Enable Cookie Memory To Whatever A User Does?
Feb 5, 2009
is there a "javascript" way to enable cookie memory to whatever a user does. for example, if the user wants to edit something and then save it and the cookie will memorize it even if they clear cookies??
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Oct 31, 2005
I want to make my site more accessable without duplicating my website.
I have included a link on each page that allows a user to view my site without loading my css stylesheet. The only problem is that a visitor has to click on the link in every page. I want to use a cookie, but I cant get my head round writing the cookie script, that will remember the enable/disable links throughout my site (preferably for just the session). Code:
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Nov 17, 2011
I wanted to put a js popup link, but it is dead when js disabled.
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Jul 17, 2010
I need to enable(disabled="false") the text box mode when user click on edit button. this is my code;
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Sep 5, 2007
I am currently building a site with a landing page. I would like to add a cookie or some kind of script that detects if the user is returning and skips the homepage to go straight into the site whenever they return.
It would be good if I could apply this script to multiple pages with different names.
Cookies are not my forte so I don't know where to start looking. Googling hasn't done much for me so far, can anyone point me in the direction of a page that explains how to do this?!
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May 22, 2010
I'm trying to set a cookie when a user enters a page. The cookie is for youtube to make videos default to widescreeen.
I know that the cookie name is wide, the value should be set to 1, the domain should be .youtube.com but I dont know how to do it properly. Ive been trying to set it from a link, so when a user clicks the link and it opens in a frame, the cookie is set so that the youtube video opens as widescreen in the frame.
however, whenever I look at my list of cookies, it isnt being created.
is this the best way to do this?
(I found how the cookie is created by checking the values of the cookies when I pressed the 'right turn' arrow on a youtube video)
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Sep 19, 2010
I'm having a few problems with this script:
- the third text input in the form is requesting for the user's favorite color. I need it to validate the data to either be a defined color or a hexadecimal value and then turn the background into that color upon submission. However, it's not validating correctly... When a correct value is entered it works fine, it's the error message for an invalid entry that's not appearing.
- I need to save all of the user's input into a cookie which will automatically load their preferences the next time they visit the site(time of day message, first & last name and bg color).
Here's what I have so far:
<script language="javascript">
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Aug 19, 2011
I want that some users with a certain cookie can't see the ads on my site. I have create this code, but this doesn't work:
PHP Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function getCookie(NameOfCookie)
if (document.cookie.length > 0)
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Mar 26, 2009
First the code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function TextScroll(scrollname, div_name, up_name, down_name, top_name){
When I use mouse wheel in Firefox to scroll contents of the DIV, memory usage in Firefox goes through the roof. Code above is a fully working page, if anyone would like to see what's up, just load it up, and start moving your mouse wheel in the area with text. You don't actually have to scroll the text, just moving the wheel back and forth in that DIV will do. Memory usage will start going up quite fast, and after you stop moving the wheel, it will finally come down a bit after a short while. I've highlighted in red the line where mousewheel event is registered for Firefox. I'm not sure if it's really a problem, but since Opera and IE don't have any strange memory usage, and Firefox does, maybe I did something wrong. In everyday use it shouldn't matter [don't expect to have kilometers of content to scroll], but anyway, it is a bit unsettling.
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Sep 11, 2009
I'm trying to recreate a behaviour which enables a disabled checkbox after the user has completely scrolled down to the bottom of a textarea ("agree to license terms"). My current state can be found at http:[url]....The checkbox is not being enabled with my approach. I can enable the checkbox if I explicitly set scrollTop to a value, but then I'm not able to scroll anymore at all. So I am guessing it probably has to do with the scroll check not working properly.
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Aug 6, 2009
I'm trying to create a group of radio buttons that enable user to select whether to maintain the current image, remove the image or upload a new image. If user selects maintain the current image or remove the image, the upload field will be disabled, when user select upload a new image, the upload field will be enable. My script is as below but I do not get it work correctly, do you have any advice for me?
HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function Disab() {
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Jul 23, 2005
I've got the following code snippet in a function to set a coockie based on whether or not the user selects a checkbox. Using an alert the cookie text looks fine but when I go to retrieve the values the only one it can find is the value for user. I've a few different things and none of them seem to work. I'm getting the same thing in both IE and Firefox. The only cookie listed is the 'user' with the proper expiration date. Code:
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Feb 26, 2007
On one of my sites, I have a reather involved page (searchable map).
When the person leaves the page then all the AJAX generated
information is lost. Is there a way that I can retain all this data
in a cookie or so or how would you recommend I saved all the users
information (perhaps using a database on the serverside).
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Jun 15, 2011
I have a website with five links, each with its own id. onClick I would like to create a cookie for the user that adds the link id that they have clicked.I am planning to do this using an array, however, I am a bit confused about the theroy behind a cookie.It is just a text file that can hold any data correct? So I could store an array with
array[0] = hi.html
array[1] = hello.html
and later on pull up what is in array[0] to diplay it on the page? Can I do this with one cookie or would I need a new cookie for each link?
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May 29, 2011
I'm trying to set a cookie when a user clicks a hyper link.
Do you think I should prevent the default behavior of pressing a link first, and then set the cookie?
Or could I just set the cookie on a hyper link click event, and hope the client sets the cookie, before they are directed to another page.
