Use Client Side .js File To Load A Local .html File?
May 18, 2009
I have a .js file, we want to make it to load a html file right next to it, both files are on client system. I couldn't find any such examples and some posts talked about JavaScript security issues, I wonder if it is related to what I want.
Someone said .js file is not really JaveScript file, though Microsoft named it 'JavaScript'.
note that I am trying to "call" .html file from the .js file, not embed html code in .js.
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Dec 20, 2004
I have a form with three Input File form objects in which the user can add image files. But I am worried about the problems these controls can lead, because to check the file size the server needs to receive the entire file, so serious problems may happen, for example:
1. Malicious user trying to collapse the website sending big files.
2. Users that have not seen the warning “Maximum size: 100 KB� for each image, and try to send three image files consisting in 1,5 MB each one. These users will have a bad experience waiting one hour or more to upload the images, and after that receive an alert saying “Oooops! Your image files are too big.� And also, web server will waste an important amount of resources. The same case with 100 users at the same time can be a nightmare!
I have been searching a way to check the file size on client side without having to force user to install anything, but I think that there isn’ t nothing to do with javascript. But I found an interesting PHP article that explains a way to do it with this server side language. The technique consists in:
“A hidden field (measured in bytes) that precede the file input field, and its value is the maximum filesize accepted. This is an advisory to the browser, PHP also checks it. This form element should always be used as it saves users the trouble of waiting for a big file being transferred only to find that it was too big and the transfer failed. Code:
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Jul 20, 2011
I am developing a mobile app. I have a script that will read the contents of a csv into an array. It works great, however I am not sure how to take that array and insert it into a db. The following is the script that reads the csv --
function IO(U, V) {
var X = !window.XMLHttpRequest ? new
ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest; ? "PUT" : "GET", U, false);
I want to insert the array 'mycells' into the db but do not know what the correct syntax would be.
t.executeSql('INSERT INTO mytable (name, phone, street, city, state) VALUES (?
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Jan 13, 2005
what I'm trying to do is get the browser to display a warning if the file the user inputs is one of an array of allowed files (which is thoroughly checked server-side), but are wasteful in size (like .bmp .tif .avi .wav). I want them to be able to upload it if they want, but just to notify them they could save space by converting to a smaller format (as they pay per megabyte). So on submit I need to get the file input value, check the extension, and if its allowed but wasteful to display a message with a yes and no button, which would submit if they press yes and not if they press no.
I'm not very experience with javascript but I know a lot about php, but I don't really know what the equivalent functions are.
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Sep 6, 2005
I have an html page, with jscript inside. some variables, some of them
multidimensional arrays. i need to send this information, which can be
changed by the user, to an asp file. the only way i could think of, is
putting it inside hidden box and sending the form. is there any more
elegant way?
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Oct 12, 2011
I am trying to execute an .exe file on client side using javascript, say i want to run an pbrush or calc on client side click using JAVASCRIPT..
I tried this by embedding the following in source page of my web application(ASP.NET)
But i am getting an script error called Automation Server can't create an object
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Apr 8, 2010
On a client side HTML form, on hitting submit, I would like the data entered in the the form to be saved on the next available line within a .txt file.
For example, a basic HTML Form filled in as follows:
Name: Haze
Age: 400
Info: Hello World!
... on clicking 'Submit', the information would be saved to 'form.txt' on a new line, simply seperated by commas would be fine, example:
Haze, 400, Hello World!
If possible, the date and time the info was saved would really be great as well, example:
01/01/2010 9:41: Haze, 400, Hello World!
I might I cannot find anything on the internet for doing this client side.
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Dec 6, 2010
Here is what I'm trying to do but the problem is "source.html" is not on a server somewhere. I am running everything locally. $('#container').load(source.html #sourceContent) Is there a way to do this exact thing but with a local file?
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Mar 20, 2010
I wanna send a file thru the JQuery.load, I want it to work exactly like the regular post without the JQuery. So I can check the $_FILES['file']['error'] in PHP and all its features like I do without using JQuery.
$("#load").load('gerenciar_itens.php',{/* This is where I wanna pass the file. */}, function(data){
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Feb 20, 2009
is it possible to load xml from local file system using ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") ?
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Jul 27, 2011
I have a javascript (HTML internal), which fetches and executes a file in another web address... but I do not want it to do that, i want this script to execute is function directly from my local disk (file location).
Here is the script;
<div style="WIDTH: 984px; HEIGHT: 443px" >
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Apr 22, 2010
I have web application and i need functionality like client have certain pdf file on his/her local system. I want to use html/javascrpit to print these pdf files without opening.
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Jan 11, 2007
For a project I am working on, I need to retrieve links from html
documents. The easy part is to obtain 'plain' links like <A
HREF="http://site/path/document">, but when those links are
javascript'ized, the only robust solution needs to load the javascript
and dom document representation in the same way that browsers do. For
example, links in the form:
<A HREF="javascript:function_declared_before("arguments"));>
First I though that using spidermonkey (the mozilla javascript
interpreter) should be enough, but in that case, I dont have the
document structure elements (like document, window, document.history,
document.form.element, etc), so I tried parsing the document using a
library to build a tree representation of it, but that leads me to the
same problem again, that is, I have to represent all tree nodes as
javascript entities.
