i have a select box which has num 1 to 10.when i select each number,that many number of textboxes and one submit buttin shud come.The submit button when clicked shud go to another page.
I'd like some help trying to generate input fields on the fly. What I have on an HTML page is a single text input field labelled #1, e.g. #1 <input type="text">. Next to the field is a button that, on click, I'd like to automatically generate a second text input field below the first, labelled #2. Everytime the button is clicked, another field is created with an incremented label.
I explored iframes, but these text fields will be part of a larger form that has to be passed together. I'd rather not use hidden text fields because I don't want to hardcode a limit to the number of fields available. Please point me in the right direction, or let me know if this isn't possible.
I am using ASP to dynamically generate a series of forms. When the page is loaded, everything appears to be correct, except that the first form generated fails with a "FormName is Null or not an Object" error. Each subsuquent form created by the code after that works perfectly. Why is it that the first form, generated with exactly the same block of code, fails? Code:
I have to do a project, the requirements i have got are, same link on multiple pages should lead to a single page on client's site, but the page should be different for each link clicked.
What i understand from this is, we will send parameters with each link to a JS or php file and then generate a dynamic page each time, but i am not clear how many files we need to call and what will be the sequence. I want to implement this in JS and php.
how to implement it with JS and PHP if we send parameters with the url and if we don't send any parameters.
I've been working on a redesign of our site at ExperiencePlus for some time now, and long ago chose CBE menu 9 over the other menu technologies out there because of its browser independance. Problem is, as you can see, we have a pretty large site; load-times for the menus and associated scripts are approaching prohibitive. So I'm trying to speed things up.
You can see the results of some simplification here - still about the same speed by my guesstimates.
So, my question is twofold, I guess. First, Mike, do you have any ideas about how long it will take X menu 4 to reach maturity? No pressure ;^) If it were ready now, I'd just drop CBE in favor of X.
Second question: How much performance improvement can I expect from removing unnecessary code (sliding, for example) from the CBE core files? I haven't played with that stuff at all, except to read it now & then when looking for solutions to problems. Does anyone have a similarly large implementation of CBE menu9 that runs faster, so that perhaps they could share their experience?
One final thing: I'm planning to eventually shove all this into a PHP document that will auto-generate chunks of the menu from database queries, especially around the tour & country listings and our "Resource Room." (X menu 4 looks like it would be vastly superior for that purpose, since it's so lean.) I'm interested in hearing from anybody who's tried to do something like this, whether they succeeded or not.
What I'm trying to do here is to create an editing form based upon the field descriptions extracted from a database, and use jQuery (e.g., datepicker) to handle the input. So, using the datepicker example, I create an input item, make it a 'text' type, give it a name and an id, and then use $('#'+textfld.id).datepicker({ ... }) to set it up. This is NOT done at $document.ready time, but while running the form's JavaScript, so I don't know if that's the problem or not; I can't see how to use $document.ready here due to the dynamic nature of each field.
AFAICT, what should happen here is that a jQuery datepicker should be created and associated with the text field - but nothing at all is happening.
I have a form with a number of <select> fields, some of which require additional fields to be displayed/enabled depending on which <option> is chosen. For example, in the following code, I'd like a <textarea> field to be displayed if users choose the 'Other' option:
<label for="venue_type"><p>What type of venue do you require?</p></label> <select name="venue_type" id="venue_type"> <option value="null">--Please choose--</option> <option value="Meeting/Training/Seminar room">Meeting / training / seminar room</option> <option value="Computer Suite">Computer Suite</option> <option value="Examination room">Examination room</option> <option value="Lecture theatre / auditorium">Lecture theatre / auditorium</option> <option value="Other">Other type of venue</option> </select>
I'm guessing that it's possible to do this using onchange, but am not too great with Javascript .
There's a feature I want to implement, but don't really know how to code. The intention is to use jQuery to convert words with a certain class attribute into Wikipedia links.
An example to make things clearer:
PLAIN TEXT: There is a <span class="wiki">penguin</span> there.
EXPECTED RESULT: There is a <a href [url] there.
Hence the code would have to grab the string of words inside the tag and place them inside a href with the first part of the link already attached to it. Doesn't seem too complicated, but I wasn't able to do it.
I have been trying to use the code below (created by Patrick Haney and improved by enraged) as a basis, but no deal. This code subistitutes words for code, but it searches for specific words.
If anybody knows a script like that, modify the code below,
In part of this project, I am create a dynamic table row that contains a dynamic textbox in one of its cells. When the textbox is created, I try to attach an onkeypress event and it only works in IE. I feel like I'm missing some fundamental piece here, and am pulling my hair out because of it :mad:. I feel like i've tried everything possible to even get firefox to read this code.
