Put Some Hover / Link Style To Dynamic Page?
Feb 9, 2009
I'm trying to put together a mockup website. to test my knowledge on javascript.So my problem now is putting dynamically a css style using javascript. The style that I need to dynamically put is a hover style, visited style, and link style.
function moveBar() {
var bar = document.getElementById("taskbar");
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Jun 4, 2011
Umm, this is a tricky one to add a descriptive title for!
Basically I have two links on the page that go to the same page when clicked. What I want to do is when I hover over one of those links for the hover to work for both of them and visa versa.
So I have this links
<a class="connected" href="">Connected</a>
<a class="remove" href="">Remove</a>
a.connected { background: url(../images/connected.png) no-repeat 0 top; }
a.connected:hover { background: url(../images/connected.png) no-repeat 0 bottom; }
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May 17, 2011
I need a script which will when a user hovers over a link move the page to a certain position immediatly.
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Dec 17, 2010
I have to do a project, the requirements i have got are, same link on multiple pages should lead to a single page on client's site, but the page should be different for each link clicked.
What i understand from this is, we will send parameters with each link to a JS or php file and then generate a dynamic page each time, but i am not clear how many files we need to call and what will be the sequence. I want to implement this in JS and php.
how to implement it with JS and PHP if we send parameters with the url and if we don't send any parameters.
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Jul 8, 2006
I have two radio buttons with two options,YES and NO. When the user click on YES, I use some JavaScript to display some text, as below:
Or if they click No I collapse it again with a style change:
So, there has two scenarios:
1.) By default value is YES so the text is 'Visible', when user click on NO (the text will be hided) and submit by proceed to another page and When they then click the browser Back Button to return to the first page, the text is "visible'.
2.) By default, the text is "hide" and it will be reflected when user click on "YES", but when user proceed to another page and When they then click the browser Back Button to return to the first page, the text is "hide".
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Aug 29, 2011
I have a bunch of links which display a given record based on the id in the URL. I would like to be able to hover over the link, and preview the record. The code below kind of works, and a live example is located at [URL]
If the user, however, moves the cursor quickly from link to link, the code seems to get confused over which one it is hovering over. Also, sometimes the hover preview doesn't go away after the cursor is moved from the link.
I've spent quit a bit of time, and haven't figured it out. I think it might have something to do with namespace which is a definite weakness of mine.
HTML Code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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Apr 18, 2010
Is it possible to do something like this: On a site there is a link that says "Darken Page".Upon clicking the link, the background color turns black.The link then changes to "Brighten things up"So just a style sheet switcher, but with one link and changes
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Mar 1, 2011
How can i make my navigation arrows hover by replacing them with the following image:images/box_arrow_hover.gif
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Aug 24, 2009
I need to get the css hover color of an element. Since hover is a pseudo class of a class or id, I do not see a way of returning the color. I tried: $('.contentArea a:hover').css('color'); but it does not return the hover color. I understand that jQuery probably traverses the inline styles and there is no way to set the hover pseudo class inline, hence the reason for the .hover function. Is it possible to find and return the hover color with jQuery. If so how?
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Jan 30, 2011
I want to animate a div when i hover on my "Home" link, the animate would expand the div with the content in it...how can i achieve this using jquery ?
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Jul 11, 2009
I'm trying to make script that displays a tooltip when you hover over something, like a link. But it doesn't work and I have no idea why.
This is my script:
set the function that will draw the tooltip
function tooltip(header, content, w, h) {
get the tooltip element
var tooltip = document.getElementById('tooltip');
set the browser variable
var browser;
check what browser the use is using
if (document.all) browser = 'ie'; Internet Explorer
else if(document.layers) browser = 'ns4'; Netscape 4+
else if(window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match('gecko')) browser = 'gecko'; Mozilla
set the mouse coordinates
var x = event.clientX;
var y = event.clientY;
change the tooltip's width
tooltip.style.width = w;
change the tooltip's height
tooltip.style.height = h;
check if the header is empty
if (header.length = 0) header = 'Help';
change the content in the tooltip
tooltip.innerHTML = header + '<br>' + content;
change the visibility
tooltip.style.visibility = 'visible';
set where to draw the tooltip
tooltip.style.position = 'absolute';
tooltip.style.top = y;
tooltip.style.left = x;
tooltip.style.zIndex = 9999999;
} set the function that hides the tooltip
function hide_tooltip() {
get the element
var tooltip = document.getElementById('tooltip');
hide the tooltip
tooltip.style.visibility = 'hidden';
This how I'm using it on link:
<a href='java script: void(0)' onmouseover='tooltip("","This is a tooltip",100,50)' onmouseout='hide_tooltip()'>?</a>
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Jun 5, 2009
I'm trying to do a basic image swap when a link is mouseovered. The idea is that you hover over a group of links that is associated with that image, and the image lights up. I have different sets of links and images all over the page.markup looks something like this:
<div class="container-left">
<img src="/images/logo1-off.jpg" alt="" width="75" height="75" />
<div class="text">
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Apr 24, 2010
When I hover back and forth over a link in one area of a page, the background-image of a div in another part of the page needs to change back and forth. I have been trying all sorts of things in jquery with no results!
Here's the jquery script...
$function() {
function over (event) {
$(.spacer-bg-off).css("background", "url(images/spacer-content-bg.png)");
} function out (event) {
$(.spacer-bg-off).css("background", "none");
The link's id is "about-lifebook" and the div in question has a class of "spacer-bg-off". This ain't working at all. I just read this off of the jquery website: "The .hover() method binds handlers for both mouseenter and mouseleave events. We can use it to simply apply behavior to an element during the time the mouse is within the element." So perhaps the behavior has to be applied to the element being hovered over? How can I change the css of one element while hovering over another one?
