Display Other Content For User With Certain Cookie?
Aug 19, 2011
I want that some users with a certain cookie can't see the ads on my site. I have create this code, but this doesn't work:
PHP Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function getCookie(NameOfCookie)
if (document.cookie.length > 0)
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Feb 5, 2009
is there a "javascript" way to enable cookie memory to whatever a user does. for example, if the user wants to edit something and then save it and the cookie will memorize it even if they clear cookies??
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Sep 5, 2007
I am currently building a site with a landing page. I would like to add a cookie or some kind of script that detects if the user is returning and skips the homepage to go straight into the site whenever they return.
It would be good if I could apply this script to multiple pages with different names.
Cookies are not my forte so I don't know where to start looking. Googling hasn't done much for me so far, can anyone point me in the direction of a page that explains how to do this?!
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May 22, 2010
I'm trying to set a cookie when a user enters a page. The cookie is for youtube to make videos default to widescreeen.
I know that the cookie name is wide, the value should be set to 1, the domain should be .youtube.com but I dont know how to do it properly. Ive been trying to set it from a link, so when a user clicks the link and it opens in a frame, the cookie is set so that the youtube video opens as widescreen in the frame.
however, whenever I look at my list of cookies, it isnt being created.
is this the best way to do this?
(I found how the cookie is created by checking the values of the cookies when I pressed the 'right turn' arrow on a youtube video)
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Sep 19, 2010
I'm having a few problems with this script:
- the third text input in the form is requesting for the user's favorite color. I need it to validate the data to either be a defined color or a hexadecimal value and then turn the background into that color upon submission. However, it's not validating correctly... When a correct value is entered it works fine, it's the error message for an invalid entry that's not appearing.
- I need to save all of the user's input into a cookie which will automatically load their preferences the next time they visit the site(time of day message, first & last name and bg color).
Here's what I have so far:
<script language="javascript">
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Jul 23, 2005
I've got the following code snippet in a function to set a coockie based on whether or not the user selects a checkbox. Using an alert the cookie text looks fine but when I go to retrieve the values the only one it can find is the value for user. I've a few different things and none of them seem to work. I'm getting the same thing in both IE and Firefox. The only cookie listed is the 'user' with the proper expiration date. Code:
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Feb 26, 2007
On one of my sites, I have a reather involved page (searchable map).
When the person leaves the page then all the AJAX generated
information is lost. Is there a way that I can retain all this data
in a cookie or so or how would you recommend I saved all the users
information (perhaps using a database on the serverside).
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Jun 15, 2011
I have a website with five links, each with its own id. onClick I would like to create a cookie for the user that adds the link id that they have clicked.I am planning to do this using an array, however, I am a bit confused about the theroy behind a cookie.It is just a text file that can hold any data correct? So I could store an array with
array[0] = hi.html
array[1] = hello.html
and later on pull up what is in array[0] to diplay it on the page? Can I do this with one cookie or would I need a new cookie for each link?
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Jul 15, 2011
I have a modal that I am trying to set up and I want it only to display if there is not a cookie set. How can I check to see if a cookie is set before hand and then how would i add in the ability for the cookie to be set if the .close element is clicked.here is my modal script.I took a bunch of them and pieced them together and then added in my own code.
$(document).ready(function() {
var id = $('#dialog');[code]......
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May 29, 2011
I'm trying to set a cookie when a user clicks a hyper link.
Do you think I should prevent the default behavior of pressing a link first, and then set the cookie?
Or could I just set the cookie on a hyper link click event, and hope the client sets the cookie, before they are directed to another page.
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Apr 17, 2011
I'm trying to get this code to display a message for a first time visitor, and a different message for a return visitor. This is the code the book I'm using is giving me.
<html xmlns="http:www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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Oct 8, 2010
We want to build a way to change the phone number on our website similar to how rotorooter does with theirs. To see this in action simply go to rotorooter.com then do a zip code search and you will see a number show up on that page that is a local phone number. Now once you leave that web page and go to other web pages on the website it automatically changes the phone number on all the pages to that local phone number. You can even leave the web site then come back and it will stay the same. If you have never visited one of their local pages, you get a 1800 number.
