Create An Anonymous Function For Onchange Event Of File Field?

Feb 28, 2010

I am trying to create an anonymous function for onchange event of file field, so that when a file is selected, the covering text field gets that value. I know how to accomplish this by adding onchange="", but I'd prefer not do that. The code that I have almost works, except that the function in the for loop can't call on the "i" variable that the loop uses.

for( i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
source[i].onchange = function() {
name[i].value = this.value;

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Passing 'this' To Anonymous Function In Event Listener

Jun 10, 2010

I'm working with nested functions and trying to pass a 'this' value to an anonymous being used in an assignment for an event listener.So, this should plop a button inside our DIV and when clicked I'd like it to run the alert-ding; unfortunately it seems to want to run the function as defined under the buttons object which doesn't work out too well.

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Create An Onchange Event?

Apr 11, 2011

I want to create an onchange event here is my code but it doesn't work

here is my code
var cell3 = row.insertCell(2);
var element2 = document.createElement("input");


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Onchange Event For Readonly Or Disabled Field?

Sep 14, 2007

In my program, I have GMap logic that outputs location information to
a disabled input field (was previously a label). Then, when a
user clicks on a link (to start a new map), I want to save the location
data to an array prior to server processing. So, onchange, save the
input field's value to array[last_click]. But, because this field is
hidden (or readonly) I am not sure how to go about this.

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Updating Related Text Field Using OnChange Event

Jul 23, 2005

I have a requirement in which, I need to capture a loan amount and the amount of down payment for that loan. According to the requirement, the user is going to enter enter the loan amount and then will enter the down payment in either percentage of the loan amount or an actual amount. I have designed a form to capture this information with three text fields, one each for loan amount, down payment in % and down payment in $.

So the user has the option of entering downpayment in $ or in %. If the user enter the down payment in $ then my code has to calculate the equivalent % value and populate the corresponding text field and vice versa. My question here is, what would be the best way to handle this

Shall i just use the OnChange event of the text field to handle this scenario? If I do that wont I be running into a loop?

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JQuery :: Changing Text Field And Invoking The Onchange Event?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a text field on my page, whose value I am setting through the jQuery cal


However, when I normally type into the text field, certain events occur as the text field value changes. These events do not occur when I set the value like above. So my question is, after I set the value, how do I invoke any onChange handlers?

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Create Some Iputs - Call Function On The Onchange

Apr 20, 2011

I create some iputs using this code :


And i would like to call this function on the onchange.

function c(group,position){

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Function With Onchange Event

Jul 23, 2005

I have an array with mysql´s data. I have used this array with several text
box in a formulary.

My question is: How could i use the event onchange to make a function which
update the data of array when i would have change data in a text box.?

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Onchange Event With Function?

Oct 14, 2010

I'm having some difficulty in accessing an 'external' function from my onchange event. It will work when the function is included 'inline,' but it's not working when the function is 'stand alone.'Additionally, when it works, the variable isn't being passed - the alert I use says "[object Event]"

function nameTextBox2(selectBoxName)


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OnChange Says Function Not Defined In External Js File

Feb 5, 2010

I have the following code as js for <a href="">this</a> site.


// JavaScript Document
function setQty(id)


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JQuery :: Function Inside Onchange Event Not Firing?

Jul 12, 2010

$('#newPrice').change(function() {
this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9.]/g,'');


Ok, so the above code will do the regex when the contents of the textbox changes, but it does not seem to call the checkPrice function I've placed after it does the regex.

I have the above on Change code in a .keyup event and it works as expected.

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Create Text Field In Pdf File?

May 19, 2009

I need to create text field in pdf file, the task skip two days from current date excluding holidays and weekend.

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JQuery :: Calling An Anonymous Function?

Feb 3, 2011

I have a problem with understanding jQuery. In my case I have this JS file with following content (see below). This is an anonymous function, isn't it? The problem is this line:


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Getting Return Value From Post Anonymous Function

Jan 8, 2011

I have been struggling with a form wizard all day. I'm using jquery stepy (form wizard) along with validation plugin. To cut a long story short, my first step is to get MySQL connection from form controls details. On submit ('next' button) a check is made on an empty hidden control ('hid').

rules: {
hid: {
required: function(){
return checkDBData();
messages: {
{required: 'SQL not available'},

So, if the function checkDBData passes, false should be returned, so that the form can progress to the next step. If the connection details fail, true is returned so that an error msg is posted.

