (surprise!) not in any of the IEs (tested in 6, 7 and 8).
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Sep 24, 2009
i am trying to add a Link dynamic to a and Image that i am creating dynamic too to a table, here is the code that i am using to add the image but i dont now how to add the link to the images.
var cell6 = row.insertCell(5);
var element6 = document.createElement("img");
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Mar 7, 2011
I'm creating some links with PHP and here is the code for that:
<br><a id="add_to_cart" href="add_to_cart.php?pic_id=<?php echo $resultsetnewpic['pic_id']; ?>" class="under_pic_cart">Add to Shopping Cart</a>
There is a while loop to keep adding them but wanted to keep it simple. So right now there are three links that get created. I'm trying to find out the value of these links so I can add things to a shopping cart for the user. I have the following jquery to do this:
$(function() {
alert("it gets here");
This part works fine. However how can I get the href value of this and then once I have it basically split it after the = sign to get the value I'm really looking for?
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Sep 13, 2011
i'm having a hard time on JS while i was designing my companies web page. it is running on wordpress, we choose and start correcting a template, then i stuck in the main menu navigation.
sfHover = function() {
if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return false;
var sfEls = document.getElementById("nav-ie").getElementsByTagName("li");
// if you only have one main menu - delete the line below //
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Feb 3, 2011
I'm trying to create a webpage where users can click on a dynamically generated set of questions:
<?php do { ?>
<p><?php echo $row_rsQuestions['question_text']; ?><?php echo $row_rsQuestions['question_type']; ?></p>
<?php } while ($row_rsQuestions = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsQuestions)); ?>
and by clicking on a particular question, there will be an update for their particular listing of personal questions in a MySql database. I know how to create the database update part, but I think that I would need to javascript to:
1) tell my page that it's time to update (i.e. add a particular question as soon as they click it)
2) pass along the correct variable to the database update portion of the page.
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Aug 11, 2009
We would like to create a new website and have that do some dynamic things based on login id. First all we would like to send you do a different home page based on this information, it might be one of several companies. This may also be tied to what URL you clicked but not necessarily. The second thing we would like to do is display only the products that you are eligible for based on your login information. We would like to use images as a link here and if you can sell one product you get one image or maybe bypass and go directly to that section, but if you can sell two or more then those images as links show up as available.
The final thing we want to do is to populate the top 3 or so items you perform on the site as quick links. After all that, are there tools or items I should study to accomplish this task? I'm not sure if I need to mix in some sort of third party analytical tool with the asp.net site or what. The only other thing that I think we can do with ajax is have them say enter a a vehicle identification number and without looking like a screen reload use ajax to show the additional information such as year make and model that are decoded from the vin, but I'm just starting to look into this.
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Sep 10, 2007
I want to make a dynamic 4 drop down menus with AJAX and PHP/mySQL, like this:
Category->dynamic subCategory
County->dynamic cityCounty
Is there any good tutorial that can teach me how to do this? I managed
to have that Category dynamicly loads subCategory and that County
dynamicly loads cityCounty but I ran into a problem when I already
picked subCategory and than went on to pick a County, because of the
reload.this function in javascript my subCategory gets lost. Can anyone
point me in right direction?
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Jul 24, 2010
I tried to add links to open local xml files in browser in a dynamic table cells. I need help. I tried all ways but I think I miss something.I can open them without table just by document.write(xmlfile location).
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Aug 22, 2011
i found this sample code
function setOptions(chosen) {
var selbox = document.myform.opttwo;
selbox.options.length = 0;
if (chosen == " ") {
selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('Please select one of the options above first'
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May 16, 2010
Is it possible, when a page is reloaded, to replace a link to a javascript in the head with a link to a different script?
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Dec 21, 2011
Is it possible to have a link with an id within it such as
<li><a href='newpage.html' id='12'>Some title</a></li>
when you click on the link a new page html page opens and on that new page, information found in a database with the id of 12(as found in the link) will be displayed using external style sheets etc. Can this be done with html css javascript and json? P.S I know how to do this with php however I want this to be done in my mobile app so the actual page cannot be a .php page
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May 1, 2010
I have a question about loading an external .html page into another page.Presumably, I need to accomplish this by using iframes, right? I have a lot of files (around 1000 files) that I need to load into the same iframe. It's only a part of the total page I need to load and to create over 1000 pages instead of using an iframe (or another way to load a page into a page, which I don't know yet?) is much more work than using the frames.
Anyway, that for background. Now to the reason why I need dynamic height. Some of the pages are like 500 px in height, while the other half of my pages have a height of around 1500px (though the height of 80% of the pages vary per page! but approximately these heights as an example).If I'm viewing a small page with a predetermined set of height of 1500px, I'll be viewing a lot of blank space. Which is why I need to get around the fixed height, so the solution is a dynamic height. Another reason why I need a dynamic height, is because I have a 'back' button function which will lead you to the previous visited page when clicked. So if you were viewing a small page, then clicked a link to view a large page.... and then click on the back button at the bottom of the large page... You'll be taken back to the small page, but viewing it from the same point as you were on the large page, so you'll be actually viewing the huge blank space.
So... I've searched the web endlessly for a script to let me predetermine the height of the loaded pages, but none of them actually give me what I want.I need the script to work in at least the three main browsers (IE, FF and Chrone) at the same time. I've only found scripts that'll only work for IE, or only for Chrome and a lot of scripts that don't even work at all. I could give you some of the codings I've found, but they still don't work well enough. Also, some of those will lead me to the top of the page when you click a link. Since there's a lot more on the main page, I either need it to stay at the same position as the previous page visited, or at the top of the iframe, not the top of the parent page.I've been searching endlessly on the web and I cannot find something that works good enough. It doesn't have to be a frame, but so far, that's only way I've found to load a page into another page.
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Jan 21, 2010
I've made a page to listen to The Dutch Top 2000 ever.. Example : [URL] After that I want my fewers/listeners to put a new youtube link to my database by giving input from my page. Example: [URL] For my database it is required that the input only 7fXaC07X5M8 instead of the complete link. [URL] My probem is how to handle the input in my form by javascript:
<td><input type="text" name="YourLink" size="256 maxlength="256" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fXaC07X5M8&feature=player_embedded#"></td>
To a striped link :7fXaC07X5M8 what is accepteble for my database
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Jul 20, 2005
How can I use a link to both run a peice of script and link to another page?
So far I have the following:
<A href="javascript:GetCookie('linkcookie')">add 1 to linkcookie</A>
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