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Mar 13, 2009
We are using a cookie (written in javascript and url encoded and decoded) to store form variables so that when the page is reloaded we can keep the form variables. We are having a problem with the email address field - the cookie only returns the email address up to the @ symbol and we have narrowed it down to the regexp function....
if (func == 'read')
if (thisCookie != '')
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Jul 12, 2011
My requirement: Each time a visitor arrives at a specific webpage i want the main image on the page to be different, or more specifically, one of 6 images which will be shown in rotation. Solution: Set a cookie. Each time the visitor access the page read the cookie and display the corresponding image. Then increment the value and rewrite the cookie, so that next time they'll see the next image in sequence. NB: if the cookie does not exist (first timer) or is at 6, then the value is set to zero (and then incremented).
Problem: Can't get my coding to work. Specifically it just doesn't do anything - no error message, no cookie written. I'm a very novice scripter, as in I've cobbled the coding together from bits off the net that i think i've managed to grasp some kind of an understanding of. Very suck it and see - so far lots of sucking and no seeing!
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Apr 8, 2011
I have an onclick that triggers ajax which calls a php script to pull data from MySQL. This information is then displayed in a div. The problem I am having is that sometimes pulling the data from MySQL takes 2-3 seconds, so the div is empty for about 2-3 seconds. How would I go about adding an animated "Loading" gif to display in the div while it is waiting to display the content?
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Nov 1, 2011
I am trying to develop a website for assigning work to colleagues. In the website I have a tab called Assigned by. I want the name of the logged in user to appear in this tab
Code: <input name="Assigned by " type="text" value="maya" id="assign" ". Instead of Maya I want the name of the user who ever is logged in. HOw can I do it?
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Jan 24, 2010
I have this page - [URL] in which i want to make the table editable, for our members to enter their job details..
In the table, the title would have to be linked so i need some sort of function for user to link their text into a url link
The page will be viewable by all but only our members using password can edit the table and when they have press save the page will get updated - kinder like a cms
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Jan 3, 2011
I'm trying to display a '.eml' file to the user, but I'm running into some trouble. When I just do an AJAX call like:
url: '/home/01.eml',
async: false,
I don't get any pleasing results... in the file, there are 'quoted printable' characters that are displayed as their corresponding hex value, and their encoding seems to be in windows-1256. I've tried messing around with contentType but didn't get any results.
I cannot modify the '.eml' files, so I have to load and process them in jQuery (hopefully). So is there some sort of library or built-in function that I can use?
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Jun 16, 2009
I'm working on an application that is supposed to allow a user to upload a picture, which would be immediately displayed... how do I go about doing this?
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Dec 3, 2009
how would i display the numbers the user enters and display the average of their numbers?
<title>CSC107, while loops</title>
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May 29, 2009
Do I have a way (when I get the unload) to distinguish between X button and another cases(for example when moving writing another URL address)? I want to decide what message to display to the user when I get to the unload event, if this possible to do?
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Aug 5, 2010
1). Once my form posts, all the information stays in the post. How do I get it to blank. Is this where I set cache to false or is that something else?
2). I am using classic ASP and once I do my insert to sql server I retrieve the new record's ID, how do I get that returned back as part of the post?
Some background: I am trying to submit a form, pull the id, and then requery all records for a user and display them in a div below the blank form without recycling the page.
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Jul 9, 2010
i'm trying to make a script which display all the info user has chose on the form before submission. now every thing is working as i expected, i have only one problem and it's with the checkbox element. the script is displaying only 1 option and not all the option that has been chosen .
this is the code for the specific checkbox -
what do i need to change in order to show all the checked checkboxes and not only one?
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May 7, 2010
I got the functions i must use for a clock on a js file..i have to set up the variables for it on another js file though but those are easy enough.the question is...how do i make a Menu that the user can alter the display of the clock? eg: insted of 21:30 -->09:30 pm and so on...this thing s been buggin me for days now.
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Jan 17, 2009
I would like to display a div on a different z-index, when user click and hold the mouse.
1. how can i do that ?
this step should be the base, for my next question. while holding button clicked and moving mouse, i would like to move also (with the same amount of pixels) the div (previously mentioned)
2. how can i detect how many pixel (and in which directions / axes) the mouse moved ?
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Dec 6, 2010
I am having a problem of calling the user defined JS function after I make the AJAX call. Basically, I created couple radio buttons on the main html page. When the user clicks on one of the radio button, it will trigger the AJAX call and return another html file in the "div" content that I set in the main html page. The other html file contains a user defined JS function (e.g. "updateContent()") which use the onclick event handler to call the function. When I'm running the app, and click on the button. I had seen the firebug was complaining the "updateContent() is not defined" error. The function itself works fine and must be defined properly.
Here is the code in the main.html page:
<script type="text/javascript">
var asyncRequest;
function getTools(url){
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