Here's the checkDBData function:
function checkDBData(){
var host = $('#mysql_host').val();
var username = $('#username').val();
var password = $('#password').val();
var dbname = $('#dbname').val();

{"host": host,"username": username, "password": password, "dbname": dbname},
if(msg.required == false){
return false;
return true;

The return values don't find their way back to the rules. However, if I hard code false and true to the function...
function checkDBData(){
var host = $('#mysql_host').val();
var username = $('#username').val();
var password = $('#password').val();
var dbname = $('#dbname').val();

{"host": host,"username": username, "password": password, "dbname": dbname},
if(msg.required == false){
return false;
return true;
return false; //or return true for testing purposes
This works. I assume it's due to the asynchronous nature of the ajax call.

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Creating Anonymous Function With Variable?

Mar 20, 2010

I'm having trouble with something that I can't explain outside of an example. Code:

$js_info_tabs = json_encode($valid_array);
$script = <<<JAVASCRIPT
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
function changeTo(id) {


I have the code this way in order to consolidate it since I would prefer to do that instead of checking the selected ID and manually checking against all possible IDs (which works flawlessly, it just takes up about 5x the lines and is not modular). What I have above also works, but there is one fatal flaw:

It seems like the anonymous function that is the onclick for each unselected element becomes "return changeTo(tab + '_id')", but I don't want it to be that. I want the argument to actually be what tab is instead of the variable.

What ends up happening is that after changeTo() is called for the first time, any element you click will result in the last element being the selected one, as if it's using the final value of tab as its return value.

This doesn't make any sense, though, since tab is local, and deleting it before the function exists doesn't work. Deleting elem at the end of the for loop doesn't work. I honestly don't understand what's going on or why it doesn't set the new onclick value correctly.

Basically I just want changeTo(tab + '_id'); to turn into changeTo('MYID_id'); instead, but it simply doesn't do that and I can't figure out a way how.

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Giving AddEventListerner An Anonymous Function?

Nov 3, 2011

var name = "good";
load_image( name );
function load_image( name )


I've tried giving addEventListerner an anonymous function

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Returning ResponseXML, Set Within An Anonymous Function, Only Once ReadyState = 4

Dec 4, 2006

I have several functions with code along the lines of:

var xmlDoc = requestXML("ajax.asp?SP=SelectRelatedTags&tag=" +

The requestXML() function includes the code:

var xmlDoc = null;
http_request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (http_request.readyState == 4) {
if (http_request.status == 200) {
xmlDoc = http_request.responseXML;
} else {
alert('There was a problem with the request.' +
}}};'GET', url, true);
return xmlDoc;

However, the last line (the return) executes before the readyState
reaches 4. How do I return the xmlDoc to the functions only once the
xmlDoc has been assigned? I tried putting the return statement in a
while loop with the condition that the readyState must = 4 - this
worked, but makes the browser popup a message saying the script is
slowing down the system.

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Passing Anonymous Function From SetTimeout() - IE Doesn't Like - FF Does

Jun 6, 2009

I did search the forums but couldn't seem to find anything on this specifically. I basically need to pass a key event and a 'name' to nameCheck() after 3 seconds. This works fine in Firefox but Internet Explorer gives the error: Member not found. I'm more of a PHP guy than a JS one

<input type="text" onkeyup="nameCheckTimer(this.value, event)" value="" />
function nameCheckTimer(name, evt) {
setTimeout(function(){return nameCheck(name,evt)}, 3000);
function nameCheck(name, evt) {
//need name and the key event to be available here. I have code to handle the key codes which works fine

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Create A Link, OnClick Event Set For Some Function

Jun 23, 2006

Does anyone know how to create a link (<a> . . . </a>) with some piece
of javascript code that has the onClick event set for some function that I also wrote (not a build-in function).

I can find all sorts of samples in these disc.groups but none of them
seems to work for me.

I am focussed on Firefox, but some code that also works for IE, would
be appreciated.

BTW I know how to create elements in the html document, that is not the
problem. The problem is that I seem not te be able to set the onClick event for some created element. I tried for both a link and also for a text-element.
I can set the onClick for some built-in function like alert('Nice Day').

There are loads of examples to be found for that, and they indeed work.

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JQuery :: Pass Reference To An Object To Anonymous Function?

Aug 2, 2010

I would like to know how to pass in a reference of this to anonymous function so I can access parameters from anonymous. Here is my code:


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Update A Txt Field With The Current Date With Onchange Dropdown Field?

Aug 7, 2009

I want to create a javascript function where I have a dropdown list and onChage I want to update a txt field with the current date in the dd/mm/yyyy format.

