Creating A Dynamic Update Link?
Feb 3, 2011
I'm trying to create a webpage where users can click on a dynamically generated set of questions:
<?php do { ?>
<p><?php echo $row_rsQuestions['question_text']; ?><?php echo $row_rsQuestions['question_type']; ?></p>
<?php } while ($row_rsQuestions = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsQuestions)); ?>
and by clicking on a particular question, there will be an update for their particular listing of personal questions in a MySql database. I know how to create the database update part, but I think that I would need to javascript to:
1) tell my page that it's time to update (i.e. add a particular question as soon as they click it)
2) pass along the correct variable to the database update portion of the page.
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Jul 8, 2011
I am creating a basic page for a client to allow them to update photo captions on their own. The test page is here: [url]
There are only 4 photos right now for testing, but eventually there will be 100's. The issue I'm having is that only the first image caption is being updated. If I edit the caption for photo #4 and click update, it appears to update, but it actually doesn't. Further testing shows if I change the caption for #1 and click submit on ANY other caption, it updates #1. This makes me think that the jQuery code is only referencing the first form.
I know I could use ID's on the forms and in the jQuery to differentiate the forms, however the form HTML code is generated with PHP and there will be 100's of them. Is there any way for jQuery to determine which form was submitted? I need to be able to tell which form was submitted so I can use that form's caption text to update the photo caption via SQL (photo info stored in an SQL database).
Here's the code from the page. The forms are generated via PHP:
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Mar 16, 2011
I'm trying to update a sql table from mi php Ajax web page, which stores dynamically a table into the page by table.appendChild(row) , so that the user can verify the information he is inserting before the actual database update.
How do I do this with ajax?
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Jul 11, 2011
Environment is PHP - MYSQL When the user changes the value of a select drop-down, I want to use Ajax and query one table of my database, retrieve three pieces of data, and place the data in three separate text fields in my form. Is there a simple tutorial out there that explains this?
I get the general concept of the separate php file for the query, but I'm pretty much lost.
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Oct 24, 2009
i want to make a form. the form will have three text fields and with two buttons. what i want with this form is when the user enters the first three fields and if he wants to add more then he will click on add more button and on the same page three more fields will appear below the first three fields. the user will then enter these three fields then if he wants to add more then he will click on add more button. so three more fields will appear below the first six fields. user will enter these fields. he will be allowed to enter upto eight or less than eight times. once he finishes with this then he will click the second button to insert this data into db.
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Sep 22, 2006
All I need to do is; on the click of a button, import the numerical
data in an html form (only one field) to a cell in a spreadsheet. Both
spreadsheet and the html file reside on the same server but there are
no dynamic capabilities. All I can use is html pages + javascript (or
anything else which do not require any special programs to be installed
on the server). Is this at all possible?
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Jul 23, 2005
Am having difficulty creating a dynamic <select> element using direct
assignment to the element's option array (ie. someElement.option[i]=new
Option(someText, someValue);)
that will work on Palm devices runing Blazer 3.0 or Web Browser 2.0.
The browsers SEEM to be JavaScript1.1+ capable and the script that I
have works on every desktop-based browser, but not the PDA ones....
Any advice? Or is this a known deficiency?
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Jul 29, 2009
I read a lot of things now about creating elements with $("<div/>")and the appendTo is my code I'm trying to get to work:
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Sep 8, 2010
I have a php script that lists some items which can be checked or unchecked. Now, I am trying to make a javascript that writes a comment field in a certain "span" - comm_'.$i.', where $i starts from 0 - if the check box is already checked (info retrieved from the database) or if the user checks the check box (when the user unchecks the check box the comment field should disappear). The problem is that I am unable to make it work properly (when I check or uncheck a box it doesn't work at all), I mean it only works for the element above, so if box_1 is checked it can only create the comment field in comm_0.
(Part of the) PHP code:
//Listing the items
<span class="olistr">
<span class="olistc" id="op">
<input type="checkbox" name="box_'.$i.'" " '.($row['state'] == 0?'checked':'').' onClick=javascript:ckState(this,"comm_","Comment",'.$i.')>
</span> .....
The error I get is - this is similar to the errors I get when checking and unchecking a check box:
Message: 'null' is null or not an object
Line: 64 (this would be line comSpc.innerHTML = 'something1';)
Char: 4
Code: 0
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Feb 14, 2009
I'm trying to do the following thing. Create a dynamic selectboxA0 when a button is pushed. Then, when a value is selected in this selectboxA0, there will be dynamically generated another selectboxB0 with content which is different for each option of the first selectboxA0. When the button is pressed another time SelectboxA1 is generated (which will in his turn generate SelecboxB1).
The code I use is the following:
function addProduct(){
var url = "includes/php/catalog/loadcategories.php";
$('<tr id="catalogid'+invoiceProducts+'"><td>Product-categorie</td><td><select name="category'+invoiceProducts+'" id ="category'+invoiceProducts+'">'+data+'</select></td></tr>').appendTo('#invoiceTable');
var currentCatalogField = $("#category"+invoiceProducts).attr("name");
if($('#product'+invoiceProducts).length > 0){
var currentProduct = $('#product'+invoiceProducts);
var category = $('#category'+invoiceProducts).val();
var selectbox = true;
productSelect(category, selectbox);
var category = $('#category'+invoiceProducts).val();
var selectbox = false;
productSelect(category, selectbox);
}});}, "html");
The problem I have is that everything revolves around a counter (var invoiceProducts). Therefor when I select a value in SelectboxA0, the value of SelectboxB1 will change (instead of B0). Any way to solve this thing, by for example making the object pass itself when it calls the onchange function so I can get the number out of the name/id attribute or something. A
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Mar 12, 2010
My application reads an array of URLs in Javascript and displays them in a table. I need to create mouseover events for each of the links (just an alert message for now.) I have tried this a few ways, but for each one the mouseover event fires for each link before anything else is loaded on the page, and when the page is loaded, no link is displayed. Here are the two ways I've tried:
var cell1 = document.createElement("TD");
cell1.innerHTML = '<A HREF= ' + url + 'onMouseOver="' + alert("my alert box"); + '"> my page </A>';
cell1.innerHTML = '<A HREF= "' + url + '"> my page </A>';
cell1.onMouseOver = alert('alert');
I have also tried many variations of these including:
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May 17, 2011
I want to create dynamic radio button group with different names.