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Jun 20, 2011
I've been trying to make a html link <a> change an image right below the link. I need to do this for about 5 links (Navigation menu) and all the code I seem to stumble on and try does not work.
I have found the below code that works however it's setup to only replace ONE image. How can I set this up to accommodate about 4 more?
Javascript to make it all work
function changeimage(towhat,url){
if (document.images){
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Mar 18, 2011
So I have done this menu and I have 2 problems.
1. When I hover on a link, it does 2 animations, but when I "unhover", it doesn't reset the default values also with animations. I know the problem might be the display none in the css, but I really have no idea how to get around that.
2. As I said above, when I hover on a link, it does 2 animations, but when I move the cursor to another link, it doesn't "re"-do the animations anymore.
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Dec 7, 2011
I'm trying to achieve an effect where background image will change once you hover over a different link, but not sure how to go about that...Here's what I got:
<ul id = "list">
<li id="home"><a href="#">HOME</li></a>
<li id="about"><a href="#">ABOUT</li>
<li><a href="#">PORTFOLIO</li>
<li><a href="#">WORK</li>
<li><a href="#">CONTACT</li>
<li><a href="#">GET A QUOTE</li>
body {
background-image: url(Images/home.jpg);
} ul li {
font-family:Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif;
} a:hover {
-moz-border-radius: 15px;
border-radius: 5px;
} a:link {
And JS should probably go something like this:
$("#about").hover(function() {
$(this).css("background-image", "url('Images/about.jpg')");
Though this only leads to image being show only partially (given that its li element only, I suppose).
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May 9, 2011
I m trying to learn and also implement, what I would like to do is have a content div that maybe holds an image, header and content. When this div is hovered over the div is overlayed with a transparent color and a read more link is also displayed.
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Nov 25, 2011
I have been trying all afternoon to achieve an effect where the background colour of a hovered on link in a list fades out slowly when the mouse rolls off it. I have found a few tutorials online which are similar to what I want to achieve (but none that are exactly right) like these:[URL].. but despite playing around with them for hours I have had no luck so far... in fact I have yet to have anything have any effect on my links whatsoever!
but this is not ideal for a couple of reasons - firstly as it is css3 it only works in modern webkit browsers and secondly there seems no way to have only a fade out without a fade in - in this example I would like the fade out to be longer but if I increase the transition time from 0.3s then the fade in becomes too long and it feels a bit clunky and unresponsive.
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Sep 5, 2011
I have a jQuery script that when you hover over a link a text bubble on mouseover will pop up... but I am trying to make the text bubble load when the webpage does instead of having to hover over the link. ( instantly load the text bubble when the page does )
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Sep 11, 2011
I have a simple menu as you can see in which i want the link that gets pressed to change color to grey.(line26).But before that (line25) i use jquery to change all the links back to their original color.But that line of code destroys my hover effect on all my links for a reason.
.link {
color: #fff;
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Jan 9, 2010
Is it possible to create a modal window which initiates on mouseover/hover rather than clicking a link?
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Nov 26, 2005
how can i create a dynamic link section like that of sitepoint.com in which the title of the page currently being browsed and previously browsed can be displayed in a section of the page.
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Sep 24, 2009
i am trying to add a Link dynamic to a and Image that i am creating dynamic too to a table, here is the code that i am using to add the image but i dont now how to add the link to the images.
var cell6 = row.insertCell(5);
var element6 = document.createElement("img");
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Mar 7, 2011
I'm creating some links with PHP and here is the code for that:
<br><a id="add_to_cart" href="add_to_cart.php?pic_id=<?php echo $resultsetnewpic['pic_id']; ?>" class="under_pic_cart">Add to Shopping Cart</a>
There is a while loop to keep adding them but wanted to keep it simple. So right now there are three links that get created. I'm trying to find out the value of these links so I can add things to a shopping cart for the user. I have the following jquery to do this:
$(function() {
alert("it gets here");
This part works fine. However how can I get the href value of this and then once I have it basically split it after the = sign to get the value I'm really looking for?
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Feb 3, 2011
I'm trying to create a webpage where users can click on a dynamically generated set of questions:
<?php do { ?>
<p><?php echo $row_rsQuestions['question_text']; ?><?php echo $row_rsQuestions['question_type']; ?></p>
<?php } while ($row_rsQuestions = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsQuestions)); ?>
and by clicking on a particular question, there will be an update for their particular listing of personal questions in a MySql database. I know how to create the database update part, but I think that I would need to javascript to:
1) tell my page that it's time to update (i.e. add a particular question as soon as they click it)
2) pass along the correct variable to the database update portion of the page.
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Aug 11, 2009
We would like to create a new website and have that do some dynamic things based on login id. First all we would like to send you do a different home page based on this information, it might be one of several companies. This may also be tied to what URL you clicked but not necessarily. The second thing we would like to do is display only the products that you are eligible for based on your login information. We would like to use images as a link here and if you can sell one product you get one image or maybe bypass and go directly to that section, but if you can sell two or more then those images as links show up as available.
The final thing we want to do is to populate the top 3 or so items you perform on the site as quick links. After all that, are there tools or items I should study to accomplish this task? I'm not sure if I need to mix in some sort of third party analytical tool with the asp.net site or what. The only other thing that I think we can do with ajax is have them say enter a a vehicle identification number and without looking like a screen reload use ajax to show the additional information such as year make and model that are decoded from the vin, but I'm just starting to look into this.
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