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When Closures, Loops, Function References, And Anonymous Functions Interact

Oct 16, 2010

I am confused about the true difference between the two below examples.

first example:

// Demonstrating a problem with closures and loops
var myArray = [“Apple”, “Car”, “Tree”, “Castle”];
var closureArray = new Array();


Here we iterate through the length of myArray, assigning the current index of myArray to theItem variable. We declare closureArray 4 times as an anonymous function. The anonymous function in turn declares the predefined write() function, which is passed parameters. Since write() is in closureArray() a closure is created??? During each iteration, theItem is reassigned its value. The four closures reference this value. Since they reference this same value and since this value is reassigned ultimately to the value of the fourth index position, tHe time we execute closureArray later on, all four closures output the same string. This is because all four closures are within the same scope "the same environment" and therefore are referencing the same local variable, which has changed.

I have a couple of problems with this example:

1) I thought a closure is a function that is returned - the inner function is not returned above.

2) theItem is not even a local variable of the parent function (closureArray) - I thought in order for a closure to work, the inner function only accesses the local variables of the outer function, but in this case the local variable is defined OUTSIDE of the parent function.

3) the "the four closures are sharing the same environment." The thing is even in the second example, they are sharing the same environment.

Second example:

// A correct use of closures within loops
var myArray = [“Apple”, “Car”, “Tree”, “Castle”];
var closureArray = new Array();


Here we iterate over the length of myArray (4 times), assigning the index of myArray to theItem variable. We also return a function reference to the closureArray during each iteration (closureArray[i]), where i is index number so we assign 4 functon references. So when we iterate through myArray, we immediatelly call the writeItem() fucntion passing an argument of theItem at its current value. This returns a child anonymous function and when that child function is called, it will execute a block that calls the predefined write() method. We assign that returned anonymous function to the variable closureArray. Hence, closureArray holds a reference to that anonymous function. So closureArray during each iteration holds a reference to the anonymous function and we later call closureArray, which in turn calls the anonymous function, therefore calling the predefined write() function to output the local variable of the parent function. This outputs each distinct index of myArray.

This is because since we created the closure, when we call writeItem, passing theItem argument, since theItem is a local variable of the parent function of the closure, it is never destroyed when we later call closureArray (the reference to the child anonymous function)? Yet weren't we using a closure in the first example as well? So whey wasn't those variables preserved?

I don't think it has anything to do with assigning a returned anonymous function to closureArray. Even though an anonymous function creates a new memory position in the javascript engine, therefore not overwriting the other function references we create during the iteration, it's still referring to a local variable declared outside the reference. So if it's about the closure retaining value of parent's local variable even after exiting the parent function allowing for the current indexes to be preserved, then why did the closure in the first example fail to retain each index?

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JQuery :: Create A Function In An External File For Validating The Fields Of A Form?

Jan 3, 2012

I would like to know how to create a function in an external file for validating the fields of a form. If someone could please provide the code, it'll be real helpful. The form is as follows:

<form name="contactus" action="" method="get" id="form">
Name: <input type="text" name="name" id="name" class="autoName"></br>
Email: <input type="text" name="email" id="email" class="autoEmail"></br>
Phone:<input type="integer" name="phone" id="phone"></br>
Date:   <input type="text" name="date" id="date"></br>
<input type="submit" value="submit" id="submitclick"></form>

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JQuery :: Related To Setting Global Variables From Anonymous Function (valid = False;)?

Oct 22, 2010

//<input type="text" id="s_field" value=""/>
var valid = true;
var div = $("#s_field");
$.post("index.php",{id: 6}, function (data){


When posting data, and getting response need to set valid to false - email is not valid.

1. in function it alerts valid is false
2. outside function it says valid is still true!

even i didn't wrote var valid = false;, but valid = false;I need to set Global "valid" variable to false.

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JQuery :: OnChange Event - Web Application - Each Blur Event Makes A Call Webserver To Store Value Of Textfield

Jan 21, 2010

I'm currently facing a weird issue with the onchange event. I have a web application where each blur event makes a call the webserver to store the value of the textfield. I only want to trigger that ajax call when something has changed, so i track the onchange event on each textfield to set a flag if something has changed.

The onchange event always fires to first time when i click outside of a textfield even if i didn't change anything in the field.

I narrowed it down to the following: A prefilled textfield always fires the onchange-event the first time you leave the textfield. An initially empty textfield does not fire the onchange event.

Sample code (IE 8 on Windows 7 computer):



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Point Event Listener Dynamically To A Function Which Is In External .js File?

Apr 9, 2011

in the below code I am trying to dynamically add a button and an event listener to it.



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