<script language="javascript">
function changeIt()
I want to create a radio button group(2 radio buttons on a group) with different name.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a PHP page that generates a list box with several options in it.
I would like to have a "view" link next to the list box. When the user
changes the contents of the list box, I would like the view link to
update to point to the image representing that selection. So for
example, if the list box held names of images I would want the view link
to always point at the correct image.
To further complicate this matter, the selections of the listbox are in
PHP variables.
I basically have little to no experience with javascript and could use
some guidance in figuring this out.
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Nov 18, 2011
I have a couple of links which when clicking on them start a video. In another div with id="info" I want to give more information about the video which is playing. When you click on a new link and the video starts the information should update. The information wich is in a list item is hidden with display: none before you click on the link. My problem is that the information of the previous video is not disappearing when I start a new one. I don't know what to write to make the information of the previous video disappear.
I tried empty() and remove() but then the div id="info" shows nothing.
#info {
width: 195px;
height: 338px;
border: 2px black solid;
.hide {display: none;}
$('#text1').click(function () {
}); .....
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Jan 1, 2012
I have a question, I have a piece of code that I've used before that works fine but in this case it doesn't seem to work and I can't really figure out why -
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Oct 13, 2010
I know this can be done with (1) ajax and also (2) hide/show div's.
I have three links and I want to update the text inside a div when each link is clicked. I thought I was doing this right...
Code JavaScript:
<script type="text/javascript" src="include/jquery-ui-1.8/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
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Mar 26, 2011
I have a table with rows and in each row there is a cell which shows the status of the row item.<a href="#" id="<?php id ?>" class="status_button">Online</a>When I click the link in a row the next code is activated (found it somewhere on the net).
$(".status_button").click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var dataString = 'id='+ id ;
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Oct 17, 2011
I'm trying to find a code which would take the input value entered in a form field and on click direct you to a page which corresponds with what was entered.So for example:
Enter "5" in field.
Click Submit.
Page opens up (which in fact would be an html file on my server called... 5.html)( i would want to create 10 pages for values entered from 1-10... each value having a unique result when entered and clicked)how to put this all together, i've been searching everywhere.
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Oct 29, 2009
So I am trying to set up a registration form that when the user clicks the "Add Another" link then a new text field for the additional person and email field is added to the page. I dont know how to repeat this process to get what I want.
<title>Registration Form</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type"
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Dec 15, 2009
I would like to create a link when a user moves their mouse over a specific item of text (there will be several on a page), the text being delimited by <span class= ></span> and the text itself will form part of the link. eg
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Nov 9, 2010
I would like to have a link that does two things. One would be to refresh the page and secondly go to a diferent section on the page that I have an anchor to.
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Apr 12, 2011
I'm using a form data reference, something like P-1234 for example to create a text file and a link to the file. This is during the construction of a new table or table row with javascript. I have an array of one or more references submitted via form using $_POST. On my action page I am creating a txt file P-1234. If I am creating a table ot table row using createElement(), one of the cells will have a link to the file. If the file is created as follows:
$File = $_POST['ref'][$i] . "txt";
After creating the cell
var Cell = document.createElement('td');
I assume the link is inserted using innerHTML? If so, do I just append the filename to the end of the file path like this?
Cell.innerHTML = "http://localhost/Project/+File";
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Sep 16, 2010
I want to have a link that when clicked on will call a specific php code. So when you click on the LSS link it sets a value to lss that I can call later with the php. This is what I have:
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Oct 24, 2005
I have an XML document which lists some information about movies(Title, actor, etc.) I am using Javascript to pull that data and display it as html. Is it possible to create a link for each one of those titles that are pulled from the XML in my JS? Here is my code:
for (var i=0; movies.length > i; i++)
var Title = movies[i].getElementsByTagName("title");
var Actor = movies[i].getElementsByTagName("actor");
var Price = movies[i].getElementsByTagName("price");
results += i+1 + '. ' + ' "<span class="title"><a href="">' + Title[0].firstChild.nodeValue + '</a></span>"' +
' starring <span class="actor">' + Actor[0].firstChild.nodeValue + '</span>' + ' and costs approximately $'+ Price[0].firstChild.nodeValue + "<br/>
document.getElementById("displayresults").innerHTML = results;
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Jul 14, 2009
Any way to select a portion of text and convert it to a clickable link? I have seen examples, where the selected text is wrapped in <a> tags, however, I have yet to see an example of having the link actually be clickable. The other issue appears to be with the document.selection property that Firefox seems to not support. So a cross-browser solution would be ideal. I intend to use this with a custom toolbar/button in FCKEditor. The toolbar is in place, we just need to resolve the selected text - clickable link issue.
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Aug 16, 2011
I'd like to use $.post to create php session variables on the fly when a link is clicked, and then let the browser follow the href content.
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