Anybody here have worked on a similar problem? What tools do you
think I should take a look?
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Jul 26, 2011
How can Iload and parse a json file saved in our remote serverfrom my local machine? I can load and parse the copy I saved in my local machine, but I can notwork with the remote copy. The following is the code I tested:
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Dec 1, 2010
I need to be able to search through an xml located on my local machine with an html page. Here's the thing: this whole system (html files, xml file) will always be on my local machine. Because it's a class project it won't be on a server. So here's the scenario: I navigate to where my files are located (say C:) and I double click my index.html page and this page opens in my browser and from this page I need to be able to search my xml file which is at the same location. I've tried xmlhttprequest and it won't open the xml file I'm guessing because I don't need an http request.
Here's what I have so far:
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xmlhttp.send(); xmlDoc=xmlhttp.responseXML;
function searchDB() {
} var keyword = $('#txtBox').val();
var searchVal = $('#basicCategory :selected').text();
var allitems = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Movie");
for(var i=0;i<allitems.length;i++){
} }
The code doesn't make it past the xmlhttp.send() line.
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Oct 6, 2005
I'm trying to output an HTML page from a simple XML file, but I need to offer this as a service from a website, so users can browse and find the XML file on their local hard drives, and then generate an HTML page.
I think there are some security issues with HTTP not being able to access local files (ie. C: emp.xml) because it doesn't work when I browse to a local file from the website (files on servers work fine). Is there any other way to pass an XML file from local to a website?
I'm using the following javascript to load the XML file.
var xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
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Dec 24, 2011
If I switch the w3schools' file with the same local file, it will not work with firefox.Does anybody know why the local file is not displayed correctly?
~/linux/test/jQuery/ajax$ cat main1.html
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Dec 8, 2003
I want to add discription of a product by inputing TXT file in a Table or DIV.
for exmaple
[ Image here ]
[ DIV ] (loads text from name.txt)
would like to do this via DHTML or Javascript.
also would like to do this for images as well, for example, img src=imagename.txt would insurt name of image in txt file into html.
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Sep 4, 2011
I am creating a HTML page and mailing it to the user(client side). This html page contains a Table and a button. On button click, I would like to create another HTML page based on the detail in the table,dynamically on run time and Open the newly created HTML. I need to use javascript to achieve this functionality. I have no Server-Client Configuration. And I need to run the Javscript only on client side to process the First HTML's table data and Create a new HTML page. The output of the javascript should also be put in a table format in the newly created HTML page.
Here is some background information: The details from one server would be put into this first HTML along with a button. This HTML page is then mailed to Client side. The javascript in the HTML page then processes the Table data of first HTML. This can only be run at Client Side,once the user clicks the button and moreover I dont have Server-Client Configuration. I am creating a report and mailing it, For formatting purposes and for creating hyperlink to mailid's I chose HTML.
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Sep 26, 2009
How to load external html (e.g. test.html) into index.html?
test.html contains links, div, css and its own javascript code.
I tried this [url] but it doesnt work. I can load external html file but it loads only css, links and div, not javascripot code which is attached to that file.
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Oct 7, 2010
I want to load a random html file from a list into a another div.
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May 5, 2010
am at a lossi just dont know how to do that
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Oct 12, 2011
I was reading up on how to load and parse an XML file into an html page and I found through w3 a great tutorial with sample code: [URL]. It appears to work fine on their website but when I try it from my desktop it doesn't work. So what I have is an html file with contents:
<h1>W3Schools Internal Note</h1>
<b>To:</b> <span id="to"></span><br />
<b>From:</b> <span id="from"></span><br />
<b>Message:</b> <span id="message"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
// code for IE6, IE5 .....
And then the xml file named "note.xml":
<body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
For the record I have tried this in chrome and ie.
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Sep 15, 2010
I have taken over from a developer who has used javascript to add additional text input boxes to a form so there is no limit to the number of input boxes there can be. I have got a jquery autocomplete function that works fine if the input box is added by the server but the listener doesnt fire when the text box is added client side. As with all things this is part of a much bigger project and I only want to change the smallest possible part (add autocomplete to this text input box) MY QUESTION: is it even possible fo ra jquery listener to fire when the input box has been written client side after the page has loaded? Is there a way to "refresh" a listenerto find the new tag that have been added?
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Oct 28, 2010
I know that Javascript is client side, but I'd like to know the best way to populate HTML drop downs in real time based on information typed in the other HTML form fields with information found on the server as opposed to the client.For instance if a user wants to select certain files located in a directory on the server, as they type in the pathname supposedly containing the files the drop downs continually refresh themselves with the server files listed in that directory (if it exists, and apache has permissions to see what's inside) as if it was showing client files instead.
What would be nice is if my browser could continually query the server for some of its private information and not have to refresh itself to obtain it, whether that means the server-side would have to continually refresh itself makes no difference to me as long as the client-side doesn't have to. But I guess this is not possible because no matter what you would have to at least refresh the client-side page once?Submitting the form to a CGI or PHP script would not work because I need this functionality to help populate the form BEFORE I send it.I would like to not have to press a button to update the form every time I change the pathname and need to update the drop downs since this would be annoying.
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Apr 18, 2010
how is it possible to use the load function after 10sec to load a external file? I googled for the delay(10000) option but be not able to include it into my script:[code]
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