Create A Link, OnClick Event Set For Some Function

Jun 23, 2006

Does anyone know how to create a link (<a> . . . </a>) with some piece
of javascript code that has the onClick event set for some function that I also wrote (not a build-in function).

I can find all sorts of samples in these disc.groups but none of them
seems to work for me.

I am focussed on Firefox, but some code that also works for IE, would
be appreciated.

BTW I know how to create elements in the html document, that is not the
problem. The problem is that I seem not te be able to set the onClick event for some created element. I tried for both a link and also for a text-element.
I can set the onClick for some built-in function like alert('Nice Day').

There are loads of examples to be found for that, and they indeed work.

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Onclick Event From Link Whilst Keeping Link Attributes?

Aug 25, 2010

Im updating a website to use ajax instead of Iframes. Ajax is working fine to load html content into a <div> yet my issue lies with the navigation buttons that trigger my ajax requests.

I have css styled buttons that contain <a> links </a>, i have removed the href and used a onclick event instead but when i remove the href the mouse will lose its hand cursor on hover and the css styled buttons stop working correctly.


<script type="text/javascript">
function loadXMLDoc()
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)


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Create DIV And Some Other DIV's Inside It Using OnClick Event

Dec 10, 2009

how to create a DIV dynamically. Basicly, I have two labels, and depending on which one is clicked, I want some code to appear inside an existing DIV. Obviously, I will need to do this using javascript and the onClick event. To make things even more complicated, I also want some DIV's inside of the dynamically created DIV. So, the structure would be:

-Existing DIV
--DIV created by label being clicked
---Another DIV
---Another DIV

I hope this doesn't confuse anyone. I have some code for the existing DIV.

<DIV ID="container"><DIV ID="title">Order</DIV><DIV ID="body">Login <LABEL onclick="login()">here</LABEL>. Signup <LABEL onclick="sign_now()">here</LABEL></DIV>

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OnClick :: Create A Cookie For The User That Adds The Link Id ?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a website with five links, each with its own id. onClick I would like to create a cookie for the user that adds the link id that they have clicked.I am planning to do this using an array, however, I am a bit confused about the theroy behind a cookie.It is just a text file that can hold any data correct? So I could store an array with

array[0] = hi.html
array[1] = hello.html

and later on pull up what is in array[0] to diplay it on the page? Can I do this with one cookie or would I need a new cookie for each link?

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Create A New Object Each Time There's A New Onclick Event?

Jul 26, 2009

Ok. How about if I create a new object?

how to create a new object each time there's a new onclick event?

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Create OnClick Event For Menu Items For User?

Jan 16, 2011

I seem to be stuck on one part of my code. A quick background, this is a website to showcase various photography services. First, I will layout what I have:

The Javascript for my menu (in the head section):
<script type="text/javascript">
var timeout = 200;
var closetimer = 1;
var items = 0;
function dropit(id){
if(items) = 'hidden';
items = document.getElementById(id); = 'visible';
}function mclose()
if(items) = 'hidden';
} .....

Now, here is what I have in the body section
<div id="menu">
<ul id="control">
<li><a href="#" onmouseover="dropit('dropone')" onmouseout="mcls()">Wedding Portfolio</a>
<div id="dropone" onmouseover="canclcls()" onmouseout="mcls()">
<a href="jamaicawed.html">Wedding in Jamaica</a>
<a href="indianwed.html">Indian Wedding</a>
</li> .....

So the only thing I can't figure out how to do is create an onclick event for one of the menu items (boudoir) that confirms that the user is comfortable being exposed to a specific (topless) type of image.

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Call CGI Inside Onclick Event Of A Link

Jun 2, 2007

Does anybody have an idea how to call CGI on a onclick event when link
is clicked. This is a sample that works in some situations but
sometimes new page loading is to fast.

<a href="" onclick="new Image().src='http://'">

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Change Text Color Of A Link With Onclick Event

Jul 20, 2005

I created 3 hyperlinks, when the user click each link, it will change
the color of the text of a link. For example, when user clicks Link1,
text Link1 will become red color, but Link2 and Link3 unchange. Here's
my attempts, any ideas??

<script language="javascript">
function changecolor (i)
document.i.fontcolor = red;
</script></head><a name="item1" href="test.html"
onClick='changecolor(item1)'>Link 1</a><a name="item2"
href="test.html" onclick='changecolor(item2)'>Link 2</a><a
name="item3" href="test.html" onclick='changecolor(item3)'>Link 3</a>

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Create A Flyout Of A Container From Left Or Right Side Of A Page On Some Event (onClick Or OnMouseOver)?