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Jun 26, 2010
disable select until user puts mark in check box. Then enable select.I have two select box's on a page. The first asks what product, the second is based on the first and presents a list of pdf's according to which product the user selected. (yes, multi dimensional)What I have works fine, but now i need to make the user put a check mark in a check box before the First SELECT box becomes enabled/available.So basically, when they agree, they can get the download.Here are my select boxes.
HTML Code:
<select name="category" style="width:180px"></select>
<select name="site" style="width:180px" onchange="openLink(this.value)"></select>[code]....
(ignore the The 'open' button. It's there in case the default option is what the user wants, so they don't have reselect via the select box.)
1. How do I disable the select boxes by default on page load?
2. How do I detect that the user has put a tick in and the enable the disabled Select box?
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Jan 26, 2011
Can I make a list of hyperlinks that users can customize and save as a cookie by clicking a button and automatically retrieve the cookie so it remembers their list next time? This is kind of what I want to do:
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Apr 30, 2009
I am making a sort of text based game (Just a hobby) I like to do that sort of thing. So, anyway, considering all I can really do is code HTML, and very, very light javascript, I kinda need some help.
I basicly know how to do everything except affect & Use the cookies. So what I need to do with them is to
#1.) Have a code to change the cookie number, say... on the click of a button.
#2.) Have a code where it only displays certain text if the cookie is a certain number.
I cant code JS and have no idea how hard/easy this is.
If it is insanely hard & needs a master coder, just tell me and ill take it off. I dont want to be wasting anyones time.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have an embedded system with a web interface. One of the web pages
has a small JavaScript program that, when run on IE6, always displays
the message that cookies need to be enabled:
if (document.cookie.indexOf('asm_session') == -1)
document.cookie = 'asm_session=0'
if (document.cookie.indexOf('asm_session') == -1)
document.write("Advanced System Management access requires
cookies to be enabled."+'<br><br>');
This problem only occurs with IE6, not Mozilla. It also only happens
on some of the embedded systems, but this problem exists for everyone
running IE6.
The problem isn't limited to the Javascript code, either. On another
web page from this embedded system, a cookie is set the normal way,
via the HTTP header. This cookie is also rejected.
When I display any page that attempts to set a cookie, IE6 displays
the blocked icon and says that cookies on that URL are blocked.
However, I have set all privacy and cookie options to their most
permissive. I've spent the past hour changing every option I can find
that's even remotely related to cookies and privacy, and nothing
changes. Does anyone have any idea what's going on?
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Jul 20, 2005
In my web application we are able to store large data in the browser
cookie keeping in mind the limit of 300 cookies per cookie file, 20
keys per cookie per domain and 4KB max size of each cookie. We are
unable to retreive this large amount of data immediately after storing
through document.cookie in IE browser (The same works fine in
Is there any limit on the size of the data that can be retreived using
document.cookie in IE browser? Could you please suggest a solution to
this problem I am facing.
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Apr 9, 2010
I am trying to set a cookie in my cookie directory but this is not working.
document.cookie = "username=John;
expires=15/02/2015 00:00:00";
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Jan 27, 2007
I need help with this code. its a counter.
var count= 0
function onm() {
And in the body:
<body onload="onm()">
<input type="text" value="0" name="atextbox">
I get always an error: Out of memory
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May 2, 2006
I've been putting together a small pet project. Once it was finished i realised it had a gigantic memory leak inside of it. I tried to read up on the subject, but couldn't find the source of the problem via the articals.
This site is very simple, so I'd think idenifying (and hopefully fixing) the problem would be easy. Here is the relavent portions of JS (followed by links to the full page incase you need to see that): Code:
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Mar 26, 2006
I was wondering how good is JavaScript with memory management. I have
an object called MANAGER that has a list of other objects, each one
managing a single DOM nodes, etc. In my implementation of
MANAGER.reset(), I simply recreate my MANAGER.object_list = new
object(); and do a single MANAGER.domnode.innerHTML = '' as apposed to
getting my hands dirty. Is my app leaking memory?
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Nov 20, 2006
Internet Explorer leaks memory when I update a div container using
innerHTML, this does not occur in firefox. This would not be a problem
except the webpage is required to be left on for weeks on end without
being restarted. I presume the issue with innerHTML is that Internet
Explorer apparently parses what you give it and then decides on how to
construct the dom elements itself, so never truely creates what you
give it.
I know that the innerHTML is the problem as I have successfully
narrowed down the leak to that line. It only leaks memory when I assign
content to the innerHTML of my containing DIV. Appending a text node,
for example, with the exact same information to the same div does not
leak. Note I have also tried using such existing AJAX packages like
Prototype etc. but to no avail.
I need to do it this way as my XML documents are styled using an XSL
stylesheet and then transformed using transformNode [I will omit
details regarding firefox as there is no problem there]. I have looked
into transformNodeToObject as a way to get a dom object that I
originally assumed could be appended [as a child] to my containing
element. This did not work and gave me compatibility errors.
I suppose I am either looking for someone who has solved this problem,
or who has an acceptable work around. Or someone to say that it cannot
be solved.
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Mar 16, 2009
I am using javascript to load and parse a big xml file (around 1 mb) save some values to an array and draw a picture using google Flot. Unfortunately, this causes the browser to crash! Is there a way to clear the memory of the browser?
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