//----- WHERE THE TEXTBOX is CREATED -----// var cellProd = row.insertCell(2); var txtProdQuant = document.createElement('input');
I want to make 2 autocomplete textboxes to be named "stockcode" and "product" now for example if I click on an autocompleted result in "product" textbox. The product will be populated in the said textbox and its corresponding stockcode will be populated on the othet textbox as well. Is this possible?
i am creating dynamic textboxes where the user has to choose a date.I have my calendar.js file that i usually call to popup a calendar when using static textboxes...my question is how can use it with dynamic textboxes ?Below is a portion of my code that create my dynamic textbox
I am trying to create Dynamic TextBox using JQuery. What i am trying to create is when I enter a number in a textbox say "5" then 5 new text box will appear below it with labels. But not able to make it.
All the numbers should match. It's not working right in any version of IE I test it in (6, 7 and 8). I'm also using jQuery, fyi.When you click the button to stop the numbers, I'm setting a variable named winner to a number (3, 4 or 5). Right now, I have it set to 5. This number determines how many of the slots match:[code]I'm then generating a random number (0-8) to base all the other numbers off of . Three numbers will always match, so I'm setting two more variables to match that random number.[code]Then I do some conditionals to check the value of winner. If it's 4, I set the 4th number to random number, then generate a random number for the 5th spot while it doesn't equal randomnum. I do something similar if winner is set to 5.[code]The goto trigger sends the scroll to the specified index according to slotnum(1-5).I'm waiting to hear back from the plugin developer to see if it's something to do with that.However, I just want to make sure my logic in generating those numbers is sound. It works perfectly in FF, Opera and Chrome but (surprise!) not in any of the IEs (tested in 6, 7 and 8).
I am teaching myself javascript and in the course of my experimentation have run into this roadblock: I want to display a styled navigation bar with a button beneath it. When the button is clicked, an onclick event will be triggered and the response of the browser should be to print the word "test" right beneath the button. However, what actually happens is the page blanks out and the word 'test' appears in the upper left corner of the screen.
i'm having a hard time on JS while i was designing my companies web page. it is running on wordpress, we choose and start correcting a template, then i stuck in the main menu navigation.
Code: sfHover = function() { if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return false; var sfEls = document.getElementById("nav-ie").getElementsByTagName("li"); // if you only have one main menu - delete the line below //
Below is the script and form fields I am working with. What I want to do is sum the two textbox fields and have the result show in the total textbox. The code works fine and the total textbox is updated with the value of form1.basic. The problem occurs when I add the "+ parseInt(document.form2.supporter.value)" code in the script section.
HTML Code: <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var WinNetwork = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network"); document.write(WinNetwork.userName); </script> [Code]...
I have two questions. First i want to display (WinNetwork.userName) NT LOGIN into the textbox. Is there any where i can link both Javascript and textbox. Secondly, when i open the html have i first get warning the internet explorer page im trying to open have activeX. Is there any where i can stop that popup aleart from being displayed.
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $('input[id *=txtAmt]').blur(function () { var txtBoxThatChanged = $('How do i get a reference to the textbox that changed?');
In my grid each row has a twin row (not consecutive) the rows each have 1 text box with a name containing txtAmt. When a user enters a value in the text box in a row. I need to put that value in the text box in the twin row. i got the blur function to work on each text box but do not know how to do the rest. I typed a description of the selector in each $().
When I leave the first textbox (taborder 1), I need to check and see if the textbox contains avalue. If it does, then I need to check and see if the second textbox (taborder 2)contains a value. If it doesNOT, then I need to loadthe second textboxwith "100" and highlight (select) the text. I am adding a blur event to all the column one textboxes as they all contain"rawCount" in the id. Here is my blur event code:
$(document).ready(function(){ $('input[id*=rawCount]').bind('blur', function (event) { // Code to go here }); });
What I am trying to do isadd thecode tocheck and update thecolumn two textbox in the corresponding row (same index)to the blur event of the column one textboxes without having to loop the array each time to find the current textbox array position. Since it is adding the blur event, it has to be possible.
I have two textfield in html forms I want to take value of current system time in one textbox in another text box I need manupulation(subtract 30 minutes) on times stored in textbox and want to display result in another textbox. is it possible through javascript?
I am doing a lottery project in which i have 10 textbox and i want to add contents of each textbox and show result in another textbox say 11th textbox.
I am having the fallowing codes below on jsp page.
I want to add contents of textbox from(n50,n51.....n59) and show result in another textbox named (n60)
My question is that the valus stored in textbox is numeric and when i enter the value in any two of the textbox say named (n50 and n51) then the addition of its value must be seen in the result textbox say (n60) here. it does not wait for another textbox value which is left blank. the result of addition should be displayed simelteneously as i enter the value in text box.
how to populate a dropdown based on Another dropdown selection. This all should be a dynamic. Eg: I have two text boxes one is TechID and other is JOB ID. When I start typing Tech ID it suggests me the list of IDs which start with the input string i have put in Tech textbox. When i select the Tech ID the jobs associated to that Tech ID should be displayed in JOB ID text box as a dropdown list.