Create File Window
Mar 29, 2007
how to i create a button which open a file window from where i select any file and then it pass the file data into the list box. Basically in this file i have only 6 digit
numbers which i need to process into the listbox.
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Dec 16, 2011
I have files on the server: .txt, .xml, .config, and "no extension" - all editable with notepad.
User will write some input, it will be added to file in specific place.
I need an ability to change element value in file (in one of them - depends what user choose) (or it even can be some trigger word it-self like CHANGE_ME for not to use attributes)
Create a temporary copy of edited file and create a unique temporary link to it.
I don't know what to start from.... For now I know how to make XHR, but what to do with other extensions?
Have no idea how to save the NEW file (a copy of original file) on server , and create a UNIQUE link ,and delete the file right after it was downloaded.
I can find a specific word in xml file, but how to change it?[code]...
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Jun 13, 2011
Im trying to create a hidden form field in a parent window from within a child window (popup). I am trying to use jQuery, but unfortunately the hidden field does not get created.
Code JavaScript:
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Feb 15, 2009
How would this be written on .js file. I need to create a variable named dateString which is equal to the following text string: weekday, month, day, year.where weekday is the name of the weekday, month is the name of the month, day is the day of the month, and year is the four-digit year value. (HINT: Use the wdayName array using thisWDay variable as the index value to display the weekday name, the monthName array along with the thisMonth variable to display the month value, and the this Year variable to display the year value.)
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Dec 20, 2010
I'm developing an org chart for my company and I want to spend some effort to make it interactive. I'm utilizing the Google Visualization API Org Chart tool and writing JavaScript to extend the basic functionality provided by that framework. This is the general plan that I've devised so far (note that I'm somewhat experienced with programming in general, but very new to web development):
(1) I need to store everything on my company's SharePoint site. So far, I've successfully uploaded an HTML file with some JavaScript that loads the appropriate Google Vis API onto the SharePoint. In the same directory, I've uploaded an XML file that contains some sample organizational data. I've employed XMLHttpRequest to read that XML file and draw the org chart. That seems to work well.
(2) I've written some JS functions to create new individuals in the org chart (at the Google DataTable level, not the XML level) and delete selected individuals. After the user makes these changes, I want to provide the option to save the displayed state of the OrgChart in a new XML file that sits in that same directory. I'm not sure how to do this. I've been searching on the web for a while. I don't know how to use the XMLHttpRequest object to create a new XML file on the server.
(3) Once I figure out (2), I'd like to also rename the other XML files to store old copies of the XML database so that I can restore data if I need to. I think this boils down to: How can one manage and rename files on the server side using JS?
Perhaps I'm looking at this using too limited a set of tools. If this is the case, please let me know and point me to the correct place. Remember though: I need to do everything from SharePoint. I doubt that I can load code or run processes on the SharePoint server because I'm just a simple SharePoint user. I can simply load documents (HTML files, XML files, etc.) onto the site.
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Mar 24, 2010
how to create a player for a swf file so it doesnt' constantly loop?I want to create a page with a series of videos on it. I'd like to have them all on the same page like youtube does. That way, people can just click on whichever video they want to watch, and watch it on that page. So, I need a player with a stop, pause, play button etc. Is this possible with javascript?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a situation where I'm displaying some information in a table on
a web page. I've given the user the ability to make several different
"queries" and show different sub-sets of the data.
I would like to add a button to the page that would allow the user to
create an .XLS file that would contain the current contents of the
table. I realize that I could create it on the server and allow him to
download it but I'd rather let him create it right there on his
machine. Is it possible to have a script that can do such a thing?
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Mar 4, 2009
I want to create a div tag and place the: includefiles/highlight_getText_forum.php?"+getKeyURL's content in there.
So far there are no errors but it's not working:
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Aug 28, 2010
I like to create a hyperlink by html or javacript.
In the swish file, there are no hyperlink. But i like to create a hyperlink by writing code as like as image or a text.
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Feb 17, 2009
I have a table on my website displaying a list of members details. I would like to create a script where when a button is actioned, the table can be downloaded in a CSV file.
I have found an example using Excel, but it needs to be CSV as this script will be ran on a linux server.
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Sep 3, 2009
Is there a way to create a new file with JavaScript. I have a script on a local drive and I need to create a file (XML) that i can then read off.Is this possible?
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May 19, 2009
I need to create text field in pdf file, the task skip two days from current date excluding holidays and weekend.
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Oct 5, 2009
I m getting problem while creating a dynamic website. In Ajax I have good tutorial book. but it missing, "how to create XML file filled with data which comes from SQL server. How to retrieve the data from XML file.
