Import Local XML File And Create HTML Table Via JavaScript

Oct 6, 2005

I'm trying to output an HTML page from a simple XML file, but I need to offer this as a service from a website, so users can browse and find the XML file on their local hard drives, and then generate an HTML page.

I think there are some security issues with HTTP not being able to access local files (ie. C: emp.xml) because it doesn't work when I browse to a local file from the website (files on servers work fine). Is there any other way to pass an XML file from local to a website?

I'm using the following javascript to load the XML file.

var xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")

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Parsing Javascript From Local Html File

Jan 11, 2007

For a project I am working on, I need to retrieve links from html
documents. The easy part is to obtain 'plain' links like <A
HREF="http://site/path/document">, but when those links are
javascript'ized, the only robust solution needs to load the javascript
and dom document representation in the same way that browsers do. For
example, links in the form:

<A HREF="javascript:function_declared_before("arguments"));>

First I though that using spidermonkey (the mozilla javascript
interpreter) should be enough, but in that case, I dont have the
document structure elements (like document, window, document.history,
document.form.element, etc), so I tried parsing the document using a
library to build a tree representation of it, but that leads me to the
same problem again, that is, I have to represent all tree nodes as
javascript entities.

Anybody here have worked on a similar problem? What tools do you
think I should take a look?

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Create CSV File From HTML Table?

Feb 17, 2009

I have a table on my website displaying a list of members details. I would like to create a script where when a button is actioned, the table can be downloaded in a CSV file.

I have found an example using Excel, but it needs to be CSV as this script will be ran on a linux server.

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Way To Create New File On Local Drive

Sep 3, 2009

Is there a way to create a new file with JavaScript. I have a script on a local drive and I need to create a file (XML) that i can then read off.Is this possible?

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Use Client Side .js File To Load A Local .html File?

May 18, 2009

I have a .js file, we want to make it to load a html file right next to it, both files are on client system. I couldn't find any such examples and some posts talked about JavaScript security issues, I wonder if it is related to what I want.

Someone said .js file is not really JaveScript file, though Microsoft named it 'JavaScript'.

note that I am trying to "call" .html file from the .js file, not embed html code in .js.

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JQuery :: Create Xml File In System Local Drive Using It?

Oct 24, 2011

I am trying todevelop a prototypeto create a new .xml file in my system local drive with the xmllike data populating fromthe below jQuery method. [code]...

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Print Local File Using HTML?

Apr 22, 2010

I have web application and i need functionality like client have certain pdf file on his/her local system. I want to use html/javascrpit to print these pdf files without opening.

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Open XML File On Local Machine With HTML Page

Dec 1, 2010

I need to be able to search through an xml located on my local machine with an html page. Here's the thing: this whole system (html files, xml file) will always be on my local machine. Because it's a class project it won't be on a server. So here's the scenario: I navigate to where my files are located (say C:) and I double click my index.html page and this page opens in my browser and from this page I need to be able to search my xml file which is at the same location. I've tried xmlhttprequest and it won't open the xml file I'm guessing because I don't need an http request.

Here's what I have so far:
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xmlhttp.send(); xmlDoc=xmlhttp.responseXML;

function searchDB() {
} var keyword = $('#txtBox').val();
var searchVal = $('#basicCategory :selected').text();
var allitems = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Movie");
for(var i=0;i<allitems.length;i++){
} }
The code doesn't make it past the xmlhttp.send() line.

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HTML Application - Can Javascript Write To A Local Database?

Jul 23, 2005

IE 6.0 (not interested in other browsers at the moment)

I have looked everywhere I can find to look and googled until I am
cross-eyed and am hoping somebody knows what I'm doing wrong.

I have an HTML application (.hta) working fine, except one thing. I'm
trying to write to a local database from a .htm window (opened from
the main .hta window) and it doesn't work with any of the combinations
I've tried (and I admit to having tried a lot).

Here is one method I've tried:

strSQL = "Update myTable SET myField = 'myValue' WHERE myID = 12;"
var db = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
db.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0";0
db.ConnectionString = "Data Source='c:myDirectorymyDatabase.mdb'";

I can easily access the information in the myDatabase.mdb and display
it on the screen.

I can ask for updated information to be input on the screen.

But stuffing that updated information back into the database is the

Since I'm stuck in an .htm window, I don't have VBScript available, do
I? If VBScript isn't available and it isn't physically possible with
Javascript, then I'll have to revert to .hta windows, where I know I
have VBScript available. But I'd rather do it all in Javascript
within the .htm so as to avoid the security message that pops up when
the .hta opens a new .hta. For various reasons I don't think it is
possible for me to do this whole project within a single .hta.

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Import Some Js Code In A .js File

Jul 23, 2005

how could i import a js file in another js file???
what i want is the equivalent to:
<script type="text/javascript" src="file.js"></script>
in html

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Import A File In Flash Cs3 ?

May 17, 2010

How to import a javascript file in flash cs3

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Using A Json File To Import Some Content Into A Div

Dec 27, 2010

i am using a json file to import some content into a div like this:

$.getJSON('json/main_profile.json', function(data) {
'<h1>' + "General Information " + '</h1>'

but the problem appears when i try to replace the json file with a url, like this:

$.getJSON("http://interfaces-server.insource.local/users/145198", function(data) {
'<h1>' + "General Information " + '</h1>'

why works with the file but not with the link??

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Including A Javascript External File From The <body> Part Of An HTML File

Sep 26, 2007

I got an [object error] from IE 7.0.5730.11 when moving the <script
src="..." type="text/javascript" /tag from the <headpart to the
<bodysection of a HTML file.