Jun 2, 2009

I'm looking for a jQuery plugin, which could create a flyout of a container from left or right side of a page on some event (onClick or onMouseOver).

The example can be found at [URL] when the page loads some shopping ads slide from the left side of the browser screen (it's shown automatically only once, to see it again you need to delete this website cookies and reload the page - it would be great if the plugin had this cookie-based feature).

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Hyperlink Onclick Passes Link Value To Function?

Oct 22, 2010

I have a parent/child scenario where the child is a pop-up "control panel" with hyperlinks that control the parent page. The idea is to click a link and it changes the parent to whatever URL ...BUT... the kicker here is that the parent page is in PHP and is receiving a value from the javascript function.I have everything working EXCEPT that I can't get the value from the hyperlink that i need to pass to the PHP.Everything I fund about getting values in JS involves a "getElementby ID" type of command, but that isn't going to work here because there are several hyperlinks. I'm also trying to avoid using an array and looping through it.I know this must be a simple problem for veteran Javascripters!HTML FROM CHILD (I made the ID and Value both "2" just for testing purposes):

<a href="#" class="leftlinks" onclick="updateParent(control)" id="2" value="2">CLICK HERE</a>
function updateParent(control) {


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Create Duplicate Link - Same Function As Button

Nov 18, 2011

I'm using this script: [URL] I would like to know how to make the script open with another �Click Here to Contact Us text (not the same button) hyperlink somewhere further down on my page. For example:


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Access A Sub Function From An Onclick Event?

Oct 11, 2011

I am working a project for school in which I am trying to make a simple math game. When the user clicks the start button it will bring display a question and ask for an answer. What I want to to is when the user clicks the start button it will swap the button for to other buttons to move to the next question and one to restart the game. Which works fine, the problem is after the buttons are swapped.

How would I access a sub function from a buttons onclick event? I currently have onclick="return MathGame.resetForm();" but that throws an exception and I can't see where. What is the best way to go about this. Also this is my first attempt at using javascript in this manner so I'm probably going about it the wrong way.[code]...

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Call A Php Function With Onclick Event?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a small portal website with some ads around. I'm in the process of creating an ads manager script with php and mysql and would like to know when an ad was clicked. I'm confused on how to do this but, the only way I can think of is by adding an onclick even to every ad img:

HTML Code:
<a onclick="callfunction('ad_id');" href="ad url"><img src="path"></a>

Now, how would I call a php function with onclick? I guess that can be done with ajax but, don't know much on how to use it?

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Onclick Event Function Becomes Undefined

Jan 22, 2010

The following coding works in Konqueror 3.5.10 on Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS but not on Firefox 3.0.10 Linux/3.5.7 XP, Opera 10.10 Linux or IE8 XP.I can't see why but it may be to do with the recursion (showtable calls onclick calls addit which calls showtable).Somehow it is not seeing the addit routine the second time round.It is meant just to add a line. Eventually it needs to be a complex table but this is for illustration. There are other ways to solve this but this would be the simplest - if it worked!What happens is that one line is added OK but then it chokes. This is what makes me think it is the recursion but I can't see otherwise how to make it write the updated text. I realise I should have a document.close() in it as well and I have tried adding <![CDATA[ ... ]]> as well.Other than in Konqueror, it gives an error message saying object not found (in IE8) or more explicitly:[code]

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JQuery :: Function With Onclick Event In Firefox?

Apr 26, 2009

I can't fire my function with onclick event in Firefox.My little piece of code works perfect inIE. but in firefox it just doesn't work and no error in firebug by theway.I'm using Firefox 3.0.9This is the code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function del(mesId) {
$(document).ready(function() {


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Passing Array To Function Using Onclick Event?

Apr 23, 2011

Do I have a simple syntax problem or something more serious.... I get the errror "foo is not defined" when the image is clicked in the following:


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Call Prompt Within A Function On OnClick Event?

Aug 31, 2011

I have a button that I wish to call a predefined function (Go()) shown below, but, I wish part of the URL that is sent to the function be inputted by the user.

function Go(URL)
window.location = URL;

Here is the code I have for the button, but I am getting a syntax error. What do I need to do?

<input type="button" value="Duplicate" onclick="Go(CustomerMailingList-duplicate.asp?ID=<%=rs(strPrimaryKeyFieldRecordset)%>&CustNum=prompt('Enter New Cust #', '0')">

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OnClick Event To Trigger PHP Function For Simplepie Feeds?