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Jan 23, 2011
Is there any way in java to read the existing css file and to modify it at run time?? Or Can we create a CSS file at runtime and use it
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Mar 4, 2009
I have a creating_hi.php file that simply says hi
I'm getting this error: Error: c is null Source File:[url] Line: 42
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Feb 6, 2010
I'm actually new on jquery ajax. I just wanna ask a little idea about how to create simple file upload (with form) using ajax. I tried using this code:
//form html
<p id="status"></p>
<form id="form1" enctype="multipart/formdata">
<input type="file" id="photo" name="photo" />
<input type="submit" id="save" name="save" value="Upload" />
//php file
$name = $_POST['photo']['name'];
$tmp = $_POST['photo']['tmp_name'];
$path = "images/".basename(name);
print("Done! File saved...");
die("Error on uploading!")
var photo = $("#photo").val();
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Oct 24, 2011
I am trying todevelop a prototypeto create a new .xml file in my system local drive with the xmllike data populating fromthe below jQuery method. [code]...
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Feb 11, 2011
I was just wondering can I create a window like with jquery? here is the linkclick here. First example the window. I am stilllearning jquery and almost do not no much about ajax. Can any one tell me can I create a window like this if yes then how can I?
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Aug 7, 2010
I am trying to create a pop up window to view a video stream but it's not working. When I click on the image the pop up window doesn't appear. I have an oscMax site (this is oscommerce with more bells and whistles). This is my html code on my index page:
<td align="right" valign="middle"><a href="javascript:openNewWindow_01_01();"><img src="templates/my_custom/images/play_video.jpg" alt="Video Tutorial." border="0" width="50" height="20"></a></td>
And this is my attempt at the javascript. I inserted it into my stylesheet but I'm not sure if this is the correct place for it.
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
function openNewWindow_01_01() {
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Jan 31, 2011
How does one create a Pop Up window where the window that pops up is not a Web browser via the Javascript Open command but the window that opens up is a custom window but it is still HTML.
To see what I mean for example go to: [URL] and click on the Log-in link that is on the top right corner. Once you do then a small window pops up where you can enter your userrname & password. This is the type of a pop up window that I need to create.
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Oct 6, 2005
I'm trying to output an HTML page from a simple XML file, but I need to offer this as a service from a website, so users can browse and find the XML file on their local hard drives, and then generate an HTML page.
I think there are some security issues with HTTP not being able to access local files (ie. C: emp.xml) because it doesn't work when I browse to a local file from the website (files on servers work fine). Is there any other way to pass an XML file from local to a website?
I'm using the following javascript to load the XML file.
var xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
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Feb 28, 2010
I am trying to create an anonymous function for onchange event of file field, so that when a file is selected, the covering text field gets that value. I know how to accomplish this by adding onchange="", but I'd prefer not do that. The code that I have almost works, except that the function in the for loop can't call on the "i" variable that the loop uses.
for( i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
source[i].onchange = function() {
name[i].value = this.value;
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May 23, 2011
I'll admit to being a newbie with JQuery, XML and Ajax. I'm trying to create a page which pulls dynamic links from an XML file. Here is the page: [URL] Here is the link to the xml file: [URL] I can get the url to pull as text, but I cannot make it into a link, no matter what I seem to try. I'm sure it's a syntax error - but I just don't know enough to know what it is. I'm also going to need to pull a URL for an image, and I am guessing that the process is similar.
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May 17, 2010
I have an internal web app that displays some images except they are really big and the app goes super slow and I only have 12 pictures for my test. Sometimes there will be a hundred or more. So is there a way through javascript that I can create thumbnails other than just changing the width and height of the large file?
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Jan 13, 2012
I want to make a new window and this new window will be like a menu like for instance if I make a drawing web app. Where the person can draw on the main website.Yet, I need to make controls that are not on the website but is created into a new page or new window but I want that new window to always be on they can click the main webpage and paint it without the new created window to be sent behind the webpage.something like this: http:[url].....
but that's in c++ and that's an app.I want the same effect using javascript and have the window of the web browser that was newly created to always be on top.
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Jan 7, 2010
I'm wanting to create a pop-up window that shows upon entering on the website with two buttons that have different functions.
I'm wanting the first button, when clicked, stops the message from appearing again.
-Similar to the "do not show again" option that uses cookies from this thread.. [URL] the second button, when clicked, redirects the user to a URL
Is it as simple as using the code from the thread above and some simple javascript buttons?
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