Is not possibile to include Javascript code via <script src="..."
type="text/javascript" /from the <bodysection, instead from the
<headone? If yes, anyone has any idea of which the problem could be?
If not, how can I programmatically include a javascript external file
inside the <bodypart of a HTML file, for example, using Javascript
to some particular native functions?

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How To Using Javascript To Create Nested Table?

Jul 4, 2006

I have try to using createElement to form a nested table, But it seems cannot show the nested table.

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Unable To Create A Table In IE Using Javascript.

May 30, 2007

I don't know the problem with IE6. I have tried three methods, and
they all failed. I eliminated the use of mootools' framework in method
3. MooTools is not the problem. Because the table is created but is
not showing up. I have checked that with IE developper toolbar. Code:

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Is It Possible To Create A Table That Have All The XML Data Using Javascript?

Jun 11, 2004

If the XML contain over hundreds+ nodes and text, is it even remotely possibleable to do the code?
Tried look for it on the internet on all i got is script that manuel write the nodes and text out line by line , that cant be good for the person who need to write over hundred plus data from xml ...

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Create Dynmic Table In Javascript

Apr 15, 2005

I have created a dynamic table in a IFRAME, however I am having trouble adingfeture such as add/delete row/colums. Code:

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JavaScript DOM Create Table Problems In IE

Aug 15, 2005

Now to my question: I've created a dynamic table sorting script in JavaScript.
It allows you to sort any by any column ascending or descending and even remove options (kinda like Excel in a way).

It uses (as far as I know and I've tried to keep it) 100% standards compliant code.
Not surprisingly, it doesn't work *at all* in Internet Explorer yet it works *perfectly* in Firefox and Opera.

The funny thing is that IE doesn't throw any error messages--just a blank page.

Here is the page in question (please be sure to enable JavaScript to see the effect).
Any ideas?

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JQuery :: Create Html Table Dynamically?

Jul 30, 2010

How do I create html table dynamically?Here is my code:html code:

<div id="dynamicTable">
jquery code:


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Create An Excel File With Javascript?

Jul 23, 2005

I have a situation where I'm displaying some information in a table on
a web page. I've given the user the ability to make several different
"queries" and show different sub-sets of the data.

I would like to add a button to the page that would allow the user to
create an .XLS file that would contain the current contents of the
table. I realize that I could create it on the server and allow him to
download it but I'd rather let him create it right there on his
machine. Is it possible to have a script that can do such a thing?

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Create An Associative Array From Within The Loop That Sets Up My Html Table?

Jan 27, 2009

I'm trying to create an associative array in javascript from within the loop that sets up my html table. I can't get my head around assigning the associative key-value pair (probably not the best way of putting it). I've written the below in php. What's the equivalent in javascript? The => is the part that's baffling me.

PHP Code:

$test_array[] = array ([INDENT]'seller_id'=>$seller_details[$column]['seller_id'],
'products_id' => $item_details[$idval]['products_id'],
'shipping_price' =>$item_details[$idval]['shipping_price'])[/INDENT]

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Import A Text File - Give The Variable ContentString Its Text From A Hosted Text File In A Similar Manner

Sep 30, 2010

I have some Javascript which says this:

Now that is fine when the text is only one line long. Suppose it's longer? What I want to do is have Javascript give the variable contentString its text from a hosted text file in a similar manner to the way Javascript can insert more Javascript using a hosted .js file.

I illustrate what I need to do using some "dummy" javascript:

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Applying Only One Table In A Html File?

Jun 10, 2010

I have some javascript which applies alternative row colors to a table and also gives you a highlight effect when you mouseover the rows.

However, the problem I have is that it applies to every table on my page, I only want it to apply to a specific table in the html file (I'm using frontpage), not all of them How would I go about doing this? The code is below, it has a bit of styling at the top before the javascript.


<style type="text/css" media="all">
table.altsrowtable { width: 90%; margin: auto; border-collapse: collapse}
td { border: 1px solid black; cursor:pointer;text-align:center}


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Javascript / HTML Table

Sep 12, 2006

On the time sheet page i have created a years worth of entries in the
database for a user so that they may create entries ahead of time(for
holidays etc.).

My problem is that when i load the page, i display the current month
for that user and it displays:

Date Month Day TimeInMorning TimeIn Evening etc..

What i would like is that a user may update any field and click on a
save button which will update the field(s) that they have changed. I
ahve attempted in javascript to do this but i am failing.

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Create A Html E-test Form Run On PC And The Data Will Save Into A File On Disk?

May 17, 2007

I would like to create a html E-test form run on PC and the data will save into a file on disk. I search online for this function code but found that most the script only save the cookie, is it possible for javascript save form data to file? Here is the ideal for my survay form,

1. user click "start" button for the e-test,

2. user need to finish the e-test with in 20 minutes, after 20 minutes the form will auto submit and the data will save into file,

3. me will go to the file folder open it and print out the qestion and anwser.

4. The file will be detele after i print out and the next user can do the e-test again.

I got the time counter and the auto submit script. but i just have no ideal how to save the data into file.

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Can Javascript Create A Html Page From User Input

Apr 7, 2006

I want to use javasript to create a new html page named from a text field in a form. Then I want to use javasript to copy all of the form fields to the new html page that was created using javascripting. I am creating a user are using a Javascript password login. With most of them the page is the user name or password. So this is why I am looking to do this. I use web 1000 a free host and they will only let me use javascripting.

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