Jan 24, 2010

I need to run a PHP function call through an onClick which through my research I have found that I need to use AJAX. Let me explain better what I am trying to do. I am currently using Simplepie PHP to pull various RSS feeds, I have an HTML DIV tag that loads the titles of the feeds and I want to get to the point where each title is clickable (im assuming this is through onClick) to run a simplepie PHP function to pull the content into a seperate DIV (on the same page).


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Overriding '<a Href' With '<a OnClick' For JavaScript Function OpenWindow(URL) For Image And Link...

Jul 23, 2005

Can anyone assist me with what I am trying to do with the following
code (six different scenarios to try to make the functionality work

I want to always (and ONLY) display in the status bar 'Symantec
Corporation' whenever anyone mouses over (onMouseOver) my image or
link OR when one clicks while holding the left mouse down (onClick) on
the same image or link. Upon releasing the mouse (onMouseOut), the
status bar should be 'blank'. I need the link to open in a new window
via my function openWindow(URL) code.

What is happening in most of the six scenarios, is that when one
clicks the link, either the function doesn't engage, but rather the <a
href= takes effect instead OR that status bar shows
'javascript:openWindow('');' when one clicks
while holding the left mouse down (onClick) on the image or link.

Additionally, for only the link, I need the CSS/style to show 'red'
when one mouses over (onMouseOver) it and then change to 'blue' upon
releasing the mouse (onMouseOut).

How about integrating 'style="cursor:hand"' into the code or perhaps
setting some of the data via a <div> or <span> snippet? Code:

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Jquery :: Move Link Onclick Function To Head Section Of Page?

Oct 24, 2010

How do I put this onclick function code...

into the head of my page so I can call it from several similarly situated links?

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JQuery :: Redirect The Result Of Success Function To An Onclick Event?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a submit button:

<input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="return SubmitData();" />
//Do some form validation on client side


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Set An Onclick Event Handler To Call A Function Which Requires A Parameter?

Jun 11, 2011

Is it possible to set an html element's (created through HTML DOM's createElement() method) 'onclick' attribute's value to a Javascript function which requires a parameter, passing a variable to it at the same time?

I have the following Javascript code:

var parentDiv = document.getElementById("subscribers");
var stubSpan = document.createElement("span"); = "opentok_subscriber_" + stream.streamId;
stubSpan.onclick = showStreamInFullScreenMode(stream);

'stream' in the bolded line is a parameter variable of the function that the above code is in, and I'm trying to pass it to another function using an onclick event.

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Passing Varible In A Dinamically Added Onclick Event Function

Jan 21, 2010

What I need is simple. Here I created 3 links and after that I want to add dinamically an onclick event to alert the number of the link. The problem is I can't find the way to pass the variable.Obviouslly this is not the actual function, but I need to solve this problem to apply the solution into a more complex script.

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Onclick Event To Call A Function In An External File And Execute It?

Jul 6, 2011

I have a few buttons on a page I'm developing and I want the onclick event to call a javascript function in an external file and execute it. I would like to be able to pass a parameter to that function and then either have the function take the user to a new URL or make changes to the webpage content.

Initially (just to test) I had inline javascript that caused an alert to popup. That worked fine. Next I took the inline code and put it in a function in an external javascript file that was referenced in the HTML:


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Create An Anonymous Function For Onchange Event Of File Field?

Feb 28, 2010

I am trying to create an anonymous function for onchange event of file field, so that when a file is selected, the covering text field gets that value. I know how to accomplish this by adding onchange="", but I'd prefer not do that. The code that I have almost works, except that the function in the for loop can't call on the "i" variable that the loop uses.

for( i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
source[i].onchange = function() {
name[i].value = this.value;

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JQuery :: Create Copy Of File On Server Change It And Create Download Link On Page?

Dec 16, 2011

I have files on the server: .txt, .xml, .config, and "no extension" - all editable with notepad.

User will write some input, it will be added to file in specific place.

I need an ability to change element value in file (in one of them - depends what user choose) (or it even can be some trigger word it-self like CHANGE_ME for not to use attributes)

Create a temporary copy of edited file and create a unique temporary link to it.

I don't know what to start from.... For now I know how to make XHR, but what to do with other extensions?

Have no idea how to save the NEW file (a copy of original file) on server , and create a UNIQUE link ,and delete the file right after it was downloaded.

I can find a specific word in xml file, but how to change it?[code]...

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